#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2009 by RightScale Inc., all rights reserved # chkconfig: 2 96 01 # description: This is the RightScale cloud seed script. \ # It is used to bootstrap the installation of the RightLink software onto a \ # cloud instance. If you have any questions please feel free to look through \ # the script or contact RightScale. # ############################################################################# ## Setup environment used by the remainder of this script ############################################################################# RS_CLOUD=ec2 #Get the Distribution if Linux based #currently only supported Linux distributions are Ubuntu or CentOS. #you can add your distro here if your package manager is yum or apt if [ -e /usr/bin/lsb_release ]; then case `lsb_release -si` in Ubuntu*) RS_DISTRO=ubuntu RS_BASE_OS=debian ;; Debian*) RS_DISTRO=debian RS_BASE_OS=debian echo ;; CentOS*) RS_DISTRO=centos RS_BASE_OS=redhat ;; Fedora*) RS_DISTRO=redhat RS_BASE_OS=redhat ;; *) RS_DISTRO=unknown RS_BASE_OS=unknown ;; esac RS_OS_VERSION=`lsb_release -rs` fi # We don't currently handle non-Linux-based distros. if [ -z "$RS_DISTRO" ]; then RS_DISTRO=unknown RS_BASE_OS=unknown fi # Get the architecture. The command below works for Linux only. if [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "debian" ]; then RS_ARCH=`dpkg --print-architecture || echo unknown` else RS_ARCH=`uname -m || echo unknown` fi ############################################################################### ## Determine whether the script has everything it needs to continue ############################################################################### if [ "$RS_DISTRO" == "unknown" -o "$RS_ARCH" == "unknown" ]; then logger -st RightScale "Unsupported OS/architecture $RS_DISTRO/$RS_ARCH; exiting." exit 2 fi # Source function library and networking configuration for Redhat-based distros if [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "redhat" ]; then . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions [ -r /etc/sysconfig/network ] && . /etc/sysconfig/network fi # Check that networking is up. (Only works on Redhat-based systems.) [ "${NETWORKING}" == "no" ] && exit 1 ############################################################################### ## Define some functions to be called by the start() function (see below) ############################################################################### CURL_OPT=(-s -S -f -L --retry 7) S3_PROD_BUCKET=http://s3.amazonaws.com/rightscale_rightlink S3_DEV_BUCKET=http://s3.amazonaws.com/rightscale_rightlink_dev CLOUD_USERDATA= get_cloud_userdata() { CLOUD_USERDATA=`curl -s ""` } RS_VERSION= get_rs_version() { if [ -e /etc/rightscale.d/rightscale-release ]; then RS_VERSION=`cat /etc/rightscale.d/rightscale-release` elif imageversion=`expr "$CLOUD_USERDATA" : '.*RS_version=\([-_.0-9a-z]*\)'`; then RS_VERSION=$imageversion else RS_VERSION="latest" fi } RS_SRC= get_rs_src() { if devsrc=`expr "$CLOUD_USERDATA" : '.*RS_src=\([-_.0-9a-z]*\)'`; then RS_SRC=$devsrc fi } PACKAGE_NAME="" get_package_name() { if [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "debian" ]; then suffix="deb" elif [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "redhat" ]; then suffix="rpm" fi PACKAGE_NAME="rightscale_${RS_VERSION}-${RS_DISTRO}_${RS_OS_VERSION}-${RS_ARCH}.${suffix}" } download_package() { CODE=500 while [ "$CODE" -ge "500" ]; do CODE=`curl "${CURL_OPT[@]}" -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME $S3_PROD_BUCKET/$PACKAGE_NAME` logger -st RightScale "Downloading $PACKAGE_NAME - curl returned code: $CODE" done if [ ! -e /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME ]; then logger -st RightScale "Fatal error! HTTP code $CODE - could not download $S3_PROD_BUCKET/$PACKAGE_NAME" exit 1 fi } install_package() { logger -st RightScale "installing package: $PACKAGE_NAME" if [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "debian" ]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg -i /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME | logger -st RightScale elif [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "redhat" ]; then yum localinstall -y --nogpgcheck /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME | logger -st RightScale fi } TARBALL_NAME="" get_tarball_name() { TARBALL_NAME="rightscale_${RS_SRC}.tgz" } download_tarball() { CODE=500 while [ "$CODE" -ge "500" ]; do CODE=`curl "${CURL_OPT[@]}" -w '%{http_code}' -o /tmp/$TARBALL_NAME $S3_DEV_BUCKET/$TARBALL_NAME` logger -st RightScale "Downloading $TARBALL_NAME - curl returned code: $CODE" done } install_tarball() { mkdir -p /opt tar -C /opt/ -zxf /tmp/$TARBALL_NAME } invoke_tarball_scripts() { chmod +x /opt/rightscale/bin/* if [ -e /opt/rightscale/bin/post_install_dev.sh ]; then /opt/rightscale/bin/post_install_dev.sh else /opt/rightscale/bin/post_install.sh fi } remove_me() { my_name=`readlink -e $0` if [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "debian" ]; then update-rc.d -f `basename $my_name` remove elif [ "$RS_BASE_OS" == "redhat" ]; then chkconfig --del `basename $my_name` fi } detect_rightscale_servertemplate() { if `echo "$CLOUD_USERDATA" | grep -v "RS_rn_id=" 1>/dev/null 2>&1` ; then logger -st RightScale "Removing RightScale from init sequence" remove_me exit 0 fi } setup_cloud_file() { mkdir -p /etc/rightscale.d echo -n $RS_CLOUD > /etc/rightscale.d/cloud chmod 0444 /etc/rightscale.d/cloud } enable_root_logins() { mkdir -p /root/.ssh cp -f /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/. } start() { logger -st RightScale "Installing RightScale on EC2 $RS_DISTRO-$RS_ARCH" get_cloud_userdata detect_rightscale_servertemplate setup_cloud_file enable_root_logins get_rs_version get_rs_src if [ -z "$RS_SRC" -o "$RS_SRC" == "right_link_use_package" ]; then get_package_name if [ ! -e /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME ]; then logger -st RightScale "Fetching RightScale package from $S3_PROD_BUCKET/$PACKAGE_NAME" download_package else logger -st RightScale "Local RightScale package found in /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME" fi install_package remove_me else get_tarball_name logger -st RightScale "Fetching development tarball from $S3_DEV_BUCKET/$TARBALL_NAME" download_tarball install_tarball invoke_tarball_scripts fi exit 0 } stop() { exit 0 } # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 start|stop" exit 255 ;; esac