"But now, the Show Desktop launcher still in black color and from now on clicking Show Desktop launcher won't minimize all opened program as it is supposed to do." actually, that depends on the Window Manager I've just made a quick test, and with Metacity you get the behaviour you wish (the icon comes back to original when a window is unminimized) but with Compiz, it doesn't work like that, you stay in "show desktop" mode until you re-click on the icon (or change the current desktop). to make some tests yourself, you can use the following command: "xprop -root | grep _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP" which tells you if you're in "show desktop"mode or not use "sleep 5 && xprop -root | grep _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP" for instance to trigger the command in 5 seconds, letting you the time to click on the icon and show a window; I think you'll find the same result as me. :-) 2014-04-23 18:34 GMT+02:00 Bambang Pranoto