fsck из util-linux 2.20.1 /dev/sda5: clean, 654725/5521408 files, 15208983/22065920 blocks Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd * Starting AppArmor profiles  [ OK ] * Not starting jetty - edit /etc/default/jetty and change NO_START to be 0 (or comment it out). speech-dispatcher disabled; edit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher * Starting deferred execution scheduler[ OK ] * Starting regular background program processing daemon[ OK ] * Starting bluetooth daemon[ OK ] * Starting CPU interrupts balancing daemon[ OK ] * Starting VirtualBox kernel modules  [ OK ] * Starting mDNS/DNS-SD daemon[ OK ] * Starting restore sound card(s') mixer state(s)[fail] * Starting CUPS printing spooler/server[ OK ] * Starting network connection manager[ OK ] * Stopping anac(h)ronistic cron[ OK ] * Starting crash report submission daemon[ OK ] * Starting MySQL Server[ OK ] * Starting the landscape-client daemon  [ OK ] saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned * Starting Mount network filesystems[ OK ] * Starting Samba Winbind[ OK ] * Stopping Mount network filesystems[ OK ] * Stopping cold plug devices[ OK ] * Starting load fallback graphics devices[ OK ] * Stopping log initial device creation[ OK ] * Starting save udev log and update rules[ OK ] * Stopping load fallback graphics devices[ OK ] * Stopping save udev log and update rules[ OK ] * Starting Userspace bootsplash[ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Starting [ OK ] * Stopping [ OK ] * Stopping [ OK ] * Starting LightDM Display Manager[ OK ] apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName * Stopping Userspace bootsplash[ OK ] * Starting web server apache2  [ OK ]