Activity log for bug #1868268

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2020-03-20 14:08:27 Bullet bug added bug
2020-03-20 14:10:15 Bullet description printer brother ql-700 label printer 205/5000 I seem to be recognized but when I try to print a file edited with glabels I can't do it, it shows me a first tooltip impression, and a second impression finished, but there does not react Page 1 (<troubleshoot.SchedulerNotRunning.SchedulerNotRunning object at 0x7f122989ea60>): {'cups_connection_failure': False} Page 2 (<troubleshoot.CheckLocalServerPublishing.CheckLocalServerPublishing object at 0x7f122989e280>): {'local_server_exporting_printers': False} Page 3 (<troubleshoot.ChoosePrinter.ChoosePrinter object at 0x7f12298b0520>): {'cups_dest': <cups.Dest Brother-QL-700 (default)>, 'cups_instance': None, 'cups_queue': 'Brother-QL-700', 'cups_queue_listed': True} Page 4 (<troubleshoot.CheckPrinterSanity.CheckPrinterSanity object at 0x7f12298b00d0>): {'cups_device_uri_scheme': 'usb', 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': 'usb://Brother/QL-700?serial=000B7Z702725', 'printer-info': 'Brother QL-700', 'printer-is-shared': True, 'printer-location': 'bullet-HP-Pavilion-Power-Desktop-580-0xx', 'printer-make-and-model': 'Brother QL-700 CUPS v1.4', 'printer-state': 3, 'printer-state-message': '', 'printer-state-reasons': ['none'], 'printer-type': 8523844, 'printer-uri-supported': 'ipp://localhost/printers/Brother-QL-700'}, 'cups_printer_remote': False, 'is_cups_class': False, 'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'charset-configured': 'utf-8', 'charset-supported': ['us-ascii', 'utf-8'], 'color-supported': False, 'compression-supported': ['none', 'gzip'], 'copies-default': 1, 'copies-supported': (1, 9999), 'cups-version': '2.3.1', 'device-uri': 'usb://Brother/QL-700?serial=000B7Z702725', 'document-format-default': 'application/octet-stream', 'document-format-supported': ['application/octet-stream', 'application/pdf', 'application/postscript', 'application/vnd.adobe-reader-postscript', 'application/vnd.cups-command', 'application/vnd.cups-pdf', 'application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner', 'application/vnd.cups-postscript', 'application/vnd.cups-raster', 'application/vnd.cups-raw', 'application/x-cshell', 'application/x-csource', 'application/x-perl', 'application/x-shell', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/pwg-raster', 'image/tiff', 'image/urf', 'image/x-bitmap', 'image/x-photocd', 'image/x-portable-anymap', 'image/x-portable-bitmap', 'image/x-portable-graymap', 'image/x-portable-pixmap', 'image/x-sgi-rgb', 'image/x-sun-raster', 'image/x-xbitmap', 'image/x-xpixmap', 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'text/css', 'text/html', 'text/plain'], 'finishings-default': 3, 'finishings-supported': [3], 'generated-natural-language-supported': ['fr-fr'], 'ipp-features-supported': ['subscription-object'], 'ipp-versions-supported': ['1.0', '1.1', '2.0', '2.1'], 'ippget-event-life': 15, 'job-cancel-after-default': 10800, 'job-cancel-after-supported': (0, 2147483647), 'job-creation-attributes-supported': ['copies', 'finishings', 'finishings-col', 'ipp-attribute-fidelity', 'job-hold-until', 'job-name', 'job-priority', 'job-sheets', 'media', 'media-col', 'multiple-document-handling', 'number-up', 'number-up-layout', 'orientation-requested', 'output-bin', 'page-delivery', 'page-ranges', 'print-color-mode', 'print-quality', 'print-scaling', 'printer-resolution', 'sides'], 'job-hold-until-default': 'no-hold', 'job-hold-until-supported': ['no-hold', 'indefinite', 'day-time', 'evening', 'night', 'second-shift', 'third-shift', 'weekend'], 'job-ids-supported': True, 'job-k-limit': 0, 'job-k-octets-supported': (0, 654102144), 'job-page-limit': 0, 'job-priority-default': 50, 'job-priority-supported': [100], 'job-quota-period': 0, 'job-settable-attributes-supported': ['copies', 'finishings', 'job-hold-until', 'job-name', 'job-priority', 'media', 'media-col', 'multiple-document-handling', 'number-up', 'output-bin', 'orientation-requested', 'page-ranges', 'print-color-mode', 'print-quality', 'printer-resolution', 'sides'], 'job-sheets-default': ('none', 'none'), 'job-sheets-supported': ['none', 'classified', 'confidential', 'form', 'secret', 'standard', 'topsecret', 'unclassified'], 'jpeg-k-octets-supported': (0, 654102144), 'jpeg-x-dimension-supported': (0, 65535), 'jpeg-y-dimension-supported': (1, 65535), 'marker-change-time': 0, 'media-bottom-margin-supported': [296, 203], 'media-col-default': '(unknown IPP value tag ' '0x34)', 'media-col-supported': ['media-bottom-margin', 'media-left-margin', 'media-right-margin', 'media-size', 'media-source', 'media-top-margin', 'media-type'], 'media-default': 'custom_28.96x89.83mm_28.96x89.83mm', 'media-left-margin-supported': [152, 203, 296], 'media-right-margin-supported': [152, 203, 296, 127], 'media-size-supported': ['(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)', '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x34)'], 'media-supported': ['custom_17.02x53.85mm_17.02x53.85mm', 'custom_17.02x86.87mm_17.02x86.87mm', 'custom_23.03x23.03mm_23.03x23.03mm', 'custom_28.96x41.91mm_28.96x41.91mm', 'custom_28.96x89.83mm_28.96x89.83mm', 'custom_38.02x89.83mm_38.02x89.83mm', 'custom_39.03x47.84mm_39.03x47.84mm', 'custom_51.99x28.87mm_51.99x28.87mm', 'custom_61.98x28.87mm_61.98x28.87mm', 'custom_61.98x99.82mm_61.98x99.82mm', 'custom_12.02x12.02mm_12.02x12.02mm', 'custom_24.05x24.05mm_24.05x24.05mm', 'custom_58.25x58.25mm_58.25x58.25mm', 'custom_12.02x100mm_12.02x100mm', 'custom_28.96x100mm_28.96x100mm', 'custom_38.02x99.99mm_38.02x99.99mm', 'custom_49.95x99.99mm_49.95x99.99mm', 'custom_54.02x99.99mm_54.02x99.99mm', 'custom_61.98x99.65mm_61.98x99.65mm', 'custom_21x100mm_21x100mm', 'custom_54.86x100mm_54.86x100mm', 'custom_72.98x99.99mm_72.98x99.99mm', 'custom_96.86x99.99mm_96.86x99.99mm', 'custom_103.97x99.99mm_103.97x99.99mm', 'custom_120.9x100mm_120.9x100mm', 'custom_29.97x100mm_29.97x100mm', 'custom_80.77x100mm_80.77x100mm', 'custom_107.95x99.99mm_107.95x99.99mm', 'custom_143.76x99.99mm_143.76x99.99mm', 'custom_153.92x99.99mm_153.92x99.99mm', 'custom_179.83x100mm_179.83x100mm', 'custom_38.95x100mm_38.95x100mm', 'custom_106.68x100mm_106.68x100mm', 'custom_142.92x99.99mm_142.92x99.99mm', 'custom_190.67x99.99mm_190.67x99.99mm', 'custom_203.88x99.99mm_203.88x99.99mm', 'custom_238.76x100mm_238.76x100mm'], 'media-top-margin-supported': [296, 288, 203, 305], 'multiple-document-handling-supported': ['separate-documents-uncollated-copies', 'separate-documents-collated-copies'], 'multiple-document-jobs-supported': True, 