I found this bug "upstream" in gnome's bugzilla (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676570), and here is a solution. The crash is connected to the file ~/.config/gedit/latex/tools.xml. If you remove this file, Latex plugin loads correctly and doesn't crash when you enter preferences. However, that file is where you store custom compilation commands! 1. Copy the default tools.xml over the local one: cp /usr/share/gedit/plugins/latex/tools.xml ~/.config/gedit/latex/tools.xml 2. Edit ~/.config/gedit/latex/tools.xml and remove the arrow characters. (I replaced all "->" characters with the word "to" so that "TEX -> PDF" now reads "TEX to PDF" . The bug comments at gnome's tracker seem to suggest this is a problem.) 3. Edit the same file (~/.config/gedit/latex/tools.xml) and change the compilation command to what you want. Please note that if you have an error in that file, the crash will still occur. (For example, choosing ASFASF as the postProcessor for something will still crash the application.) Here's my file which works (synctex, pdflatex and errors are nice): $ cat ~/.config/gedit/latex/tools.xml pdflatex -synctex=1 "$filename" gvfs-open "$shortname.pdf" rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all --ps "$filename" gvfs-open "$shortname.ps" rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all "$filename" gvfs-open "$shortname.dvi" latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename" latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename" xdvi -unique -s 6 -bg white -editor gedit "$shortname.dvi" R CMD Sweave "$shortname.Rnw" rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all --pdf "$shortname.tex" gvfs-open "$shortname.pdf" rm -f "$directory"/*.aux "$directory"/*.log "$directory"/*.toc "$directory"/*.bbl "$directory"/*.blg bibtex2xml "$filename"