debian-science 1.7ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


debian-science (1.7ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Sync with Debian. Remaining changes:
    - Don't recommend ghkl, python-sardana since they have been removed.

debian-science (1.7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fix typo in astro-virtual-observatory and again depend on it
  * Remove inactive Uploaders, add Ole Streicher

  * start of automatic changelog entry *

  * Changes in metapackage dependencies
      Depends:  python3-vispy | python-vispy, libgl2ps-dev,
                python3-qwt | python-qwt,
                libqglviewer-dev-qt5 | libqglviewer-dev-qt4, libgts-dev
      Suggests: libcollada-dom2.4-dp-dev
      Depends:  ros-opencv-apps
      Depends:  python-admesh | python3-admesh, python-dolfin, fenics,
                openmeca, calculix-cgx
      Suggests: calculix-cgx-examples, calculix-ccx-test, calculix-ccx-doc
      Depends:  calculix-cgx
      Suggests: calculix-cgx-examples, calculix-ccx-test, calculix-ccx-doc
      Depends:  python3-h5netcdf | python-h5netcdf
      Suggests: python3-pweave
      Depends:  r-cran-lexrankr, r-cran-snowballc
      Suggests: r-cran-nlp,
                python3-snowballstemmer | python-snowballstemmer
      Depends:  libgetdata-tools
      Depends:  r-cran-bradleyterry2, datamash, r-cran-corpcor, pspp
      Suggests: r-cran-brglm, r-cran-gnm
      Depends:  xtensor-dev, calculix-cgx, toulbar2, xtensor-python-dev,
                coinor-cbc, python3-sparse | python-sparse
      Suggests: python3-dbfread, python3-spyder-line-profiler,
                python3-spyder-unittest, python3-agate-dbf,
                python3-spyder-memory-profiler, python3-leather,
                calculix-cgx-examples, python3-agate-excel, python3-agate-sql,
                coinor-libcoinmp-dev, calculix-ccx-test, calculix-ccx-doc,
                evolver-ogl | evolver-nox, python3-agate
      Depends:  toulbar2
      Depends:  libp4est-dev, fenics, slepc-dev, libdeal.ii-dev,
                coinor-libcoinmp-dev, python-slepc4py,
                libjgrapht0.8-java | libjgrapht0.6-java, jel-java,
                trilinos-all-dev, python-petsc4py
      Suggests: libtrilinos-dev
      Depends:  dolfin-dev, libtrilinos-dev, libslepc3.4.2-dev
      Depends:    python-dolfin, toulbar2, python-ufl, coinor-cbc
      Recommends: python-sagenb-export | python3-sagenb-export, python-sagenb
      Suggests:   evolver-ogl | evolver-nox
      Depends:  polybori, polybori-gui, sfc, dolfin-bin
      Depends:  dfcgen-gtk
      Depends:  libp4est-dev, trilinos-all-dev
      Suggests:  calculix-ccx-test, calculix-ccx-doc
      Depends:  giza-dev, gfsview
      Suggests:  libgts-bin
      Depends:  libp4est-dev, python-dolfin, fenics, trilinos-all-dev,
      Depends:  libgetdata-perl, python3-guidata | python-guidata,
                libgetdata-dev, python3-pygetdata | python-pygetdata
      Suggests: r-cran-mi, r-cran-ncdf4
      Depends:  toulbar2
      Suggests:  evolver-ogl | evolver-nox
      Suggests:  lib3ds-dev
      Depends:  coinor-symphony, toulbar2
      Suggests:  coinor-libcoinmp-dev

debian-science (1.6) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Alastair McKinstry ]
  * Update meteorlogy, meteorology-dev tasks,
   changes in jessie -> stretch

  [ Ole Streicher ]
  * Disable default installation for special science fields

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * rebuild using blends-dev 0.6.95
  * Depends to only Suggests: astro-virtualobservator