'multiple-operation-time-out': 900, 'multiple-operation-time-out-action': 'process-job', 'natural-language-configured': 'fr-fr', 'notify-attributes-supported': ['printer-state-change-time', 'notify-lease-expiration-time', 'notify-subscriber-user-name'], 'notify-events-default': ['job-completed'], 'notify-events-supported': ['job-completed', 'job-config-changed', 'job-created', 'job-progress', 'job-state-changed', 'job-stopped', 'printer-added', 'printer-changed', 'printer-config-changed', 'printer-deleted', 'printer-finishings-changed', 'printer-media-changed', 'printer-modified', 'printer-restarted', 'printer-shutdown', 'printer-state-changed', 'printer-stopped', 'server-audit', 'server-restarted', 'server-started', 'server-stopped'], 'notify-lease-duration-default': 86400, 'notify-lease-duration-supported': (0, 2147483647), 'notify-max-events-supported': [100], 'notify-pull-method-supported': ['ippget'], 'notify-schemes-supported': ['dbus', 'mailto', 'rss'], 'number-up-default': 1, 'number-up-layout-supported': ['btlr', 'btrl', 'lrbt', 'lrtb', 'rlbt', 'rltb', 'tblr', 'tbrl'], 'number-up-supported': [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16], 'operations-supported': [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 37, 38, 56, 57, 59, 16385, 16386, 16387, 16388, 16389, 16390, 16391, 16392, 16393, 16394, 16395, 16396, 16397, 16398, 16399, 16423, 14], 'orientation-requested-default': None, 'orientation-requested-supported': [3, 4, 5, 6], 'output-bin-default': 'face-down', 'output-bin-supported': ['face-down'], 'page-delivery-supported': ['reverse-order', 'same-order'], 'page-ranges-supported': True, 'pages-per-minute': 12, 'pdf-k-octets-supported': (0, 654102144), 'pdf-versions-supported': ['adobe-1.2', 'adobe-1.3', 'adobe-1.4', 'adobe-1.5', 'adobe-1.6', 'adobe-1.7', 'iso-19005-1_2005', 'iso-32000-1_2008', 'pwg-5102.3'], 'pdl-override-supported': ['attempted'], 'port-monitor': 'none', 'port-monitor-supported': ['none'], 'print-color-mode-default': 'monochrome', 'print-color-mode-supported': ['monochrome'], 'print-quality-default': 4, 'print-quality-supported': [4], 'print-scaling-supported': ['auto', 'auto-fit', 'fill', 'fit', 'none'], 'printer-commands': ['AutoConfigure', 'Clean', 'PrintSelfTestPage'], 'printer-config-change-date-time': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'printer-config-change-time': 1584711423, 'printer-current-time': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'printer-device-id': 'MFG: Brother;MDL: ' 'QL-700', 'printer-dns-sd-name': None, 'printer-error-policy': 'retry-job', 'printer-error-policy-supported': ['abort-job', 'retry-current-job', 'retry-job', 'stop-printer'], 'printer-geo-location': '(unknown IPP value ' 'tag 0x12)', 'printer-get-attributes-supported': ['document-format'], 'printer-icons': 'http://localhost/icons/Brother-QL-700.png', 'printer-id': 3, 'printer-info': 'Brother QL-700', 'printer-is-accepting-jobs': True, 'printer-is-shared': True, 'printer-is-temporary': False, 'printer-location': 'bullet-HP-Pavilion-Power-Desktop-580-0xx', 'printer-make-and-model': 'Brother QL-700 ' 'CUPS v1.4', 'printer-more-info': 'http://localhost/printers/Brother-QL-700', 'printer-name': 'Brother-QL-700', 'printer-op-policy': 'default', 'printer-op-policy-supported': ['authenticated', 'default', 'kerberos'], 'printer-organization': '', 'printer-organizational-unit': '', 'printer-resolution-default': (300, 300, 3), 'printer-resolution-supported': [(300, 300, 3)], 'printer-settable-attributes-supported': ['printer-geo-location', 'printer-info', 'printer-location', 'printer-organization', 'printer-organizational-unit'], 'printer-state': 3, 'printer-state-change-date-time': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'printer-state-change-time': 1584711507, 'printer-state-message': '', 'printer-state-reasons': ['none'], 'printer-strings-uri': 'http://localhost/strings/Brother-QL-700.strings', 'printer-type': 8523844, 'printer-up-time': 1584711658, 'printer-uri-supported': ['ipp://localhost/printers/Brother-QL-700'], 'printer-uuid': 'urn:uuid:f4b82d0e-e126-37a5-6a27-c038f8c31e4d', 'pwg-raster-document-resolution-supported': [(300, 300, 3)], 'pwg-raster-document-type-supported': ['black_1', 'sgray_8'], 'queued-job-count': 0, 'server-is-sharing-printers': False, 'sides-default': 'one-sided', 'sides-supported': ['one-sided'], 'uri-authentication-supported': ['requesting-user-name'], 'uri-security-supported': ['none'], 'which-jobs-supported': ['completed', 'not-completed', 'aborted', 'all', 'canceled', 'pending', 'pending-held', 'processing', 'processing-stopped']}} Page 5 (<troubleshoot.CheckPPDSanity.CheckPPDSanity object at 0x7f12298b0e80>): {'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {'Advanced': {'BrBrightness': '0', 'BrContrast': '0', 'BrHalftonePattern': 'BrErrorDiffusion'}, 'Basic': {'BrMargin': '3', 'BrPriority': 'BrSpeed', 'PageRegion': '29x90', 'PageSize': '29x90'}, 'Cut Option': {'BrCutAtEnd': 'ON', 'BrCutLabel': '1', 'BrMirror': 'OFF', 'BrTrimtape': 'OFF'}}, 'cups_printer_ppd_valid': True, 'missing_pkgs_and_exes': ([], [])} Page 6 (<troubleshoot.LocalOrRemote.LocalOrRemote object at 0x7f12298b0df0>): {'printer_is_remote': False} Page 7 (<troubleshoot.DeviceListed.DeviceListed object at 0x7f12517343d0>): {'cups_device_dict': {'device-class': 'direct', 'device-id': 'MFG:Brother;CMD:PT-CBP;MDL:QL-700;CLS:PRINTER;', 'device-info': 'Brother QL-700', 'device-make-and-model': 'Brother QL-700'}} Page 8 (<troubleshoot.ErrorLogCheckpoint.ErrorLogCheckpoint object at 0x7f12516d7790>): {'cups_server_settings': {'BrowseLocalProtocols': 'dnssd', 'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic', 'JobPrivateAccess': 'default', 'JobPrivateValues': 'default', 'MaxLogSize': '0', 'PageLogFormat': '', 'SubscriptionPrivateAccess': 'default', 'SubscriptionPrivateValues': 'default', 'WebInterface': 'Yes', '_debug_logging': '0', '_remote_admin': '0', '_remote_any': '0', '_share_printers': '0', '_user_cancel_any': '0'}, 'error_log_checkpoint': 26449, 'error_log_cursor': 's=46ff49376e64465f8c2cf9063670899a;i=6dae;b=b553356c26494fada82313d8c012ba14;m=a33e2d13;t=5a1497143fc39;x=581a28e3d91baad5', 'error_log_debug_logging_set': True, 'error_log_timestamp': '2020-03-20 09:41:29'} Page 9 (<troubleshoot.PrintTestPage.PrintTestPage object at 0x7f12516c6d90>): {'test_page_attempted': '20/mars/2020:09:42:10 -0400', 'test_page_job_id': [11], 'test_page_job_status': [(True, 11, 'Brother-QL-700', 'Test Page', 'Traitement en cours', {'attributes-charset': 'utf-8', 'attributes-natural-language': 'fr-fr', 