gcm-prefs tries to install nonexistent shared-color-targets

Bug #643168 reported by Anton Blanchard
This bug affects 65 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
gnome-color-manager (Debian)
gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Steps to reproduce in Ubuntu 11.10:

1. Open System Settings > Color.
2. Click Calibrate.
3. Hit Continue on each screen until you get to Install Targets.
4. Click Install Now. sessioninstaller prompts to install shared-color-targets but this fails because that's not in the Ubuntu archives yet.

Original bug description:
gcm-prefs (maverick) asks and tries to install shared-color-targets. This fails because the package doesn't exist.

It looks like I can grab this via Pascal de Bruijn's Lucid ppa, but it would be nice if it shipped in universe with gnome-color-manager.

Revision history for this message
Firas Kraïem (firas) wrote :

We need precise steps to reproduce, please. The package shared-color-targets does not exist in any Debian or Ubuntu release, I'd be surprised if an Ubuntu package explicitly asked for it.

Revision history for this message
Anton Blanchard (anton-samba) wrote :

Sorry about that.

1 Start gcm-prefs.
2 Select a device that can be profiled, ie the "Create Profile for Device" button isn't greyed out. (In my case a Canon EOS Rebel XTi)
3 Click "Create Profile for Device"

Looking at the source, src/gcm-calibrate.c gcm_calibrate_device():

        /* install shared-color-targets package */
        has_shared_targets = g_file_test ("/usr/share/shared-color-targets", G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR);
        if (!has_shared_targets) {
                /* ask the user to confirm */
                dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (window, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_NONE,
                                                 /* TRANSLATORS: title, usually we can tell based on the EDID data or output name */
                                                 _("Install missing files?"));

                /* TRANSLATORS: dialog message saying the color targets are not installed */
                g_string_append_printf (string, "%s ", _("Common color target files are not installed on this computer."));
                /* TRANSLATORS: dialog message saying the color targets are not installed */
                g_string_append_printf (string, "%s\n\n", _("Color target files are needed to convert the image to a color profile."));
                /* TRANSLATORS: dialog message, asking if it's okay to install them */
                g_string_append_printf (string, "%s\n\n", _("Do you want them to be installed?"));
                /* TRANSLATORS: dialog message, if the user has the target file on a CDROM then there's no need for this package */
                g_string_append_printf (string, "%s", _("If you already have the correct file, you can skip this step."));

Revision history for this message
Firas Kraïem (firas) wrote :

Okay, well, there's no easy fix for that. A new package in Maverick now (let alone in Lucid) would probably be rejected. We can backport the PPA version, but that would probably take a while since it's a new package...

Revision history for this message
Anton Blanchard (anton-samba) wrote :

Wasn't expecting miracles here, just thought I'd point it out so it eventually gets fixed. Thanks for looking!

Revision history for this message
Bodinux (bodinux) wrote :

If there is any solution to this bug, please post it. I am really happy with gnome-color-manager on lucid. And it doesn't work without a fix on Marverick.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

Changed in gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Jeremy Bícha (jbicha)
description: updated
Revision history for this message
Eric Appleman (erappleman) wrote :

Still affects precise during calibration.

There are no targets installed so shared-color-targets is requested.

Revision history for this message
Mengxuan Xia (xiamx) wrote :

I can confirm that this bug still exists on precise too

Revision history for this message
alex_osborn (alex-osborn0) wrote :

this also effects me on 12.04

Revision history for this message
kenjiru (kenjiru) wrote :

I've also run into this bug in 12.04.

Changed in gnome-color-manager (Debian):
status: Unknown → New
Revision history for this message
Chamunks (goodgreen) wrote :

Grabbing the deb shared-color-targets_0.1.0-0pmjdebruijn1~oneiric_all.deb from the ppa here https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+archive/gcm-release/+packages

I'm running ubuntu 12.04 x64 so I can verify the 32bit deb will work fine on the 64 bit system but I am experiencing an issue of where to get any form of target image.

http://imagebin.org/221331 so if that is part of what others are experiencing here this would be lovely to have fixed. Or at least somewhat explained.

Changed in gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu):
status: Confirmed → Incomplete
Jeremy Bícha (jbicha)
Changed in gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu):
status: Incomplete → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
freacert (erik-grtz) wrote :

Same for me
3.2.0-35-generic-pae #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 18:04:39 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Changed in gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → Jana Valenzuela (jana--scream)
Revision history for this message
Sezer Yalcin (sy-y) wrote :

No updates on this for 7 months? Please see duplicate bugs for more reproduction instructions.

Changed in gnome-color-manager (Ubuntu):
assignee: Jana Valenzuela (jana--scream) → nobody
Revision history for this message
BuzzTea (vom-grunde) wrote :

same error to be continued . . .

Revision history for this message
Tais P. Hansen (taisph) wrote :

Bug still exists in saucy. shared-color-targets package may have been replaced with icc-profiles(-free). See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=633721

Revision history for this message
Joachim Schwender (jschwender) wrote :

Bug still exists in artful.

Revision history for this message
Sebastian Byczkowski (s-byczkowski) wrote :

Just change the name to icc-profiles from shared-color-targets. Is it so hard?

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