subject: Invalid use of sprintf() in $pack breaks with Intrepid gcc-4.3 assignee: status: confirmed subscribers: tags: sprintf-append buglist-url: text: We have automatically detected that the $pack source package contains an invalid use of the sprintf() or snprintf() functions with overlapping input and output, by matching the unpacked source against one of the following two regexps: . pcregrep -M 'sprintf\s*\(\s*([^,]*)\s*,\s*"%s[^"]*"\s*,\s*\1\s*,' pcregrep -M 'snprintf\s*\(\s*([^,]*)\s*,[^,]*,\s*"%s[^"]*"\s*,\s*\1\s*,' . An example of this kind of invalid sprintf() use is sprintf(buf, "%s plus %d", buf, k); which is likely intended to append formatted text to a buffer; however, it is invalid according to C99. When compiled with Intrepid gcc-4.3 or newer, it will silently produce unexpected results at runtime. . This example sprintf() call could be fixed as follows: -sprintf(buf, "%s plus %d", buf, k); +sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " plus %d", k); Similarly, an invalid snprintf() call could be fixed as follows: -snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s plus %d", buf, k); +snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), buflen - strlen(buf), " plus %d", k); . Please forward this report upstream as appropriate. For more information, see