=== Begin series b === Started by remote host Running as SYSTEM Building remotely on torkoal in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm [cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins8031226823566824412.sh + release=bionic + release_ver=18.04 + platform=nocloud-kvm + set -e + sudo rm -Rf cloud-init + git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init Cloning into 'cloud-init'... + cd cloud-init + git tag --list + grep 18.04 + tail -1 + tag=ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_18.04.1 + echo Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_18.04.1 Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_18.04.1 + git checkout ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_18.04.1 Note: checking out 'ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_18.04.1'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at dc52378f releasing cloud-init version 19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 + mirror=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ + hostname + [ -z -a torkoal = torkoal ] + export TMPDIR=/var/lib/jenkins/tmp/ + set +e + no_proxy=launchpad.net https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 tox -e citest -- run --os-name=bionic --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main' --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose GLOB sdist-make: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/setup.py citest create: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest citest installdeps: -r/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/integration-requirements.txt citest inst: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/dist/cloud-init-19.4.zip citest installed: adal==1.2.2,asn1crypto==1.3.0,attrs==19.3.0,azure-common==1.1.23,azure-mgmt-compute==7.0.0,azure-mgmt-network==5.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==4.0.0,azure-mgmt-storage==6.0.0,azure-nspkg==3.0.2,azure-storage==0.36.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,boto3==1.5.9,botocore==1.8.50,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.13.2,chardet==3.0.4,cloud-init==19.4,configobj==5.0.6,cryptography==2.4.2,docutils==0.16,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==1.4.0,isodate==0.6.0,Jinja2==2.10.3,jmespath==0.9.4,jsonpatch==1.24,jsonpointer==2.0,jsonschema==3.2.0,linecache2==1.0.0,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,msrest==0.6.10,msrestazure==0.6.1,oauthlib==3.1.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pbr==5.4.4,pkg-resources==0.0.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pycparser==2.19,PyJWT==1.7.1,pylxd==2.2.7,PyNaCl==1.3.0,pyrsistent==0.15.7,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-simplestreams==0.1.0,PyYAML==5.3,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requests-toolbelt==0.9.1,requests-unixsocket==0.2.0,s3transfer==0.1.13,six==1.14.0,traceback2==1.4.0,unittest2==1.1.0,urllib3==1.25.8,ws4py==0.5.1,zipp==2.1.0 citest runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='4273336807' citest runtests: commands[0] | /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest/bin/python -m tests.cloud_tests run --os-name=bionic --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo=deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose 2020-01-26 10:52:11,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running with args: Namespace(data_dir='/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results', deb=None, feature_override={}, os_name=['bionic'], platform=['nocloud-kvm'], ppa=None, preserve_data=True, preserve_instance=False, quiet=False, repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main', result=None, rpm=None, script=None, subcmd='run', test_config=['/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_chrony.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_timesyncd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snap.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml'], upgrade=True, upgrade_full=False, verbose=True) 2020-01-26 10:52:11,805 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - using tmpdir: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results 2020-01-26 10:52:11,813 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - platform config: {'enabled': True, 'get_image_timeout': 300, 'create_instance_timeout': 60, 'private_key': 'cloud_init_rsa', 'public_key': 'cloud_init_rsa.pub', 'cache_mode': 'cache=none,aio=native', 'data_dir': '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results'} 2020-01-26 10:52:11,814 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up platform: nocloud-kvm 2020-01-26 10:52:13,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - os config: {'enabled': True, 'boot_timeout': 120, 'boot_clean_script': '#!/bin/bash\nrm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \\\n /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog\n', 'system_ready_script': "# permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot\n[ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o\n $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]\n", 'cloud_init_ready_script': "[ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]\n", 'feature_groups': ['base', 'debian_base', 'ubuntu_specific'], 'features': {'apt': True, 'byobu': True, 'landscape': True, 'lxd': True, 'ppa': True, 'rpm': None, 'snap': True, 'hostname': True, 'apt_src_cont': True, 'apt_hist_fmt': True, 'daylight_time': True, 'apt_up_out': True, 'engb_locale': True, 'locale_gen': True, 'no_ntpdate': True, 'no_file_fmt_e': True, 'ppa_file_name': True, 'sshd': True, 'ssh_key_fmt': True, 'syslog': True, 'ubuntu_ntp': True, 'ubuntu_repos': True, 'ubuntu_user': True, 'lsb_release': True, 'sudo': True}, 'mirror_url': 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily', 'mirror_dir': '/srv/citest/images', 'keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg', 'version': 18.04, 'setup_overrides': None, 'override_templates': False, 'release': 'bionic', 'os': 'ubuntu', 'arch': 'amd64'} 2020-01-26 10:52:13,440 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - acquiring image for os: bionic 2020-01-26 10:52:21,721 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - updating args for setup with: None 2020-01-26 10:52:23,143 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up ubuntu-bionic (build_name=server serial=20200124) 2020-01-26 10:52:23,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main" in target 2020-01-26 10:52:23,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-proposed main" in target" 2020-01-26 10:52:35,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - upgrading cloud-init 2020-01-26 10:52:35,964 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "upgrading cloud-init" 2020-01-26 10:52:43,818 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - creating snapshot for bionic 2020-01-26 10:52:44,019 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for os: bionic 2020-01-26 10:52:44,024 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1511485 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:52:44,028 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1611074 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:52:44,073 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: bugs/lp1628337 2020-01-26 10:52:46,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:53:01,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:53:19,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:53:27,258 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:53:27,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,319 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:53:27,319 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:53:27,414 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:53:27,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,601 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:53:27,601 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:53:27,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,789 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:53:27,789 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:53:27,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:53:27,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:53:27,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:53:28,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32037 to end 2020-01-26 10:53:29,174 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-bugs-lp1628337-695kzm7drdrmpiidmn0a2e8 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/bugs/lp1628337/console.log 2020-01-26 10:53:29,182 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/add_apt_repositories is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,187 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/alter_completion_message is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,193 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,201 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,207 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/including_user_groups is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,212 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_arbitrary_packages is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,220 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_run_chef_recipes is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,225 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_apt_upgrade is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,230 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,234 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands_first_boot is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,240 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/setup_run_puppet is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,246 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:53:29,289 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: main/command_output_simple 2020-01-26 10:53:30,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:53:45,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:54:03,447 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:54:08,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:54:08,444 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,514 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:54:08,514 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,604 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:54:08,604 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:54:08,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,826 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:54:08,826 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:54:08,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:08,977 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:54:08,977 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:54:09,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:54:09,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:54:09,199 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:54:09,199 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:54:09,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-test-output 2020-01-26 10:54:09,632 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-test-output" 2020-01-26 10:54:09,837 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6284 to end 2020-01-26 10:54:10,821 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-main-command-output-simple-qkfzampruws to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/main/command_output_simple/console.log 2020-01-26 10:54:10,863 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_conf 2020-01-26 10:54:12,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:54:27,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:54:45,181 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:54:50,962 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:54:50,962 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:54:51,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:54:51,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:54:51,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,345 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:54:51,345 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:54:51,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,537 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:54:51,538 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,647 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:54:51,647 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:54:51,743 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:54:51,743 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:54:52,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 94cloud-init-config 2020-01-26 10:54:52,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 94cloud-init-config" 2020-01-26 10:54:52,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 12270 to end 2020-01-26 10:54:53,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-conf-oy42mmasv7i to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_conf/console.log 2020-01-26 10:54:53,326 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites 2020-01-26 10:54:54,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:55:09,592 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:55:27,618 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:55:35,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:55:35,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:55:35,619 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:55:35,619 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:55:35,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:55:35,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:55:35,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:55:35,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:55:35,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:55:35,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:55:35,990 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:55:35,990 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:55:36,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:55:36,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:55:36,192 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:55:36,192 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:55:36,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:55:36,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:55:36,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:55:36,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:55:36,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 20121 to end 2020-01-26 10:55:37,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-disable--t5lnncn to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites/console.log 2020-01-26 10:55:37,824 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_primary 2020-01-26 10:55:39,078 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:55:54,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:56:12,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:56:16,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:56:16,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:56:16,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:56:16,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:56:16,846 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:56:16,846 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:56:16,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:56:16,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:17,060 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:56:17,060 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:17,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:56:17,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:17,382 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:56:17,382 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:56:18,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:56:18,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:56:18,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:56:18,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:56:18,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:56:18,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:56:18,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28068 to end 2020-01-26 10:56:20,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-primary-smkfxd8s to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_primary/console.log 2020-01-26 10:56:20,057 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy 2020-01-26 10:56:21,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:56:36,165 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:56:54,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:56:58,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:56:58,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:56:58,794 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:56:58,795 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:56:58,883 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:56:58,883 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:56:58,980 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:56:58,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:56:59,081 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:56:59,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:56:59,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,642 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:56:59,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,697 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:56:59,698 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:56:59,922 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-aptproxy 2020-01-26 10:56:59,922 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-aptproxy" 2020-01-26 10:57:00,222 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1423 to end 2020-01-26 10:57:01,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-proxy-uf54nzn9mt to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_proxy/console.log 2020-01-26 10:57:01,274 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_security 2020-01-26 10:57:02,304 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:57:17,332 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:57:35,356 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:57:39,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:57:39,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:57:39,999 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:57:39,999 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:57:40,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:57:40,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:57:40,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:57:40,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:57:40,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:57:40,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:57:40,695 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:57:40,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:57:41,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:57:41,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:57:41,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 7463 to end 2020-01-26 10:57:42,689 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-security-oydvfpt to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_security/console.log 2020-01-26 10:57:42,737 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key 2020-01-26 10:57:43,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:57:58,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:58:16,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:58:28,764 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:58:28,764 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:58:28,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:58:28,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:58:28,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:58:28,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:58:29,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:58:29,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:58:29,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,285 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:58:29,285 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:58:29,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,487 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:58:29,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:58:29,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:58:29,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-26 10:58:29,758 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-26 10:58:30,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:58:30,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 14845 to end 2020-01-26 10:58:30,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-sources--3h1yu8x to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_sources_key/console.log 2020-01-26 10:58:30,986 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver 2020-01-26 10:58:32,060 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:58:47,085 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:59:05,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:59:08,115 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:59:11,117 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 10:59:14,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:59:21,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:59:21,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,214 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:59:21,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,311 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:59:21,311 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,406 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:59:21,407 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:59:21,505 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,599 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:59:21,599 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:59:21,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:59:21,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:59:21,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:59:21,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:59:22,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-26 10:59:22,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-26 10:59:22,327 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:59:22,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 22350 to end 2020-01-26 10:59:23,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-sources--wweiaq8 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver/console.log 2020-01-26 10:59:23,636 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list 2020-01-26 10:59:24,715 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:59:39,740 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:59:57,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:00:00,771 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:00:03,773 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:00:06,776 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:00:09,774 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:00:09,774 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:00:09,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:00:09,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:00:09,933 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:00:09,934 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,026 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:00:10,026 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:00:10,195 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,297 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:00:10,297 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:00:10,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,527 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:00:10,527 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:00:10,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:00:10,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:00:11,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 11:00:11,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 11:00:11,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29289 to end 2020-01-26 11:00:12,689 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-sources--ffeqnx7 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_sources_list/console.log 2020-01-26 11:00:12,755 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa 2020-01-26 11:00:14,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:00:29,300 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:00:47,326 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:01:04,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:01:04,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:01:04,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:01:04,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:01:05,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,148 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:01:05,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,244 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:01:05,244 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,340 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:01:05,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:01:05,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:01:05,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:01:05,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,822 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 11:01:05,822 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 11:01:05,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt-key 2020-01-26 11:01:05,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt-key" 2020-01-26 11:01:06,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt-key exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 11:01:06,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources_full 2020-01-26 11:01:06,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources_full" 2020-01-26 11:01:06,419 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4966 to end 2020-01-26 11:01:07,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-configure-sources--iahjbrd to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa/console.log 2020-01-26 11:01:07,534 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_disable 2020-01-26 11:01:08,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:01:23,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:01:41,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:01:46,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:01:46,174 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:01:46,234 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:01:46,234 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:01:46,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:01:46,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:01:46,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:01:46,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:46,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:01:46,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:46,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:01:46,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:01:47,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:01:47,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:01:47,118 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:01:47,118 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:01:47,208 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:01:47,208 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:01:47,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining 2020-01-26 11:01:47,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining" 2020-01-26 11:01:48,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 13853 to end 2020-01-26 11:01:50,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-pipelining-disable-2hzm742 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_pipelining_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 11:01:50,539 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_os 2020-01-26 11:01:51,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:02:06,882 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:02:24,909 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:02:29,333 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:02:29,333 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:02:29,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:02:29,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,597 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:02:29,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:02:29,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,795 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:02:29,795 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:02:29,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:02:29,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:02:30,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:02:30,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:02:30,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:02:30,212 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:02:30,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written 2020-01-26 11:02:30,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written" 2020-01-26 11:02:30,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 11:02:30,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21000 to end 2020-01-26 11:02:31,813 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-apt-pipelining-os-wcpkzoi8ia6z to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/apt_pipelining_os/console.log 2020-01-26 11:02:31,856 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/bootcmd 2020-01-26 11:02:33,029 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:02:48,058 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:03:06,087 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:03:10,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:03:10,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:03:10,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:03:10,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:03:10,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:03:10,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:03:10,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:03:10,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:10,987 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:03:10,987 