Dear Colleagues, thank you so much for your kind attention and your eagerness to improve our preferred software package! 1. Yes, the failure was reproducible anytime for three consecutive days. 2. It happened in the German t-online page together with an advertisement for Opel cars. The advertisement was filling the background of that page, and hence was visible around the borders of the t-online Forum page, which does not cover the upper and the right side of the display. The forum page contained a listing of user contributions, and control areas for forum login. When opening the forum page, the advertisement shifted a popup window over the leftmost part of the forum area, thus covering the forum login control area. Unfortunately that popup window could not be filtered out with adblockplus filters When using the right mouse button, the only display window was Einstellungen ("preferences"?) Adobe flash player with no further effect. Or, oh yes, an small window opened, offering fast transfer for Adobe flash player display... with no effect indeed, and that window did not react on any of its control knobs. After selection of the t-online forum page, the Opel advertisement popup window was retracted automatically. It left a blank space of identical size; however, the control area of t-online for additional services such as e-mail or weather forecasts came up again, but the remaining space was still blank, with no access to the forum login knob: Complete obstruction of access. When clicking on the Opel advertisement background window, the masking popup window was opened an removed, but then left a white area with its previous window size, masking even the t-online additional services' window. Today, by Sunday, 15. March 2009, no Opel advertisement ist shown in the t-online forum page, and hence the described annoying effect can not be reproduced today. Therefore I tried to be as descriptive as possible to me. In parallel I tried the Microsoft Internet Explorer with another computer, but there this annoying effect was not at hand... whereby I exclude an error by the t-online page build up. I am using the UBUNTU Hardy Heron 8.04 LINUX version together with FireFox of that UBUNTU package. I had updated anytime, whenever being offered by the UBUNTU community. I remember that some FireFox updates were distributed, too, in the last two months, but unfortunately I did not archive these updates. I am very happy with the performances of both UBUNTU 8.04 and FireFox. I will archive now the bug report number, and as soon as I observe the described error again, I will refer to this report number, and let you know precisely how to reproduce the problem then. Kind regards and lots of appreciations! Gerrit Plümecke