  [ Ralf Treinen ]
  * Drop package "confluence" from the electronics task

  * start of automatic changelog entry *

  * Changes in metapackage dependencies
      Depends:  r-cran-dynlm, python3-numpy | python-numpy,
                python3-pandas | python-pandas, r-cran-isocodes,
                python3-simpy | python-simpy, python3-scipy | python-scipy,
                r-cran-nleqslv, python3-matplotlib | python-matplotlib
      Depends:  python-simpy, python-matplotlib, python-numpy, python-pandas,
      Depends:  ros-perception, ros-desktop, ros-simulators, gazebo7,
      Suggests: gnuplot
      Depends:  roslang, python-roscreate, python-rosunit, ros-mk, rosbuild,
                python-rosmake, python-rosclean, gazebo5, rosbash
      Suggests: gnuplot | gnuplot5
      Depends:  libignition-msgs-dev, libpcl-dev, ros-desktop-full-lisp-dev,
                ros-desktop-dev, ros-simulators-dev,
                ros-desktop-full-python-dev, libsdformat4-dev,
                ros-desktop-full-dev, ros-perception-dev, libgazebo7-dev,
      Depends:  libgazebo5-dev, libsdformat-dev
      Depends:  openfoam, python-pysph, gazebo7,
                python-escript | python3-escript | python-escript-mpi |
      Depends:  freefoam, pysph
      Depends:  libglm-dev, libforge-dev, libgli-dev, libslvs1-dev,
                libglbinding-dev, libglobjects-dev,
                python3-matplotlib-venn | python-matplotlib-venn,
      Depends:  libgtkdatabox-0.9.2-0-dev
      Depends:  science-workflow, hdf-compass,
                python3-pybind11 | python-pybind11,
                python3-hdf5storage | python-hdf5storage,
                python3-h5py | python-h5py
      Suggests: python3-pydap | python-pydap
      Depends:  python-h5py | python3-h5py, cwltool, snakemake, pegasus-wms,
                python-hdf5storage | python3-hdf5storage
      Depends:  r-cran-fields, hydroffice.bag-tools,
                python3-cartopy | python-cartopy, r-cran-raster
      Depends:  hfst, lttoolbox, uctodata, python3-pynlpl | python-pynlpl,
                giella-sme, hfst-ospell
      Suggests: apertium-mk-en, apertium-en-gl, apertium-id-ms, r-cran-tm,
                apertium-eo-fr, apertium-isl, apertium-kaz-tat, apertium-srd,
                apertium-is-sv, apertium-spa, apertium-ca-it, apertium-urd,
                apertium-hbs-slv, apertium-hin, apertium-sme-nob,
                apertium-eu-en, apertium-es-ast, apertium-spa-arg, apertium-tat,
                apertium-eo-en, apertium-kaz, apertium-arg, apertium-ita,
                apertium-mk-bg, apertium-es-it, apertium-hbs-mkd,
                apertium-swe-nor, apertium-hbs-eng, apertium-srd-ita,
                python3-nltk | python-nltk, apertium-mlt-ara, apertium-isl-eng,
                apertium-hbs, apertium-urd-hin, apertium-arg-cat
      Suggests: python-nltk, python3-nltk
      Depends:  r-cran-modelmetrics, r-cran-lavaan, r-cran-sem, r-cran-qvcalc,
                r-cran-geepack, r-cran-ca, r-cran-gam, r-cran-randomfieldsutils,
                r-cran-glmnet, r-cran-raschsampler, r-cran-erm, r-cran-caret,
                r-cran-reshape2, r-cran-arm, r-cran-nmf, r-cran-goftest,
                r-cran-maptree, r-cran-ggplot2
      Suggests: r-cran-minpack.lm, r-cran-luminescence, r-cran-princurve,
                r-cran-rngtools, r-cran-bbmle, r-cran-ellipse, r-cran-irlba,
      Depends:  python-imageio
      Depends:  torch-core-free, r-cran-mlbench, libmlpack-dev,
                caffe-cpu | caffe-cuda
      Depends:  python3-pynfft | python-pynfft, python3-numpy | python-numpy,
                libprimesieve6-dev, python3-dtcwt | python-dtcwt,
                python3-pyoperators | python-pyoperators, libflint-arb-dev,
                cppad, python3-numexpr | python-numexpr, libsopt-dev,
                python3-pyviennacl | python-pyviennacl, librw-dev,
                python3-gimmik, python3-linop | python-linop
      Suggests: libdune-functions-dev, libdune-pdelab-dev, libcblas-dev,
                libdune-grid-glue-dev, sollya, libsollya-dev,
                libdune-typetree-dev, libdune-uggrid-dev
      Depends:  python-pyoperators | python3-pyoperators, python3-pyviennacl,
