1. A statement explaining the impact Setting up a mirror with debmirror doesn't work. Updating a mirror with debmirror causes the whole mirror to be deleted. This causes major disruptions to users, especially those working on Ubuntu derivatives. The fix has been identified in Debian (see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=435656) and implemented in the package libcompress-zlib-perl 2.005-2, corrected further in version 2.005-3. 2. How the bug has been addressed The bug is address in hardy by version 2.007-1 which contains the Debian fix applied upstream (since version 2.006-1). This bug can be fixed by including the patch 02_restore-gzreadline-record-separator-behaviour.patch from the Debian package version 2.005-3 The same patch has been applied upstream since version 2.006-1, see http://search.cpan.org/src/PMQS/Compress-Zlib-2.007/lib/Compress/Zlib.pm lines 183-188. 3. Patch A patch for gutsy-proposed is attached 4. Instructions to reproduce The following command: debmirror -m --passive --host=archive.ubuntulinux.org --root=ubuntu/ --method=ftp --progress --dist=gutsy --section=multiverse --arch=i386 ubuntu/ --ignore-release-gpg Produces this output: Mirroring to ubuntu/ from ftp://