** Running f-spot in Debug Mode ** ** Running Mono with --debug ** [Info 23:44:51.163] Initializing DBus [Debug 23:44:51.372] DBusInitialization took 0.162086s [Info 23:44:51.373] Initializing Mono.Addins [Debug 23:44:51.693] Mono.Addins Initialization took 0.320033s [Info 23:44:51.707] Starting new FSpot server [Debug 23:44:52.026] Db Initialization took 0.138051s [Debug 23:44:52.936] QueryToTemp took 0.034315s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC [Debug 23:44:53.200] Query took 0.037239s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 [Debug 23:44:53.210] PhotosPerMonth took 0.035206s [Debug 23:44:53.215] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.245505s [Debug 23:44:53.305] QueryToTemp took 0.042543s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time ASC [Debug 23:44:53.328] Query took 0.014725s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 [Debug 23:44:53.341] open uri = file:///home/karen/Pictures/p7051914.jpg [Debug 23:44:53.382] open uri = file:///home/karen/Pictures/p7051914.jpg [Debug 23:44:53.399] Reloading the query took 0.13683s [Info 23:44:53.510] Starting BeagleService [Debug 23:44:53.512] BeagleService startup took 3.3E-05s [Info 23:44:53.512] Hack for gnome-settings-daemon engaged [Debug 23:44:53.523] PhotosPerMonth took 0.009824s [Debug 23:44:53.523] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.214951s (f-spot:18143): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference. [Debug 23:44:53.684] IndexOf took 0.001082s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE time >= 1249084800 ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1 [Debug 23:44:53.698] Query took 0.01365s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 700 [Debug 23:44:53.699] IndexOf took 0.000828s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 786 [Debug 23:44:53.732] Query took 0.009754s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 800 [Debug 23:44:53.771] Query took 0.009677s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 600 [Debug 23:44:53.803] Query took 0.016162s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 500 cleanup context cleanup context Testing gphoto path = disk:/media/NO NAME PortInfo Media 'NO NAME', disk:/media/NO NAME Error NotSupported: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unsupported operation at LibGPhoto2.CameraFilesystem.GetFile (System.String folder, System.String filename, CameraFileType type, LibGPhoto2.Context context) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.GetPreview (Int32 index) [0x00000] [Debug 23:46:24.050] GetByUri query took 0.011844s [Debug 23:46:24.052] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192511.jpg [Debug 23:46:24.052] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192511.jpg [Debug 23:46:26.324] GetByUri query took 0.004763s [Debug 23:46:26.324] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192512.jpg [Debug 23:46:26.325] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192512.jpg [Debug 23:46:28.481] GetByUri query took 0.004895s [Debug 23:46:28.481] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192513.jpg [Debug 23:46:28.482] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192513.jpg [Debug 23:46:29.912] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8132736.jpg [Debug 23:46:29.956] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8132736.jpg [Debug 23:46:29.956] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8132736.jpg [Debug 23:46:30.727] GetByUri query took 0.015211s [Debug 23:46:30.728] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192514.jpg [Debug 23:46:30.728] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192514.jpg Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_height > 0' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixbuf.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(Int32 dest_width, Int32 dest_height, InterpType interp_type) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean upscale) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height) at FSpot.Histogram.Generate(Gdk.Pixbuf input, Int32 max_width) at FSpot.Widgets.InfoBox.DelayedUpdateHistogram() at FSpot.Delay.HandleOperation() at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Handler() at Gtk.Application.gtk_main_iteration() at Gtk.Application.RunIteration() at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFiles() at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Run() at MainWindow.ImportCamera(System.String camera_device) at FSpot.Core+ImportCommand.Execute() at FSpot.Core.Import(System.String path) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef ) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) at NDesk.DBus.ExportObject.HandleMethodCall(NDesk.DBus.MethodCall method_call) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.HandleMethodCall(NDesk.DBus.MethodCall method_call) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.HandleMessage(NDesk.DBus.Message msg) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.Iterate() at NDesk.DBus.BusG+c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0(IntPtr source, IOCondition condition, IntPtr data) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Gnome.Program.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) [Debug 23:46:32.961] GetByUri query took 0.004719s [Debug 23:46:32.961] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192515.jpg [Debug 23:46:32.961] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192515.jpg [Debug 23:46:35.352] GetByUri query took 0.004728s [Debug 23:46:35.353] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192516.jpg [Debug 23:46:35.353] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192516.jpg [Debug 23:46:37.696] GetByUri query took 0.009965s [Debug 23:46:37.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192517.jpg [Debug 23:46:37.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192517.jpg [Debug 23:46:40.189] GetByUri query took 0.010501s [Debug 23:46:40.189] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192518.jpg [Debug 23:46:40.189] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192518.jpg [Debug 23:46:42.696] GetByUri query took 0.004747s [Debug 23:46:42.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192519.jpg [Debug 23:46:42.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192519.jpg [Debug 23:46:44.910] GetByUri query took 0.004752s [Debug 23:46:44.910] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192520.jpg [Debug 23:46:44.910] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192520.jpg [Debug 23:46:47.439] GetByUri query took 0.022663s [Debug 23:46:47.439] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192521.jpg [Debug 23:46:47.440] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192521.jpg [Debug 23:46:49.947] GetByUri query took 0.010612s [Debug 23:46:49.947] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192522.jpg [Debug 23:46:49.948] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192522.jpg [Debug 23:46:52.238] GetByUri query took 0.004757s [Debug 23:46:52.238] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192523.jpg [Debug 23:46:52.239] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192523.jpg [Debug 23:46:54.658] GetByUri query took 0.00473s [Debug 23:46:54.658] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192524.jpg [Debug 23:46:54.658] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192524.jpg [Debug 23:46:57.201] GetByUri query took 0.00472s [Debug 23:46:57.201] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192525.jpg [Debug 23:46:57.201] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192525.jpg [Debug 23:46:59.525] GetByUri query took 0.004765s [Debug 23:46:59.525] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192526.jpg [Debug 23:46:59.525] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192526.jpg [Debug 23:47:01.777] GetByUri query took 0.004745s [Debug 23:47:01.777] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192527.jpg [Debug 23:47:01.778] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192527.jpg [Debug 23:47:04.298] GetByUri query took 0.004716s [Debug 23:47:04.299] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192528.jpg [Debug 23:47:04.299] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6192528.jpg [Debug 23:47:06.667] GetByUri query took 0.004734s [Debug 23:47:06.668] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6202529.jpg [Debug 23:47:06.668] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6202529.jpg [Debug 23:47:09.116] GetByUri query took 0.004729s [Debug 