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:11,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:03:11,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:11,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:03:11,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:03:11,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:03:11,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:03:11,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:03:11,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:03:12,095 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 11:03:12,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 11:03:12,290 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 27336 to end 2020-01-26 11:03:13,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-bootcmd-uv5by30pp0wt4uo2ksq8nq to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/bootcmd/console.log 2020-01-26 11:03:13,084 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/byobu 2020-01-26 11:03:14,325 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:03:29,350 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:03:47,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:03:55,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:03:55,914 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:03:55,968 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:03:55,968 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:03:56,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,151 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:03:56,151 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:03:56,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:03:56,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:03:56,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,529 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:03:56,529 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,619 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:03:56,619 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,791 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_profile_enabled 2020-01-26 11:03:56,791 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_profile_enabled" 2020-01-26 11:03:56,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_launch_exists 2020-01-26 11:03:56,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_launch_exists" 2020-01-26 11:03:57,122 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2156 to end 2020-01-26 11:03:58,713 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-byobu-4ekpsk3dulql0pltwl3ic6d3 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/byobu/console.log 2020-01-26 11:03:58,765 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ca_certs 2020-01-26 11:03:59,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:04:14,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:04:32,970 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:04:35,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:04:38,978 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:04:41,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:04:43,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:04:43,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:04:43,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:04:43,518 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:04:43,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:04:43,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:04:43,950 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:04:43,951 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:04:44,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:04:44,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:04:44,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:04:44,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:04:44,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:04:44,444 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:04:44,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:04:44,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:04:44,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:04:44,798 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:04:45,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert_links 2020-01-26 11:04:45,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert_links" 2020-01-26 11:04:45,312 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert 2020-01-26 11:04:45,312 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert" 2020-01-26 11:04:45,667 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 10077 to end 2020-01-26 11:04:46,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ca-certs-5sp474r3qj4cdfflc8iua to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ca_certs/console.log 2020-01-26 11:04:47,069 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_disable 2020-01-26 11:04:50,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:05:05,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:05:23,090 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:05:30,216 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:05:30,216 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:05:30,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:05:30,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:05:30,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:05:30,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:05:30,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:05:30,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:05:30,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:05:30,942 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:05:30,942 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:05:31,225 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 17591 to end 2020-01-26 11:05:32,471 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-debug-disable-tncn0hrtzmznufgj to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/debug_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 11:05:32,520 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_enable 2020-01-26 11:05:34,927 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:05:49,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:06:07,980 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:06:12,497 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:06:12,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:06:12,581 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:06:12,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:06:12,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:06:12,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:06:12,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:06:12,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:12,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:06:12,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:12,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:06:12,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:13,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:06:13,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:06:13,277 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:06:13,277 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:06:13,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:06:13,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:06:13,871 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 24002 to end 2020-01-26 11:06:15,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-debug-enable-vge4c3qu8je3mf5o1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/debug_enable/console.log 2020-01-26 11:06:15,107 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/final_message 2020-01-26 11:06:16,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:06:31,187 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:06:49,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:06:53,752 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:06:53,752 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:06:53,846 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:06:53,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:06:53,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:06:53,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,045 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:06:54,045 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:06:54,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:06:54,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,327 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:06:54,327 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:06:54,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:06:54,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:06:54,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:06:55,255 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30804 to end 2020-01-26 11:06:56,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-final-message-kwtjfu6laupmy26p to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/final_message/console.log 2020-01-26 11:06:56,225 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/keys_to_console 2020-01-26 11:06:57,320 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:07:12,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:07:30,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:07:34,770 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:07:34,771 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:07:34,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:07:34,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:07:34,929 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:07:34,929 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:07:35,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:07:35,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:07:35,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:07:35,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:07:35,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,578 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:07:35,579 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:07:35,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 11:07:35,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 11:07:36,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5335 to end 2020-01-26 11:07:36,877 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-keys-to-console-jq2mdv15b576xz to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/keys_to_console/console.log 2020-01-26 11:07:36,885 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/landscape is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 11:07:36,928 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/locale 2020-01-26 11:07:38,167 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:07:53,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:08:11,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:08:16,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:08:16,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:08:16,860 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:08:16,860 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:08:16,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:08:16,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:08:17,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:08:17,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:08:17,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:08:17,354 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:08:17,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:08:17,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_default 2020-01-26 11:08:17,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_default" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_a 2020-01-26 11:08:17,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_a" 2020-01-26 11:08:17,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_gen 2020-01-26 11:08:17,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_gen" 2020-01-26 11:08:18,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 8339 to end 2020-01-26 11:08:20,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-locale-tj6g2jpjw93rsdcagtl72i1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/locale/console.log 2020-01-26 11:08:20,440 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_bridge 2020-01-26 11:08:21,806 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:08:36,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:08:54,866 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:09:11,798 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:09:11,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:09:11,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:09:11,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:09:11,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:09:11,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:09:12,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:09:12,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:09:12,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:09:12,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:09:12,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:09:12,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,735 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-26 11:09:12,736 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,831 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-26 11:09:12,831 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-26 11:09:12,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc-bridge 2020-01-26 11:09:12,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc-bridge" 2020-01-26 11:09:13,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 18126 to end 2020-01-26 11:09:14,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-lxd-bridge-c5ip0r1m98grbewpze1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/lxd_bridge/console.log 2020-01-26 11:09:14,428 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_dir 2020-01-26 11:09:15,601 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:09:30,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:09:48,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:10:01,108 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:10:01,108 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:10:01,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,262 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:10:01,262 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:10:01,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:10:01,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:10:01,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,637 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:10:01,637 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:10:01,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:10:01,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:10:01,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:10:02,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-26 11:10:02,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-26 11:10:02,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-26 11:10:02,171 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-26 11:10:02,486 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 19337 to end 2020-01-26 11:10:03,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-lxd-dir-p0iioj6r31kut54s5i1aq9 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/lxd_dir/console.log 2020-01-26 11:10:03,658 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp 2020-01-26 11:10:06,006 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:10:21,041 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:10:39,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:11:05,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:11:05,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:11:05,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:11:05,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:11:05,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:11:05,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,039 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:11:06,039 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:11:06,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,228 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:11:06,228 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:11:06,325 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:11:06,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,525 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:11:06,525 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,815 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed 2020-01-26 11:11:06,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed" 2020-01-26 11:11:06,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_empty 2020-01-26 11:11:06,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_empty" 2020-01-26 11:11:07,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_empty exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 11:11:07,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pool_list 2020-01-26 11:11:07,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pool_list" 2020-01-26 11:11:07,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29050 to end 2020-01-26 11:11:07,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ntp-cwnpx74f5mvqaolgr338rakzrm to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ntp/console.log 2020-01-26 11:11:07,996 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_chrony 2020-01-26 11:11:09,082 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:11:24,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:11:42,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:11:59,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:11:59,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:11:59,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:11:59,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:11:59,905 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:11:59,905 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:11:59,998 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:11:59,998 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:12:00,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,188 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:12:00,189 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:12:00,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,394 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:12:00,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:12:00,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: chrony_conf 2020-01-26 11:12:00,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: chrony_conf" 2020-01-26 11:12:00,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 10063 to end 2020-01-26 11:12:01,721 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ntp-chrony-oxk0bkyapte6ykry6z8 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ntp_chrony/console.log 2020-01-26 11:12:01,792 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_pools 2020-01-26 11:12:03,063 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:12:18,089 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:12:36,117 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:12:58,462 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:12:58,463 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,522 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:12:58,522 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,618 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:12:58,618 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,713 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:12:58,713 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,805 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:12:58,805 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:12:58,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:12:58,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:12:58,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:12:59,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:12:59,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_pools 2020-01-26 11:12:59,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_pools" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,515 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_pools 2020-01-26 11:12:59,515 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_pools" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_pools exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 11:12:59,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pools 2020-01-26 11:12:59,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pools" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,718 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-26 11:12:59,718 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-26 11:12:59,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 22504 to end 2020-01-26 11:13:00,937 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ntp-pools-6u5ti08wyvhmhk84j8wq to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ntp_pools/console.log 2020-01-26 11:13:00,988 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_servers 2020-01-26 11:13:02,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:13:17,164 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:13:35,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:14:01,910 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:14:01,910 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:14:02,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:14:02,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,207 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:14:02,207 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:14:02,300 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:14:02,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:14:02,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,605 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:14:02,605 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,697 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:14:02,697 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,885 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_servers 2020-01-26 11:14:02,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_servers" 2020-01-26 11:14:02,978 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_servers 2020-01-26 11:14:02,978 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_servers" 2020-01-26 11:14:03,075 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_servers exited 'b'cat: /etc/ntp.conf.dist: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 11:14:03,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_servers 2020-01-26 11:14:03,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_servers" 2020-01-26 11:14:03,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-26 11:14:03,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-26 11:14:03,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2255 to end 2020-01-26 11:14:07,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ntp-servers-35z273b027f9tv8wz4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ntp_servers/console.log 2020-01-26 11:14:07,187 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_timesyncd 2020-01-26 11:14:10,165 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:14:25,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:14:43,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:14:52,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:14:52,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:14:52,770 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:14:52,770 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:14:52,861 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:14:52,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:14:52,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:14:52,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,050 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:14:53,050 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:14:53,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:14:53,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:14:53,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:14:53,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,666 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timesyncd_conf 2020-01-26 11:14:53,666 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timesyncd_conf" 2020-01-26 11:14:53,955 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 16236 to end 2020-01-26 11:14:54,654 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ntp-timesyncd-krxfv8vw66djnojs to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ntp_timesyncd/console.log 2020-01-26 11:14:54,707 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/package_update_upgrade_install 2020-01-26 11:14:55,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:15:11,001 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:15:29,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:15:47,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:15:47,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:15:47,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,528 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:15:47,528 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:15:47,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,717 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:15:47,717 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:15:47,809 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:15:47,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:15:47,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:15:48,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:15:48,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:15:48,119 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:15:48,119 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:15:48,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_history_cmdline 2020-01-26 11:15:48,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_history_cmdline" 2020-01-26 11:15:48,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dpkg_show 2020-01-26 11:15:48,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dpkg_show" 2020-01-26 11:15:48,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26693 to end 2020-01-26 11:15:49,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-package-update-upgrade-71opmrq to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/package_update_upgrade_install/console.log 2020-01-26 11:15:49,531 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/runcmd 2020-01-26 11:15:50,597 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:16:05,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:16:23,648 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:16:29,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:16:29,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:16:29,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:16:29,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:16:29,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:16:29,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:16:29,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:16:29,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:16:29,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:16:29,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:16:29,914 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:16:29,914 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:16:30,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:16:30,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:16:30,226 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:16:30,227 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:16:30,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:16:30,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:16:30,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: run_cmd 2020-01-26 11:16:30,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: run_cmd" 2020-01-26 11:16:30,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5299 to end 2020-01-26 11:16:31,761 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-runcmd-8fi8w3v22v9zihcwdliqx5z to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/runcmd/console.log 2020-01-26 11:16:31,772 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/seed_random_command is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 11:16:31,820 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/seed_random_data 2020-01-26 11:16:32,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:16:47,917 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:17:05,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:17:10,403 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:17:10,403 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:17:10,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:17:10,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:17:10,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:17:10,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:17:10,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:17:10,654 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:10,806 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:17:10,806 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:10,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:17:10,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:11,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:17:11,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:17:11,269 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:17:11,269 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:17:11,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:17:11,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:17:11,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: seed_data 2020-01-26 11:17:11,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: seed_data" 2020-01-26 11:17:12,223 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 13847 to end 2020-01-26 11:17:13,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-seed-random-data-ho6r7kxphzy0u to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/seed_random_data/console.log 2020-01-26 11:17:13,060 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname 2020-01-26 11:17:14,389 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:17:29,414 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:17:47,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:17:50,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:17:53,512 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:17:56,513 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:17:58,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:17:58,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:17:59,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:17:59,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,223 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:17:59,223 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,315 