Legend: ! Security related bugfix or otherwise critical bugfix + New feature or important bugfix - Bugfixes 3.0.0 (2007-09-08) + New application icon - Fix support for servers sending directory listing in yet another exotic format - Fix prefix search in list controls on wxGTK - Work around problem with wxSpinCtrl in site manager on wxGTK - Fix assertion on wxGTK if listing extensionless files 3.0.0-rc3 (2007-08-31) ! Fix buffer overflow if directory lisiting filters were enabled, causing FileZilla to crash. + Backspace key can be used to goes to parent directory in file lists - Fix file selection by entering filename prefix - Restore correct window size if FileZilla gets closed while minimized - Disable "Create directory" entry in remote filelist context menu while disconnected - Improve compatibility with SFTP servers using exotic listing formats - MSW: Fix locales not working - *nix: Fix queue scrolling 3.0.0-rc2 (2007-08-25) + Remember Window size and position + Remember sort column and order of file lists + Additional icon set by Brian Lukis + Added .desktop file on *nix systems + If server is crippled and doesn't allow more than one connection (based on Sitemanager preference), primary browsing connection can be used by the transfer queue - Fix SSL transfers hanging if using speed limits - Compile fixes and compatibility improvements for various platforms - The usual assortment of small bugfixes, see changelog for details