Page 1 (Scheduler not running?): {'cups_connection_failure': False} Page 2 (Choose printer): {'cups_dest': , 'cups_instance': None, 'cups_queue': 'Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'cups_queue_listed': True} Page 3 (Check printer sanity): {'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'socket', 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'socket://', 'printer-info': u'Xerox Phaser 6180MFP-D', 'printer-is-shared': True, 'printer-location': u'Local Printer', 'printer-make-and-model': u'Xerox Phaser 6180DN', 'printer-state': 3, 'printer-state-message': u'/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], 'printer-type': 37084, 'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25'}, 'cups_printer_remote': False, 'is_cups_class': False} Page 4 (Check PPD sanity): {'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {u'AdvancedMedia': {u'Collate': u'False', u'MediaType': u'Default', u'XRCustomPageSizeCorrection': u'True', u'XRMSILeadingEdge': u'ShortEdge', 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device): {'cups_device_dict': {'device-class': u'network', 'device-id': u'', 'device-info': u'Xerox Phaser 6180MFP-D; Net 11.68', 'device-make-and-model': u'Xerox Phaser 6180MFP-D; Net 11.68'}} Page 7 (Printer state reasons): {'printer-state-message': u'/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none']} Page 8 (Error log checkpoint): {'cups_server_settings': {'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic', 'SystemGroup': 'lpadmin', '_debug_logging': '0', '_remote_admin': '0', '_remote_any': '0', '_remote_printers': '0', '_share_printers': '0', '_user_cancel_any': '0'}, 'error_log_checkpoint': 4685L, 'error_log_debug_logging_set': True} Page 9 (Print test page): {'test_page_job_status': [(False, 13, 'Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'A9ROQVZhfh', 'Stopped', None), (True, 14, 'Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'A9ROZeLkz6', 'Stopped', {'Collate': False, 'Duplex': u'None', 'InputSlot': u'BypassTray', 'InstalledMemory': u'128Meg', 'MediaType': u'Default', 'PageRegion': u'Letter', 'PageSize': u'Letter', 'Smoothing': True, 'XRBrightness': u'Normal', 'XRColorMode': u'Color', 'XRColorModeSetting': u'Color', 'XRColorTemperature': u'TemperatureD65', 'XRCustomPageSizeCorrection': True, 'XRDuplexOption': True, 'XREngineScreen': u'Auto', 'XRGrayBalance': True, 'XRHalftoneMode': True, 'XRHardDisk': False, 'XRMSILeadingEdge': u'ShortEdge', 'XROutputMode': u'HighSpeed', 'XRPaperTrayConfiguration': u'None', 'XRRGBBCorrection': u'Standard', 'XRRGBCorrection': u'None', 'XRRGBImageType': u'Standard', 'XRRGBInputProfile': u'SRGB', 'XRSaveBlankSheet': False, 'XRSlipSheetPrint': False, 'XRSlipSheetTray': u'OFF', 'XRSubPaperSelection': u'SMH', 'XRTonerSaver': False, 'attributes-charset': u'utf-8', 'attributes-natural-language': u'en-us', 'copies': 1, 'document-format': u'application/postscript', 'finishings': 3, 'job-hold-until': u'no-hold', 'job-id': 14, 'job-k-octets': 1499, 'job-media-sheets-completed': 1, 'job-more-info': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/14', 'job-name': u'A9ROZeLkz6', 'job-originating-host-name': u'localhost', 'job-originating-user-name': u'hachi', 'job-preserved': True, 'job-printer-state-message': u'/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed', 'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], 'job-printer-up-time': 1244399990, 'job-printer-uri': u'ipp://rodent:631/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'job-priority': 50, 'job-sheets': [u'none', u'none'], 'job-state': 6, 'job-state-reasons': u'job-stopped', 'job-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/14', 'job-uuid': u'urn:uuid:98a5443e-0a10-3188-49dc-7b65fcb0be76', 'media': u'Letter', 'number-up': 1, 'printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'sides': u'one-sided', 'time-at-completed': None, 'time-at-creation': 1244399968, 'time-at-processing': 1244399968})], 'test_page_successful': False} Page 10 (Error log fetch): {'error_log': ['D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:38 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:38 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:38 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:38 -0400] [Job 13] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:38 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 2] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 3] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 4] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 5] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 6] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 7] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 8] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 9] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 10] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 11] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] [Job 12] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:39 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Create-Printer-Subscription /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0xb8dffac0(8), uri="/")', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] pullmethod="ippget"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] notify-lease-duration=86400', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] notify-time-interval=0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Added subscription 7 for server', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: clients=1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: jobs=12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: jobs-active=1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: printers=1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: printers-implicit=0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: stringpool-string-count=1942', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=11176', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:43 -0400] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=39064', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:45 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:45 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:45 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:45 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:38:45 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 9', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:21 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 9', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 9', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:22 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 9', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 9', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:26 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] CUPS-Get-Printers', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] CUPS-Get-Classes', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST /printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25 HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job ???] Request file type is application/postscript.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] add_job: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Adding start banner page "none".', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Adding end banner page "none".', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] File of type application/postscript queued by "hachi".', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] hold_until=0', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Queued on "Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25" by "hachi".', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] job-sheets=none,none', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] banner_page = 0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[0]="Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[1]="14"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[2]="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[3]="A9ROZeLkz6"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[4]="1"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[5]="media=Letter sides=one-sided finishings=3 number-up=1 noCollate Duplex=None InputSlot=BypassTray InstalledMemory=128Meg MediaType=Default PageRegion=Letter PageSize=Letter Smoothing XRBrightness=Normal XRColorMode=Color XRColorModeSetting=Color XRColorTemperature=TemperatureD65 XRCustomPageSizeCorrection XRDuplexOption XREngineScreen=Auto XRGrayBalance XRHalftoneMode noXRHardDisk XRMSILeadingEdge=ShortEdge XROutputMode=HighSpeed XRPaperTrayConfiguration=None XRRGBBCorrection=Standard XRRGBCorrection=None XRRGBImageType=Standard XRRGBInputProfile=SRGB noXRSaveBlankSheet noXRSlipSheetPrint XRSlipSheetTray=OFF XRSubPaperSelection=SMH noXRTonerSaver job-uuid=urn:uuid:98a5443e-0a10-3188-49dc-7b65fcb0be76"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00014-001"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@rodent"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[12]="TZ=America/New_York"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[13]="USER=root"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[18]="LANG=en_US.UTF8"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=socket://"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[23]="PRINTER=Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] envp[24]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-postscript"', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 13107)', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 13108)', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps (PID 13109)', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 13113)', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] pstopdf argv[6] = 14 hachi A9ROZeLkz6 1 media=Letter sides=one-sided finishings=3 number-up=1 noCollate Duplex=None InputSlot=BypassTray InstalledMemory=128Meg MediaType=Default PageRegion=Letter PageSize=Letter Smoothing XRBrightness=Normal XRColorMode=Color XRColorModeSetting=Color XRColorTemperature=TemperatureD65 XRCustomPageSizeCorrection XRDuplexOption XREngineScreen=Auto XRGrayBalance XRHalftoneMode noXRHardDisk XRMSILeadingEdge=ShortEdge XROutputMode=HighSpeed XRPaperTrayConfiguration=None XRRGBBCorrection=Standard XRRGBCorrection=None XRRGBImageType=Standard XRRGBInputProfile=SRGB noXRSaveBlankSheet noXRSlipSheetPrint XRSlipSheetTray=OFF XRSubPaperSelection=SMH noXRTonerSaver job-uuid=urn:uuid:98a5443e-0a10-3188-49dc-7b65fcb0be76 /var/spool/cups/d00014-001', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25.ppd', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Connected to (IPv4)...