firefox-granparadiso ***MEMORY-WARNING***: firefox-granparadiso-bin[8732]: GSlice: g_thread_init() must be called before all other GLib functions; memory corruption due to late invocation of g_thread_init() has been detected; this program is likely to crash, leak or unexpectedly abort soon... PC getModule** Message: NP_Initialize ** Message: NP_Initialize succeeded ** Message: totemPlugin ctor [0x8b553c0] ** Message: Init mimetype 'video/x-msvideo' mode 2 ** Message: Base URI is 'file:///home/shirish/xxxxxx.avi' ** Message: Real mimetype for 'video/x-msvideo' is 'video/x-msvideo' argv[0] type video/x-msvideo argv[1] src file:///home/shirish/xxxxx.avi argv[2] name plugin argv[3] height 100% argv[4] width 100% ** Message: mSrc: file:///home/shirish/xxxxx.avi ** Message: mCache: 0 ** Message: mControllerHidden: 0 ** Message: mShowStatusbar: 0 ** Message: mHidden: 0 ** Message: mAudioOnly: 0 ** Message: mAutostart: 1, mRepeat: 0 ** Message: Launching: /usr/lib/totem/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type gmp --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a5) Gecko/20070622 GranParadiso/3.0a5 --mimetype video/x-msvideo ** Message: Viewer spawned, PID 8758 ** Message: GetValue variable 14 (e) ** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-msvideo' URL 'file:///home/shirish/xxxxxxavi' ** Message: Not expecting a new stream; aborting stream ** Message: Initial window set, XID 2c00ba2 size 1265x801 ** Message: No viewer proxy yet, deferring SetWindow ** Message: Viewer DBus interface name is 'org.gnome.totem.PluginViewer_8758' ** Message: NameOwnerChanged old-owner '' new-owner ':1.30' ** Message: Viewer now connected to the bus ** Message: ViewerSetup ** Message: Calling SetWindow ** Message: NameOwnerChanged old-owner '' new-owner ':1.30' ** Message: Already have owner, why are we notified again? Viewer: SetWindow XID 46140322 size 1280:801 ** Message: Viewer state: STOPPED ** Message: SetWindow reply ** Message: ViewerReady ** Message: IsSchemeSupported scheme 'file': yes ** Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'fd://0' is-browser-stream 1 ** Message: BEFORE _open ** Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1) ** Message: Viewer state: PLAYING ** Message: OpenStream reply ** Message: GetValue variable 15 (f) ** Message: Unhandled variable NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject ** Message: GetValue variable 11 (b) ** Message: GetValue variable 268435466 (1000000a) ** Message: GetScriptable [0x8b553c0] ** Message: totemGMPPlugin ctor [0x8d6d318] ** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-msvideo' URL 'file:///home/shirish/xxxxx.avi' ** Message: Viewer state: STOPPED ** Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'An error occurred', 'The movie could not be read.' ** Message: StopStream signal received ** Message: DestroyStream reason 1 ** Message: URLNotify URL 'file:///home/shirish/xxxxx.avi' reason 1 ** Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'An error occurred', 'There is no plugin to handle this movie.' ** Message: StopStream signal received This is what it says in the CLI. I renamed the movie from whatever it was to xxxxx.avi so 1 its shorter & 2nd I don't wanna share it. Btw totem plays the file very well . I also have the totem-mozilla plugin installed . aptitude show totem-mozilla Package: totem-mozilla State: installed Automatically installed: no Version: 2.19.4-0ubuntu3 Priority: optional Section: web Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team