garden-of-coloured-lights 1.0.9-2build3 source package in Ubuntu


garden-of-coloured-lights (1.0.9-2build3) noble; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild against liballegro4.4t64

 -- Steve Langasek <email address hidden>  Sun, 07 Apr 2024 06:22:11 +0000

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Uploaded by:
Steve Langasek
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
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Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe games
Oracular release universe games
Noble release universe games


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
garden-of-coloured-lights_1.0.9.orig.tar.gz 2.6 MiB daf8732c229a4cc04f460514bff1ba05171faada9e19575c72a50a914f2352e3
garden-of-coloured-lights_1.0.9-2build3.debian.tar.xz 3.9 KiB 8d959c763d78ec28358176b28e72d39db87ea7ee290272f32ef4e00052e3a3cf
garden-of-coloured-lights_1.0.9-2build3.dsc 2.3 KiB f0d1b068254223b6305aeb6ebf67b0eacd7e54cfc9a8622560f63a85965c2a09

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Binary packages built by this source

garden-of-coloured-lights: abstract vertical shooter with music elements

 The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The
 enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has added a simple background
 tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.
 Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics,
 that even though are kept quite simple, are also carefully taken care of.
 Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and
 every level is different, even though all of them share a common theme.
 Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon.
 There are a few pre-designed schemes to play with, or you can create your
 own combination of weapons.
 Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel's entry for the SHMUP-DEV
 Competition 2k7 Round 2.

garden-of-coloured-lights-data: abstract vertical shooter with music elements (data)

 The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The
 enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has added a simple background
 tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot.
 Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics,
 that even though are kept quite simple, are also carefully taken care of.
 Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and
 every level is different, even though all of them share a common theme.
 Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon.
 There are a few pre-designed schemes to play with, or you can create your
 own combination of weapons.
 Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel's entry for the SHMUP-DEV
 Competition 2k7 Round 2.
 This package contains the data files for Garden of Coloured Lights.

garden-of-coloured-lights-dbgsym: debug symbols for garden-of-coloured-lights