'date-time-at-completed': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'date-time-at-creation': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'date-time-at-processing': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'document-format': 'application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner', 'document-format-detected': 'application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner', 'job-hold-until': 'no-hold', 'job-id': 11, 'job-impressions-completed': 0, 'job-k-octets': 1, 'job-media-progress': 0, 'job-media-sheets-completed': 0, 'job-more-info': 'http://localhost/jobs/11', 'job-preserved': True, 'job-printer-state-message': 'Use ' '"pdftops-renderer" ' 'option (see README ' 'file) to use ' 'Ghostscript or MuPDF ' 'for the PDF -> ' 'PostScript ' 'conversion.', 'job-printer-state-reasons': ['none'], 'job-printer-up-time': 1584711745, 'job-printer-uri': 'ipp://localhost/printers/Brother-QL-700', 'job-priority': 50, 'job-sheets': ['none', 'none'], 'job-state': 9, 'job-state-reasons': 'processing-to-stop-point', 'job-uri': 'ipp://localhost/jobs/11', 'job-uuid': 'urn:uuid:4a323a31-6833-3334-6694-c6b0f96daf62', 'number-of-documents': 1, 'printer-uri': 'ipp://localhost/printers/Brother-QL-700', 'time-at-completed': 1584711731, 'time-at-creation': 1584711730, 'time-at-processing': 1584711730})], 'test_page_successful': False} Page 10 (<troubleshoot.ErrorLogFetch.ErrorLogFetch object at 0x7f122989ce20>): {'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True, 'journal': []} Page 11 (<troubleshoot.Locale.Locale object at 0x7f122989c910>): {'printer_page_size': '29x90', 'system_locale_lang': None, 'user_locale_ctype': 'fr_FR', 'user_locale_messages': 'fr_FR'} imprimante frère ql-700 imprimante d'étiquettes 205/5000 J'ai l'air d'être reconnu mais quand j'essaie d'imprimer un fichier édité avec des glabels je ne peux pas le faire, cela me montre une première impression d'infobulle, et une deuxième impression terminée, mais il ne réagit pas it's my log files Page 1 (<Résoudre les problèmes. SchedulerNotRun ning.SchedulerN objet otRunning à 0x7f122989ea60>): { 'cups_ connection_ échec' : Faux} Page 2 (<. Résoudre les problèmes CheckLocalServe . RPublishing CheckLocalServe objet rPublishing à 0x7f122989e280>): { 'local_ server_ exporting_ imprimantes' : False} Page 3 (<dépannage. ChoosePrinter. ChoosePrinter object at 0x7f12298b0520>): {'cups_dest': <cups.Dest Brother-QL-700 (par défaut)>,  'cups_instance': None,  'cups_queue': 'Brother- QL-700 ',  ' cups_ queue_listed ': Vrai} Page 4 (<Résoudre les problèmes. CheckPrinterSan ity.CheckPrinte objet rSanity à 0x7f12298b00d0>): { 'cups_ device_ uri_scheme' : 'usb',  'cups_ printer_ dict': { 'appareil uri': « usb: // Brother / QL- 700? serial = 000B7Z702725 ' ,                        ' imprimante- info ':' Brother QL-700 ',                        ' imprimante- est-partagé ' : Vrai,                        ' imprimante- emplacement ' :' puce- HP-Pavilion- Power-Desktop- 580-0xx ' ,                        'imprimante -marque-et- modèle': 'Brother QL-700 CUPS v1.4',                                            message-d'état ' :' ',                        ' raisons- d'état- imprimante ' : [' aucun '],                        ' type d'imprimante ': 8523844,                        ' support d'imprimante -uri ' :' ipp: // localhost / printers / Brother- QL -700' },  'cups_ printer_ à distance' : Faux,  'is_cups_class': Faux,  'local_ cups_queue_ attributs' : { 'charset- configured' : 'utf-8',                                  'charset- soutenu' : [ 'us-ascii' , 'utf-8'],                                  'couleur prise en charge' : False,                                  'compressi on-supported' : ['aucun', 'gzip'],                                  'copies- default' : 1,                                  'copies- supported' : (1, 9999),                                  'cups- version' : '2.3.1',                                  'device- uri': 'usb: // Brother / QL-700? serial = 000B7Z702725 ' ,                                  ' document- format- default ' :' application / octet-stream ' ,                                  ' document- format- supported ' : [' application / octet-stream ' ,                                                                ' application / pdf ',                                                                ' application / postscript ' ,                                                                'application / vnd.                                                                'application / vnd.cups- command' ,                                                                'application / vnd.cups- pdf',                                                                'application / vnd.cups- pdf-banner' ,                                                                'application / vnd.cups- postscript' ,                                                                'application / vnd.cups- raster ' ,                                                                ' application / vnd.cups- raw ',                                                                ' application / x-cshell ' ,                                                                ' application / x-csource ' ,                                                                ' application / x-perl ' ,                                                                ' application / x-shell ' ,                                                                ' image / gif ',                                                                'image / jpeg',                                                                'image / png ',                                                                ' image /pwg-raster ' ,                                                                ' image / tiff ',                                                                ' image / urf ',                                                                ' image / x-bitmap ' ,                                                                ' image / x-photocd ' ,                                                                ' image / x-portable- anymap ' ,                                                                ' image / x-portable- bitmap ' ,                                                                ' image / x-portable- graymap ' ,                                                                ' image / x-portable- pixmap ' ,                                                                ' image / x-sgi-rgb ' ,                                                                ' image / x-sun-raster ' ,                                                                ' image / x-xbitmapmap ' ,                                                                'image / x-xpixmap' ,                                                                'image / x-xwindowdump ' ,                                                                ' text / css ',                                                                'text / html' ,                                                                'text / plain' ],                                  'finish s-default' : 3,                                  'finish s-supported' : [3],                                  'generated -natural- language- supported' : ['fr-fr' ],                                  'ipp- fonctionnalités- prises en charge' : ['abonnement- objet' ],                                  'ipp- versions- prises en charge' : ['1.0',                                                             '1. 