Dear HeresJohnny. As a matter of facts, this does help. I upgraded my system to feisty previously, but openoffice doesn't seem to be working when not using scim-bridge. After I saw your mail, I decided to re-install scim and remove scim-bridge. now I can confirm, on a ATI (fglrx) feisty installation, scim works fine with openoffice, (and f-spot as well, though I don't use it very often, but I can confirm the program do start now.) I can't recall exactly the procedures of my attempt. but roughly the following. 1. upgrade to feisty 2. apply all updates 3. apt-get remove --purge scim-bridge scim (and some other scim related package perhaps) 4. apt-get install scim (and all those you have removed in step 3, except scim-bridge) These steps will reset your xinput scripts to default, which is good for most people, if you used scim-bridge before, the configuration should be gone now. This fixes my problem. Though I'm not completely sure the re-installation is required or just somebody fixed it and committed at the right time. :D any way, thanks. regards On 5/23/07, HeresJohnny