Yes you are correct.

       apt-get install gcc-4.2-doc
           will install the documentation for the latest version compiler

       apt-get remove gcc-3.3-doc
           will remove the documentation for the much older version 3.3 compiler

no removing didn't break anything on either my two test systems
              the old system (continually upgraded since the Ubuntu 5.1 "breasy badger" CD)
              the brand new installed system (Kubunto 8.04 CD).
Besides, the error occurred because the update tried to re-install all your registered packages correctly after 8.04 baseline files were in place and this was the only package that had problems.

You would only need the (gcc-3.3-doc) docs for gcc 3.3 if you needed to look up a compiler switch because you were using that old version of the compiler for a specific project.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:36 AM, mpospisil <> wrote:
I also got this error while upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04

Once I used apt-get install gcc-4.2-doc to install gcc-4.2.3 can I apt-
get remove gcc-3.3-doc and gcc-3.4-doc so I quit getting this error?
Will this break anything?

package gcc-3.3-doc 1:3.3.6-15ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade:
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of the bug.