Bug [0] has been introduced in Glibc 2.23 [1] and fixed in Glibc 2.25 [2]. Fedora 24 and Fedora 25 are affected because they use either Glibc 2.23 or 2.24. Bug introduces serious (2x-4x) performance degradation of math functions (pow, exp/exp2/exp10, log/log2/log10, sin/cos/sincos/tan, asin/acos/atan/atan2, sinh/cosh/tanh, asinh/acosh/atanh) provided by libm. Bug can be reproduced on any AVX-capable x86-64 machine. This bug is all about AVX-SSE transition penalty [3]. 256-bit YMM registers used by AVX-256 instructions extend 128-bit registers used by SSE (XMM0 is a low half of YMM0 and so on). Every time CPU executes SSE instruction after AVX-256 instruction it has to store upper half of the YMM register to the internal buffer and then restore it when execution returns back to AVX instructions. Store/restore is required because old-fashioned SSE knows nothing about the upper halves of its registers and may damage them. This store/restore operation is time consuming (several tens of clock cycles for each operation). To deal with this issue, Intel introduced AVX-128 instructions which operate on the same 128-bit XMM register as SSE but take into account upper halves of YMM registers. Hence, no store/restore required. Practically speaking, AVX-128 instructions is a new smart form of SSE instructions which can be used together with full-size AVX-256 instructions without any penalty. Intel recommends to use AVX-128 instructions instead of SSE instructions wherever possible. To sum things up, it's okay to mix SSE with AVX-128 and AVX-128 with AVX-256. Mixing AVX-128 with AVX-256 is allowed because both types of instructions are aware of 256-bit YMM registers. Mixing SSE with AVX-128 is okay because CPU can guarantee that the upper halves of YMM registers don't contain any meaningful data (how one can put it there without using AVX-256 instructions) and avoid doing store/restore operation (why to care about random trash in the upper halves of the YMM registers). It's not okay to mix SSE with AVX-256 due to the transition penalty. Scalar floating-point instructions used by routines mentioned above are implemented as a subset of SSE and AVX-128 instructions. They operate on a small fraction of 128-bit register but still considered SSE/AVX-128 instruction. And they suffer from SSE/AVX transition penalty as well. Glibc inadvertently triggers a chain of AVX/SSE transition penalties due to inappropriate use of AVX-256 instructions inside _dl_runtime_resolve() procedure. By using AVX-256 instructions to push/pop YMM registers, Glibc makes CPU think that the upper halves of XMM registers contain meaningful data which needs to be preserved during execution of SSE instructions. With such a 'dirty' flag set every switch between SSE and AVX instructions (AVX-128 or AVX-256) leads to a time consuming store/restore procedure. This 'dirty' flag never gets cleared during the whole program execution which leads to a serious overall slowdown. Fixed implementation [2] of _dl_runtime_resolve() procedure tries to avoid using AVX-256 instructions if possible. Buggy _dl_runtime_resolve() gets called every time when dynamic linker tries to resolve a symbol (any symbol, not just ones mentioned above). It's enough for _dl_runtime_resolve() to be called just once to touch the upper halves of the YMM registers and provoke AVX/SSE transition penalty in the future. It's safe to say that all dynamically linked application call _dl_runtime_resolve() at least once which means that all of them may experience slowdown. Performance degradation takes place when such application mixes AVX and SSE instructions (switches from AVX to SSE or back). There are two types of math routines provided by libm: (a) ones that have AVX-optimized version (exp, sin/cos, tan, atan, log and other) (b) ones that don't have AVX-optimized version and rely on general purpose SSE implementation (pow, exp2/exp10, asin/acos, sinh/cosh/tanh, asinh/acosh/atanh and others) For the former group of routines slowdown happens when they get called from SSE code (i.e. from the application compiled with -mno-avx) because SSE -> AVX transition takes place. For the latter one slowdown happens when routines get called from AVX code (i.e. from the application compiled with -mavx) because AVX -> SSE transition takes place. Both situations look realistic. SSE code gets generated by gcc to target x86-64 and AVX-optimized code gets generated by gcc -march=native on AVX-capable machines. ============================================================================ Let's take one routine from the group (a) and try to reproduce the slowdown. #include #include int main () { double a, b; for (a = b = 0.0; b < 2.0; b += 0.00000005) a += exp(b); printf("%f\n", a); return 0; } $ gcc -O3 -march=x86-64 -o exp exp.c -lm $ time ./exp <..> 2.801s <..> $ time LD_BIND_NOW=1 ./exp <..> 0.660s <..> You can see that application demonstrates 4x better performance when _dl_runtime_resolve() doesn't get called. That's how serious the impact of AVX/SSE transition can be. ============================================================================ Let's take one routine from the group (b) and try to reproduce the slowdown. #include #include int main () { double a, b; for (a = b = 0.0; b < 2.0; b += 0.00000005) a += pow(M_PI, b); printf("%f\n", a); return 0; } # note that -mavx option has been passed $ gcc -O3 -march=x86-64 -mavx -o pow pow.c -lm $ time ./pow <..> 4.157s <..> $ time LD_BIND_NOW=1 ./pow <..> 2.123s <..> You can see that application demonstrates 2x better performance when _dl_runtime_resolve() doesn't get called. ============================================================================ [!] It's important to mention that the context of this bug might be even wider. After a call to buggy _dl_runtime_resolve() any transition between AVX-128 and SSE (otherwise legitimate) will suffer from performance degradation. Any application which mixes AVX-128 floating point code with SSE floating point code (e.g. by using external SSE-only library) will experience serious slowdown. [0] https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20495 [1] https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commit;h=f3dcae82d54e5097e18e1d6ef4ff55c2ea4e621e [2] https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commit;h=fb0f7a6755c1bfaec38f490fbfcaa39a66ee3604 [3] https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-avx-state-transitions-migrating-sse-code-to-avx