Comment 2 for bug 466567

Revision history for this message
In , flying sheep (flying-sheep) wrote :

my python-script is ready. i reimplemented some moz-icon-parsing and i think that detecting the desktop-enviroment is also already implemented.

just port it, someone, and you are done (oh, and fix one minor TODO)

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def detectDE():
 if os.environ.get("KDE_FULL_SESSION") == "true":
  return "kde"
 elif os.environ.get("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID"):
  return "gnome"
 elif os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
  return "x"
 return None

url = sys.argv[1] + "?" #the "?" is a bugfix, since string.find() gives back a "-1" when nothing is found.

ext = url[url.find(".") : url.find("?")]

sizeindex = url.find("size=")
if sizeindex == -1: #"size=" not found => no size specified
 size = 16
 sizeend = url.find("?",sizeindex)
 size = int(url[sizeindex+5 : sizeend])

for s in [256,128,64,48,32,22,16]:
 if size <= s:
  sizestr = str(s) + "x" + str(s)

if detectDE() == "kde":
 mime = Popen(["kmimetypefinder", "-f", ext], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] #finds mimetype for the extension on kde
 if "\n" in mime: #a two-line-string is only the output if the mimetype is found
  mime = mime[:mime.find("\n")] #remove the accuracy-line
  mime = mime.replace("/","-") # using "-"-mimetypes is more bug-proof
  iconpath = Popen(["kiconfinder", mime], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] #finds icon for mimetype
  iconpath = iconpath.replace("\n","") #the line-end is removed
  iconpath = iconpath.replace("48x48", sizestr) #replaces icon size 48×48 with the size specified
  iconpath = "generic icon path" #to be replaced
 print(iconpath) #the output: you will want to change this to "return iconpath" after making all of this a c++-method ;)

#TODO: Check if requested image size exists and if not, try other sizes