                ufc, python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3, python-dtcwt | python3-dtcwt,
                python-numpy, python-ufc, libprimesieve5-dev,
                python-pyfftw | python3-pyfftw, python-pynfft | python3-pynfft,
                python-linop | python3-linop, libsymmetrica-dev,
                python-pyviennacl, python-numexpr | python3-numexpr,
      Depends:  sagemath-database-mutually-combinatorial-designs, flintqs,
                rubiks, maxima-sage, planarity
      Suggests: sagetex
      Depends:  confluence
      Depends:  python3-numpy | python-numpy, pyzo,
                python3-arrayfire | python-arrayfire,
                python3-guiqwt | python-guiqwt,
                python-escript | python3-escript | python-escript-mpi |
                python3-escript-mpi, python-pysph,
                python3-tables | python-tables, python3-deap | python-deap,
                python3-bitstring | python-bitstring,
                python3-scipy | python-scipy, libppl-dev, libclsparse-dev,
                python3-matplotlib | python-matplotlib,
                python3-theano | python-theano, librsb-dev,
                python3-lmfit | python-lmfit
      Suggests: theano-doc, libcblas-dev, python3-bcolz
      Depends:  python-matplotlib, libcompute-dev,
                python-lmfit | python3-lmfit, python-numpy, python-scipy,
                python-deap, python-bitstring | python3-bitstring,
                python-guiqwt, python-arrayfire | python3-arrayfire,
                python-tables | python3-tables, pysph
      Depends:  pandoc-citeproc, r-cran-knitr,
                texmaker | kile | lyx | texmacs | auctex | vim-latexsuite |
                texstudio, sagetex, pandoc
      Suggests: r-cran-shape, r-cran-gridbase, r-cran-highr, r-cran-scatterd3
      Depends:  texmacs, lyx, auctex
      Suggests: texmaker
      Depends:  python3-pynfft | python-pynfft
      Suggests: libgtkdatabox-dev
      Depends:  libfreefoam-dev, python-pynfft | python3-pynfft,
                python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3, syfi-dev
      Suggests: libgtkdatabox-0.9.2-0-dev
      Depends:  rlplot, gnuplot, solvespace
      Suggests: r-cran-qqman, r-cran-shape
      Depends:  python-viper, python-matplotlib-venn | python3-matplotlib-venn,
                gnuplot | gnuplot5
      Depends:  python3-multipletau | python-multipletau,
                python3-pynfft | python-pynfft
      Depends:  python-pyfftw | python3-pyfftw, libfreefoam-dev,
                python-pynfft | python3-pynfft, python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3,
                python-multipletau | python3-multipletau
      Depends:  liblog4tango-dev, libsdsl-dev, libtango-dev
      Depends:  liblog4tango5-dev, libtango8-dev
      Suggests:  libcblas-dev
      Suggests:  rubiks
      Depends:  pyfr
      Depends:  freefoam
      Depends:  python3-netcdf4, python-metaconfig, python3-gsw, python3-cdo,
                metview, python3-metaconfig, python-iapws, python3-iapws,
                cmor-tables, cdftools, flexpart, python-gsw,
                libeccodes-api-tools, python3-sphere, fcm, python3-drslib,
                python3-cmor, python3-eccodes, makedepf90, libemos-bin, flextra,
                python3-ferret, cylc, python-ferret, python-cdo
      Suggests: geonetwork
      Depends:  freefoam, libgrib-api-tools, visit, geonetwork,
      Depends:  openfoam,
                python-escript | python3-escript | python-escript-mpi |
                python3-escript-mpi, solvespace, scram
      Depends:  freefoam
      Depends:  gnuplot, python3-lmfit | python-lmfit
      Depends:  python-lmfit | python3-lmfit, gnuplot | gnuplot5
      Depends:  python3-imageio | python-imageio
      Depends:  python-imageio
      Depends:  z3, why3, why
      Recommends:  otter
      Depends:  openfoam
      Depends:  freefoam
      Depends:  libeccodes-tools, libmagics++-dev, mpi-defaults-dev,
                libeccodes-dev, libcdi-dev, libcoarrays-bin, libcoarrays-dev,
      Suggests: python3-coards | python-coards, libcblas-dev, udunits-bin
      Depends:  libfreefoam-dev, libgrib-api-tools, libgrib-api-dev
  * New metapackages:

