** Running f-spot in Debug Mode ** ** Running Mono with --debug ** [1 Info 17:52:57.182] Initializing Mono.Addins [1 Debug 17:53:01.437] Mono.Addins Initialization took 4.092285 [1 Debug 17:53:06.555] Db Initialization took 1.054688 [1 Debug 17:53:16.091] Query Started : SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC, filename ASC [1 Debug 17:53:16.310] QueryToTemp took 0.217956 : SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC, filename ASC [1 Debug 17:53:16.311] Reloading the query took 0.248138 [2 Debug 17:53:16.711] PhotosPerMonth took 0.011658 [2 Debug 17:53:16.744] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.273559 [1 Debug 17:53:26.842] Query Started : SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC, filename ASC [1 Debug 17:53:26.848] QueryToTemp took 0.006104 : SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC, filename ASC [3 Debug 17:53:27.086] PhotosPerMonth took 0.003754 [3 Debug 17:53:27.089] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.221161 [1 Debug 17:53:27.209] Reloading the query took 0.375824 (f-spot:1295): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference. [1 Debug 17:54:26.303] Received controller event: SourceChanged [1 Debug 17:54:26.329] Received controller event: PhotoScanStarted [1 Debug 17:54:27.279] Invalid thumbnail, reloading: file:///media/3B24-4583/Pictures/DUB%20Dublin%20-%20St%20Stephens%20Green%20park%20bench%203008x2000.jpg [1 Debug 17:54:27.507] open uri = file:///media/3B24-4583/Pictures/DUB%20Dublin%20-%20St%20Stephens%20Green%20park%20bench%203008x2000.jpg [1 Debug 17:54:27.553] Received controller event: PhotoScanFinished [1 Debug 17:54:27.907] Loading image took 0.846771 [1 Debug 17:54:34.102] Received controller event: ImportStarted [4 Debug 17:54:34.290] Commit took 0.032532 [5 Debug 17:54:34.307] FSpot.ThumbnailLoader - Worker starting [5 Debug 17:54:34.334] Invalid thumbnail, reloading: file:///home/ubuntu/Pictures/Photos/2010/04/06/DUB%20Dublin%20-%20St%20Stephens%20Green%20park%20bench%203008x2000.jpg [5 Debug 17:54:34.358] open uri = file:///home/ubuntu/Pictures/Photos/2010/04/06/DUB%20Dublin%20-%20St%20Stephens%20Green%20park%20bench%203008x2000.jpg [1 Debug 17:54:34.407] IndicesOf took 0.00299 : SELECT ROWID AS row_id FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id IN (1) [1 Debug 17:54:34.414] IndicesOf took 0.035247 [4 Debug 17:54:34.462] Commit took 0.002777 [1 Debug 17:54:34.474] IndicesOf took 0.005646 : SELECT ROWID AS row_id FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id IN (2) [1 Debug 17:54:34.476] IndicesOf took 0.007355 Domain: 'GLib-GObject' Level: Critical Message: g_value_get_float: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT (value)' failed Unhandled Exception: TagLib.UnsupportedFormatException: file:///media/3B24-4583/Pictures/jadedreamtemple.bmp (image/bmp) at TagLib.File.Create (IFileAbstraction abstraction, System.String mimetype, ReadStyle propertiesStyle) [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.Utils.Metadata.Parse (Hyena.SafeUri uri) [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.FileBrowsableItem.EnsureMetadataParsed () [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.FileBrowsableItem.get_Time () [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.Import.ImportController.FindImportDestination (IBrowsableItem item) [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.Import.ImportController.ImportPhoto (IBrowsableItem item, FSpot.Roll roll) [0x00000] in :0 at FSpot.Import.ImportController.DoImport () [0x00000] in :0 Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at GLib.Value.g_value_get_float(Value ByRef ) at GLib.Value.op_Explicit(Value val) at Gtk.CellRenderer.get_Xalign() at FSpot.Widgets.CellRendererTextProgress.GetSize(Gtk.Widget widget, Rectangle ByRef cell_area, Int32 ByRef x_offset, Int32 ByRef y_offset, Int32 ByRef width, Int32 ByRef height) at Gtk.CellRenderer.GetSize_cb(IntPtr item, IntPtr widget, IntPtr cell_area_ptr, IntPtr x_offset, IntPtr y_offset, IntPtr width, IntPtr height) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) Domain: 'GLib-GObject' Level: Critical Message: g_value_get_float: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT (value)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at GLib.Value.g_value_get_float(Value ByRef ) at GLib.Value.op_Explicit(Value val) at Gtk.CellRenderer.get_Yalign() at FSpot.Widgets.CellRendererTextProgress.GetSize(Gtk.Widget widget, Rectangle ByRef cell_area, Int32 ByRef x_offset, Int32 ByRef y_offset, Int32 ByRef width, Int32 ByRef height) at Gtk.CellRenderer.GetSize_cb(IntPtr item, IntPtr widget, IntPtr cell_area_ptr, IntPtr x_offset, IntPtr y_offset, IntPtr width, IntPtr height) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args)