1 ',                                                             ' 2. 0 ',                                                             ' 2. 1 '],                                  ' ippget- event-life ' : 15,                                  '                                  'job- cancel- after-supported ': (0, 2147483647),                                  'job- creation- attributes- supported' : ['copies',                                                                        'finishings' ,                                                                        'finishings- col',                                                                        'ipp-attribute -fidelity' ,                                                                        ' job-hold- until ',                                                                        ' job-name ' ,                                                                        ' job-priority ' ,                                                                        ' job-sheets ' ,                                                                        ' media ' ,                                                                        ' media- col ',                                                                        ' multiple- document- handling ' ,                                                                        ' number- up ',                                                                        ' numérotage » ,                                                                        «orientation demandée» ,                                                                        ' bac de sortie ',                                                                        ' livraison de page ' ,                                                                        ' plages de pages ' ,                                                                        ' mode couleur d' impression ' ,                                                                        ' qualité d' impression ' ,                                                                        ' mise à l'échelle d' impression ' ,                                                                        ' résolution d' imprimante ' ,                                                                        'côtés' ],                                  ' job -hold-until- default ' :' no-hold ',                                  ' job -hold-until- supported ' : [' no-hold ',                                                               ' indefinite ' ,                                                               ' day-time ' ,                                                               ' evening ' ,                                                               « nuit»,                                                               « deuxième-shift ',                                                               ' third-shift ' ,                                                               ' weekend ' ],                                  ' job- ids-supported ' : True,                                  ' job- k-limit ' : 0,                                  ' job- k-octets- supported ' : (0, 654102144),                                  'job- page-limit' : 0,                                  'job- priority- default' : 50,                                  'job- priority- supported' : [100],                                  'job- quota-period' : 0,                                  'job- settable- attributes- supported ' : [' copies ',                                                                        ' finitions ',                                                                        «job-hold-jusqu'à ce que ',                                                                        ' nom-travail ' ,                                                                        ' priorité travail ' ,                                                                        ' média ' ,                                                                        ' média- col ',                                                                        ' gestion de plusieurs documents ' ,                                                                        ' numérotation ',                                                                        ' bac de sortie ',                                                                        ' orientation- demande ' ,                                                                        ' plages de pages ' ,                                                                        ' mode couleur d' impression ' ,                                                                        ' qualité d' impression ' ,                                                                        ' résolution      d' imprimante ' ,                                                                        'côtés' ],                             ' feuilles de travail - par défaut' : ('aucun', 'aucun'),                                  ' feuilles de travail prises en charge' : ['aucune',                                                           'classifié' ,                                                           'confidentiel ',                                                           'formulaire' ,                                                           'secret' ,                                                           'standard' ,                                                           'topsecret' ,                                                           'non classifié '],                                  'jpeg- k-octets- supported' : (0, 654102144),                                  