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:17:59,315 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,411 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:17:59,412 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:17:59,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,614 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:17:59,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:17:59,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:17:59,923 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 11:17:59,923 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 11:18:00,016 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-26 11:18:00,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-26 11:18:00,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-26 11:18:00,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-26 11:18:00,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21780 to end 2020-01-26 11:18:01,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-hostname-uiwgx0c2qnny90gug to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_hostname/console.log 2020-01-26 11:18:01,502 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname_fqdn 2020-01-26 11:18:02,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:18:17,591 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:18:35,620 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:18:45,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:18:45,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:18:45,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:18:45,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:18:45,863 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:18:45,863 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:18:45,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:18:45,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:18:46,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:18:46,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,258 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:18:46,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:18:46,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:18:46,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 11:18:46,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-26 11:18:46,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-26 11:18:46,902 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-26 11:18:46,902 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-26 11:18:47,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30806 to end 2020-01-26 11:18:49,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-hostname-fqdn-9rwb873ti3h1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_hostname_fqdn/console.log 2020-01-26 11:18:49,390 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password 2020-01-26 11:18:50,725 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:19:05,761 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:19:23,788 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:19:26,790 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:19:29,793 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:19:32,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:19:37,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:19:37,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:19:37,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:19:37,875 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:19:37,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:19:37,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:19:38,068 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:19:38,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:19:38,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:19:38,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:19:38,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:19:38,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:19:38,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:19:39,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 11:19:39,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 11:19:39,199 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 11:19:39,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 11:19:39,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 8457 to end 2020-01-26 11:19:40,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-password-w9wm0w4pc1i598afh to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_password/console.log 2020-01-26 11:19:40,409 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_expire 2020-01-26 11:19:41,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:19:56,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:20:14,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:20:17,636 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:20:20,637 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:20:23,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,255 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:20:30,256 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,318 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:20:30,318 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:20:30,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,505 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:20:30,505 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:20:30,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,772 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:20:30,772 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:20:30,882 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:20:30,882 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:20:31,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:20:31,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:20:31,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:20:31,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:20:31,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 11:20:31,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 11:20:31,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 11:20:31,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 11:20:32,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 19431 to end 2020-01-26 11:20:33,041 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-password-expire-cxzddbcd6y to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_password_expire/console.log 2020-01-26 11:20:33,091 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list 2020-01-26 11:20:34,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:20:49,297 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:21:07,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:21:12,703 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:21:12,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:21:12,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:21:12,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:21:12,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:21:12,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:21:12,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:21:12,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:13,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:21:13,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:13,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:21:13,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:13,235 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:21:13,235 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:21:13,339 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:21:13,339 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:21:13,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:21:13,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:21:14,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 11:21:14,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 11:21:14,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 11:21:14,560 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 11:21:14,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31060 to end 2020-01-26 11:21:15,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-password-list-skbt9i1pfdan to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_password_list/console.log 2020-01-26 11:21:15,627 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list_string 2020-01-26 11:21:16,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:21:31,726 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:21:41,167 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:21:44,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:21:47,176 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:21:50,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:21:51,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:21:51,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:21:51,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:21:51,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:21:51,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:21:51,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:21:51,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:21:51,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:51,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:21:51,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:21:52,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,171 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:21:52,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:21:52,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:21:52,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,644 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 11:21:52,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 11:21:52,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 11:21:52,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 11:21:53,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 8321 to end 2020-01-26 11:21:53,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-set-password-list-stri-a5k8r81 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/set_password_list_string/console.log 2020-01-26 11:21:53,648 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/snap is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 11:21:53,687 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable 2020-01-26 11:21:54,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:22:09,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:22:27,820 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:22:32,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:22:32,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:22:32,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:22:32,373 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:22:32,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:22:32,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:22:32,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:22:32,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:22:32,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:22:32,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:22:32,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:22:33,158 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 11:22:33,158 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 11:22:33,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 18089 to end 2020-01-26 11:22:35,605 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-pi31zpk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 11:22:35,703 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable 2020-01-26 11:22:36,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:22:51,970 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:23:09,997 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:23:16,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:23:16,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:23:16,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:23:16,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:23:16,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:23:16,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:23:16,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:23:16,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:23:16,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:23:16,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:23:17,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:23:17,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:23:17,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 11:23:17,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 11:23:17,511 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23991 to end 2020-01-26 11:23:18,129 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-2qg5ads to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable/console.log 2020-01-26 11:23:18,193 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_import_id 2020-01-26 11:23:19,333 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:23:34,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:23:52,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:23:57,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:23:57,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:23:57,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:23:57,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:23:57,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,363 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:23:57,363 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:23:57,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:23:57,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,683 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:23:57,684 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:23:57,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:23:57,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: auth_keys_ubuntu 2020-01-26 11:23:57,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: auth_keys_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 11:23:58,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31655 to end 2020-01-26 11:23:59,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ssh-import-id-dh6yf8arnmma8b1c to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ssh_import_id/console.log 2020-01-26 11:23:59,073 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate 2020-01-26 11:24:01,439 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:24:16,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:24:34,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:24:40,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:24:40,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:24:40,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:24:40,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:24:41,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:24:41,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,226 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:24:41,227 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,333 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:24:41,334 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:24:41,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:24:41,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:24:41,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:24:41,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_public 2020-01-26 11:24:42,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_public" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 11:24:42,263 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_private 2020-01-26 11:24:42,263 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_private" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,360 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 11:24:42,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_public 2020-01-26 11:24:42,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_public" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 11:24:42,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_private 2020-01-26 11:24:42,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_private" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,550 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 11:24:42,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_public 2020-01-26 11:24:42,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_public" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_private 2020-01-26 11:24:42,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_private" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_public 2020-01-26 11:24:42,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_public" 2020-01-26 11:24:42,883 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_private 2020-01-26 11:24:42,883 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_private" 2020-01-26 11:24:43,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31946 to end 2020-01-26 11:24:44,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-ssh-keys-generate-2vajhjb3ixlg to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/ssh_keys_generate/console.log 2020-01-26 11:24:44,513 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/ssh_keys_provided is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 11:24:44,557 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/timezone 2020-01-26 11:24:46,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:25:01,051 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:25:19,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:25:25,242 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:25:25,242 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:25:25,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:25:25,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:25:25,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:25:25,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:25:25,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:25:25,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,876 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:25:25,876 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:25:25,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:25:25,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:25:26,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timezone 2020-01-26 11:25:26,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timezone" 2020-01-26 11:25:26,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3638 to end 2020-01-26 11:25:27,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-timezone-6udy1t47eeovvuytvrcgc to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/timezone/console.log 2020-01-26 11:25:27,725 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/user_groups 2020-01-26 11:25:28,759 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:25:43,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:25:53,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:25:56,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:25:59,117 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 11:26:02,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:26:03,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:26:03,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:26:03,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:26:03,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:26:03,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:26:03,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:26:03,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:26:03,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:03,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:26:03,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:26:04,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,110 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:26:04,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:26:04,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,364 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:26:04,364 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_ubuntu 2020-01-26 11:26:04,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_cloud_users 2020-01-26 11:26:04,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_cloud_users" 2020-01-26 11:26:04,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_ubuntu 2020-01-26 11:26:04,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 11:26:05,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_foobar 2020-01-26 11:26:05,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_foobar" 2020-01-26 11:26:05,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_barfoo 2020-01-26 11:26:05,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_barfoo" 2020-01-26 11:26:05,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_cloudy 2020-01-26 11:26:05,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_cloudy" 2020-01-26 11:26:05,326 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: root_groups 2020-01-26 11:26:05,326 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: root_groups" 2020-01-26 11:26:05,594 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 9956 to end 2020-01-26 11:26:06,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-user-groups-vsb70hquudl9wzuyjb to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/user_groups/console.log 2020-01-26 11:26:06,607 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/write_files 2020-01-26 11:26:07,901 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 11:26:22,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:26:40,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 11:26:45,514 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 11:26:45,515 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 11:26:45,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 11:26:45,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 11:26:45,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 11:26:45,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 11:26:45,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 11:26:45,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:45,889 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 11:26:45,889 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:46,069 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 11:26:46,069 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 11:26:46,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 11:26:46,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 11:26:46,426 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 11:26:46,427 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 11:26:46,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 11:26:46,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 11:26:46,970 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_b64 2020-01-26 11:26:46,971 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_b64" 2020-01-26 11:26:47,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_text 2020-01-26 11:26:47,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_text" 2020-01-26 11:26:47,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_binary 2020-01-26 11:26:47,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_binary" 2020-01-26 11:26:47,318 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_gzip 2020-01-26 11:26:47,318 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_gzip" 2020-01-26 11:26:47,594 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 17012 to end 2020-01-26 11:26:48,326 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-bionic-modules-write-files-2gup4ij98ejkio5t3m to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/bionic/modules/write_files/console.log 2020-01-26 11:26:48,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect stages: {'name': 'collect data', 'time': 2076.523555278778, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'collect for platform: nocloud-kvm', 'time': 2074.945291996002, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up and collect data for os: bionic', 'time': 2066.6070835590363, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up for ubuntu-bionic', 'time': 20.67452573776245, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'setup func for --repo, enable repo', 'time': 12.819449424743652, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade cloud-init', 'time': 7.855028867721558, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect test data for bionic', 'time': 2044.3076424598694, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: bugs/lp1628337', 'time': 44.055731773376465, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 43.1487877368927, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06060004234313965, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09445714950561523, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09486556053161621, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09287071228027344, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.0919489860534668, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09619593620300293, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10704731941223145, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09232354164123535, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17645621299743652, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: main/command_output_simple', 'time': 40.42435383796692, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 39.142693758010864, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07027816772460938, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.090606689453125, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09157109260559082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.1296401023864746, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.0546722412109375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09665846824645996, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.1278092861175537, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09372854232788086, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.4329707622528076, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-test-output', 'time': 0.09350776672363281, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_conf', 'time': 41.09875416755676, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 39.94908022880554, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07579302787780762, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09175658226013184, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.10257315635681152, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.11295413970947266, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.10050225257873535, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09174013137817383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10953664779663086, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09557056427001953, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.3010091781616211, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 94cloud-init-config', 'time': 0.06801247596740723, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'time': 43.13090801239014, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 42.078349351882935, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06695771217346191, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.08963823318481445, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09326338768005371, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09373998641967773, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09375572204589844, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09631586074829102, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10602784156799316, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09440994262695312, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.2205047607421875, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.09769749641418457, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_primary', 'time': 40.45973777770996, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 38.70224690437317, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06479430198669434, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.1006326675415039, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09409451484680176, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.11975550651550293, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09975624084472656, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.22282648086547852, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.6550350189208984, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06681537628173828, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.23781085014343262, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.0957345962524414, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'time': 40.0709924697876, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 38.662750482559204, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0614628791809082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0887138843536377, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09714794158935547, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09998536109924316, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09545302391052246, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.31786108016967773, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.1487598419189453, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.05494070053100586, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.2242143154144287, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 90cloud-init-aptproxy', 'time': 0.21949291229248047, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_security', 'time': 39.93477129936218, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 38.65658164024353, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05858778953552246, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09731912612915039, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09747481346130371, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.10477590560913086, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09729981422424316, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09748625755310059, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10883140563964844, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09310054779052734, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.41625356674194336, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.10685229301452637, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'time': 47.22479605674744, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 