Hi Hans, Thanks for the pointer to the synthetic reproducer! It provided accurate and consistent results considering the kernel versions reported (not) to exhibit the issue. The Azure test kernel with the 3 patches [1] to address that shows the same (good) results as the Azure kernel prior to the regression being introduced. P.S.: the issue isn't strictly having that patch in, as it's included in later kernel versions w/out this issue (eg, 5.15), but having that patch in while not having these other patches in as well (as, eg, 5.15). [1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2022-November/135069.html ... Test Results from 4x VMs on Azure (2x 4vCPU/16G and 2x 8vCPU/32G) Test Steps follow below; essentially, run the for-loop with curl 10x times, and count how many times it doesn't finish / is stuck. (i.e., epoll wait didn't return/finish). 1) original/"good" kernel: 0% error rate -- 5.4.0-1094-azure #100-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 17 03:14:36 UTC 2022 VM1: 0/10 VM2: 0/10 VM3: 0/10 VM4: 0/10 2) regression/"bad" kernel: 60%-80% error rate -- 5.4.0-1095-azure #101-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 20 15:50:47 UTC 2022 VM1: 8/10 VM2: 7/10 VM3: 7/10 VM4: 6/10 3) candidate/"test" kernel: 0% error rate -- 5.4.0-1098-azure #104-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 23 21:19:57 UTC 2022 VM1: 0/10 VM2: 0/10 VM3: 0/10 VM4: 0/10 ... Test Steps/Criteria on Focal: Install go 1.19: $ sudo snap install --channel=1.19/stable --classic go Create test programs: $ cat <main.go package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/prometheus/procfs/sysfs" "log" "net/http" ) func main() { fs, err := sysfs.NewFS("/sys") if err != nil { panic(err) } netDevices, err := fs.NetClassDevices() http.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { for _, device := range netDevices { _, err := fs.NetClassByIface(device) if err != nil { panic(err) } } fmt.Printf(". ") writer.WriteHeader(200) writer.Write([]byte("ok")) }) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9100", nil)) } EOF $ cat <go.mod module app go 1.19 require ( github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.8.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20220601150217-0de741cfad7f // indirect ) EOF Fetch test deps: $ go mod download github.com/prometheus/procfs $ go get