debian-science (1.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ole Streicher ]
  * Replace astronomy and astronomy-dev packages with the metapackages
    from debian-astro
  * Recommend other science blends tasks in science-tasks
  * Push Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (No changes)

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * Add new task imageanalysis-dev
  * Fix package description in engineering
    Closes: #730282
  * Remove python-pyke from machine-learning
    Closes: #799284
  * Use secure URI for Vcs-Git

  [ Sylvestre Ledru ]
  * Remove myself from the uploaders

  * start of automatic changelog entry *

  * Changes in metapackage dependencies
      Depends:  nifti2dicom, qnifti2dicom
      Depends:  r-cran-ecdat, r-cran-rsdmx, python-quantecon, r-other-gecon,
                r-other-bmr, r-cran-vars, recs, x13-arima-seats, minsky
      Suggests:  science-social
      Depends:  qtoctave
      Depends:  roslang, python-roscreate, python-rosunit, ros-mk, rosbuild,
                python-rosmake, python-rosclean, gazebo5, rosbash
      Suggests:  gnuplot | gnuplot5
      Depends:  ros, gazebo
      Suggests:  octovis, gnuplot
      Depends:  libgazebo5-dev, libsimbody-dev, libignition-math2-dev,
      Depends:  python3-woo | python-woo, calculix-ccx, python-sfepy, pysph,
      Suggests:  ceres-solver-doc, libopensurgsim-dev
      Depends:  python-gnuplotlib
      Depends:  cwltool, snakemake, python-h5py | python3-h5py,
                python-hdf5storage | python3-hdf5storage
      Suggests:  libmemtailor-dev
      Depends:  apertium-lex-tools, cg3, libcld2-dev
      Suggests: apertium-en-ca, apertium-dan, apertium-es-pt, apertium-dan-nor,
                apertium-cat, apertium-fra, apertium-nno, apertium-fra-cat,
                apertium-br-fr, apertium-eu-es, apertium-fr-ca, apertium-en-es,
                apertium-oc-ca, apertium-pt-gl, apertium-swe-dan,
                apertium-af-nl, apertium-fr-es, apertium-apy, apertium-nob,
                apertium-eo-ca, apertium-pt-ca, apertium-nno-nob,
                apertium-es-gl, libcg3-dev, apertium-swe, apertium-es-ro,
                apertium-eo-es, apertium-oc-es, apertium-cy-en, apertium-es-ca
      Depends:  apophenia-bin, r-cran-contfrac, r-cran-coin, r-cran-logspline,
                r-cran-hypergeo, r-cran-conting, r-cran-bayesfactor,
                r-cran-rsdmx, r-cran-modeltools, r-cran-vcdextra,
                r-cran-desolve, r-cran-elliptic, r-cran-rinside,
                r-cran-estimability, r-cran-afex, r-cran-bms, r-cran-pbivnorm,
                r-cran-lsmeans, r-cran-pbapply
      Suggests: r-cran-fastmatch, r-cran-r.utils, r-cran-blockmodeling,
                r-cran-futile.logger, r-cran-nnls, r-cran-catools,
                r-cran-lambda.r, libapophenia2-dev, r-cran-futile.options,
                r-cran-r.oo, r-cran-igraph, r-cran-magrittr
      Depends:  python-imageio, limereg
      Depends:  libcv-dev
      Suggests: libsimage-dev, libvigraimpex-dev, python-vigra, libvlfeat-dev,
                cimg-dev, libvisad-java
      Suggests:  libdlib-dev
      Depends:  python-pyke
      Depends:  libplb-dev, libmathic-dev, libfrobby-dev, libnauty2-dev,
                python-dtcwt | python3-dtcwt, python-cylp, libprimesieve5-dev,
                python-pyfftw | python3-pyfftw, libsymmetrica2-dev,
                libmpfi-dev, libecm-dev, libqsopt-ex-dev, libmathicgb-dev
      Suggests:  libtestu01-0-dev, jsurf-alggeo
      Suggests:  libnauty-dev, libntl-dev, libcliquer-dev
      Suggests:  ckon
      Depends:  mathicgb, singular, surf-alggeo, qsopt-ex, normaliz, graphviz,
                frobby, geneagrapher, auto-07p, 4ti2
      Recommends:  gap-openmath, gap-grape
      Suggests:  gap-io, gmp-ecm, gap-scscp, primesieve
      Suggests:  cliquer
      Depends:  fpga-icestorm, arachne-pnr, graywolf
      Depends:  python3-woo | python-woo, python-sfepy, geneva, libopengm-dev,
