#!/bin/sh ### Config NOTIFY=on #(on/off) LOCK_TITLE="Panel Lock Down" LOCK_MSG="Locking the GNOME panel" UNLOCK_TITLE="Panel Lock Down" UNLOCK_MSG="Unlocking the GNOME panel" LOCK_ICON="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gdu-encrypted-lock.png" UNLOCK_ICON="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gdu-encrypted-unlock.png" ### Dependency checking if [ -z "$(which gconftool-2)" ]; then if [ -n "$(which gconftool-2)" ]; then zenity --warning --text "Error. No binary found for gconftool-2!" --title "Panel Lock Down" else echo "Panel Lock Down: Error. No binary found for gconftool-2!" fi exit 1 fi if [ "$NOTIFY" = "on" ] && [ -z "$(which notify-send)" ]; then SCRIPT_LOCATION="$(pwd)/$(basename $0)" if [ -n "$(which zenity)" ]; then zenity --warning --text "Notifcations failed! Please install the libnotify-bin package or disable notifications in $SCRIPT_LOCATION" --title "Panel Lock Down" else echo "Panel Lock Down: Notifcations failed! Please install the libnotify-bin package or disable notifications in $SCRIPT_LOCATION" fi NOTIFY="off" fi ### Main if [ "$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/panel/global/locked_down)" = "true" ]; then [ "$NOTIFY" = "on" ] && notify-send -i $UNLOCK_ICON "$UNLOCK_TITLE" "$UNLOCK_MSG" gconftool-2 -s /apps/panel/global/locked_down --type=bool false elif [ "$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/panel/global/locked_down)" = "false" ]; then [ "$NOTIFY" = "on" ] && notify-send -i $LOCK_ICON "$LOCK_TITLE" "$LOCK_MSG" gconftool-2 -s /apps/panel/global/locked_down --type=bool true else if [ -n "$(which zenity)" ]; then zenity --warning --text "Error. Undefined state of global panel lock down!" --title "Panel Lock Down" else echo 'Panel Lock Down: Error. Undefined state of global panel lock down!' fi exit 1 fi