'jpeg- x- Dimension soutenu » : (0, 65535),                                  'JPEG y-Dimension soutenu' : (1, 65535),                                  ' par marqueurs Change- temps': 0,                                  'Médias- ascendante margin- soutenu' : [296, 203],                                  'media- col-default': '(balise de valeur IPP inconnue'                                                       '0x34) ',                                  'media- col-supported' : ['media- bottom- margin' ,                                                          'media- left-margin' ,                                                          'media- right-margin' ,                                                          'media- size',                                                          'media- source' ,                                                          'media- top-margin' ,                                                          'media- type'],                                  'media- default' : 'custom_ 28.96x89. 83mm_28. 96x89,83 mm " ,                                  " support - marge gauche - pris en charge " : [152, 203, 296],                                  "                                                                                                                                   296,                                                                   127] ,                                  'media -size-supported' : ['(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',,                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '( valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           'tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           'tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue'                                                           'balise 0x34)',                                                           '( valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) ',                                                           ' (IPP inconnu valeur '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           ' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' tag 0x34) ',                                                           '(valeur IPP inconnue '                                                           ' balise 0x34) '],                                  ' prise en charge des supports ' : [' custom_ 17.02x53.85mm_17. 02x53.85mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 17.02x86. 87mm_17. 02x86.87mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 23.03x23. 03mm_23. 03x23.03mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 28.96x41. 91mm_28. 96x41.91mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 28.96x89. 83mm_28. 96x89.83mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 38.02x89. 83mm_38. 02x89.83mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 39.03x47. 84mm_39. 03x47.84mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 51.99x28. 87mm_51. 99x28,87 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 61,98x28.87mm_61. 98x28,87 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 61,98x99. 82mm_61. 98x99.82mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 12.02x12. 02mm_12. 02x12.02mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 24.05x24. 05mm_24. 05x24.05mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 58.25x58. 25mm_58. 25x58.25mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 12.02x100mm_ 12.02x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 28.96x100mm_ 28.96x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 38.02x99. 99mm_38. 02x99.99mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 49.95x99. 99mm_49.,                                                      'custom_ 54.02x99. 99mm_54. 02x99.99mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 61.98x99. 65mm_61. 98x99,65 mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 21x100mm_ 21x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 54.86x100mm_ 54.86x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 72.98x99. 99mm_72. 98x99,99 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 96,86x99. 99mm_96. 86x99,99 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 103,97x99. 99mm_103. 97x99,99 mm " ,                                                      " personnalisé_ 120,9 x 100 mm_ 120,9 x 100 mm " ,                                                      "29.97x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 80.77x100mm_ 80.77x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 107.95x99. 99mm_107. 95x99,99 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 143,76x99. 99mm_143. 76x99,99 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 153,92x99. 99mm_153. 92x99.99mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 179.83x100mm_ 179.83x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 38.95x100mm_ 38.95x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 106.68x100mm_ 106.68x100mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 142.92x99. 99mm_142. 92x99,99 mm » ,                                                  190.67x99. 99mm_190. 67x99,99 mm ' ,                                                      ' personnalisé_ 203,88x99. 99mm_203. 88x99.99mm ' ,                                                      ' custom_ 238.76x100mm_ 238.76x100mm ' ],                                  ' media- top-margin- supported ' : [296,                                                                 288,                                                                 203,                                                                 305],                                  ' multiple- document- handling- supported ' : [' separa- documents- copies non assemblées » ,                                                                           « documents séparés - copies assemblées » ],                                  « prise en charge de plusieurs documents » : Vrai,                                  'multiple- operation- time-out' : 900,                                  'multiple- operation- time-out- action' : 'process-job',                                  'natural- language- configured' : 'fr-fr',                                  'notify- attributes- supported ' [' imprimante- état Change- temps »,                                                                  'notify -expiratio de location n temps' ,                                                                  'notify subscriber- user-name' ],                                  'notify Events- default' : [ '' fin de