Activity log for bug #45339

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-05-18 02:19:35 neutrico bug added bug
2006-05-18 02:33:46 neutrico bug added attachment 'mount.png' (this is a little 'mockup')
2006-05-18 09:32:40 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: status Unconfirmed Confirmed
2006-05-18 09:32:40 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: priority Low
2006-05-18 09:32:40 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: severity Normal Minor
2006-05-18 09:32:40 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: statusexplanation Thanks for your suggestion. I forwarded it (minus the 'looks ugly') to the upstream developers: - bear in mind, that you might talk to the developer who wrote the application. Try to keep the bug report in a considerate and respectful tone, thanks.
2006-05-18 09:32:40 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: assignee desktop-bugs
2006-05-18 09:32:57 Daniel Holbach bug assigned to gnome-applets (upstream)
2008-09-13 10:50:20 Sebastien Bacher gnome-applets: status Confirmed Triaged
2008-09-13 10:50:20 Sebastien Bacher gnome-applets: statusexplanation Thanks for your suggestion. I forwarded it (minus the 'looks ugly') to the upstream developers: - bear in mind, that you might talk to the developer who wrote the application. Try to keep the bug report in a considerate and respectful tone, thanks.
2010-05-10 16:46:17 Curtis Hovey removed subscriber Registry Administrators
2010-09-16 12:19:54 Bug Watch Updater gnome-applets: importance Unknown Wishlist
2010-09-16 19:49:16 Mathieu Pillard removed subscriber Mathieu Pillard