45.9823112487793, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06051468849182129, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0912771224975586, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09211134910583496, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09281492233276367, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09255576133728027, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09151458740234375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.11007475852966309, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09270906448364258, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17495965957641602, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.09479188919067383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script apt_key_list', 'time': 0.24890518188476562, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'time': 51.321078062057495, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 50.0474693775177, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06550097465515137, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09352993965148926, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09676480293273926, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09523487091064453, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09793663024902344, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09444570541381836, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10627365112304688, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09125065803527832, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17878222465515137, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.09655380249023438, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script apt_key_list', 'time': 0.2570497989654541, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'time': 47.43502759933472, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 46.12589740753174, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07709503173828125, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0821683406829834, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09253883361816406, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, 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True}, {'name': 'script user_ubuntu', 'time': 0.13062524795532227, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_foobar', 'time': 0.06531500816345215, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_barfoo', 'time': 0.12691879272460938, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_cloudy', 'time': 0.10568690299987793, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script root_groups', 'time': 0.1387622356414795, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/write_files', 'time': 40.679407358169556, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 38.73017978668213, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06011390686035156, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.10240459442138672, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09603619575500488, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.1162405014038086, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.17997169494628906, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.13678836822509766, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.22034502029418945, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.07606244087219238, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.4679572582244873, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_b64', 'time': 0.13203096389770508, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_text', 'time': 0.11268448829650879, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_binary', 'time': 0.10288548469543457, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_gzip', 'time': 0.14532089233398438, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True} 2020-01-26 11:26:48,335 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - found test data: {'nocloud-kvm': {'bionic': ['bugs/lp1628337', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'modules/locale', 'modules/apt_configure_primary', 'modules/lxd_bridge', 'modules/apt_configure_security', 'modules/apt_pipelining_os', 'modules/ssh_import_id', 'modules/ntp_pools', 'modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'modules/bootcmd', 'modules/set_hostname_fqdn', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable', 'modules/final_message', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'modules/ntp_servers', 'modules/ntp_chrony', 'modules/write_files', 'modules/set_password', 'modules/ntp', 'modules/timezone', 'modules/keys_to_console', 'modules/debug_enable', 'modules/seed_random_data', 'modules/set_password_list', 'modules/user_groups', 'modules/debug_disable', 'modules/byobu', 'modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa', 'modules/package_update_upgrade_install', 'modules/ntp_timesyncd', 'modules/lxd_dir', 'modules/apt_pipelining_disable', 'modules/runcmd', 'modules/set_hostname', 'modules/apt_configure_conf', 'modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'modules/set_password_list_string', 'modules/set_password_expire', 'modules/ca_certs', 'main/command_output_simple']}} 2020-01-26 11:26:48,336 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='bionic' verifying test data 2020-01-26 11:26:48,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for bugs/lp1628337 test_fetch_indices (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify no apt errors. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify can find ntp and install it. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,390 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_sources_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Test sources.list includes sources. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,437 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/locale test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_locale (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale is set properly. ... ok test_locale_a (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale -a has both options. ... ok test_locale_gen (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test local.gen file has all entries. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,486 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_primary test_gatech_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test GaTech entries exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ubuntu_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test no default Ubuntu entries exist. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,538 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_bridge test_bridge (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test bridge config. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,581 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_security test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_security_mirror (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_os test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_os_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) test 'os' settings does not write apt config file. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,667 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_import_id test_authorized_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Test that ssh keys were imported. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_pools test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entires (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_keys_generate test_dsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa private key not generated. ... ok test_dsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa public key not generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_rsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok test_rsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_syslog (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Verify output of syslog. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test specific key added. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,905 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/bootcmd test_bootcmd_host (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Test boot cmd worked. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname_fqdn test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname output. ... ok test_hostname_fqdn (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname fqdn output. ... ok test_hosts (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test /etc/hosts file. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:48,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable test_cloud_init_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Verify disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/final_message test_final_message_string (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure final handles regular strings. ... ok test_final_message_subs (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Test variable substitution in final message. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_key test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test key list updated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_servers test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test config server entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,223 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_chrony test_chrony_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Test chrony config entries ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/write_files test_b64 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii. ... ok test_binary (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test binary file reads as executable. ... ok test_gzip (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test gzip file shows up as a shell script. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_text (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test text shows up as ASCII text. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,314 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test ubuntu user in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test ntp installed ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/timezone test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timezone (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Test date prints correct timezone. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/keys_to_console test_excluded_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test excluded keys missing. ... ok test_expected_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test expected keys exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_enable test_debug_enable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Test debug messages in cloud-init log. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,549 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/seed_random_data test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_random_seed_data (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Test random data passed in exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,596 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.011s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/user_groups test_group_cloud_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloud users group exists. ... ok test_group_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu group exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_user_barfoo (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test barfoo user exists. ... ok test_user_cloudy (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloudy user exists. ... ok test_user_foobar (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test foobar user exists. ... ok test_user_root_in_secret (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test root user is in 'secret' group. ... ok test_user_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu user exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,698 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_disable test_debug_disable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Test verbose output missing from logs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/byobu test_byobu_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu installed. ... ok test_byobu_launch_exists (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu-launch exists. ... ok test_byobu_profile_enabled (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu profile.d file exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_proxy test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_proxy_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Test proxy options added to apt config. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ppa (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test specific ppa added. ... ok test_ppa_key (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test ppa key added. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/package_update_upgrade_install test_apt_history (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test apt history for update command. ... ok test_cloud_init_output (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff. ... ok test_installed_sl (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test sl got installed. ... ok test_installed_tree (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test tree got installed. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:49,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_timesyncd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timesyncd_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Test timesyncd config entries ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_dir test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,051 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_disable test_disable_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Test pipelining disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,114 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/runcmd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_run_cmd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Test run command worked. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,179 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Test hostname command shows correct output. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,254 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_conf test_apt_conf_assumeyes (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config assumes true. ... ok test_apt_conf_fixbroken (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config fixes broken. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,298 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_disable_suites test_empty_sourcelist (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Test source list is empty. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list_string test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_expire test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test user frozen in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,447 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ca_certs test_cert_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test line from our cert exists. ... ok test_certs_updated (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test certs have been updated in /etc/ssl/certs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for main/command_output_simple test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_output_file (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 11:26:50,543 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='bionic' passed all tests 2020-01-26 11:26:50,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - ---- Verify summarized results: Platform: nocloud-kvm Distro: bionic test modules passed:44 tests failed:0 2020-01-26 11:26:50,544 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - leaving data in /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-b-kvm/cloud-init/results ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ citest: commands succeeded congratulations :) + rc=0 + [ 0 = 0 ] + find ./results -type f ( -name *.qcow2 -o -name *.img -o -name *.log ) -delete + find . -name id_rsa* -delete + exit 0 Sending e-mails to: server-crew-qa@lists.canonical.com Archiving artifacts Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: SUCCESS === End series b === === Begin series x === Started by remote host Running as SYSTEM Building remotely on torkoal in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm [cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins7650700166894555494.sh + release=xenial + release_ver=16.04 + platform=nocloud-kvm + set -e + sudo rm -Rf cloud-init + git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init Cloning into 'cloud-init'... + cd cloud-init + git tag --list + grep 16.04 + tail -1 + tag=ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_16.04.1 + echo Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_16.04.1 Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_16.04.1 + git checkout ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_16.04.1 Note: checking out 'ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_16.04.1'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 7a6055ed releasing cloud-init version 19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 + mirror=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ + hostname + [ -z -a torkoal = torkoal ] + export TMPDIR=/var/lib/jenkins/tmp/ + set +e + no_proxy=launchpad.net https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 tox -e citest -- run --os-name=xenial --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main' --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose GLOB sdist-make: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/setup.py citest create: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest citest installdeps: -r/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/integration-requirements.txt citest inst: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/dist/cloud-init-19.4.zip citest installed: adal==1.2.2,asn1crypto==1.3.0,attrs==19.3.0,azure-common==1.1.23,azure-mgmt-compute==7.0.0,azure-mgmt-network==5.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==4.0.0,azure-mgmt-storage==6.0.0,azure-nspkg==3.0.2,azure-storage==0.36.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,boto3==1.5.9,botocore==1.8.50,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.13.2,chardet==3.0.4,cloud-init==19.4,configobj==5.0.6,cryptography==2.4.2,docutils==0.16,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==1.4.0,isodate==0.6.0,Jinja2==2.10.3,jmespath==0.9.4,jsonpatch==1.24,jsonpointer==2.0,jsonschema==3.2.0,linecache2==1.0.0,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,msrest==0.6.10,msrestazure==0.6.1,oauthlib==3.1.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pbr==5.4.4,pkg-resources==0.0.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pycparser==2.19,PyJWT==1.7.1,pylxd==2.2.7,PyNaCl==1.3.0,pyrsistent==0.15.7,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-simplestreams==0.1.0,PyYAML==5.3,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requests-toolbelt==0.9.1,requests-unixsocket==0.2.0,s3transfer==0.1.13,six==1.14.0,traceback2==1.4.0,unittest2==1.1.0,urllib3==1.25.8,ws4py==0.5.1,zipp==2.1.0 citest runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='1529297813' citest runtests: commands[0] | /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest/bin/python -m tests.cloud_tests run --os-name=xenial --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo=deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose 2020-01-26 10:29:39,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running with args: Namespace(data_dir='/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results', deb=None, feature_override={}, os_name=['xenial'], platform=['nocloud-kvm'], ppa=None, preserve_data=True, preserve_instance=False, quiet=False, repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main', result=None, rpm=None, script=None, subcmd='run', test_config=['/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_chrony.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_timesyncd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snap.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml'], upgrade=True, upgrade_full=False, verbose=True) 2020-01-26 10:29:39,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - using tmpdir: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results 2020-01-26 10:29:39,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - platform config: {'enabled': True, 'get_image_timeout': 300, 'create_instance_timeout': 60, 'private_key': 'cloud_init_rsa', 'public_key': 'cloud_init_rsa.pub', 'cache_mode': 'cache=none,aio=native', 'data_dir': '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results'} 2020-01-26 10:29:39,874 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up platform: nocloud-kvm 2020-01-26 10:29:40,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - os config: {'enabled': True, 'boot_timeout': 120, 'boot_clean_script': '#!/bin/bash\nrm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \\\n /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog\n', 'system_ready_script': "# permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot\n[ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o\n $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]\n", 'cloud_init_ready_script': "[ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]\n", 'feature_groups': ['base', 'debian_base', 'ubuntu_specific'], 'features': {'apt': True, 'byobu': True, 'landscape': True, 'lxd': True, 'ppa': True, 'rpm': None, 'snap': True, 'hostname': True, 'apt_src_cont': True, 'apt_hist_fmt': True, 'daylight_time': True, 'apt_up_out': True, 'engb_locale': True, 'locale_gen': True, 'no_ntpdate': True, 'no_file_fmt_e': True, 'ppa_file_name': True, 'sshd': True, 'ssh_key_fmt': True, 'syslog': True, 'ubuntu_ntp': True, 'ubuntu_repos': True, 'ubuntu_user': True, 'lsb_release': True, 'sudo': True}, 'mirror_url': 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily', 'mirror_dir': '/srv/citest/images', 'keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg', 'version': 16.04, 'setup_overrides': None, 'override_templates': False, 'release': 'xenial', 'os': 'ubuntu', 'arch': 'amd64'} 2020-01-26 10:29:40,779 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - acquiring image for os: xenial 2020-01-26 10:29:49,737 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - updating args for setup with: None 2020-01-26 10:29:51,400 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up ubuntu-xenial (build_name=server serial=20200121) 2020-01-26 10:29:51,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main" in target 2020-01-26 10:29:51,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main" in target" 2020-01-26 10:29:59,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - upgrading cloud-init 2020-01-26 10:29:59,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "upgrading cloud-init" 2020-01-26 10:30:08,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - creating snapshot for xenial 2020-01-26 10:30:08,271 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for os: xenial 2020-01-26 10:30:08,276 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1511485 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:08,281 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1611074 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:08,333 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: bugs/lp1628337 2020-01-26 10:30:09,401 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:30:24,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:30:27,542 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:30:48,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:30:48,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:30:48,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:48,826 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:30:48,826 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:30:48,889 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:48,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:30:48,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:30:48,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:48,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:30:48,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:30:49,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,087 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:30:49,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,158 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:30:49,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:30:49,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,302 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,303 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:30:49,303 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:30:49,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:30:49,546 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 12008 to end 2020-01-26 10:30:51,506 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-bugs-lp1628337-nb5eyhf8smnhl21vgwuukju to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/bugs/lp1628337/console.log 2020-01-26 10:30:51,513 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/add_apt_repositories is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,517 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/alter_completion_message is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,523 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,531 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,538 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/including_user_groups is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,542 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_arbitrary_packages is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,552 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_run_chef_recipes is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,557 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_apt_upgrade is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,563 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,568 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands_first_boot is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,575 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/setup_run_puppet is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,581 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:30:51,625 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: main/command_output_simple 2020-01-26 10:30:52,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:31:07,687 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:31:14,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:31:14,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,360 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,362 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:31:14,362 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:31:14,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:31:14,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:31:14,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,644 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:31:14,644 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:31:14,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:31:14,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:31:14,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:31:14,964 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:14,966 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-test-output 2020-01-26 10:31:14,966 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-test-output" 2020-01-26 10:31:15,030 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-test-output exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:15,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 20078 to end 2020-01-26 10:31:17,426 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-main-command-output-simple-cz6aa9p62vr to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/main/command_output_simple/console.log 2020-01-26 10:31:17,472 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_conf 2020-01-26 10:31:18,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:31:33,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:31:41,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:31:41,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:31:41,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:41,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:31:41,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,065 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:31:42,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:31:42,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,209 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:31:42,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:31:42,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,357 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,358 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:31:42,358 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:31:42,442 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,514 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,514 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:31:42,515 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,695 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,698 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 94cloud-init-config 2020-01-26 10:31:42,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 94cloud-init-config" 2020-01-26 10:31:42,787 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 94cloud-init-config exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:31:42,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 25508 to end 2020-01-26 10:31:45,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-conf-lqzr7fxrr3g to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_conf/console.log 2020-01-26 10:31:45,141 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites 2020-01-26 10:31:46,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:32:01,209 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:32:09,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:32:09,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:32:09,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,334 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,335 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:32:09,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,411 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:32:09,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:32:09,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,566 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:32:09,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:32:09,866 