exadrums 0.7.0-1build2 source package in Ubuntu


exadrums (0.7.0-1build2) noble; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild for CVE-2024-3094

 -- William Grant <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Apr 2024 16:46:35 +1100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
William Grant
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc
Oracular release universe misc
Noble release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
exadrums_0.7.0.orig.tar.gz 2.9 MiB c4dbfb6754e60202877fd2e157fb59071b3b89a6454a45cdb7797f2e0214fa71
exadrums_0.7.0-1build2.debian.tar.xz 2.8 KiB bee74084cad07845ea64f105a4c067370b0023ccfd3a32cad75f9d376bdb4c9c
exadrums_0.7.0-1build2.dsc 2.0 KiB a28294af79d1248d69669bdc9f4624b5f0539b95125971d986a773122bafcc89

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Binary packages built by this source

exadrums: Software drum module (graphical user interface)

 ExaDrums is a virtual drum module that allows drummers play with
 custom-made drum kits.
 It is user-friendly and combines high quality stereo sound with low
 Each drum kit provides individual sliders in order to control the
 volume of its drum pads.
 A built-in metronome can be combined with a rhythm coach to make
 practice sessions easier and efficient.
 The drum triggers can be adjusted so that their response feels as
 natural as possible, and different sensor interfaces include a
 virtual (on-screen) multi pad and external sensors.
 Although eXaDrums is usable as a drum module, it is still an
 experimental project. As such, some features are not yet implemented,
 and the error management is not complete.
 This package provides the graphical user interface.

exadrums-dbgsym: debug symbols for exadrums