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=5, use_bc=1, side_cb=0xb80fbfc0)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Resolution: 600', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Page size: Letter', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 12 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/14', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 12 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Width: 612, height: 792, absolute margins: , , ,', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Relative margins: , , ,', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] PostScript to be injected:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] PPD options: -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] [Job 14] Running cat | /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 - -', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:28 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 12', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Error: /undefined in NZHJJJ+TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Operand stack:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] false NZHJJJ+TimesNewRomanPSMT*1 --nostringval--', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Execution stack:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1862 1 3 %oparray_pop 1861 1 3 %oparray_pop 1845 1 3 %oparray_pop 1739 1 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- %errorexec_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval--', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Dictionary stack:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] --dict:1156/1684(ro)(G)-- --dict:1/20(G)-- --dict:80/200(L)-- --dict:57/75(L)-- --dict:211/313(L)-- --dict:72/140(L)-- --dict:2/10(G)-- --dict:0/10(L)-- --dict:2/50(ro)(G)-- --dict:56/71(L)--', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Current allocation mode is global', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Last OS error: 2', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] GPL Ghostscript 8.64: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] cat: write error: Broken pipe', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] cat: write error: Broken pipe', 'E [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] PID 13107 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) stopped with status 1!', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] PID 13108 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] Device copies: 1; device collate:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] pdftops - copying to temp print file "/tmp/4a2c0961ce469"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:29 -0400] [Job 14] **** Warning: File has a corrupted %%EOF marker, or garbage after %%EOF.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Page = 612x792; 12,12 to 600,780', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %!PS-Adobe-3.0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%Pages: (atend)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%BoundingBox: (atend)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%HiResBoundingBox: (atend)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 864 (pswrite)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%CreationDate: 2009/06/07 14:39:30', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%LanguageLevel: 3', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] %%EndComments', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Copying page 1...', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] pagew = 588.8, pagel = 768.8', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 612, bboxl = 792', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] PageLeft = 11.6, PageRight = 600.4', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] PageTop = 780.4, PageBottom = 11.6', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] PageWidth = 612.0, PageLength = 792.0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 13 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 13', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 13 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 13', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14]', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** The file was produced by:', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** >>>> pdftopdf <<<<', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** Please notify the author of the software that produced this', "D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF", 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] **** specification.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14]', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 1 pages...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 2032 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 2032 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Read 117 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] [Job 14] Wrote 117 bytes of print data...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] PID 13109 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps) exited with no errors.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:30 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] PID 13113 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket) exited with no errors.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] [Job 14] File 0 is complete.', 'E [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] [Job 14] Job stopped due to filter errors.', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 13 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 13', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 13 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 14 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://rodent:631/printers/Xerox_Phaser_6180MFP-D_152.16.225.25', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/14', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 14 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdCloseClient: 13', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] Get-Notifications /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:36 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:37 -0400] [Job 14] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 2] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 3] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 4] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 5] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 6] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 7] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 8] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 9] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 10] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 11] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 12] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 13] Unloading...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/14', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] [Job 14] Loading attributes...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: clients=3', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: jobs=13', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: jobs-active=2', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: printers=1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: printers-implicit=0', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: stringpool-string-count=1304', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=10320', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=29248', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Cancel-Subscription /', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="hachi"', 'I [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:50 -0400] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0 (successful-ok)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:51 -0400] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:52 -0400] cupsdReadClient: 13 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1', 'D [07/Jun/2009:14:39:52 -0400] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.'], 'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True} Page 11 (Locale issues): {'job_page_size': u'Letter', 'printer_page_size': u'Letter', 'system_locale_lang': None, 'user_locale_ctype': 'en_US', 'user_locale_messages': 'en_US'}