Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell rod@rod-desktop ~> driverless ipp://EPSON25B56D.local:631/ipp/print rod@rod-desktop ~> lpstat -v device for EPSON_WF_3620_Series: ipps://EPSON25B56D.local:631/ipp/print rod@rod-desktop ~> ipptool -tv ipp:EPSON25856D get-printer-attributes.test ipptool: URI required before test file. ipp:EPSON25856D Usage: ipptool [options] URI filename [ ... filenameN ] Options: --help Show help. --stop-after-include-error Stop tests after a failed INCLUDE. --version Show version. -4 Connect using IPv4. -6 Connect using IPv6. -C Send requests using chunking (default). -E Test with encryption using HTTP Upgrade to TLS. -I Ignore errors. -L Send requests using content-length. -P filename.plist Produce XML plist to a file and test report to standard output. -S Test with encryption using HTTPS. -T seconds Set the receive/send timeout in seconds. -V version Set default IPP version. -X Produce XML plist instead of plain text. -c Produce CSV output. -d name=value Set named variable to value. -f filename Set default request filename. -i seconds Repeat the last file with the given time interval. -l Produce plain text output. -n count Repeat the last file the given number of times. -q Run silently. -t Produce a test report. -v Be verbose.