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:32:09,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:09,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:32:09,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:32:10,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:10,007 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:32:10,007 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:32:10,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:10,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:32:10,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:32:10,611 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:10,716 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31291 to end 2020-01-26 10:32:12,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-disable--0o95b0p to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites/console.log 2020-01-26 10:32:12,668 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_primary 2020-01-26 10:32:14,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:32:29,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:32:32,266 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:32:43,245 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:32:43,245 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,283 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:32:43,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,354 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:32:43,356 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,423 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:32:43,423 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:32:43,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,555 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:32:43,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:32:43,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,714 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,716 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:32:43,716 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,780 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:32:43,780 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:43,906 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:32:43,906 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:32:43,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:32:44,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5043 to end 2020-01-26 10:32:46,478 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-primary-dh082gwe to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_primary/console.log 2020-01-26 10:32:46,535 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy 2020-01-26 10:32:48,884 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:33:03,915 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:33:14,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:33:14,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:33:14,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:14,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:33:14,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:33:14,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:14,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:33:14,927 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:33:14,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:14,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:33:14,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,063 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,065 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:33:15,065 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:33:15,133 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,191 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:33:15,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,275 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:33:15,275 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:33:15,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-aptproxy 2020-01-26 10:33:15,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-aptproxy" 2020-01-26 10:33:15,513 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-aptproxy exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:15,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 9248 to end 2020-01-26 10:33:17,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-proxy-0952u24t93 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_proxy/console.log 2020-01-26 10:33:17,750 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_security 2020-01-26 10:33:18,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:33:33,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:33:42,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:33:42,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,090 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:33:42,091 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:33:42,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,218 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:33:42,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:33:42,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:33:42,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,417 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,419 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:33:42,419 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,500 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:33:42,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:33:42,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:33:42,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:33:42,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:33:42,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 15514 to end 2020-01-26 10:33:45,014 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-security-z7yle4t to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_security/console.log 2020-01-26 10:33:45,079 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key 2020-01-26 10:33:46,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:34:01,225 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:34:19,821 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:34:19,821 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:34:19,855 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:19,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:34:19,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:34:19,924 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:19,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:34:19,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:34:19,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:19,997 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:34:19,998 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,063 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:34:20,065 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:34:20,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:34:20,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,279 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:34:20,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:34:20,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,453 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,454 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:34:20,454 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,521 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-26 10:34:20,522 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-26 10:34:20,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:20,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21162 to end 2020-01-26 10:34:23,698 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-sources--s9rbiwo to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_sources_key/console.log 2020-01-26 10:34:23,774 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver 2020-01-26 10:34:24,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:34:39,839 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:34:51,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:34:51,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:34:51,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:51,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:34:51,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:34:51,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:51,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:34:51,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:34:51,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:51,898 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:34:51,898 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:51,965 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:51,966 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:34:51,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:34:52,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,099 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:34:52,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,185 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:34:52,186 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,249 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:34:52,250 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:34:52,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:52,442 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-26 10:34:52,442 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-26 10:34:52,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:34:53,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28373 to end 2020-01-26 10:34:55,630 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-sources--rw3fogu to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver/console.log 2020-01-26 10:34:55,711 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list 2020-01-26 10:34:56,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:35:11,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:35:17,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:35:17,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:35:17,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:17,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:35:17,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:35:17,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:17,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:35:17,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:35:17,812 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:17,814 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:35:17,814 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:17,873 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:17,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:35:17,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:17,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:17,945 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:35:17,945 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:18,016 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:18,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:35:18,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:35:18,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:18,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:35:18,102 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:35:18,167 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:18,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:35:18,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:35:18,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:18,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:35:18,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:35:18,351 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:18,526 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31478 to end 2020-01-26 10:35:20,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-sources--h73ce9w to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_sources_list/console.log 2020-01-26 10:35:20,547 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa 2020-01-26 10:35:21,589 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:35:36,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:35:46,308 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:35:46,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,375 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:35:46,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,439 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:35:46,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:35:46,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,567 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:35:46,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,634 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,636 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:35:46,636 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:35:46,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:35:46,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:35:46,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:35:46,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:46,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-26 10:35:46,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-26 10:35:47,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources.list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:47,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt-key 2020-01-26 10:35:47,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt-key" 2020-01-26 10:35:47,195 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt-key exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:47,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources_full 2020-01-26 10:35:47,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources_full" 2020-01-26 10:35:47,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sources_full exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:35:47,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31606 to end 2020-01-26 10:35:49,750 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-configure-sources--w2muays to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa/console.log 2020-01-26 10:35:49,800 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_disable 2020-01-26 10:35:50,837 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:36:05,863 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:36:14,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:36:14,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:36:14,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:14,805 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:36:14,806 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:36:14,870 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:14,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:36:14,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:36:14,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:14,942 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:36:14,942 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:36:15,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:36:15,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:36:15,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,228 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:36:15,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,294 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:36:15,294 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining 2020-01-26 10:36:15,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining" 2020-01-26 10:36:15,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-pipelining exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:15,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31838 to end 2020-01-26 10:36:17,822 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-pipelining-disable-5y85sgv to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_pipelining_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 10:36:17,874 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_os 2020-01-26 10:36:18,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:36:33,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:36:38,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:36:38,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:36:38,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:38,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:36:38,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:36:38,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:38,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:36:38,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:36:38,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:38,906 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:36:38,906 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:38,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:38,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:36:38,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,066 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:36:39,066 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:36:39,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,222 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:36:39,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:36:39,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,466 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written 2020-01-26 10:36:39,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written" 2020-01-26 10:36:39,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written exited 'b"sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\nls: cannot access '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:36:39,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32201 to end 2020-01-26 10:36:41,909 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-apt-pipelining-os-gfk6wn8npuez to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/apt_pipelining_os/console.log 2020-01-26 10:36:41,958 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/bootcmd 2020-01-26 10:36:42,993 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:36:58,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:37:01,637 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:37:01,637 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:01,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:01,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:37:01,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:01,742 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:01,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:37:01,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:37:01,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:01,818 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:37:01,818 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:01,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:01,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:37:01,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:01,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:01,955 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:37:01,955 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:02,017 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:02,019 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:37:02,019 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:37:02,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:02,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:37:02,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:37:02,175 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:02,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:37:02,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:37:02,302 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:02,304 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 10:37:02,304 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 10:37:02,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script hosts exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:02,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32331 to end 2020-01-26 10:37:04,681 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-bootcmd-nc1wws7fsasthsj7gbhwae to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/bootcmd/console.log 2020-01-26 10:37:04,723 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/byobu 2020-01-26 10:37:05,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:37:20,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:37:27,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:37:27,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:27,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:27,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:37:27,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:27,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:27,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:37:27,830 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:37:27,887 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:27,888 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:37:27,888 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:27,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:27,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:37:27,949 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,010 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:37:28,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,078 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:37:28,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,158 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:37:28,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,225 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:37:28,226 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,331 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_profile_enabled 2020-01-26 10:37:28,331 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_profile_enabled" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script byobu_profile_enabled exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_launch_exists 2020-01-26 10:37:28,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_launch_exists" 2020-01-26 10:37:28,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script byobu_launch_exists exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:28,637 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32413 to end 2020-01-26 10:37:30,821 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-byobu-zm2ueesmo7wept8p9ab8ilmt to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/byobu/console.log 2020-01-26 10:37:30,882 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ca_certs 2020-01-26 10:37:31,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:37:46,938 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:37:56,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:37:56,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,092 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:37:56,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,154 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:37:56,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,218 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:37:56,218 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,285 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:37:56,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,352 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:37:56,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,412 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:37:56,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,482 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:37:56,484 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:37:56,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert_links 2020-01-26 10:37:56,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert_links" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,708 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cert_links exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert 2020-01-26 10:37:56,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert" 2020-01-26 10:37:56,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cert exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:37:56,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32557 to end 2020-01-26 10:37:59,189 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ca-certs-wjdeq2akq5ycus1tn1dc2 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ca_certs/console.log 2020-01-26 10:37:59,235 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_disable 2020-01-26 10:38:00,689 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:38:15,713 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:38:20,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:38:20,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,584 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,586 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:38:20,587 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:38:20,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,718 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:38:20,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,787 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:38:20,787 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,850 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:38:20,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:20,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:20,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:38:20,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:38:21,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:21,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:38:21,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:38:21,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:21,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:38:21,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:38:21,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:21,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32748 to end 2020-01-26 10:38:23,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-debug-disable-6orl1zwy62qxc1r3 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/debug_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 10:38:23,803 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_enable 2020-01-26 10:38:25,268 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:38:40,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:38:50,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:38:50,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:38:50,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,500 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:38:50,500 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,566 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:38:50,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,629 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,630 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:38:50,630 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:38:50,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:38:50,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,850 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:38:50,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:38:50,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:50,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:38:50,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:38:51,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:38:51,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 436 to end 2020-01-26 10:38:53,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-debug-enable-wosxakg98z6ftqm1t to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/debug_enable/console.log 2020-01-26 10:38:53,164 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/final_message 2020-01-26 10:38:54,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:39:09,277 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:39:12,827 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:39:12,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:39:12,897 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:12,899 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:39:12,899 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:39:12,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:12,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:39:12,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,039 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:39:13,039 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,107 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:39:13,108 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,175 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:39:13,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:39:13,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,315 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,317 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:39:13,317 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:39:13,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:39:13,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:13,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 751 to end 2020-01-26 10:39:15,350 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-final-message-b1vyp5bzmsui13m4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/final_message/console.log 2020-01-26 10:39:15,394 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/keys_to_console 2020-01-26 10:39:16,527 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:39:31,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:39:35,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:39:35,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,423 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:39:35,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:39:35,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,553 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,555 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:39:35,555 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,620 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:39:35,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,685 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,686 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:39:35,687 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,759 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:39:35,759 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:39:35,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:39:35,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:35,914 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:39:35,915 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:39:36,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:36,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 10:39:36,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 10:39:36,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script