                libceres-dev, iep, qsopt-ex, easea, libclblas-dev, calculix-ccx,
                libarrayfire-unified-dev, pysph,
                python-bitstring | python3-bitstring,
                python-arrayfire | python3-arrayfire,
                libcompute-dev, libqsopt-ex-dev, libclfft-dev
      Suggests:  ceres-solver-doc
      Depends:  gummi
      Depends:  libplb-dev, python-pynfft | python3-pynfft, libsis-jhdf5-java,
      Suggests:  ceres-solver-doc, calculix-ccx-test, calculix-ccx-doc
      Depends:  python-nfft3 | python3-nfft3
      Depends:  python-matplotlib-venn | python3-matplotlib-venn,
                gnuplot | gnuplot5
      Suggests:  r-cran-vioplot
      Depends:  gnuplot
      Depends:  astro-java, astro-development, astro-python, astro-python3,
      Depends:  libnova-dev, python-pyfits, libgyoto1-dev, libstarlink-pal-dev,
                python-healpy, python-astropy-legacy, libcfitsio3-dev,
                libastro-fits-cfitsio-perl, libwcstools-dev, liberfa-dev,
                tcl-fitstcl, libcpl-dev, libivoafits-java, python-pywcs,
                libccfits-dev, slang-cfitsio, libfits-java, python-cpl,
                libchealpix-dev, libstarlink-ast-dev, libhealipx-cxx-dev,
                libworldwind-java, casacore-dev, libqfits-dev, wcslib-dev
      Depends:  astro-catalogs, astro-gdl, astro-viewers, astro-education,
                astro-tools, astro-python, astro-datareduction,
                astro-publication, astro-python3, astro-frameworks,
                astro-telescopecontrol, astro-simulation
      Depends:  gpredict, predict, sncosmo, gliese, python-pyfits,
                astronomical-almanac, boinc-app-seti, seesat5, eso-midas,
                audela, x11iraf, yorick-full, boinc-app-milkyway, worldwind,
                python3-pyfits, celestia, xplanet-images, lightspeed, splash,
                xorsa, savi, wcslib-tools, gcx, orbfit, sextractor, ftools-fv,
                astroquery, linoccult, kstars, python3-astropy, xplanet,
                casacore-tools, python-pywcs, iraf, fitscheck, xephem,
                python-cpl, spacechart, openuniverse, fitsverify, ssystem,
                wxastrocapture, saods9, qfits-tools, python-astropy, wcstools,
                xpa-tools, astroml, starplot,, skycat, stellarium,
                python-pyds9, yale, funtools, python-pyraf, esorex,
                stardata-common, gyoto
      Suggests: cpl-plugin-uves, yorick-cubeview, cpl-plugin-fors, pgplot5,
                cpl-plugin-xsh, cpl-plugin-giraf, yorick-spydr, xtide,
                xtide-data, cpl-plugin-hawki, python-scientific, yorick-yao,
                stars, sunclock, scilab-celestlab, cpl-plugin-amber,
                cpl-plugin-kmos, yorick-gyoto, cpl-plugin-vimos,
                cpl-plugin-sinfo, pdl, yorick-mira, scilab-scimysql,
                scilab-overload, yorick-svipc, python-healpy
      Ignore:  gstar
      Depends:  libplb-dev, libasl-dev, python-pyfftw | python3-pyfftw
      Depends:  libismrmrd-dev
      Depends:  python-scoop
      Depends:  wannier90-1-dev, libpspio-dev, libclipper-dev, libsis-jhdf5-java
      Recommends:  libhdf5-dev
      Suggests:  python-h5py
      Depends:  libfox95, libxc, fftw-dev, libnbc, libtrilinos-dev, libpspio,
                sfftw-dev, wannier90-dev, libtrilinos-doc
      Depends:  gpaw
      Depends:  calculix-ccx
      Depends:  libxc, scilab-sivp, liblevmar-2-6, gnuplot | gnuplot5, scilab,
                wannier90-2, wannier90-1
      Recommends:  ncview, nco
      Suggests:  pymca, libgraphviz-perl, hdf5-helpers, python-pygraphviz,
                 openmpi-doc | mpich-doc, netcdf-doc, maxima, dxsamples, axiom,
      Depends:  wannier90, gnuplot, pymca, crystfel, espresso++, nco,
                netcdf-doc, ncview
      Recommends:  axiom, maxima
      Suggests:  openmpi-doc | mpich-doc | lam-mpidoc, scilab-sivp, gmsh
  * New metapackages:

 -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>  Sat, 28 Oct 2017 19:02:29 -0400

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Jeremy BĂ­cha
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Science Team
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


Bionic: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
debian-science_1.7ubuntu1.tar.xz 91.0 KiB f62fbef8ab4963ffe0a976f741028336fc6d7a8df7969f841d7789b18047a390
debian-science_1.7ubuntu1.dsc 5.1 KiB 6de02277699b42281bb080f4752b15344a9f56927015b1f5d0945d94c06f23c8

Available diffs

View changes file

Binary packages built by this source

science-all: Default selection of tasks for Debian Science

 This package is part of the Debian Science Pure Blend and installs all
 tasks for a default installation of this blend.

science-astronomy: Debian Science Astronomy transitional package

 Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
 control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
 install all user related tasks from Debian-Astro.

science-astronomy-dev: Debian Science Astronomy-dev transitional package

 Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
 control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
 install all development related tasks from Debian-Astro.

science-biology: Debian Science Biology packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Biology. You might also be interested in the field::biology debtag.
 This metapackage makes use of the packages med-bio and med-bio-dev
 (for development of biological applications) which are maintained
 by Debian Med - another Debian Pure Blend. If you are a biologist
 you are most probably interested in the Debian Med project which
 deals with biology and medicine in much more detail then the more
 general Debian Science.

science-chemistry: Debian Science Chemistry packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Chemistry. You might also be interested in the field::chemistry
 debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-chemistry

science-config: Debian Science Project config package

 This package provides the basic infrastructure of all science-* packages and is
 needed by them.
 These are the science related metapackages in the Debian Science project:
  * science-biology packages related to biology
  * science-chemistry packages related to chemistry
  * science-dataacquisition packages related to data acquisition
  * science-dataacquisition-dev packages related to data acquisition
  * science-distributedcomputing distributed computing packages
  * science-economics packages related to economics
  * science-electrophysiology packages related to electrophysiology
  * science-electronics packages related to electronics
  * science-engineering packages related to engineering
  * science-engineering-dev packages related to development of
                            engineering applications
  * science-financial packages related to financial engineering
  * science-geography packages related to geography
  * science-geometry packages related to geometry
  * science-highenergy-physics packages related to high energy physics
  * science-highenergy-physics-dev packages related to development of
                            high energy physics applications
  * science-linguistics packages related to linguistics
  * science-machine-learning packages related to machine learning
  * science-mathematics packages related to mathematics
  * science-mathematics-dev packages related to development of
                            mathematical applications
  * science-meteorology packages related to meteorology and climate
  * science-meteorology-dev packages related to the development of
                            meteorology and climate applications
  * science-nanoscale-physics packages related to nanoscale physics
  * science-nanoscale-physics-dev packages useful for developing nanoscale
                            physics applications
  * science-neuroscience-cognitive packages related to cognitive
  * science-neuroscience-datasets packages for Neuroscience Datasets
  * science-neuroscience-modeling packages for modeling of neural
  * science-physics packages related to physics
  * science-physics-dev packages related to development of physical
  * science-psychophysics packages related to packages for psychophysics
  * science-robotics packages related to robotics
  * science-robotics-dev packages related to development of robotics
  * science-simulation packages to do simulations
  * science-social packages related to social sciences
 This are metapackages for common utilities for all sciences:
  * science-imageanalysis packages related to image analysis
  * science-imageanalysis-dev packages related to image analysis
  * science-numericalcomputation packages related to numerical
  * science-presentation packages related to presentation
  * science-statistics packages related to statistics
  * science-tools packages containing misc tools useful in science
  * science-typesetting packages related to typesetting
  * science-viewing packages related to viewing
  * science-viewing-dev packages related to development of viewing
 Note: All these packages are so called metapackages. This means they are not
 executable programs, but only links to other packages. This way you will
 conveniently get most of scientific free software which is available in

science-dataacquisition: Debian Science data acquisition packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to data
 acquisition. This might be used in several sciences (as for instance
 science-viewing and science-typesetting).

