fonts-sil-dai-banna 2.200-2 source package in Ubuntu


fonts-sil-dai-banna (2.200-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/control
    - Update Maintainer address
    - Remove Christian Perrier from Uploaders (Closes: #927615)
    - Use dh13
    - Set Standards-Version: 4.5.0
    - Update Homepage: URL
    - Update Vcs-* to point
    - Add Rules-Requires-Root: no
    - Drop unnecessary obsolete dependencies to ttf-sil-dai-banna
  * debian/rules
    - Use default compression
  * debian/preinst
    - Drop unnecessary defoma related preinst script
  * debian/gbp.conf
    - Drop it since xz compression is now default
  * Add debian/salsa-ci.yml
  * Add debian/watch

 -- Hideki Yamane <email address hidden>  Sun, 30 Aug 2020 20:53:32 +0900

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Fonts Team
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Fonts Team
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe fonts
Oracular release universe fonts
Noble release universe fonts
Mantic release universe fonts
Lunar release universe fonts
Jammy release universe fonts


Hirsute: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
fonts-sil-dai-banna_2.200-2.dsc 2.1 KiB 6d58c78a873db2801fb772c36fa38bd4c39085b3c0c8f22712ff920f93ab910f
fonts-sil-dai-banna_2.200.orig.tar.xz 425.9 KiB a90a429d8b1b869a1259e8d7a997a9b7338b91686ba76a6a0facf1ee8c6c07cc
fonts-sil-dai-banna_2.200-2.debian.tar.xz 5.2 KiB 895d447c9ccdbea8ac673005c1f034c2bf7d21a98332218a8e3fd7d17fd53c7f

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

fonts-sil-dai-banna: smart Unicode font for Dai Banna (Xishuangbanna Dai)

 This package provides the Dai Banna SIL fonts which are a Unicode
 rendering of the New Tai Lue (Xishuangbanna Dai) script. Version 2.000 is the
 first Unicode release. (Version 1.0 was released under the name of 'SIL Dai
 Banna' in legacy encoding.) Two font families, differing only in weight,
 allow for a wide range of uses.
 The New Tai Lue script is used by approximately 300,000 people who speak the
 Xishuangbanna Dai language in Yunnan, China. It is a simplification of the
 Tai Tham (Old Tai Lue) script as used for this language for hundreds of years.
 The Dai Banna SIL fonts are smart fonts using a Graphite description. The
 source package includes the source GDL code for the description. The features
 of the fonts are:
  - complete coverage of the New Tai Lue script
  - Graphite smarts for re-ordrant vowels and line-breaking
 Extended Font sources (Graphite .gdl and FontLab .vfb) are available in the
 source package and on the project website.