syslog exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:39:36,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 981 to end 2020-01-26 10:39:38,425 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-keys-to-console-n8iy72feideyd2 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/keys_to_console/console.log 2020-01-26 10:39:38,432 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/landscape is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:39:38,473 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/locale 2020-01-26 10:39:39,541 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:39:54,566 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:40:00,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:40:00,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:40:00,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:40:00,518 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,578 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,579 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:40:00,579 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:40:00,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:40:00,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:40:00,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,855 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:40:00,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:40:00,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:00,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:40:00,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:40:01,020 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:01,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_default 2020-01-26 10:40:01,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_default" 2020-01-26 10:40:01,090 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script locale_default exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:01,091 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_a 2020-01-26 10:40:01,091 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_a" 2020-01-26 10:40:01,157 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script locale_a exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:01,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_gen 2020-01-26 10:40:01,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_gen" 2020-01-26 10:40:01,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script locale_gen exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:01,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1423 to end 2020-01-26 10:40:03,837 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-locale-7bf2yute5844ib13moug2p1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/locale/console.log 2020-01-26 10:40:03,881 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_bridge 2020-01-26 10:40:04,911 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:40:19,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:40:29,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:40:29,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:29,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:29,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:40:29,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:29,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:29,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:40:29,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:40:29,986 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:29,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:40:29,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,052 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:40:30,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,129 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:40:30,129 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:40:30,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,285 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:40:30,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,356 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,357 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:40:30,357 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,482 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-26 10:40:30,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script lxc exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-26 10:40:30,553 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script lxd exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc-bridge 2020-01-26 10:40:30,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc-bridge" 2020-01-26 10:40:30,687 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script lxc-bridge exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\nDevice "lxdbr0" does not exist.\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:30,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1833 to end 2020-01-26 10:40:32,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-lxd-bridge-ou7g0wyvqraeqrsb7k6 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/lxd_bridge/console.log 2020-01-26 10:40:32,848 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_dir 2020-01-26 10:40:33,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:40:48,905 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:40:58,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:40:58,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:40:58,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,165 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,167 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:40:58,167 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:40:58,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:40:58,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:40:58,374 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,439 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:40:58,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:40:58,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,580 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:40:58,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,708 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-26 10:40:58,708 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script lxc exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,779 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-26 10:40:58,779 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-26 10:40:58,850 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script lxd exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:40:58,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1957 to end 2020-01-26 10:41:01,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-lxd-dir-l6nlurdc8flr0zctynsa48 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/lxd_dir/console.log 2020-01-26 10:41:02,035 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp 2020-01-26 10:41:03,245 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:41:18,270 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:41:33,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:41:33,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,371 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:41:33,371 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:41:33,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:41:33,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:41:33,553 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,611 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:41:33,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,671 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:41:33,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:41:33,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,813 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,814 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:41:33,814 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,917 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed 2020-01-26 10:41:33,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed" 2020-01-26 10:41:33,987 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_installed exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:33,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_empty 2020-01-26 10:41:33,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_empty" 2020-01-26 10:41:34,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_empty exited 'b"sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\nls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:34,058 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pool_list 2020-01-26 10:41:34,058 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pool_list" 2020-01-26 10:41:34,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_pool_list exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:41:34,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2162 to end 2020-01-26 10:41:36,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-adk8pbxhxopd68uxvi15pvbnim to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ntp/console.log 2020-01-26 10:41:36,178 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_chrony 2020-01-26 10:41:37,222 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:41:52,254 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:42:18,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:42:18,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,275 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:42:18,276 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,346 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,347 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:42:18,347 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,415 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,417 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:42:18,417 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,487 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:42:18,487 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,555 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:42:18,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,626 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:42:18,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:42:18,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,779 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:42:18,780 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,906 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:18,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: chrony_conf 2020-01-26 10:42:18,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: chrony_conf" 2020-01-26 10:42:18,970 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script chrony_conf exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:19,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2361 to end 2020-01-26 10:42:21,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-chrony-lqd02nxyj4kv0gl0acg to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ntp_chrony/console.log 2020-01-26 10:42:21,159 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_pools 2020-01-26 10:42:22,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:42:37,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:42:52,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:42:52,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,202 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,203 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:42:52,203 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,273 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:42:52,275 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:42:52,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,408 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:42:52,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,470 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:42:52,470 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,537 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:42:52,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:42:52,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,689 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,690 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:42:52,691 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,810 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_pools 2020-01-26 10:42:52,810 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_pools" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_installed_pools exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,881 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_pools 2020-01-26 10:42:52,881 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_pools" 2020-01-26 10:42:52,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_pools exited 'b"sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\nls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:52,949 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pools 2020-01-26 10:42:52,949 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pools" 2020-01-26 10:42:53,016 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_pools exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:53,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-26 10:42:53,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-26 10:42:53,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntpq_servers exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:42:53,350 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2898 to end 2020-01-26 10:42:55,182 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-pools-q1t3l31q5j9og79kqoc4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ntp_pools/console.log 2020-01-26 10:42:55,232 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_servers 2020-01-26 10:42:56,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:43:11,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:43:26,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:43:26,444 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,475 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:43:26,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,546 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:43:26,546 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,609 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,611 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:43:26,611 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:43:26,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,742 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:43:26,743 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,807 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:43:26,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,890 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:43:26,891 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:43:26,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:26,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:43:26,960 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:43:27,085 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:27,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_servers 2020-01-26 10:43:27,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_servers" 2020-01-26 10:43:27,154 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_installed_servers exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:27,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_servers 2020-01-26 10:43:27,155 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_servers" 2020-01-26 10:43:27,222 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_servers exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\ncat: /etc/ntp.conf.dist: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:27,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_servers 2020-01-26 10:43:27,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_servers" 2020-01-26 10:43:27,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_servers exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:27,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-26 10:43:27,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-26 10:43:27,362 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntpq_servers exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:27,614 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3060 to end 2020-01-26 10:43:29,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-servers-g0he381rku6giegjzh to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ntp_servers/console.log 2020-01-26 10:43:29,561 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_timesyncd 2020-01-26 10:43:30,591 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:43:45,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:43:49,066 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:43:49,066 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:43:49,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:43:49,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,276 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:43:49,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:43:49,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:43:49,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:43:49,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:43:49,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,595 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,596 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:43:49,596 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timesyncd_conf 2020-01-26 10:43:49,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timesyncd_conf" 2020-01-26 10:43:49,771 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script timesyncd_conf exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:43:49,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3211 to end 2020-01-26 10:43:51,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ntp-timesyncd-ysq9jsom6nu8dpck to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ntp_timesyncd/console.log 2020-01-26 10:43:51,579 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/package_update_upgrade_install 2020-01-26 10:43:52,657 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:44:07,683 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:44:21,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:44:21,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:44:21,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:21,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:44:21,969 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:44:22,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:44:22,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:44:22,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:44:22,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:44:22,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:44:22,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:44:22,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_history_cmdline 2020-01-26 10:44:22,577 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_history_cmdline" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,647 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_history_cmdline exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:22,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dpkg_show 2020-01-26 10:44:22,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dpkg_show" 2020-01-26 10:44:22,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dpkg_show exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:23,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3348 to end 2020-01-26 10:44:24,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-package-update-upgrade-adgixz9 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/package_update_upgrade_install/console.log 2020-01-26 10:44:24,855 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/runcmd 2020-01-26 10:44:25,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:44:40,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:44:45,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:44:45,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:44:45,704 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:45,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:44:45,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:44:45,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:45,782 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:44:45,782 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:44:45,861 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:45,862 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:44:45,863 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:45,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:45,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:44:45,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,057 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:46,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:44:46,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:46,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:44:46,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:46,273 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:44:46,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:46,453 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:44:46,453 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:46,703 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: run_cmd 2020-01-26 10:44:46,703 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: run_cmd" 2020-01-26 10:44:46,772 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script run_cmd exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:44:47,151 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3502 to end 2020-01-26 10:44:49,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-runcmd-nyulfhpf6ysjh680tmtjwn6 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/runcmd/console.log 2020-01-26 10:44:49,348 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/seed_random_command is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:44:49,390 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/seed_random_data 2020-01-26 10:44:50,522 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:45:05,549 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:45:09,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:45:09,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,185 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,188 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:45:09,188 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,250 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,251 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:45:09,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,314 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,316 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:45:09,316 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,385 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:45:09,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:45:09,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,518 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:45:09,518 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,604 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:45:09,604 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,671 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:45:09,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: seed_data 2020-01-26 10:45:09,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: seed_data" 2020-01-26 10:45:09,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script seed_data exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:09,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3619 to end 2020-01-26 10:45:11,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-seed-random-data-2yghl3z61sbxl to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/seed_random_data/console.log 2020-01-26 10:45:11,802 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname 2020-01-26 10:45:14,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:45:29,571 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:45:35,815 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:45:35,815 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:35,850 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:35,853 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:45:35,853 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:35,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:35,922 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:45:35,922 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:45:35,993 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:35,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:45:35,995 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,062 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:45:36,064 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,125 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:45:36,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:45:36,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,280 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:45:36,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:45:36,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,459 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 10:45:36,459 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script hosts exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,521 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-26 10:45:36,521 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script hostname exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:45:36,587 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-26 10:45:36,587 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-26 10:45:36,654 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script fqdn exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host cloudinit2\nhostname: Name or service not known\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 10:45:36,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4099 to end 2020-01-26 10:45:38,730 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-hostname-7rdy3rm4ce9vtaedk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_hostname/console.log 2020-01-26 10:45:38,776 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname_fqdn 2020-01-26 10:45:39,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:45:54,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:45:58,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:45:58,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:58,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:45:58,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:45:58,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:45:58,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:45:58,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:45:58,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:58,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:45:58,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:58,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:45:58,933 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:45:59,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,134 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:45:59,134 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:45:59,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,375 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-26 10:45:59,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,471 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-26 10:45:59,471 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,570 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-26 10:45:59,571 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-26 10:45:59,867 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4653 to end 2020-01-26 10:46:01,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-hostname-fqdn-5u2h0cerqtf3 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_hostname_fqdn/console.log 2020-01-26 10:46:01,891 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password 2020-01-26 10:46:02,929 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:46:17,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:46:21,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:46:21,457 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:46:21,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,599 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:46:21,600 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,666 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:46:21,666 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,730 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:46:21,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,793 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,794 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:46:21,795 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:46:21,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:46:21,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:21,950 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:46:21,950 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:46:22,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:22,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:46:22,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:46:22,195 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:22,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 10:46:22,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 10:46:22,258 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script shadow exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:22,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 10:46:22,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 10:46:22,326 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sshd_config exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:22,435 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4811 to end 2020-01-26 10:46:24,949 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-password-hfcqtxu3ijzfl7a71 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_password/console.log 2020-01-26 10:46:25,005 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_expire 2020-01-26 10:46:26,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:46:41,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:46:46,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:46:46,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:46:46,529 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:46,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:46:46,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:46:46,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:46,607 