science-dataacquisition-dev: Debian Science data acquisition development packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which are helpful
 to develop applications related to data acquisition. This might be
 used in several sciences.

science-distributedcomputing: Debian Science Distributed Computing packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages useful for
 various types of distributed computing, such as grid-, cloud-, cluster-
 and parallel-computing.

science-economics: Debian Science Economics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages useful for economics and
 econometrics. It includes user-friendly programs for simulating and estimating
 macro-economic and micro-economic models. It also provides computing
 environments which can solve a wide range of problems typically encountered in
 economic research. These environments provide functionalities similar to those
 of popular non-free systems (such as MATLAB, Mathematica, Stata or SAS).

science-electronics: Debian Science Electronics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Electronics. You might also be interested in the field::electronics
 debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-electronics

science-electrophysiology: Debian Science packages for Electrophysiology

 This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for
 scientists doing electrophysiology-based neuroscience research.
 The selection of packages is targeting the application of analysis
 techniques. Methods developers are referred to the
 science-statistics, science-imageanalysis, science-numericalcomputation,
 med-imaging, and med-imaging-dev metapackages for a variety of additional
 software that might be useful for electrophysiology research.

science-engineering: Debian Science Engineering packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to Engineering.
 Please note that there is an additional package engineering-dev
 which depends from packages which are useful to develop engineering
 related software.

science-engineering-dev: Debian Science Engineering-dev packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
 helpful for development of applications for Engineering.
 You might also be interested in the science-engineering metapackage.

science-financial: Debian Science financial engineering and computational finance

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages for financial
 engineering and computational finance.

science-geography: Debian Science Geography packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Geography. You might also be interested in the field::geography
 debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-geography

science-geometry: Debian Science geometry packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 geometry. You might also be interested in the field::mathematics
 debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-mathematics

science-highenergy-physics: Debian Science High Energy Physics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to High Energy
 Physics, which is a branch of physics that studies the elementary subatomic
 constituents of matter and radiation, and their interactions. The field is
 also called Particle Physics.
 You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
 your focus, in the physics and education-physics metapackages.

science-highenergy-physics-dev: Debian Science High Energy Physics development packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to development
 of High Energy Physics applications, which is a branch of physics that studies
 the elementary subatomic constituents of matter and radiation, and their
 interactions. The field is also called Particle Physics.
 You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
 your focus, in the physics and education-physics metapackages.

science-imageanalysis: Debian Science image analysis packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 scientific image acquisition. This might be used in several
 sciences (as for instance science-dataacquisition, science-viewing
 and science-typesetting).

science-imageanalysis-dev: Debian Science development of image analysis applications

 This metapackage will install Debian Science development libraries to
 develop scientific image analysis applications acquisitions.

science-linguistics: Debian Science Linguistics packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to Linguistics.

science-logic: Debian Science Logic packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to Computational Logic. It contains
 formula transformation tools, solvers for formulas specified in
 various logics, interactive proof systems, etc.

science-machine-learning: Debian Science Machine Learning packages

 This metapackage will install packages useful for machine learning.
 Included packages range from knowledge-based (expert) inference
 systems to software implementing the advanced statistical methods
 that currently dominate the field.

science-mathematics: Debian Science Mathematics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Mathematics. You might also be interested in the field::mathematics
 debtag and, depending on your focus, in the education-mathematics

science-mathematics-dev: Debian Science Mathematics-dev packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
 helpful for development of applications for Mathematics.
 You might also be interested in the science-mathematics metapackage.

science-meteorology: Debian Science Meteorology packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to Meteorology and Climate.

science-meteorology-dev: Debian Science Meteorology-dev packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
 helpful for development of applications for Meteorology and Climate.
 You might also be interested in the science-meteorology metapackage.

