User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 Build Identifier: ipsCA, a Spanish company in public key technologies applied to digital trust announced the upcoming availability of two new hierarchies of trust will be released during the fourth quarter of this year. Hierarchies have been created during the previous quarter and has been working on improving service quality and security features of the certificates will be issued by the new hierarchy. During this time they have been conducting activities aimed at achieving the maximum dissemination of new roots of trust, which spread to major software vendors require stamps based quality audits, so we would like to apply for including these two new roots within Mozilla Software. 1. General information about the CA’s associated organization (i.e., the company, nonprofit organization, or government agency operating the CA), including 1. Name: ipsCA Main Root 2. Website URL: 3. Organizational type: private 4. Primary market / customer base: worldwide CA, with special focus on Spain, where there are the headquarters. More than 12.000 Universities and educational entities (in the USA mainly) had obtained without any cost our SSL certificates. 2. For each root CA whose certificate is to be included in Mozilla (or whose metadata is to be modified): 1. The name of the root CAs. ipsCA Main Root ipsCA Global Root 2. The root CA certificate. 3. The X.509 certificate version. Version 3 4. SHA-1 fingerprint. Respectively: ipsCA Main Root - cf e4 31 3d ba 05 b8 a7 c3 00 63 99 5a 9e b7 c2 47 ad 8f d5 ipsCA Global Root - 3c 71 d7 0e 35 a5 da a8 b2 e3 81 2d c3 67 74 17 f5 99 0d f3 5. Type of signing key. RSA 6. Signing key parameters. 2048 bits. EKUs Assigned (check if EKUs apply): X Server Authentication EKU= X Client Authentication EKU= X Secure E-mail EKU= X Code Signing EKU= X Time stamping EKU= X Encrypting File System EKU= IPSec (Tunnel) EKU= IPSec (User) EKU= 7. Valid from (YYYY-MM-DD). 07 September 2009 8. Valid to (YYYY-MM-DD). 25 December 2029 9. A description of the PKI hierarchy rooted at or otherwise associated with this root CA certificate, including: No subordinated CA exists for the moment. Our plan is to generate new SubCAs for different purposes and all of them will be under our CPS. In the near future we will build up a subCA for SSL certificates issuance by ipsCA to continue our SSL business area where our the currently root certificate IPS SERVIDORES, included in the Mozilla trusted Store, is expiring on 29 December 2009. 10. Whether certificates are issued for any of the following purposes within the hierarchy rooted at this root CA certificate: Only this one -> Certificates usable for enabling web or other servers to support SSL/TLS connections. 11. If SSL certificates are issued within the hierarchy rooted at this root CA certificate: Whether or not the domain name referenced in the certificate is verified to be owned/controlled by the certificate subscriber. ipsCA will perform verification of certificate information as follows: - Limited check of the applicant's domain name against a public domain name registry; - Confirmation of applicant's Company name, name, address and phone number against information contained in an independent third party business database. - Faxed documentation will be required when applicants company name cannot be validated using available information. 15. Example certificate(s) issued within the hierarchy rooted at this root, including the full certificate chain(s) where applicable. (There should be at least one example certificate for each of the major types of certificates issued, e.g., email vs. SSL vs. code signing, or EV vs. OV vs. DV. For SSL certificates this should also include URLs of one or more web servers using the certificate(s).) Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=ES, ST=Madrid, L=Madrid, O=IPS Certification Authority s.l. ipsCA, OU=ipsCA, CN=ipsCA Main CA