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:46:46,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:46:46,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:46,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:46:46,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:46,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:46,750 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:46:46,750 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:46,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:46,986 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:46:46,986 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,019 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:46:47,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,102 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:46:47,102 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,182 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,183 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:46:47,183 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,308 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 10:46:47,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script shadow exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,447 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 10:46:47,447 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 10:46:47,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sshd_config exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:46:47,787 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4887 to end 2020-01-26 10:46:49,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-password-expire-32atn44n41 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_password_expire/console.log 2020-01-26 10:46:49,729 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list 2020-01-26 10:46:50,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:47:05,789 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:47:13,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:47:13,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:47:13,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,171 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:47:13,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:47:13,238 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,305 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:47:13,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,373 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:47:13,373 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,435 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:47:13,435 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,510 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:47:13,510 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:47:13,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 10:47:13,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script shadow exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 10:47:13,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 10:47:13,830 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sshd_config exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:13,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5079 to end 2020-01-26 10:47:16,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-password-list-9xjawmzprc38 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_password_list/console.log 2020-01-26 10:47:16,169 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list_string 2020-01-26 10:47:17,222 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:47:32,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:47:35,251 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:47:38,254 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:47:41,261 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-26 10:47:44,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:47:44,775 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:47:44,775 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:47:44,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:44,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:47:44,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:47:44,899 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:44,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:47:44,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:47:44,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:44,964 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:47:44,964 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,032 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:47:45,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,097 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:47:45,097 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:47:45,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,230 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:47:45,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,294 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:47:45,294 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,394 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-26 10:47:45,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script shadow exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-26 10:47:45,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-26 10:47:45,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script sshd_config exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:47:45,687 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5182 to end 2020-01-26 10:47:47,453 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-set-password-list-stri-t5o5v75 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/set_password_list_string/console.log 2020-01-26 10:47:47,462 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/snap is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:47:47,501 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable 2020-01-26 10:47:48,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:48:03,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:48:07,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:48:07,057 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,134 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:48:07,134 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,195 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:48:07,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,266 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:48:07,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,332 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,334 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:48:07,334 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:48:07,401 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,463 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:48:07,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,541 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:48:07,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,604 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:48:07,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,709 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 10:48:07,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 10:48:07,774 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script syslog exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:07,868 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5375 to end 2020-01-26 10:48:09,610 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-r5zgul2 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable/console.log 2020-01-26 10:48:09,671 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable 2020-01-26 10:48:10,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:48:25,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:48:29,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:48:29,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:48:29,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:48:29,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,495 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:48:29,497 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:48:29,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,620 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:48:29,622 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:48:29,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,785 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:48:29,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:48:29,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:48:29,970 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:29,972 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-26 10:48:29,972 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-26 10:48:30,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script syslog exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:48:30,263 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5574 to end 2020-01-26 10:48:32,929 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-2uhk531 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable/console.log 2020-01-26 10:48:33,016 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_import_id 2020-01-26 10:48:34,297 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:48:49,323 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:48:52,334 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:49:00,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:49:00,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,212 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,214 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:49:00,214 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,277 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:49:00,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,342 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:49:00,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,408 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:49:00,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:49:00,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,532 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:49:00,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,620 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:49:00,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,680 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:49:00,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: auth_keys_ubuntu 2020-01-26 10:49:00,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: auth_keys_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 10:49:00,866 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script auth_keys_ubuntu exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:00,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5870 to end 2020-01-26 10:49:03,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ssh-import-id-zl84eruyk5noufx9 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ssh_import_id/console.log 2020-01-26 10:49:03,671 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate 2020-01-26 10:49:04,715 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:49:19,740 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:49:23,235 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:49:23,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,305 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:49:23,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:49:23,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:49:23,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,519 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:49:23,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,589 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,590 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:49:23,591 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:49:23,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,737 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,738 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:49:23,738 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:49:23,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:49:23,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:23,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_public 2020-01-26 10:49:23,927 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_public" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,002 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_public exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\ncat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 10:49:24,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_private 2020-01-26 10:49:24,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_private" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,074 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_private exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\ncat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 10:49:24,075 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_public 2020-01-26 10:49:24,075 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_public" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,144 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_public exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\ncat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 10:49:24,145 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_private 2020-01-26 10:49:24,145 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_private" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,213 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_private exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\ncat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-26 10:49:24,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_public 2020-01-26 10:49:24,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_public" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,285 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ecdsa_public exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:24,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_private 2020-01-26 10:49:24,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_private" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ecdsa_private exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:24,354 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_public 2020-01-26 10:49:24,354 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_public" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ed25519_public exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:24,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_private 2020-01-26 10:49:24,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_private" 2020-01-26 10:49:24,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ed25519_private exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:24,578 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6001 to end 2020-01-26 10:49:26,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-ssh-keys-generate-mtqi73gi2zek to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/ssh_keys_generate/console.log 2020-01-26 10:49:26,570 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/ssh_keys_provided is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-26 10:49:26,622 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/timezone 2020-01-26 10:49:27,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:49:42,686 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:49:46,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:49:46,259 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,290 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:49:46,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,356 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:49:46,356 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,415 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,416 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:49:46,417 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,475 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:49:46,477 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:49:46,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,599 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,601 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:49:46,601 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,670 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:49:46,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,736 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,738 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:49:46,738 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,849 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,850 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timezone 2020-01-26 10:49:46,851 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timezone" 2020-01-26 10:49:46,915 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script timezone exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:49:46,998 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6227 to end 2020-01-26 10:49:48,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-timezone-itv33kwwi08axzh9dtru4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/timezone/console.log 2020-01-26 10:49:48,758 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/user_groups 2020-01-26 10:49:49,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:50:04,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:50:13,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:50:13,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:50:13,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:50:13,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,701 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:50:13,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,764 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:50:13,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,830 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,832 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:50:13,832 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:50:13,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:50:13,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:13,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:50:13,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:50:14,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,162 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_ubuntu 2020-01-26 10:50:14,162 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script group_ubuntu exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_cloud_users 2020-01-26 10:50:14,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_cloud_users" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,298 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script group_cloud_users exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_ubuntu 2020-01-26 10:50:14,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_ubuntu" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script user_ubuntu exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_foobar 2020-01-26 10:50:14,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_foobar" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script user_foobar exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_barfoo 2020-01-26 10:50:14,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_barfoo" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script user_barfoo exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,495 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_cloudy 2020-01-26 10:50:14,495 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_cloudy" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,560 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script user_cloudy exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: root_groups 2020-01-26 10:50:14,562 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: root_groups" 2020-01-26 10:50:14,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script root_groups exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:14,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6388 to end 2020-01-26 10:50:16,986 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-user-groups-a3en49diwgqu9yj4io to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/user_groups/console.log 2020-01-26 10:50:17,047 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/write_files 2020-01-26 10:50:18,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-26 10:50:33,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-26 10:50:37,126 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-26 10:50:37,126 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,166 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-26 10:50:37,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script cloud-init-output.log exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-26 10:50:37,234 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,302 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-id exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,303 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-26 10:50:37,304 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,371 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script instance-data.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-26 10:50:37,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script result.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,437 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-26 10:50:37,437 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script status.json exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,497 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-26 10:50:37,497 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,566 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script package-versions exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-26 10:50:37,568 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,636 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script build.info exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,638 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-26 10:50:37,638 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script system.journal.gz exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:37,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_b64 2020-01-26 10:50:37,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_b64" 2020-01-26 10:50:37,999 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script file_b64 exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:38,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_text 2020-01-26 10:50:38,001 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_text" 2020-01-26 10:50:38,027 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script file_text exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:38,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_binary 2020-01-26 10:50:38,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_binary" 2020-01-26 10:50:38,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script file_binary exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:38,095 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_gzip 2020-01-26 10:50:38,095 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_gzip" 2020-01-26 10:50:38,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script file_gzip exited 'b'sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-26 10:50:38,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6572 to end 2020-01-26 10:50:40,658 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-xenial-modules-write-files-xjx8sutdop01o08p45 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/xenial/modules/write_files/console.log 2020-01-26 10:50:40,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect stages: {'name': 'collect data', 'time': 1260.8284578323364, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'collect for platform: nocloud-kvm', 'time': 1260.0317296981812, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up and collect data for os: xenial', 'time': 1250.9528012275696, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up for ubuntu-xenial', 'time': 16.687599420547485, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'setup func for --repo, enable repo', 'time': 8.281630992889404, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade cloud-init', 'time': 8.405924797058105, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect test data for xenial', 'time': 1232.3899154663086, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: bugs/lp1628337', 'time': 41.07823038101196, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 40.4027795791626, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07970190048217773, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.06519865989685059, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.0682370662689209, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06607460975646973, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06292843818664551, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.07119345664978027, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07837462425231934, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06485867500305176, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.11872029304504395, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: main/command_output_simple', 'time': 23.396397829055786, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 22.65096426010132, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07573151588439941, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.06948328018188477, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.07173800468444824, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.07361388206481934, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06728792190551758, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.06258630752563477, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07583260536193848, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06561088562011719, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.11785101890563965, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-test-output', 'time': 0.06549549102783203, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_conf', 'time': 25.30674695968628, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 24.474547147750854, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.03984189033508301, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.07122039794921875, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.07223057746887207, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.0716254711151123, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.07483029365539551, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.07235383987426758, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.08319759368896484, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.07303261756896973, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18342089653015137, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 94cloud-init-config', 'time': 0.09023618698120117, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'time': 25.46200728416443, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 24.045751571655273, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0777122974395752, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 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'time': 0.06328177452087402, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.06973147392272949, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06689786911010742, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06681513786315918, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.06368684768676758, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07838749885559082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.0634622573852539, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.10501694679260254, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script syslog', 'time': 0.06426024436950684, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'time': 20.360876321792603, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 19.660012006759644, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.02743387222290039, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.06193852424621582, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.06439614295959473, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.05946660041809082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06574535369873047, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.07381701469421387, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.09068584442138672, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.07240080833435059, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.11289787292480469, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script syslog', 'time': 0.07188677787780762, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_import_id', 'time': 27.630669116973877, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 26.90711545944214, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06961631774902344, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0645604133605957, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.06414055824279785, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06702852249145508, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.05856156349182129, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.06535768508911133, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.08736419677734375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.0607609748840332, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.12212681770324707, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script auth_keys_ubuntu', 'time': 0.06380248069763184, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'time': 20.80721426010132, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 19.55183982849121, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0719442367553711, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.07074713706970215, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.07132673263549805, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.07097506523132324, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.07018566131591797, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.07205629348754883, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07547974586486816, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06407999992370605, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.12429380416870117, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script dsa_public', 'time': 0.07736539840698242, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script dsa_private', 'time': 0.07122445106506348, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script rsa_public', 'time': 