Not really important to reproduces more than just the basic rpool, and bpool, as it should get the same error when it does find rpool, then bpool, but... On that workstation, I have ZFS pools rpool, bpool, dpool, kpool, & hpool: >>> mafoelffen@msi-ubuntu:~$ sudo zfs list [sudo] password for mafoelffen: NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT bpool 707M 1.93G 192K /boot bpool/BOOT 705M 1.93G 192K none bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_2204 705M 1.93G 705M /boot dpool 2.10M 450G 96K /dpool dpool/DATA 192K 450G 96K none dpool/DATA/ubuntu_2204 96K 450G 96K /dpool hpool 2.75G 344G 192K /home hpool/USERDATA 2.73G 344G 192K none hpool/USERDATA/ubuntu_2204 2.73G 344G 2.73G /home kpool 429G 470G 96K /kpool kpool/QEMU-KVM 429G 470G 96K none kpool/QEMU-KVM/ubuntu_2204 429G 470G 104K /kpool kpool/QEMU-KVM/ubuntu_2204/ISO 411G 470G 411G /kpool/ISO kpool/QEMU-KVM/ubuntu_2204/KVM-VM 96K 470G 96K /kpool/KVM-VM kpool/QEMU-KVM/ubuntu_2204/images 18.3G 470G 18.3G /var/lib/libvirt/images kpool/QEMU-KVM/ubuntu_2204/libvirt 648K 470G 648K /etc/libvirt/ rpool 22.3G 702G 192K / rpool/ROOT 22.2G 702G 192K none rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204 22.2G 702G 11.8G / rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/srv 192K 702G 192K /srv rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/usr 496K 702G 192K /usr rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/usr/local 304K 702G 304K /usr/local rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var 10.4G 702G 192K /var rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/cache 467M 702G 467M /var/cache rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/games 192K 702G 192K /var/games rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib 7.89G 702G 7.69G /var/lib rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/AccountsService 240K 702G 240K /var/lib/AccountsService rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/NetworkManager 296K 702G 296K /var/lib/NetworkManager rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/apt 111M 702G 111M /var/lib/apt rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/docker 192K 702G 192K /var/lib/docker rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/dpkg 93.3M 702G 93.3M /var/lib/dpkg rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/lib/nfs 192K 702G 192K /var/lib/nfs rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/log 2.07G 702G 2.07G /var/log rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/mail 192K 702G 192K /var/mail rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/snap 1.26M 702G 1.26M /var/snap rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/spool 240K 702G 240K /var/spool rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/tmp 12.3M 702G 12.3M /var/tmp rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_2204/var/www 192K 702G 192K /var/www rpool/USERDATA 4.41M 702G 192K none rpool/USERDATA/root_2204 4.22M 702G 4.22M /root >>> In the fstab on that one is this with other mounts, which have no bearing on the breaking ZFS boot problem: >>> mafoelffen@msi-ubuntu:~$ grep -v '#' /etc/fstab UUID=0A24D9F224D9E0AD /home/mafoelffen/WIN_G ntfs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0002,dmask=0002,rw 0 0 UUID=828C01738C016351 /Media_H ntfs defaults,windows_names,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0002,dmask=0002,rw 0 0 /dev/disk/by-uuid/CBE6-0806 /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 0 /boot/efi/grub /boot/grub none defaults,bind 0 0 /dev/disk/by-uuid/943f90ef-079f-4a38-840f-f786d19127ab none swap discard 0 0 >>> From boot.logs: >>> mafoelffen@msi-ubuntu:~$ sudo grep '/dev/zvol' /var/log/boot.log* /var/log/boot.log:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.2:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.2:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.3:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.3:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.4:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.4:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.5:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.5:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.5:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.5:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory /var/log/boot.log.7:find: /dev/zvol/: No such file or directory ...