23:47:09.116] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6202530.jpg [Debug 23:47:09.117] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6202530.jpg [Debug 23:47:11.528] GetByUri query took 0.004725s [Debug 23:47:11.529] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222531.jpg [Debug 23:47:11.529] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222531.jpg [Debug 23:47:14.037] GetByUri query took 0.004768s [Debug 23:47:14.037] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222532.jpg [Debug 23:47:14.037] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222532.jpg [Debug 23:47:16.486] GetByUri query took 0.004738s [Debug 23:47:16.486] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222533.jpg [Debug 23:47:16.487] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222533.jpg [Debug 23:47:18.899] GetByUri query took 0.004718s [Debug 23:47:18.900] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222534.jpg [Debug 23:47:18.900] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222534.jpg [Debug 23:47:21.434] GetByUri query took 0.010422s [Debug 23:47:21.435] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222535.jpg [Debug 23:47:21.435] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222535.jpg [Debug 23:47:21.561] IndexOf took 0.013969s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE time >= 1220227200 ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1 [Debug 23:47:21.579] Query took 0.010395s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 100 [Debug 23:47:24.121] GetByUri query took 0.010466s [Debug 23:47:24.127] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222536.jpg [Debug 23:47:24.127] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222536.jpg [Debug 23:47:26.787] GetByUri query took 0.009684s [Debug 23:47:26.787] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222537.jpg [Debug 23:47:26.787] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222537.jpg [Debug 23:47:29.282] GetByUri query took 0.008629s [Debug 23:47:29.282] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222538.jpg [Debug 23:47:29.283] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222538.jpg [Debug 23:47:31.806] GetByUri query took 0.014572s [Debug 23:47:31.806] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222539.jpg [Debug 23:47:31.807] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222539.jpg [Debug 23:47:34.399] GetByUri query took 0.008867s [Debug 23:47:34.399] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222540.jpg [Debug 23:47:34.399] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222540.jpg [Debug 23:47:37.127] GetByUri query took 0.004793s [Debug 23:47:37.127] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222541.jpg [Debug 23:47:37.127] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222541.jpg [Debug 23:47:39.691] GetByUri query took 0.004722s [Debug 23:47:39.692] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222542.jpg [Debug 23:47:39.692] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222542.jpg [Debug 23:47:42.173] GetByUri query took 0.004717s [Debug 23:47:42.173] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222543.jpg [Debug 23:47:42.173] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6222543.jpg [Debug 23:47:44.752] GetByUri query took 0.004817s [Debug 23:47:44.752] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232544.jpg [Debug 23:47:44.752] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232544.jpg [Debug 23:47:47.271] GetByUri query took 0.004913s [Debug 23:47:47.271] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232545.jpg [Debug 23:47:47.271] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232545.jpg [Debug 23:47:49.855] GetByUri query took 0.00478s [Debug 23:47:49.855] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232546.jpg [Debug 23:47:49.856] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232546.jpg [Debug 23:47:52.056] GetByUri query took 0.004784s [Debug 23:47:52.056] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232547.jpg [Debug 23:47:52.056] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232547.jpg [Debug 23:47:54.608] GetByUri query took 0.00487s [Debug 23:47:54.608] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232548.jpg [Debug 23:47:54.608] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232548.jpg [Debug 23:47:57.057] GetByUri query took 0.004737s [Debug 23:47:57.057] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232549.jpg [Debug 23:47:57.057] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232549.jpg [Debug 23:47:59.461] GetByUri query took 0.004723s [Debug 23:47:59.461] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232550.jpg [Debug 23:47:59.461] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232550.jpg [Debug 23:48:01.971] GetByUri query took 0.00473s [Debug 23:48:01.972] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232551.jpg [Debug 23:48:01.972] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232551.jpg [Debug 23:48:04.476] GetByUri query took 0.004766s [Debug 23:48:04.477] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232552.jpg [Debug 23:48:04.477] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232552.jpg [Debug 23:48:07.138] GetByUri query took 0.004892s [Debug 23:48:07.138] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232553.jpg [Debug 23:48:07.138] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232553.jpg [Debug 23:48:09.346] GetByUri query took 0.021934s [Debug 23:48:09.346] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232554.jpg [Debug 23:48:09.347] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232554.jpg [Debug 23:48:11.690] GetByUri query took 0.015661s [Debug 23:48:11.691] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232555.jpg [Debug 23:48:11.691] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232555.jpg [Debug 23:48:14.294] GetByUri query took 0.009495s [Debug 23:48:14.295] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232556.jpg [Debug 23:48:14.295] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6232556.jpg [Debug 23:48:16.534] GetByUri query took 0.011959s [Debug 23:48:16.535] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6262557.jpg [Debug 23:48:16.535] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6262557.jpg [Debug 23:48:19.094] GetByUri query took 0.012509s [Debug 23:48:19.095] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272558.jpg [Debug 23:48:19.095] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272558.jpg [Debug 23:48:21.618] GetByUri query took 0.009562s [Debug 23:48:21.618] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272559.jpg [Debug 23:48:21.619] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272559.jpg [Debug 23:48:24.026] GetByUri query took 0.005587s [Debug 23:48:24.027] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272560.jpg [Debug 23:48:24.027] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6272560.jpg [Debug 23:48:26.446] GetByUri query took 0.014498s [Debug 23:48:26.446] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6282561.jpg [Debug 23:48:26.447] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6282561.jpg [Debug 23:48:29.062] GetByUri query took 0.007508s [Debug 23:48:29.062] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6282562.jpg [Debug 23:48:29.063] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6282562.jpg [Debug 23:48:31.530] GetByUri query took 0.01739s [Debug 23:48:31.531] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6302563.jpg [Debug 23:48:31.531] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6302563.jpg [Debug 23:48:34.076] GetByUri query took 0.004739s [Debug 23:48:34.077] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6302564.jpg [Debug 23:48:34.077] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p6302564.jpg [Debug 23:48:36.612] GetByUri query took 0.004745s [Debug 23:48:36.613] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7012565.jpg [Debug 23:48:36.613] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7012565.jpg [Debug 23:48:39.084] GetByUri query took 0.004764s [Debug 23:48:39.084] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022566.jpg [Debug 23:48:39.085] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022566.jpg [Debug 23:48:41.631] GetByUri query took 0.004741s [Debug 23:48:41.631] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022567.jpg [Debug 23:48:41.631] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022567.jpg [Debug 23:48:44.159] GetByUri query took 0.004749s [Debug 23:48:44.159] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022568.jpg [Debug 23:48:44.159] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7022568.jpg [Debug 23:48:46.676] GetByUri query took 0.004908s [Debug 23:48:46.676] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032569.jpg [Debug 23:48:46.676] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032569.jpg [Debug 23:48:49.140] GetByUri query took 0.004729s [Debug 23:48:49.140] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032570.jpg [Debug 23:48:49.140] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032570.jpg [Debug 23:48:51.450] GetByUri query took 0.011882s [Debug 23:48:51.451] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032571.jpg [Debug 23:48:51.451] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032571.jpg [Debug 23:48:53.694] GetByUri query took 0.004751s [Debug 23:48:53.694] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032572.jpg [Debug 23:48:53.695] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7032572.jpg [Debug 23:48:56.238] GetByUri query took 0.00935s [Debug 23:48:56.238] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7042573.jpg [Debug 23:48:56.239] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7042573.jpg [Debug 23:48:58.762] GetByUri query took 0.010241s [Debug 23:48:58.762] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7042574.jpg [Debug 23:48:58.763] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7042574.jpg [Debug 23:49:00.946] GetByUri query took 0.022074s [Debug 23:49:00.946] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062575.jpg [Debug 23:49:00.947] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062575.jpg [Debug 23:49:03.318] GetByUri query took 0.012442s [Debug 23:49:03.318] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062576.jpg [Debug 23:49:03.319] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062576.jpg [Debug 23:49:05.818] GetByUri query took 0.01157s [Debug 23:49:05.819] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062577.jpg [Debug 23:49:05.819] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7062577.jpg [Debug 23:49:08.358] GetByUri query took 0.021721s [Debug 23:49:08.359] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112578.jpg [Debug 23:49:08.359] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112578.jpg [Debug 23:49:10.830] GetByUri query took 0.00758s [Debug 23:49:10.830] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112579.jpg [Debug 23:49:10.831] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112579.jpg [Debug 23:49:13.344] GetByUri query took 0.004772s [Debug 23:49:13.344] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112580.jpg [Debug 23:49:13.344] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112580.jpg [Debug 23:49:15.654] GetByUri query took 0.010096s [Debug 23:49:15.654] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112581.jpg [Debug 23:49:15.655] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112581.jpg [Debug 23:49:18.217] GetByUri query took 0.011638s [Debug 23:49:18.218] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112582.jpg [Debug 23:49:18.218] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112582.jpg [Debug 23:49:20.662] GetByUri query took 0.009564s [Debug 23:49:20.662] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112583.jpg [Debug 23:49:20.663] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112583.jpg [Debug 23:49:23.190] GetByUri query took 0.014649s [Debug 23:49:23.190] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112584.jpg [Debug 23:49:23.191] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112584.jpg [Debug 23:49:25.489] GetByUri query took 0.011927s [Debug 23:49:25.489] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112585.jpg [Debug 23:49:25.490] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7112585.jpg [Debug 23:49:27.886] GetByUri query took 0.021746s [Debug 23:49:27.887] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122586.jpg [Debug 23:49:27.887] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122586.jpg [Debug 23:49:30.362] GetByUri query took 0.007369s [Debug 23:49:30.362] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122587.jpg [Debug 23:49:30.363] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122587.jpg [Debug 23:49:32.926] GetByUri query took 0.021832s [Debug 23:49:32.927] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122588.jpg [Debug 23:49:32.927] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122588.jpg [Debug 23:49:35.434] GetByUri query took 0.006497s [Debug 23:49:35.435] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122589.jpg [Debug 23:49:35.435] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122589.jpg [Debug 23:49:38.009] Query took 1.777572s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200 [Debug 23:49:38.027] GetByUri query took 0.019279s [Debug 23:49:38.028] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122590.jpg [Debug 23:49:38.028] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122590.jpg [Debug 23:49:38.051] Query took 0.039769s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 300 [Debug 23:49:38.119] Query took 0.023922s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 400 [Debug 23:49:40.626] GetByUri query took 0.013022s [Debug 23:49:40.627] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122591.jpg [Debug 23:49:40.627] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7122591.jpg [Debug 23:49:43.030] GetByUri query took 0.004758s [Debug 23:49:43.031] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132592.jpg [Debug 23:49:43.031] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132592.jpg [Debug 23:49:45.634] GetByUri query took 0.004717s [Debug 23:49:45.634] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132593.jpg [Debug 23:49:45.634] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132593.jpg [Debug 23:49:47.835] GetByUri query took 0.007457s [Debug 23:49:47.836] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132594.jpg [Debug 23:49:47.836] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7132594.jpg [Debug 23:49:50.412] GetByUri query took 0.011616s [Debug 23:49:50.418] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142595.jpg [Debug 23:49:50.418] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142595.jpg [Debug 23:49:52.992] GetByUri query took 0.012652s [Debug 23:49:52.992] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142596.jpg [Debug 23:49:52.993] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142596.jpg [Debug 23:49:55.410] GetByUri query took 0.011623s [Debug 23:49:55.418] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142597.jpg [Debug 23:49:55.419] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142597.jpg [Debug 23:49:55.579] LookupItem took 0.000433s [Debug 23:49:57.935] GetByUri query took 0.010586s [Debug 23:49:57.935] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142598.jpg [Debug 23:49:57.936] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142598.jpg [Debug 23:50:00.497] GetByUri query took 0.013424s [Debug 23:50:00.497] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142599.jpg [Debug 23:50:00.498] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142599.jpg [Debug 23:50:03.009] GetByUri query took 0.031669s [Debug 23:50:03.010] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142600.jpg [Debug 23:50:03.010] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7142600.jpg [Debug 23:50:05.151] GetByUri query took 0.012112s [Debug 23:50:05.151] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152601.jpg [Debug 23:50:05.152] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152601.jpg [Debug 23:50:07.705] GetByUri query took 0.030292s [Debug 23:50:07.705] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152602.jpg [Debug 23:50:07.706] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152602.jpg [Debug 23:50:07.862] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:50:07.872] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:50:07.873] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_height > 0' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixbuf.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(Int32 dest_width, Int32 dest_height, InterpType interp_type) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean upscale) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height) at FSpot.Histogram.Generate(Gdk.Pixbuf input, Int32 max_width) at FSpot.Widgets.InfoBox.DelayedUpdateHistogram() at FSpot.Delay.HandleOperation() at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Handler() at Gtk.Application.gtk_main_iteration() at Gtk.Application.RunIteration() at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFiles() at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Run() at MainWindow.ImportCamera(System.String camera_device) at FSpot.Core+ImportCommand.Execute() at FSpot.Core.Import(System.String path) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef ) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) at NDesk.DBus.ExportObject.HandleMethodCall(NDesk.DBus.MethodCall method_call) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.HandleMethodCall(NDesk.DBus.MethodCall method_call) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.HandleMessage(NDesk.DBus.Message msg) at NDesk.DBus.Connection.Iterate() at NDesk.DBus.BusG+c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0(IntPtr source, IOCondition condition, IntPtr data) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Gnome.Program.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) [Debug 23:50:10.129] GetByUri query took 0.004744s [Debug 23:50:10.130] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152603.jpg [Debug 23:50:10.130] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152603.jpg [Debug 23:50:12.600] GetByUri query took 0.004722s [Debug 23:50:12.600] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152604.jpg [Debug 23:50:12.601] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7152604.jpg [Debug 23:50:15.129] GetByUri query took 0.004745s [Debug 23:50:15.130] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162605.jpg [Debug 23:50:15.130] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162605.jpg [Debug 23:50:17.528] GetByUri query took 0.004757s [Debug 23:50:17.529] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162606.jpg [Debug 23:50:17.529] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162606.jpg [Debug 23:50:19.675] GetByUri query took 0.004736s [Debug 23:50:19.675] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162607.jpg [Debug 23:50:19.675] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162607.jpg [Debug 23:50:22.239] GetByUri query took 0.004722s [Debug 23:50:22.239] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162608.jpg [Debug 23:50:22.240] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162608.jpg [Debug 23:50:24.752] GetByUri query took 0.004731s [Debug 23:50:24.752] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162609.jpg [Debug 23:50:24.753] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7162609.jpg [Debug 23:50:27.202] GetByUri query took 0.004808s [Debug 23:50:27.202] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172610.jpg [Debug 23:50:27.202] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172610.jpg [Debug 23:50:29.734] GetByUri query took 0.004769s [Debug 23:50:29.735] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172611.jpg [Debug 23:50:29.735] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172611.jpg [Debug 23:50:32.219] GetByUri query took 0.004836s [Debug 23:50:32.219] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172612.jpg [Debug 23:50:32.219] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172612.jpg [Debug 23:50:34.695] GetByUri query took 0.00473s [Debug 23:50:34.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172613.jpg [Debug 23:50:34.696] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172613.jpg [Debug 23:50:37.189] GetByUri query took 0.004788s [Debug 23:50:37.190] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172614.jpg [Debug 23:50:37.190] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172614.jpg [Debug 23:50:39.706] GetByUri query took 0.00474s [Debug 23:50:39.707] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172615.jpg [Debug 23:50:39.707] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7172615.jpg [Debug 23:50:42.229] GetByUri query took 0.004782s [Debug 23:50:42.230] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182616.jpg [Debug 23:50:42.230] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182616.jpg [Debug 23:50:44.716] GetByUri query took 0.004761s [Debug 23:50:44.717] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182617.jpg [Debug 23:50:44.717] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182617.jpg [Debug 23:50:47.166] GetByUri query took 0.009406s [Debug 23:50:47.166] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182618.jpg [Debug 23:50:47.167] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182618.jpg [Debug 23:50:49.454] GetByUri query took 0.012854s [Debug 23:50:49.454] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182619.jpg [Debug 23:50:49.455] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182619.jpg [Debug 23:50:52.006] GetByUri query took 0.011415s [Debug 23:50:52.007] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182620.jpg [Debug 23:50:52.007] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182620.jpg [Debug 23:50:54.578] GetByUri query took 0.011526s [Debug 23:50:54.578] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182621.jpg [Debug 23:50:54.579] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182621.jpg [Debug 23:50:57.150] GetByUri query took 0.009674s [Debug 23:50:57.150] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182622.jpg [Debug 23:50:57.151] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182622.jpg [Debug 23:50:59.654] GetByUri query took 0.011553s [Debug 23:50:59.655] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182623.jpg [Debug 23:50:59.655] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7182623.jpg [Debug 23:51:02.041] GetByUri query took 0.01852s [Debug 23:51:02.041] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202624.jpg [Debug 23:51:02.041] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202624.jpg [Debug 23:51:04.554] GetByUri query took 0.01647s [Debug 23:51:04.555] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202625.jpg [Debug 23:51:04.555] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202625.jpg [Debug 23:51:06.954] GetByUri query took 0.004774s [Debug 23:51:06.955] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202626.jpg [Debug 23:51:06.955] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202626.jpg [Debug 23:51:09.140] GetByUri query took 0.004775s [Debug 23:51:09.140] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202627.jpg [Debug 23:51:09.140] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202627.jpg [Debug 23:51:11.513] GetByUri query took 0.004798s [Debug 23:51:11.513] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202628.jpg [Debug 23:51:11.513] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202628.jpg [Debug 23:51:13.746] GetByUri query took 0.004806s [Debug 23:51:13.746] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202629.jpg [Debug 23:51:13.746] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202629.jpg [Debug 23:51:16.250] GetByUri query took 0.004817s [Debug 23:51:16.251] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202630.jpg [Debug 23:51:16.251] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7202630.jpg [Debug 23:51:18.680] GetByUri query took 0.004795s [Debug 23:51:18.680] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212631.jpg [Debug 23:51:18.680] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212631.jpg [Debug 23:51:21.089] GetByUri query took 0.004786s [Debug 23:51:21.090] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212632.jpg [Debug 23:51:21.090] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212632.jpg [Debug 23:51:23.214] GetByUri query took 0.013203s [Debug 23:51:23.215] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212633.jpg [Debug 23:51:23.215] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212633.jpg [Debug 23:51:25.700] GetByUri query took 0.004776s [Debug 23:51:25.701] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212634.jpg [Debug 23:51:25.701] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7212634.jpg [Debug 23:51:28.099] GetByUri query took 0.004773s [Debug 23:51:28.100] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222635.jpg [Debug 23:51:28.100] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222635.jpg [Debug 23:51:30.386] GetByUri query took 0.024798s [Debug 23:51:30.386] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222636.jpg [Debug 23:51:30.387] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222636.jpg [Debug 23:51:32.934] GetByUri query took 0.017533s [Debug 23:51:32.935] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222637.jpg [Debug 23:51:32.935] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222637.jpg [Debug 23:51:35.354] GetByUri