** Running f-spot in Debug Mode ** ** Running Mono with --debug ** [Info 16:06:59.762] Initializing DBus [Debug 16:07:00.068] DBusInitialization took 0.245238s [Info 16:07:00.075] Initializing Mono.Addins [Debug 16:07:00.587] Mono.Addins Initialization took 0.511673s [Info 16:07:00.598] Starting new FSpot server [Debug 16:07:01.196] Db Initialization took 0.358286s Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical Message: gtk_window_resize: assertion `width > 0' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(IntPtr , LogLevelFlags , IntPtr ) at Gtk.Window.gtk_window_resize(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gtk.Window.gtk_window_resize(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gtk.Window.Resize(Int32 width, Int32 height) at MainWindow.LoadPreference(System.String key) at MainWindow..ctor(.Db db) at FSpot.Core.get_MainWindow() at FSpot.Core.Organize() at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) [Debug 16:07:02.607] QueryToTemp took 0.002481s : SELECT id, time, uri, description, roll_id, default_version_id, rating, md5_sum FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) ORDER BY time DESC [Debug 16:07:02.868] PhotosPerMonth took 0.015359s [Debug 16:07:02.877] TimeAdaptor REAL Reload took 0.229547s [Debug 16:07:03.311] Query took 0.013287s : SELECT * FROM photoquery_temp_0 LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 [Info 16:07:03.510] Starting BeagleService [Debug 16:07:03.511] BeagleService startup took 0.000107s [Info 16:07:03.511] Hack for gnome-settings-daemon engaged [Debug 16:07:03.706] LookupItem took 0.000564s [Debug 16:07:03.708] IndexOf took 0.000398s : SELECT ROWID FROM photoquery_temp_0 WHERE id = 48 [Debug 16:07:05.650] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04844.JPG [Debug 16:07:05.806] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04844.JPG [Debug 16:07:05.808] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04844.JPG Domain: 'GdkPixbuf' Level: Critical Message: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_height > 0' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(IntPtr , LogLevelFlags , IntPtr ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(IntPtr , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 ) at Gdk.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(Int32 dest_width, Int32 dest_height, InterpType interp_type) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean upscale) at PixbufUtils.ScaleToMaxSize(Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf, Int32 width, Int32 height) at FSpot.Histogram.Generate(Gdk.Pixbuf input, Int32 max_width) at FSpot.Widgets.InfoBox.DelayedUpdateHistogram() at FSpot.Delay.HandleOperation() at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Handler() at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Handler() at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Gnome.Program.Run() at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args) GoogleAccount.Connect() Starting Upload to Picasa uploading 0 [Debug 16:07:26.916] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04808.JPG [Debug 16:07:27.879] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04808.JPG [Debug 16:07:27.884] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04808.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:07:28 len = 19 Saved 16602 bytes uploading 1 [Debug 16:07:35.682] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04809.JPG [Debug 16:07:36.556] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04809.JPG [Debug 16:07:36.561] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04809.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:07:37 len = 19 Saved 19147 bytes uploading 2 [Debug 16:07:44.265] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04810.JPG [Debug 16:07:44.961] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04810.JPG [Debug 16:07:44.966] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04810.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:07:45 len = 19 Saved 18071 bytes System.IO.IOException: Write timed out. at System.Net.WebConnectionStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String title, System.String description, System.String mime_type, System.IO.Stream input) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String title, System.String description, System.IO.Stream input) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String filename, System.String title, System.String description) [0x00000] at FSpotGoogleExport.GoogleExport.Upload () [0x00000] uploading 3 [Debug 16:13:00.334] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04811.JPG [Debug 16:13:01.406] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04811.JPG [Debug 16:13:01.415] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04811.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:01 len = 19 Saved 18189 bytes uploading 4 [Debug 16:13:08.362] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04812.JPG [Debug 16:13:09.187] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04812.JPG [Debug 16:13:09.192] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04812.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:10 len = 19 Saved 19348 bytes uploading 5 [Debug 16:13:16.569] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04813.JPG [Debug 16:13:17.637] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04813.JPG [Debug 16:13:17.643] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04813.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:18 len = 19 Saved 18460 bytes uploading 6 [Debug 16:13:24.363] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04814.JPG [Debug 16:13:25.540] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04814.JPG [Debug 16:13:25.546] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04814.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:26 len = 19 Saved 18375 bytes uploading 7 [Debug 16:13:34.199] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04815.JPG [Debug 16:13:35.708] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04815.JPG [Debug 16:13:35.726] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04815.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:37 len = 19 Saved 20170 bytes uploading 8 [Debug 16:13:46.387] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04816.JPG [Debug 16:13:47.847] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04816.JPG [Debug 16:13:47.860] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04816.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:49 len = 19 Saved 19214 bytes [Warn 16:13:51.461] Caught an exception - Thread was being aborted (in `mscorlib') at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOne_internal (intptr,int,bool) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext) [0x00000] at System.Net.WebAsyncResult.WaitUntilComplete (Int32 timeout, Boolean exitContext) [0x00000] at System.Net.WebConnectionStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String title, System.String description, System.String mime_type, System.IO.Stream input) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String title, System.String description, System.IO.Stream input) [0x00000] at Mono.Google.Picasa.PicasaAlbum.UploadPicture (System.String filename, System.String title, System.String description) [0x00000] at FSpotGoogleExport.GoogleExport.Upload () [0x00000] uploading 9 [Debug 16:13:51.462] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04817.JPG [Debug 16:13:52.523] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04817.JPG [Debug 16:13:52.529] open uri = file:///home/leon/Photos/2009/01/17/DSC04817.JPG value = f-spot version len = 22 value = 2009:01:17 16:13:53 len = 19 Saved 19476 bytes [Info 16:13:59.728] Exiting [Debug 16:13:59.937] Finalizer called on FSpot.Utils.DisposableCache`2[System.String,Gdk.Pixbuf]. Should be Disposed