science-nanoscale-physics: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 Nanoscale Physics, which corresponds to the study of physical systems
 typically ranging from 1 to 100 nm in size. The properties of such
 systems usually depend on the number of atoms they are made of, while
 this number is still relatively large for an accurate description.
 The nanoscale is the meeting point of classical and quantum physics.
 Previous research efforts were considering either smaller systems, for
 which everybody could develop their own methods and software
 independently, or much bigger systems, for which it was clearly
 impossible to provide a fine-grained description. Addressing the issues
 raised by the nanoscale requires however cooperative and coordinated
 efforts in a multidisciplinary context. This metapackage is part of
 such an endeavor.
 You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
 your focus, in the physics and education-physics metapackages.

science-nanoscale-physics-dev: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics development packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
 helpful for the development of applications for Nanoscale Physics.
 You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending
 on your focus, in the nanoscale-physics, physics and education-physics

science-neuroscience-cognitive: Debian Science packages for Cognitive Neuroscience

 This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for
 scientists doing cognitive neuroscience research. This comprises the full
 research process from conducting psychophysical experiments, over data
 acquisition and analysis, to visualization and typesetting of scientific
 The selection of packages is targeting the application of analysis
 techniques. Methods developers are referred to the science-statistics,
 science-imageanalysis, science-numericalcomputation, med-imaging, and
 med-imaging-dev metapackages for a variety of additional software that
 might be useful in the context of cognitive neuroscience.

science-neuroscience-modeling: Debian Science packages for modeling of neural systems

 This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for
 scientists interested in modeling of real neural systems at different
 levels (from single neuron to complex networks).
 The selection of packages is targeting the application of simulation
 techniques. Methods developers are referred to the
 science-statistics, science-imageanalysis,
 science-numericalcomputation, med-imaging, and med-imaging-dev
 metapackages for a variety of additional software that might be
 useful for neuroscience research.

science-numericalcomputation: Debian Science Numerical Computation packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages useful for
 numerical computation. The packages provide an array oriented
 calculation and visualisation system for scientific computing and
 data analysis. These packages are similar to commercial systems such
 as Matlab and IDL.

science-physics: Debian Science Physics packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Physics.
 You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
 your focus, in education-physics metapackage.

science-physics-dev: Debian Science Physics-dev packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
 helpful for development of applications for Mathematics.
 You might also be interested in the science-physics metapackage.

science-presentation: Debian Science generic tools for presentations

 This metapackage will install Debian Science some packages which are
 useful for doing presentations for instance on scientific conferences.

science-psychophysics: Debian Science packages for Psychophysics

 This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful for
 carrying out any experiment relating physical stimuli and their
 psychological effects.
 The selection of packages is targeting software for stimuli delivery.
 For additional software related to the analysis of the acquired data
 refer to science-neuroscience-cognitive, med-imaging depending on the
 domain of application. Additionally look into
 science-bci since those often provide a complete loop
 frameworks including stimuli delivery.

science-robotics: Debian Robotics packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to Robotics.
 You might also be interested in the science-engineering metapackage.

science-robotics-dev: Debian Robotics development packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages that are relevant to develop applications
 for robotics.

science-simulations: Debian Science Simulation packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages that are
 used to do simulations in different fields of science.

science-social: Debian Science social sciences packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages useful for social

science-statistics: Debian Science Statistics packages

 This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science"
 and installs packages related to statistics. This task is a general
 task which might be useful for any scientific work. It depends from
 a lot of R packages as well as from other tools which are useful to
 do statistics. Moreover the Science Mathematics task is suggested
 to optionally install all mathematics related software.

science-tasks: Debian Science tasks for tasksel

 This package is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and provides
 additional tasks for tasksel. If this package will be installed all tasks
 which are provided by Debian Science will be added to the tasksel menu.

science-typesetting: Debian Science typesetting packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
 typesetting. You might also be interested in the use::typesetting

science-viewing: Debian Science data visualisation packages

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to data
 visualization. You might also be interested in the use::viewing

science-viewing-dev: Debian Science development of visualisation applications

 This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to the
 development of applications to visualise scientific data.

science-workflow: workflow management systems useful for scientific research

 This task lists some packages providing workflow management
 systems useful for scientific research.