query took 0.010473s [Debug 23:51:35.354] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222638.jpg [Debug 23:51:35.355] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222638.jpg [Debug 23:51:37.902] GetByUri query took 0.008601s [Debug 23:51:37.902] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222639.jpg [Debug 23:51:37.903] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222639.jpg [Debug 23:51:40.370] GetByUri query took 0.022578s [Debug 23:51:40.371] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222640.jpg [Debug 23:51:40.371] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222640.jpg [Debug 23:51:42.838] GetByUri query took 0.009573s [Debug 23:51:42.838] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222641.jpg [Debug 23:51:42.839] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222641.jpg [Debug 23:51:45.296] GetByUri query took 0.004781s [Debug 23:51:45.297] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222642.jpg [Debug 23:51:45.297] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7222642.jpg [Debug 23:51:47.744] GetByUri query took 0.00476s [Debug 23:51:47.744] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7232643.jpg [Debug 23:51:47.745] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7232643.jpg [Debug 23:51:50.232] GetByUri query took 0.004821s [Debug 23:51:50.233] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7232644.jpg [Debug 23:51:50.233] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7232644.jpg [Debug 23:51:52.718] GetByUri query took 0.015512s [Debug 23:51:52.719] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242645.jpg [Debug 23:51:52.719] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242645.jpg [Debug 23:51:55.178] GetByUri query took 0.01057s [Debug 23:51:55.178] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242646.jpg [Debug 23:51:55.179] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242646.jpg [Debug 23:51:57.662] GetByUri query took 0.008453s [Debug 23:51:57.662] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242647.jpg [Debug 23:51:57.663] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242647.jpg [Debug 23:51:59.838] GetByUri query took 0.018149s [Debug 23:51:59.839] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242648.jpg [Debug 23:51:59.839] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242648.jpg [Debug 23:52:02.399] GetByUri query took 0.010898s [Debug 23:52:02.399] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242649.jpg [Debug 23:52:02.399] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242649.jpg [Debug 23:52:04.826] GetByUri query took 0.01172s [Debug 23:52:04.827] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242650.jpg [Debug 23:52:04.827] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242650.jpg [Debug 23:52:07.290] GetByUri query took 0.008694s [Debug 23:52:07.290] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242651.jpg [Debug 23:52:07.291] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242651.jpg [Debug 23:52:09.378] GetByUri query took 0.009115s [Debug 23:52:09.378] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242652.jpg [Debug 23:52:09.379] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242652.jpg [Debug 23:52:11.730] GetByUri query took 0.011379s [Debug 23:52:11.731] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242653.jpg [Debug 23:52:11.731] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7242653.jpg [Debug 23:52:14.038] GetByUri query took 0.005912s [Debug 23:52:14.039] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252654.jpg [Debug 23:52:14.039] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252654.jpg [Debug 23:52:16.386] GetByUri query took 0.013532s [Debug 23:52:16.387] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252655.jpg [Debug 23:52:16.387] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252655.jpg [Debug 23:52:18.826] GetByUri query took 0.009467s [Debug 23:52:18.826] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252656.jpg [Debug 23:52:18.827] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252656.jpg [Debug 23:52:21.290] GetByUri query took 0.007658s [Debug 23:52:21.290] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252657.jpg [Debug 23:52:21.291] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252657.jpg [Debug 23:52:23.890] GetByUri query took 0.011592s [Debug 23:52:23.891] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252658.jpg [Debug 23:52:23.891] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252658.jpg [Debug 23:52:26.310] GetByUri query took 0.009515s [Debug 23:52:26.310] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252659.jpg [Debug 23:52:26.311] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252659.jpg [Debug 23:52:28.930] GetByUri query took 0.011534s [Debug 23:52:28.931] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252660.jpg [Debug 23:52:28.931] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252660.jpg [Debug 23:52:31.346] GetByUri query took 0.023519s [Debug 23:52:31.347] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252661.jpg [Debug 23:52:31.347] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252661.jpg [Debug 23:52:33.580] GetByUri query took 0.016126s [Debug 23:52:33.581] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252662.jpg [Debug 23:52:33.581] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252662.jpg [Debug 23:52:36.187] GetByUri query took 0.022826s [Debug 23:52:36.188] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252663.jpg [Debug 23:52:36.188] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252663.jpg [Debug 23:52:38.457] GetByUri query took 0.004748s [Debug 23:52:38.457] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252664.jpg [Debug 23:52:38.457] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252664.jpg [Debug 23:52:40.857] GetByUri query took 0.004748s [Debug 23:52:40.858] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252665.jpg [Debug 23:52:40.858] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252665.jpg [Debug 23:52:43.393] GetByUri query took 0.004754s [Debug 23:52:43.394] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252666.jpg [Debug 23:52:43.394] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252666.jpg [Debug 23:52:45.937] GetByUri query took 0.004754s [Debug 23:52:45.937] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252667.jpg [Debug 23:52:45.937] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7252667.jpg [Debug 23:52:48.526] GetByUri query took 0.004742s [Debug 23:52:48.526] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262669.jpg [Debug 23:52:48.526] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262669.jpg [Debug 23:52:50.884] GetByUri query took 0.00475s [Debug 23:52:50.885] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262670.jpg [Debug 23:52:50.885] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262670.jpg [Debug 23:52:53.183] GetByUri query took 0.004759s [Debug 23:52:53.183] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262671.jpg [Debug 23:52:53.184] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7262671.jpg [Debug 23:52:55.715] GetByUri query took 0.004757s [Debug 23:52:55.716] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272672.jpg [Debug 23:52:55.716] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272672.jpg [Debug 23:52:58.266] GetByUri query took 0.00475s [Debug 23:52:58.267] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272673.jpg [Debug 23:52:58.267] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272673.jpg [Debug 23:53:00.748] GetByUri query took 0.004753s [Debug 23:53:00.749] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272674.jpg [Debug 23:53:00.749] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272674.jpg [Debug 23:53:02.882] GetByUri query took 0.004748s [Debug 23:53:02.882] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272675.jpg [Debug 23:53:02.882] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272675.jpg [Debug 23:53:05.302] GetByUri query took 0.004746s [Debug 23:53:05.302] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272676.jpg [Debug 23:53:05.303] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272676.jpg [Debug 23:53:07.718] GetByUri query took 0.004782s [Debug 23:53:07.718] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272677.jpg [Debug 23:53:07.718] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272677.jpg [Debug 23:53:10.221] GetByUri query took 0.004765s [Debug 23:53:10.222] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272678.jpg [Debug 23:53:10.222] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272678.jpg [Debug 23:53:12.710] GetByUri query took 0.004769s [Debug 23:53:12.711] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272679.jpg [Debug 23:53:12.711] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272679.jpg [Debug 23:53:15.190] GetByUri query took 0.004763s [Debug 23:53:15.191] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272680.jpg [Debug 23:53:15.191] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272680.jpg [Debug 23:53:17.614] GetByUri query took 0.004776s [Debug 23:53:17.614] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272681.jpg [Debug 23:53:17.614] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272681.jpg [Debug 23:53:20.109] GetByUri query took 0.004808s [Debug 23:53:20.109] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272682.jpg [Debug 23:53:20.109] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272682.jpg [Debug 23:53:22.631] GetByUri query took 0.022349s [Debug 23:53:22.631] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272683.jpg [Debug 23:53:22.631] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7272683.jpg [Debug 23:53:24.819] GetByUri query took 0.011916s [Debug 23:53:24.820] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282684.jpg [Debug 23:53:24.820] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282684.jpg [Debug 23:53:27.311] GetByUri query took 0.013681s [Debug 23:53:27.312] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282685.jpg [Debug 23:53:27.312] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282685.jpg [Debug 23:53:29.767] GetByUri query took 0.011606s [Debug 23:53:29.768] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282686.jpg [Debug 23:53:29.768] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282686.jpg [Debug 23:53:32.330] GetByUri query took 0.016584s [Debug 23:53:32.331] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282687.jpg [Debug 23:53:32.331] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282687.jpg [Debug 23:53:34.615] GetByUri query took 0.010778s [Debug 23:53:34.615] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282688.jpg [Debug 23:53:34.616] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282688.jpg [Debug 23:53:37.035] GetByUri query took 0.008401s [Debug 23:53:37.035] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282689.jpg [Debug 23:53:37.036] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282689.jpg [Debug 23:53:39.403] GetByUri query took 0.011442s [Debug 23:53:39.404] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282690.jpg [Debug 23:53:39.404] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282690.jpg [Debug 23:53:41.746] GetByUri query took 0.021735s [Debug 23:53:41.747] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282691.jpg [Debug 23:53:41.747] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282691.jpg [Debug 23:53:44.059] GetByUri query took 0.014885s [Debug 23:53:44.060] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282692.jpg [Debug 23:53:44.060] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7282692.jpg [Debug 23:53:46.466] GetByUri query took 0.004718s [Debug 23:53:46.466] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7292693.jpg [Debug 23:53:46.466] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7292693.jpg [Debug 23:53:48.917] GetByUri query took 0.00471s [Debug 23:53:48.917] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7292694.jpg [Debug 23:53:48.918] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7292694.jpg [Debug 23:53:51.435] GetByUri query took 0.004713s [Debug 23:53:51.436] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7302695.jpg [Debug 23:53:51.436] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7302695.jpg [Debug 23:53:53.721] GetByUri query took 0.00471s [Debug 23:53:53.721] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7302696.jpg [Debug 23:53:53.721] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7302696.jpg [Debug 23:53:56.204] GetByUri query took 0.004771s [Debug 23:53:56.204] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312697.jpg [Debug 23:53:56.205] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312697.jpg [Debug 23:53:58.602] GetByUri query took 0.004726s [Debug 23:53:58.602] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312698.jpg [Debug 23:53:58.602] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312698.jpg [Debug 23:54:00.738] GetByUri query took 0.004719s [Debug 23:54:00.738] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312699.jpg [Debug 23:54:00.738] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312699.jpg [Debug 23:54:03.243] GetByUri query took 0.012591s [Debug 23:54:03.244] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312700.jpg [Debug 23:54:03.244] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312700.jpg [Debug 23:54:05.731] GetByUri query took 0.011621s [Debug 23:54:05.732] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312701.jpg [Debug 23:54:05.732] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p7312701.jpg [Debug 23:54:08.155] GetByUri query took 0.007448s [Debug 23:54:08.155] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062702.jpg [Debug 23:54:08.156] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062702.jpg [Debug 23:54:10.266] GetByUri query took 0.008745s [Debug 23:54:10.266] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062703.jpg [Debug 23:54:10.267] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062703.jpg [Debug 23:54:12.722] GetByUri query took 0.004716s [Debug 23:54:12.723] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062704.jpg [Debug 23:54:12.723] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062704.jpg [Debug 23:54:15.209] GetByUri query took 0.004731s [Debug 23:54:15.210] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062705.jpg [Debug 23:54:15.210] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8062705.jpg [Debug 23:54:17.277] GetByUri query took 0.004722s [Debug 23:54:17.277] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072706.jpg [Debug 23:54:17.277] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072706.jpg [Debug 23:54:19.389] GetByUri query took 0.00474s [Debug 23:54:19.389] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072707.jpg [Debug 23:54:19.389] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072707.jpg [Debug 23:54:21.571] GetByUri query took 0.004755s [Debug 23:54:21.571] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072708.jpg [Debug 23:54:21.572] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072708.jpg [Debug 23:54:23.946] GetByUri query took 0.009612s [Debug 23:54:23.946] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072709.jpg [Debug 23:54:23.947] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072709.jpg [Debug 23:54:26.150] GetByUri query took 0.005726s [Debug 23:54:26.150] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072710.jpg [Debug 23:54:26.151] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8072710.jpg [Debug 23:54:28.642] GetByUri query took 0.009486s [Debug 23:54:28.642] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082711.jpg [Debug 23:54:28.643] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082711.jpg [Debug 23:54:30.786] GetByUri query took 0.004779s [Debug 23:54:30.786] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082712.jpg [Debug 23:54:30.786] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082712.jpg [Debug 23:54:33.398] GetByUri query took 0.004734s [Debug 23:54:33.398] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082713.jpg [Debug 23:54:33.398] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082713.jpg [Debug 23:54:35.834] GetByUri query took 0.004812s [Debug 23:54:35.834] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082714.jpg [Debug 23:54:35.834] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082714.jpg [Debug 23:54:38.336] GetByUri query took 0.004731s [Debug 23:54:38.337] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082715.jpg [Debug 23:54:38.337] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082715.jpg [Debug 23:54:40.807] GetByUri query took 0.004709s [Debug 23:54:40.807] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082716.jpg [Debug 23:54:40.807] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082716.jpg [Debug 23:54:43.111] GetByUri query took 0.004769s [Debug 23:54:43.111] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082717.jpg [Debug 23:54:43.112] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082717.jpg [Debug 