Here's another example from Jaunty, updated from the main repository as of 20 March 2009. The attempt is to print two copies of a 40k jpg image file using the Eye of Gnome to a HP 970C Deskjet. Here is some information from the CUPS error_log with logging set to the 'debug' level. I [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Queued on "HP970Cxi" by "tom". I [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] job-sheets=none,none D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] banner_page = 0 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[0]="HP970Cxi" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[1]="36" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[2]="tom" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[3]="164.JPG" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[4]="2" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] argv[5]="Quality=FromPrintoutMode number-up=1 PrintoutMode=Normal Duplex=DuplexNoTumble PageSize=Letter job-uuid=urn:uuid:c3bf4733-78fd-3ab2-7d74-c670b9d6687f" ... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Getting input from file D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] foomatic-rip version running... ... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Parameter Summary D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] ----------------- D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Spooler: cups D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Printer: HP970Cxi D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Shell: /bin/bash D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/HP970Cxi.ppd D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] ATTR file: D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Printer model: HP Deskjet 970c Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.7 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Job title: 164.JPG ... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Filetype: PDF D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Storing temporary files in /var/spool/cups/tmp E [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] freed object:9 found I [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] PID 9410 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors. D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] File contains 4 pages NOTE: the two copies are now expanded to a file containing 4 pages! Ghostscript rendering fails at the next step, probably from a corrupt input. D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Starting renderer with command: gs -dFirstPage=1 -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="DESKJET 930" -dDuplex=true -dTumble=false -r300 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- /var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-NAjuU1 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Starting process "kid3" (generation 1) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Starting process "kid4" (generation 2) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] JCL: %-12345X@PJL D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Starting process "renderer" (generation 2) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost (Domain) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided. D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] Get-Notifications / D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="tom" D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided. D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/36 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok) D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 7 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] GPL Ghostscript 8.64: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] renderer exited with status 1 I [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf... D [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] [Job 36] Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.Kid3 exit status: 3 E [20/Mar/2009:11:31:01 -0400] PID 9411 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 9!