Il 24/07/2009 19:16, Rick Spencer ha scritto: > Change #2 is just an artefact of collecting the usage data. We could > only see what parts of the FF UI people were using to do searches if we > sent them to our custom page. This usage data is important because it > helps us channel design and development resources to useful features, > and is also important because it can be tied to revenue generation. > > Generating revenue that supports the project is a feature, not a bug. > However, we are mindful of not throwing the baby out with the bath > water. In other words, we must strike the balance of continuing to > deliver a top notch user experience while taking advantage of revenue > opportunities. > Therefore here for the first time you (as the "ubuntu/canonical" entity) are admitting that 1) you are generating revenue from the attempts of people to search google and 2) you are collecting search data of your users without they being informed Now let us stop the big lie. I don't think you can appeal to the code of conduct if people gets upset with that. I think you already violated too many principles that lead the ubuntu community by hiding the two facts above behind silence. You perhaps don't realise that people pushing ubuntu and making it the success it is, are the same people who don't like being tricked or tracked. Even if we send our data to google every day, this does not imply that we want to send our data to ubuntu. And without knowing it! Even if this is done by others, we do not expect ubuntu to do that. This is a break of the trust we have in your distribution. If you inform us, then we may decide so. I would not mind at all. I would be even HAPPY to make you earn cash with my google searches. But I want transparency and I do not see it in how things were done. And having a poorer search for ubuntu users w.r.t. windows users is something that I certainly don't want by default. I am working for you every day but this is only because I believe in the usual principles of free software. I consider this whole custom search thing an incident in this path. Not because of the search, because of the fact it has been hidden. If you don't valuate the trust I put in you, I can close the 133 bugs with random replies and change distribution. The custom search was already there in hardy. So *this did not start in karmic for testing purposes*. Let's not lie about that. This is something an Italian politician might have said on TV, but jaunty has been released months ago. And you already made money and gathered data with that. Let me be clear: I don't want to, and can't, dictate over what you put in ubuntu. I'd be happy to keep cooperating and stop polemic comments if I felt that everything had been transparent. But you have to be honest with people and keep them informed. That's what I expect from you. And that's what I have not seen. I also asked on the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, more than one year ago, and did not receive a reply. That's not nice at all. Today I asked again, but I already had understood what you were doing. Here is the old message. http://