#0 0x0804d7fc in findpackage (inname=0x950da98 "ppp") at ../../../lib/dpkg/database.c:137 pointerp = (struct pkginfo **) 0x95a4abc newpkg = name = 0x950db00 "ppp" p = #1 0x08058dd3 in f_dependency (pigp=0xbf88d604, pifp=0xbf88d634, ps=0xbf88d7ac, value=0x9513c60 "iproute, dhcp3-client | dhcp-client, ppp", fip=0x805c7b0) at ../../../lib/dpkg/fields.c:341 c1 = c2 = p = 0x9513c88 "" emsg = depname = {used = 4, size = 68, buf = 0x950da98 "ppp"} version = {used = 12, size = 60, buf = 0x950c8f0 "4.30ubuntu2"} dyp = (struct dependency *) 0x95c0004 ldypp = dop = (struct deppossi *) 0x95c0014 ldopp = (struct deppossi **) 0x95c000c #2 0x08053044 in parsedb (filename=0x950baa0 "/var/lib/dpkg/status", flags=pdb_weakclassification, donep=0x0, warnto=0x0, warncount=0x0) at ../../../lib/dpkg/parse.c:224 fd = 3 newpig = {next = 0xd696910, name = 0x95b0410 "ifupdown", want = want_install, eflag = eflag_ok, status = stat_installed, priority = pri_required, otherpriority = 0x0, section = 0x95bfb80 "admin", configversion = {epoch = 0, version = 0x0, revision = 0x0}, files = 0x0, installed = {valid = 1, depends = 0x95bfbe4, depended = 0x0, essential = 0, description = 0x0, maintainer = 0x95bfb8c "Ubuntu Core Developers ", source = 0x0, architecture = 0x95bfbcc "i386", installedsize = 0x95bfb88 "272", origin = 0x0, bugs = 0x0, version = { epoch = 0, version = 0x95bfbd4 "0.6.8ubuntu29", revision = 0x805abbd ""}, conffiles = 0x0, arbs = 0x0}, available = { valid = 1, depends = 0x0, depended = 0x0, essential = 0, description = 0x0, maintainer = 0x0, source = 0x0, architecture = 0x0, installedsize = 0x0, origin = 0x0, bugs = 0x0, version = {epoch = 0, version = 0x0, revision = 0x0}, conffiles = 0x0, arbs = 0x0}, clientdata = 0x0, color = white, trigaw = {head = 0x0, tail = 0x0}, othertrigaw_head = 0x0, trigpend_head = 0x0} pigp = newpifp = (struct pkginfoperfile *) 0xbf88d634 pifp = arp = larpp = ta = pdone = 350 fieldencountered = {0 } fip = (const struct fieldinfo *) 0x805c7b0 nick = data = 0xb7491008 "Package: xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse\nStatus: install ok installed\nPriority: optional\nSection: x11\nInstalled-Size: 176\nMaintainer: Ubuntu X-SWAT \nArchitecture: i386\nVersion: 1"... dataptr = endptr = fieldstart = valuestart = 0xb74e5791 "iproute, dhcp3-client | dhcp-client, ppp\nBreaks: udev (<< 136-1)\nDescription: high level tools to configure network interfaces\n This package provides the tools ifup and ifdown which may be used to\n co"... value = 0x9513c60 "iproute, dhcp3-client | dhcp-client, ppp" fieldlen = valuelen = ip = c = 66 stat = {st_dev = 16, __pad1 = 0, __st_ino = 234, st_mode = 33188, st_nlink = 1, st_uid = 0, st_gid = 0, st_rdev = 0, __pad2 = 0, st_size = 1370859, st_blksize = 1024, st_blocks = 2678, st_atim = { tv_sec = 1281952445, tv_nsec = 0}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 1281952445, tv_nsec = 0}, st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1281952445, tv_nsec = 0}, st_ino = 234} ps = {flags = pdb_weakclassification, filename = 0x950baa0 "/var/lib/dpkg/status", lno = 7929, warnto = 0x0, warncount = 0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "parsedb" #3 0x0804e2ac in modstatdb_init (adir=0x805aa82 "/var/lib/dpkg", readwritereq=) at ../../../lib/dpkg/dbmodify.c:76 fnip = #4 0x0804bc1d in enqperpackage (argv=0xbf88d9f0) at ../../src/query.c:296 thisarg = file = pkg = namenode = #5 0x0804b0eb in main (argc=4, argv=0xbf88d9f0) at ../../src/query.c:679 ejbuf = {{__jmpbuf = {10395636, 0, 0, -1081550536, -1577009748, -1160706877}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {13791970, 3213416788, 134514744, 3213416776, 13871700, 0, 3077901128, 1, 0, 1, 13871352, 10395636, 10063129, 9188005, 3213416696, 9087445, 10395636, 134610932, 3213416712, 134518168, 13811904, 134610932, 3213416760, 134585417, 10396452, 10395636, 134585392, 3213416760, 9188517, 13811904, 134585403, 10395636}}}} actionfunction = (void (*)( const char * const *)) 0x804b910