tâche] ,                                  ' notify- events- supported' : ['travail terminé ',                                                              ' travail-config- changé ' ,                                                              ' job- created ' ,                                                              ' job- progress ' ,                                                              ' job- state-changed ' ,                                                              ' job- stop ' ,                                                              ' printer- added ',                                                              ' printer- changed ' ,                                                              ' printer- config- changed ' ,                                                              'imprimante- supprimée' ,                                                              'imprimante- finitions- modifiée' ,                                                              'imprimante- support changé' ,                                                              'imprimante- modifiée' ,                                                              'imprimante- redémarré ' ,                                                              ' imprimante-arrêt » ,                                                              « imprimante- état changé » ,                                                              « imprimante- arrêtée » ,                                                              « serveur- audit »,                                                              « serveur- redémarré » ,                                                              « serveur- démarré » ,                                                              « serveur- arrêté » ],                                  « notifier -bail-durée- par défaut ' : 86400,                                  ' notify- location-duration- supported ' : (0,                                                                      214748364 7),                                  ' notify- max-events- supported ' : [100],                                  ' notify- pull-method- supported ' : ['ippget '],                                  ' notifier-schémas pris en charge ' : [' dbus ',                                                               ' mailto ' ,                                                               ' rss '],                                  ' number -up-default ' : 1,                                  ' number- up-layout- supported ' : [' btlr ',                                                                 ' btrl ' ,                                                                 ' lrbt ' ,                                                                 ' lrtb ' ,                                                                 ' rlbt ' ,                                                                 ' rltb ' ,                                                                 ' tblr ' ,                                                                 ' tbrl ' ],                                  ' nombre pris en charge ' : [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16],                                  ' opération supportée par le s « : [2,                                                           4,                                                           5,                                                           6,                                                           8,                                                           9,                                                           10,                                                           11,                                                           12,                                                           13,                                                           16,                                                           17,                                                           18,                                                           19,                                                           20,                                                           21,                                                           22,                                                           23,                                                           24,                                                           25,                                                           26,                                                           27,                                                           28,                                                           34,                                                           35,                                                           37,                                                           38,                                                           56,                                                           57,                                                           59,                                                           16385,                                                           16386,                                                           16387,                                                           16388,                                                           16389,                                                           16390,                                                           16391,                                                           16392,                                                           16393,                                                           16394,                                                           16395,                                                           16396,                                                           16397,                                                           16398,                                                           16399,                                                           16423,                                                           14],                                  'orientati on-request- default' : Aucun,                                  'orientatisur demande - pris en charge » : [3,                                                                      4,                                                                      5,                                                                      6] ,                                  « sortie - bin par défaut » :« face vers le bas »,                                  « sortie - bin prise en charge » : [« face vers le bas »],                                  « page - delivery- supported ' : [' reverse-order ',                                                              ' same- order '] ,                                  ' page- ranges- supported ' : True,                                  ' pages- per-minute ' : 12,                                  ' pdf- k-octets- supported ' : ( 0, 654102144),                                  ' versions- pdf- prises en charge' : ['adobe-1.2 ',                                                             ' adobe - 1,3 ',                                                             'adobe- 1.4',                                                             'adobe- 1.5',                                                             'adobe- 1.6',                                                             'adobe- 1.7',                                                             'iso- 19005-1_ 2005',                                                             'iso- 32000-1_ 2008',                                                             'pwg- 5102.3' ],                                  ' pdl- override- supported ' : [' tentative '],                                  ' port- monitor ' :' aucun ',                                  ' port- monitor- supported ' : [' aucun '],                                  ' print- color-mode- default ' :' monochrome ' ,                                  'mode d'impression couleur pris en charge': [ 'Monochrome'],                                  « Imprimer- qualité-default ' : 4,                                  'print- qualité- soutenu' : [4],                                  'print- élargir et intensifier soutenu' : [ 'auto',                                                              'auto - ajustement',                                                              'remplissage' ,                                                              'fit' ,                                                              'aucun' ],                                  ' imprimante- commandes : [ 'aUTOCONFIGURE',                                                       'Clean' ,                                                       'PrintSelf PageTest' ],                                  'imprimante- config- Change- date-heure' : '(IPP_TAG_DATE)',                                  'imprimante- config- Change- temps': 1584711423,                                  'imprimante- actuelle-temps ': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)',                                  'imprimante- Device- id': 'MFG: Frère, LDM:'                                                       'QL- 700',                                  'imprimante- dns-SD- Nom': Aucun,                                  'imprimante- erreur politique' : 'nouvelle tentative d'emploi',                                  'imprimante- -erreur politiques pris en charge' : [ 'abort-emploi',                                                                     'retry- courant- emploi',                                                                     'retry- travail',                                                                     'stop- imprimante' ],                                  « imprimante- géo- emplacement ' :' (valeur IPP inconnue '                                                          ' balise 0x12) ',                                  'printer- get-attributes- supported ' : [' document- format ' ],                                  'imprimante- icônes': ' http: // localhost / icons / Brother- QL-700. png ' ,                                  ' printer- id ': 3,                                  ' printer- info ':' Brother QL-700 ',                                  ' printer- is-accepting- jobs ': True,                                  ' printer- is-shared ' : True,                                  ' printer- is -temporaire ' : Faux,                                  ' emplacement d' imprimante ' :' puce- HP-Pavilion- Power-Desktop- 580-0xx ' ,                                  ' imprimante -marque-et- modèle ':' Brother QL-700 '                                                            ' CUPS v1.4 ' ,                                  'http: // localhost / printers / Brother- QL-700 ' ,                                  ' printer- name ':' Brother-QL-700 ',                                  ' printer- op-policy ' :' default ',                                  ' printer- op-policy- supported ' : ['authentifié',                                                                  'par défaut' ,                                                                  'kerberos' ],                                  'imprimante- organisation' : '',                                  'imprimante- unité organisationnelle ': '',                                  'imprimante- résolution- par défaut' : (300, 300, 3) ,                                  ' résolution d' imprimante- prise en charge' : [(300,                                                                    300,                                                                    3)] ,                                  'imprimante- paramétrable- attributs- pris en charge' : ['imprimante- géolocalisation' ,                                                                            'imprimante- info',                                                                            'imprimante- emplacement' ,                                                                            'imprimante- organisation' ,                                                                            'imprimante- unité- organisationnelle '],                                  'imprimante- état ': 3,                                  ' Printer- State-Change- Date-Time ' :' (IPP_TAG_DATE) ',                                  ' Printer- State-Change- Time ': 1584711507,                                  ' Printer- State-Message ' :' ',                                  ' Printer- State- raisons ' : ['none '],                                  ' printer- strings-uri ':' http: // localhost / strings / Brother- QL-700. strings ' ,                                  ' printer- type ': 8523844,                                  ' printer- up-time ' : 1584711658,                                  ' printer- uri-supported ' : [' ipp: / / localhost / printers / Brother- QL-700 ' ],                                  ' printer- uuid ':' urn: uuid: f4b82d0e- e126-37a5- 6a27-c038f8c31e 4d ',                                  ' pwg- raster- document- resolution- supported- ' : [(300,                                                                                