23:54:45.497] GetByUri query took 0.004714s [Debug 23:54:45.497] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082718.jpg [Debug 23:54:45.498] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082718.jpg [Debug 23:54:47.714] GetByUri query took 0.004773s [Debug 23:54:47.714] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082719.jpg [Debug 23:54:47.715] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8082719.jpg [Debug 23:54:50.105] GetByUri query took 0.004768s [Debug 23:54:50.106] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102720.jpg [Debug 23:54:50.106] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102720.jpg [Debug 23:54:52.540] GetByUri query took 0.004749s [Debug 23:54:52.540] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102721.jpg [Debug 23:54:52.540] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102721.jpg [Debug 23:54:54.947] GetByUri query took 0.004702s [Debug 23:54:54.948] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102722.jpg [Debug 23:54:54.948] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102722.jpg [Debug 23:54:57.349] GetByUri query took 0.004738s [Debug 23:54:57.350] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102723.jpg [Debug 23:54:57.350] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102723.jpg [Debug 23:54:59.584] GetByUri query took 0.004699s [Debug 23:54:59.584] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102724.jpg [Debug 23:54:59.584] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102724.jpg [Debug 23:55:02.059] GetByUri query took 0.004723s [Debug 23:55:02.060] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102725.jpg [Debug 23:55:02.060] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8102725.jpg [Debug 23:55:04.514] GetByUri query took 0.004726s [Debug 23:55:04.515] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8112726.jpg [Debug 23:55:04.515] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8112726.jpg [Debug 23:55:06.834] GetByUri query took 0.004725s [Debug 23:55:06.835] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122727.jpg [Debug 23:55:06.835] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122727.jpg [Debug 23:55:09.343] GetByUri query took 0.017279s [Debug 23:55:09.343] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122728.jpg [Debug 23:55:09.343] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122728.jpg [Debug 23:55:11.510] GetByUri query took 0.006075s [Debug 23:55:11.510] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122729.jpg [Debug 23:55:11.511] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122729.jpg [Debug 23:55:13.711] GetByUri query took 0.013637s [Debug 23:55:13.711] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122730.jpg [Debug 23:55:13.711] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122730.jpg [Debug 23:55:16.114] GetByUri query took 0.008762s [Debug 23:55:16.114] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122731.jpg [Debug 23:55:16.115] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8122731.jpg [Debug 23:55:18.574] GetByUri query took 0.009359s [Debug 23:55:18.574] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132732.jpg [Debug 23:55:18.575] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132732.jpg [Debug 23:55:21.134] GetByUri query took 0.011408s [Debug 23:55:21.134] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132733.jpg [Debug 23:55:21.135] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132733.jpg [Debug 23:55:23.382] GetByUri query took 0.010786s [Debug 23:55:23.382] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132734.jpg [Debug 23:55:23.383] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132734.jpg [Debug 23:55:25.626] GetByUri query took 0.010758s [Debug 23:55:25.626] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132735.jpg [Debug 23:55:25.627] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132735.jpg [Debug 23:55:27.986] GetByUri query took 0.01058s [Debug 23:55:27.986] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132736.jpg [Debug 23:55:27.987] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8132736.jpg [Debug 23:55:30.422] GetByUri query took 0.009589s [Debug 23:55:30.422] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8152737.jpg [Debug 23:55:30.423] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8152737.jpg [Debug 23:55:32.850] GetByUri query took 0.011492s [Debug 23:55:32.851] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8152738.jpg [Debug 23:55:32.851] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8152738.jpg [Debug 23:55:35.402] GetByUri query took 0.008469s [Debug 23:55:35.402] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162739.jpg [Debug 23:55:35.403] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162739.jpg [Debug 23:55:37.890] GetByUri query took 0.010614s [Debug 23:55:37.890] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162740.jpg [Debug 23:55:37.891] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162740.jpg [Debug 23:55:40.289] GetByUri query took 0.004763s [Debug 23:55:40.289] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162741.jpg [Debug 23:55:40.289] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162741.jpg [Debug 23:55:42.750] GetByUri query took 0.004744s [Debug 23:55:42.751] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162742.jpg [Debug 23:55:42.751] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162742.jpg [Debug 23:55:45.193] GetByUri query took 0.00477s [Debug 23:55:45.193] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162743.jpg [Debug 23:55:45.194] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162743.jpg [Debug 23:55:47.792] GetByUri query took 0.004787s [Debug 23:55:47.793] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162744.jpg [Debug 23:55:47.793] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8162744.jpg [Debug 23:55:50.287] GetByUri query took 0.00472s [Debug 23:55:50.288] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172745.jpg [Debug 23:55:50.288] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172745.jpg [Debug 23:55:52.755] GetByUri query took 0.009545s [Debug 23:55:52.755] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172746.jpg [Debug 23:55:52.756] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172746.jpg [Debug 23:55:55.263] GetByUri query took 0.012595s [Debug 23:55:55.263] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172747.jpg [Debug 23:55:55.264] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8172747.jpg [Debug 23:55:57.799] GetByUri query took 0.010528s [Debug 23:55:57.799] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8182748.jpg [Debug 23:55:57.800] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8182748.jpg [Debug 23:56:00.287] GetByUri query took 0.022548s [Debug 23:56:00.287] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8182749.jpg [Debug 23:56:00.288] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8182749.jpg [Debug 23:56:02.780] GetByUri query took 0.004719s [Debug 23:56:02.781] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202750.jpg [Debug 23:56:02.781] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202750.jpg [Debug 23:56:04.888] GetByUri query took 0.004722s [Debug 23:56:04.888] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202751.jpg [Debug 23:56:04.888] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202751.jpg [Debug 23:56:07.465] GetByUri query took 0.004732s [Debug 23:56:07.465] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202752.jpg [Debug 23:56:07.465] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8202752.jpg [Debug 23:57:06.312] GetByUri query took 0.004851s [Debug 23:57:06.313] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-1.mov Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixdata.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf(IntPtr , IntPtr , Boolean ) at Gdk.Pixdata.FromPixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Boolean use_rle) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_serialize: assertion `pixdata->magic == GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at PixbufSerializer.gdk_pixdata_serialize(Pixdata ByRef , UInt32 ByRef ) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() [Debug 23:57:06.316] Failed to create MD5Sum for Uri file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-1.mov; Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: src System.IO.IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Path: at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] [Debug 23:57:12.411] GetByUri query took 0.026939s [Debug 23:57:12.411] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-2.mov Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixdata.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf(IntPtr , IntPtr , Boolean ) at Gdk.Pixdata.FromPixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Boolean use_rle) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_serialize: assertion `pixdata->magic == GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at PixbufSerializer.gdk_pixdata_serialize(Pixdata ByRef , UInt32 ByRef ) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() [Debug 23:57:12.412] Failed to create MD5Sum for Uri file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-2.mov; Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: src System.IO.IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Path: at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] [Debug 23:57:13.114] GetByUri query took 0.012701s [Debug 23:57:13.114] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-3.mov Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixdata.gdk_pixdata_from_pixbuf(IntPtr , IntPtr , Boolean ) at Gdk.Pixdata.FromPixbuf(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Boolean use_rle) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixdata_serialize: assertion `pixdata->magic == GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at PixbufSerializer.gdk_pixdata_serialize(Pixdata ByRef , UInt32 ByRef ) at PixbufSerializer.Serialize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) at FSpot.Photo.GenerateMD5(System.Uri uri) at PhotoStore.CheckForDuplicate(System.Uri uri) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile(Int32 index) at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download() [Debug 23:57:13.115] Failed to create MD5Sum for Uri file:///home/karen/Photos/p8212753-3.mov; Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: src System.IO.IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Path: at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] Error GeneraError: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Unspecified error at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000] at LibGPhoto2.CameraFile.Save (System.String filename) [0x00000] at GPhotoCamera.SaveFile (Int32 index, System.String filename) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.SaveFile (Int32 index) [0x00000] at FSpot.CameraFileSelectionDialog.Download () [0x00000] [Debug 23:57:20.298] GetByUri query took 0.004759s [Debug 23:57:20.298] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222754.jpg [Debug 23:57:20.298] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222754.jpg [Debug 23:57:22.689] GetByUri query took 0.00477s [Debug 23:57:22.690] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222755.jpg [Debug 23:57:22.690] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222755.jpg [Debug 23:57:24.796] GetByUri query took 0.010491s [Debug 23:57:24.796] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222756.jpg [Debug 23:57:24.796] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222756.jpg [Debug 23:57:27.094] GetByUri query took 0.024873s [Debug 23:57:27.094] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222757.jpg [Debug 23:57:27.095] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222757.jpg [Debug 23:57:29.298] GetByUri query took 0.013367s [Debug 23:57:29.299] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222758.jpg [Debug 23:57:29.299] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222758.jpg [Debug 23:57:31.770] GetByUri query took 0.016574s [Debug 23:57:31.771] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222759.jpg [Debug 23:57:31.771] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222759.jpg [Debug 23:57:34.162] GetByUri query took 0.007362s [Debug 23:57:34.162] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222760.jpg [Debug 23:57:34.163] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222760.jpg [Debug 23:57:36.438] GetByUri query took 0.009777s [Debug 23:57:36.438] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222761.jpg [Debug 23:57:36.439] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222761.jpg [Debug 23:57:38.942] GetByUri query took 0.006715s [Debug 23:57:38.942] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222762.jpg [Debug 23:57:38.943] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222762.jpg [Debug 23:57:41.375] GetByUri query took 0.015735s [Debug 23:57:41.375] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222763.jpg [Debug 23:57:41.375] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222763.jpg [Debug 23:57:43.855] GetByUri query took 0.008216s [Debug 23:57:43.855] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222764.jpg [Debug 23:57:43.855] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222764.jpg [Debug 23:57:46.343] GetByUri query took 0.009312s [Debug 23:57:46.343] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222765.jpg [Debug 23:57:46.343] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222765.jpg [Debug 23:57:48.834] GetByUri query took 0.009579s [Debug 23:57:48.834] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222766.jpg [Debug 23:57:48.835] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222766.jpg [Debug 23:57:51.308] GetByUri query took 0.004735s [Debug 23:57:51.309] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222767.jpg [Debug 23:57:51.309] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222767.jpg [Debug 23:57:53.788] GetByUri query took 0.008889s [Debug 23:57:53.788] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222768.jpg [Debug 23:57:53.788] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222768.jpg [Debug 23:57:56.229] GetByUri query took 0.004751s [Debug 23:57:56.230] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222769.jpg [Debug 23:57:56.230] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222769.jpg [Debug 23:57:58.651] GetByUri query took 0.020314s [Debug 23:57:58.651] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222770.jpg [Debug 23:57:58.652] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222770.jpg [Debug 23:58:01.075] GetByUri query took 0.011354s [Debug 23:58:01.076] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:58:01.076] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:58:03.667] GetByUri query took 0.022031s [Debug 23:58:03.667] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222772.jpg [Debug 23:58:03.668] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222772.jpg [Debug 23:58:06.107] GetByUri query took 0.010491s [Debug 23:58:06.108] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222773.jpg [Debug 23:58:06.108] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222773.jpg [Debug 23:58:08.599] GetByUri query took 0.010544s [Debug 23:58:08.599] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222774.jpg [Debug 23:58:08.600] open uri = file:///home/karen/Photos/p8222774.jpg [Debug 23:58:08.812] QueryToTemp took 0.033057s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time ASC [Debug 23:58:08.815] IndexOf took 0.000582s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 854 [Debug 23:58:08.816] Query took 0.000815s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 800 [Debug 23:58:08.822] IndexOf took 0.000941s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 34 [Debug 23:58:08.822] Reloading the query took 0.043697s cleanup context [Debug 23:58:08.835] Query took 0.00594s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 700 [Debug 23:58:08.955] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:58:08.994] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:58:08.995] open uri = file:///home/karen/p8222771.jpg [Debug 23:58:09.022] PhotosPerMonth took 0.009698s [Debug 23:58:09.023] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.210458s Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_height > 0' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gdk.Pixbuf.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(Int32 dest_width, Int32 dest_height, InterpType interp_type) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean upscale) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height) at FSpot.Histogram.Generate(Gdk.Pixbuf input, Int32 max_width) at FSpot.Widgets.InfoBox.DelayedUpdateHistogram() at FSpot.Delay.HandleOperation() at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Handler() at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Gnome.Program.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) [Info 23:58:34.387] Exiting