300,                                                                                3)],                                  'type-supporté ' : [' black_1 ',                                                                         ' sgray_ 8 '],                                  ' queue -job-count ' : 0,                                  ' server-is-sharing- printers ' : False,                                  ' côtés- default ' :' one-sided ',                                  'côtés pris en charge' : ['unilatéral'],                                  'uri- authentification- pris en charge' : ['demandeur -nom-utilisateur' ],                                  'uri- sécurité- pris en charge' : ['aucun'],                                  'quels- travaux -supported ' : [' terminé ',                                                           ' non terminé ' ,                                                           'avorté' ,                                                           'tout' ,                                                           'annulé' ,                                                           ' en attente' ,                                                           'pending- lieu',                                                           'traitement' ,                                                           'Traitement arrêté' ]}} Page 5 (<Résoudre les problèmes. CheckPPDSanity. objet CheckPPDSanity à 0x7f12298b0e80>): { 'cups_ printer_ ppd_defaults' : { » Avancé ': {' BrBrightness ':' 0 ',                                             ' BrContrast ' :' 0 ',                                             ' BrHalftonePa ttern ':' BrErrorDiffusi on '},                                ' Basic ' : {' BrMargin ':' 3 ',                                          ' BrPriority ' :' BrSpeed ',                                          'PageRegion ' :' 29x90 ',                                          ' PageSize ' :' 29x90 '},                             device- id ':' MFG: Brother; CMD: PT- CBP; MDL: QL-700;                                                                                                                                                       CLS: IMPRIMANTE; »,                       'Device- info': 'Brother QL-700',                       'Device- make-and- modèle': 'Brother QL-700'}} Page 8 (<Résoudre les problèmes. ErrorLogCheckpo int.ErrorLogChe objet ckpoint à 0x7f12516d7790>): {'cups_ server_ settings' : {'BrowseLocalPr otocols' : 'dnssd',                           'DefaultAu thType' : 'Basic',                           'JobPrivat eAccess' : 'default',                           'JobPrivat eValues' : 'default',                           'MaxLogSiz e': ' 0 ',                           '                      b = b553356c26494fa da82313d8c012ba 14; m = a33e2d13; t = 5a1497143fc39 ; x = 581a28e3d91b                                                                                                                                                          aad5 ',  ' error_ log_debug_ logging_ set ': Vrai,  ' error_ log_timestamp ' :' 2020-03-20 09:41:29 '} Page 9 (<dépannage. PrintTestPage. Objet PrintTestPage à 0x7f12516c6d90>): {' test_ page_attempted ' : '20 / mars / 2020: 09: 42:10 -0400 ',  ' test_ page_job_ id ': [11],  ' test_ page_job_ status ' : [(Vrai,                            11,                            ' Brother- QL-700 ' ,                            ' Test Page ",                            " Traitement en cours ",                            { "attributs- charset ': 'utf-8',                             'attributs - langage naturel ' : 'fr-fr',                             'date-heure- à-fin' : '(IPP_TAG_DATE)',                             'date-heure- à-création' : '(IPP_TAG_DATE ) ',                             ' date-heure- de-traitement ' :' (IPP_TAG_DATE) ',                             ' format de document ' :' application / vnd.cups- pdf-banner ' ,                             ' format de document- détecté ' :' application / vnd. cups- pdf-banner ' ,                             ' job-hold- until ':' no-hold ',                             ' job-id ' : 11,                             'job-impression s-completed ' : 0,                             ' job-k- octets ': 1,                             'job-media- progress' : 0,                             'job- media- sheets- completed' : 0,                             'job-more- info': ' http: // localhost / jobs / 11' ,                             'job-protected' : Vrai,                             'job-printer- state-message' : 'Use'                                                          '"pdftops- renderer "'                                                          '(see README'                                                          'file) to use'                                                          'Ghostscript or MuPDF'                                                          'for the PDF ->'                                                          'PostScript'                                                          'conversion. ',                             ' tâche-imprimante -raisons-d'état ' : [' aucun '],                             '                             localhost / printers / Brother- QL-700 ' ,                             ' job-priority ' : 50,                             ' job-sheets ' : [' none ',' none '],                             ' job-state ' : 9,                             ' job-state- reason ' : 'processing- to-stop- point',                             'job-uri' : 'ipp: // localhost / jobs / 11' ,                             'job-uuid' : 'urn: uuid: 4a323a31- 6833-3334- 6694-c6b0f96daf 62 »,                             ' en nombre de documents'- : 1,                             'Imprimante- uri': 'ipp: // localhost / imprimantes / beau QL-700',                             «temps écoulé »: 1584711731,                             'time-at- creation' : 1584711730,                             'time-at- processing' : 1584711730})],  'test_ page_successful ': False} Page 10 (<dépannage. ErrorLogFetch. Objet ErrorLogFetch à 0x7f122989ce20>): {' error_ log_debug_ logging_ unset ': True,' journal ': []} Page 11 (<dépannage. Paramètres régionaux. Objet de paramètres régionaux à 0x7f122989c910>): {' printer_ page_size ' :' 29x90 ',  ' system_ locale_ lang ': None,  ' user_ locale_ ctype ':' fr_FR ',  'user_ locale_ messages ': 'F RFR'}
2020-03-20 16:36:58 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot tags bot-comment
2020-03-20 16:52:55 Brian Murray affects ubuntu cups (Ubuntu)