0.06998205184936523, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script rsa_private', 'time': 0.06990694999694824, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ecdsa_public', 'time': 0.07113027572631836, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ecdsa_private', 'time': 0.06775140762329102, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ed25519_public', 'time': 0.0679316520690918, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ed25519_private', 'time': 0.0686037540435791, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/timezone', 'time': 20.28467607498169, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 19.627669095993042, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.03274989128112793, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.06417536735534668, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.06033158302307129, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06007671356201172, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06369709968566895, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.060389041900634766, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07110190391540527, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06589102745056152, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.1127018928527832, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script timezone', 'time': 0.06567263603210449, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/user_groups', 'time': 25.728240966796875, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 24.590848445892334, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0698843002319336, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.065032958984375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.07543754577636719, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06324934959411621, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06656932830810547, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.06270933151245117, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.08637356758117676, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.06228303909301758, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.11880040168762207, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script group_ubuntu', 'time': 0.07023906707763672, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script group_cloud_users', 'time': 0.06654047966003418, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_ubuntu', 'time': 0.0681145191192627, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_foobar', 'time': 0.0652308464050293, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_barfoo', 'time': 0.06255912780761719, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_cloudy', 'time': 0.06684231758117676, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script root_groups', 'time': 0.06717705726623535, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/write_files', 'time': 21.06288480758667, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 20.02407431602478, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.04135417938232422, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.06586289405822754, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.06998229026794434, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.06886410713195801, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.06442737579345703, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.060183048248291016, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.07064533233642578, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.07016730308532715, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.1095881462097168, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_b64', 'time': 0.2530374526977539, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_text', 'time': 0.0274960994720459, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_binary', 'time': 0.06660032272338867, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_gzip', 'time': 0.0703589916229248, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True} 2020-01-26 10:50:40,776 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - found test data: {'nocloud-kvm': {'xenial': ['bugs/lp1628337', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'modules/locale', 'modules/apt_configure_primary', 'modules/lxd_bridge', 'modules/apt_configure_security', 'modules/apt_pipelining_os', 'modules/ssh_import_id', 'modules/ntp_pools', 'modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'modules/bootcmd', 'modules/set_hostname_fqdn', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable', 'modules/final_message', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'modules/ntp_servers', 'modules/ntp_chrony', 'modules/write_files', 'modules/set_password', 'modules/ntp', 'modules/timezone', 'modules/keys_to_console', 'modules/debug_enable', 'modules/seed_random_data', 'modules/set_password_list', 'modules/user_groups', 'modules/debug_disable', 'modules/byobu', 'modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa', 'modules/package_update_upgrade_install', 'modules/ntp_timesyncd', 'modules/lxd_dir', 'modules/apt_pipelining_disable', 'modules/runcmd', 'modules/set_hostname', 'modules/apt_configure_conf', 'modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'modules/set_password_list_string', 'modules/set_password_expire', 'modules/ca_certs', 'main/command_output_simple']}} 2020-01-26 10:50:40,777 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='xenial' verifying test data 2020-01-26 10:50:40,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for bugs/lp1628337 test_fetch_indices (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify no apt errors. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify can find ntp and install it. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.011s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:40,934 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_sources_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Test sources.list includes sources. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,058 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/locale test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_locale (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale is set properly. ... ok test_locale_a (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale -a has both options. ... ok test_locale_gen (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test local.gen file has all entries. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,175 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_primary test_gatech_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test GaTech entries exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ubuntu_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test no default Ubuntu entries exist. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_bridge test_bridge (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test bridge config. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_security test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_security_mirror (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,494 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_os test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_os_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) test 'os' settings does not write apt config file. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,629 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_import_id test_authorized_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Test that ssh keys were imported. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,759 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_pools test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entires (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:41,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_keys_generate test_dsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa private key not generated. ... ok test_dsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa public key not generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_rsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok test_rsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_syslog (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Verify output of syslog. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test specific key added. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,247 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/bootcmd test_bootcmd_host (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Test boot cmd worked. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,325 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname_fqdn test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname output. ... ok test_hostname_fqdn (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname fqdn output. ... ok test_hosts (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test /etc/hosts file. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable test_cloud_init_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Verify disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/final_message test_final_message_string (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure final handles regular strings. ... ok test_final_message_subs (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Test variable substitution in final message. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,670 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_key test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test key list updated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_servers test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test config server entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:42,917 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_chrony test_chrony_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Test chrony config entries ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.005s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/write_files test_b64 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii. ... ok test_binary (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test binary file reads as executable. ... ok test_gzip (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test gzip file shows up as a shell script. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_text (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test text shows up as ASCII text. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,123 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test ubuntu user in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test ntp installed ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/timezone test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timezone (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Test date prints correct timezone. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,444 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/keys_to_console test_excluded_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test excluded keys missing. ... ok test_expected_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test expected keys exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,547 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_enable test_debug_enable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Test debug messages in cloud-init log. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,630 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/seed_random_data test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_random_seed_data (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Test random data passed in exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/user_groups test_group_cloud_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloud users group exists. ... ok test_group_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu group exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_user_barfoo (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test barfoo user exists. ... ok test_user_cloudy (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloudy user exists. ... ok test_user_foobar (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test foobar user exists. ... ok test_user_root_in_secret (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test root user is in 'secret' group. ... ok test_user_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu user exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:43,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_disable test_debug_disable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Test verbose output missing from logs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/byobu test_byobu_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu installed. ... ok test_byobu_launch_exists (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu-launch exists. ... ok test_byobu_profile_enabled (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu profile.d file exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,120 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_proxy test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_proxy_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Test proxy options added to apt config. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ppa (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test specific ppa added. ... ok test_ppa_key (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test ppa key added. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,294 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/package_update_upgrade_install test_apt_history (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test apt history for update command. ... ok test_cloud_init_output (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff. ... ok test_installed_sl (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test sl got installed. ... ok test_installed_tree (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test tree got installed. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_timesyncd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timesyncd_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Test timesyncd config entries ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_dir test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_disable test_disable_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Test pipelining disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/runcmd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_run_cmd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Test run command worked. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Test hostname command shows correct output. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:44,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_conf test_apt_conf_assumeyes (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config assumes true. ... ok test_apt_conf_fixbroken (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config fixes broken. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_disable_suites test_empty_sourcelist (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Test source list is empty. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,268 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list_string test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.006s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,392 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_expire test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test user frozen in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ca_certs test_cert_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test line from our cert exists. ... ok test_certs_updated (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test certs have been updated in /etc/ssl/certs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for main/command_output_simple test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_output_file (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-26 10:50:45,769 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='xenial' passed all tests 2020-01-26 10:50:45,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - ---- Verify summarized results: Platform: nocloud-kvm Distro: xenial test modules passed:44 tests failed:0 2020-01-26 10:50:45,770 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - leaving data in /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-x-kvm/cloud-init/results ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ citest: commands succeeded congratulations :) + rc=0 + [ 0 = 0 ] + find ./results -type f ( -name *.qcow2 -o -name *.img -o -name *.log ) -delete + find . -name id_rsa* -delete + exit 0 Sending e-mails to: server-crew-qa@lists.canonical.com Archiving artifacts Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: SUCCESS === End series x === === Begin series e === Started by remote host Running as SYSTEM Building remotely on torkoal in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm [cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins11501153212607317673.sh + release=eoan + release_ver=19.1 + platform=nocloud-kvm + set -e + sudo rm -Rf cloud-init + git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init Cloning into 'cloud-init'... + cd cloud-init + git tag --list + grep 19.1 + tail -1 + tag=ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_19.10.1 + echo Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_19.10.1 Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_19.10.1 + git checkout ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_19.10.1 Note: checking out 'ubuntu/19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1_19.10.1'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 5995124e releasing cloud-init version 19.4-33-gbb4131a2-0ubuntu1~19.10.1 + mirror=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ + hostname + [ -z -a torkoal = torkoal ] + export TMPDIR=/var/lib/jenkins/tmp/ + set +e + no_proxy=launchpad.net https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 tox -e citest -- run --os-name=eoan --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-proposed main' --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose GLOB sdist-make: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/setup.py citest create: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest citest installdeps: -r/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/integration-requirements.txt citest inst: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/dist/cloud-init-19.4.zip citest installed: adal==1.2.2,asn1crypto==1.3.0,attrs==19.3.0,azure-common==1.1.23,azure-mgmt-compute==7.0.0,azure-mgmt-network==5.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==4.0.0,azure-mgmt-storage==6.0.0,azure-nspkg==3.0.2,azure-storage==0.36.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,boto3==1.5.9,botocore==1.8.50,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.13.2,chardet==3.0.4,cloud-init==19.4,configobj==5.0.6,cryptography==2.4.2,docutils==0.16,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==1.4.0,isodate==0.6.0,Jinja2==2.10.3,jmespath==0.9.4,jsonpatch==1.24,jsonpointer==2.0,jsonschema==3.2.0,linecache2==1.0.0,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,msrest==0.6.10,msrestazure==0.6.1,oauthlib==3.1.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pbr==5.4.4,pkg-resources==0.0.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pycparser==2.19,PyJWT==1.7.1,pylxd==2.2.7,PyNaCl==1.3.0,pyrsistent==0.15.7,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-simplestreams==0.1.0,PyYAML==5.3,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requests-toolbelt==0.9.1,requests-unixsocket==0.2.0,s3transfer==0.1.13,six==1.14.0,traceback2==1.4.0,unittest2==1.1.0,urllib3==1.25.8,ws4py==0.5.1,zipp==2.1.0 citest runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='473203595' citest runtests: commands[0] | /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest/bin/python -m tests.cloud_tests run --os-name=eoan --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo=deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-proposed main --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose 2020-01-27 10:08:20,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running with args: Namespace(data_dir='/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results', deb=None, feature_override={}, os_name=['eoan'], platform=['nocloud-kvm'], ppa=None, preserve_data=True, preserve_instance=False, quiet=False, repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-proposed main', result=None, rpm=None, script=None, subcmd='run', test_config=['/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_chrony.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_timesyncd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snap.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml'], upgrade=True, upgrade_full=False, verbose=True) 2020-01-27 10:08:20,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - using tmpdir: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results 2020-01-27 10:08:20,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - platform config: {'enabled': True, 'get_image_timeout': 300, 'create_instance_timeout': 60, 'private_key': 'cloud_init_rsa', 'public_key': 'cloud_init_rsa.pub', 'cache_mode': 'cache=none,aio=native', 'data_dir': '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results'} 2020-01-27 10:08:20,430 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up platform: nocloud-kvm 2020-01-27 10:08:21,930 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - os config: {'enabled': True, 'boot_timeout': 120, 'boot_clean_script': '#!/bin/bash\nrm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \\\n /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog\n', 'system_ready_script': "# permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot\n[ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o\n $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]\n", 'cloud_init_ready_script': "[ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]\n", 'feature_groups': ['base', 'debian_base', 'ubuntu_specific'], 'features': {'apt': True, 'byobu': True, 'landscape': True, 'lxd': True, 'ppa': True, 'rpm': None, 'snap': True, 'hostname': True, 'apt_src_cont': True, 'apt_hist_fmt': True, 'daylight_time': True, 'apt_up_out': True, 'engb_locale': True, 'locale_gen': True, 'no_ntpdate': True, 'no_file_fmt_e': True, 'ppa_file_name': True, 'sshd': True, 'ssh_key_fmt': True, 'syslog': True, 'ubuntu_ntp': True, 'ubuntu_repos': True, 'ubuntu_user': True, 'lsb_release': True, 'sudo': True}, 'mirror_url': 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily', 'mirror_dir': '/srv/citest/images', 'keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg', 'version': 19.1, 'setup_overrides': None, 'override_templates': False, 'release': 'eoan', 'os': 'ubuntu', 'arch': 'amd64'} 2020-01-27 10:08:21,930 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - acquiring image for os: eoan 2020-01-27 10:09:28,751 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - updating args for setup with: None 2020-01-27 10:09:31,575 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up ubuntu-eoan (build_name=server serial=20200126) 2020-01-27 10:09:31,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-proposed main" in target 2020-01-27 10:09:31,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan-proposed main" in target" 2020-01-27 10:09:43,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - upgrading cloud-init 2020-01-27 10:09:43,498 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "upgrading cloud-init" 2020-01-27 10:09:55,419 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - creating snapshot for eoan 2020-01-27 10:09:55,720 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for os: eoan 2020-01-27 10:09:55,752 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1511485 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:09:55,759 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1611074 is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:09:55,836 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: bugs/lp1628337 2020-01-27 10:09:59,203 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:10:14,308 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:10:17,311 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:10:39,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:10:39,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:10:39,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:10:39,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:10:40,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:10:40,164 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:10:40,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:10:40,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:10:40,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:10:40,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:10:40,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:10:40,949 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30343 to end 2020-01-27 10:10:42,750 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-bugs-lp1628337-h92o358ss8ncxj9h6d85xuz43 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/bugs/lp1628337/console.log 2020-01-27 10:10:42,761 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/add_apt_repositories is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,769 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/alter_completion_message is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,779 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,787 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,793 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/including_user_groups is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,797 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_arbitrary_packages is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,807 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_run_chef_recipes is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,811 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_apt_upgrade is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,818 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,822 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands_first_boot is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,829 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/setup_run_puppet is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,835 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:10:42,880 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: main/command_output_simple 2020-01-27 10:10:43,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:10:58,938 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:11:22,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:11:22,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,151 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:11:22,151 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,245 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:11:22,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:11:22,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:11:22,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:11:22,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:11:22,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,723 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:11:22,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:11:22,817 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:11:22,817 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:11:23,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-test-output 2020-01-27 10:11:23,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-test-output" 2020-01-27 10:11:23,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6576 to end 2020-01-27 10:11:24,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-main-command-output-simple-2d1nkyvfntu7h to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/main/command_output_simple/console.log 2020-01-27 10:11:24,536 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_conf 2020-01-27 10:11:25,565 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:11:40,589 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:11:43,594 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:12:05,788 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:12:05,789 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:12:05,846 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:12:05,847 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:12:05,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:12:05,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,031 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:12:06,031 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,123 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:12:06,123 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:12:06,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:12:06,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,408 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:12:06,408 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:12:06,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 94cloud-init-config 2020-01-27 10:12:06,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 94cloud-init-config" 2020-01-27 10:12:06,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 13501 to end 2020-01-27 10:12:08,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-conf-oapbf2k68q97g to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_conf/console.log 2020-01-27 10:12:08,631 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites 2020-01-27 10:12:09,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:12:24,727 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:12:54,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:12:54,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:12:54,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,584 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:12:54,584 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:12:54,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:12:54,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:12:54,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:12:54,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:12:54,952 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:12:55,061 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:12:55,061 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:12:55,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:12:55,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:12:55,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:12:55,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:12:55,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21769 to end 2020-01-27 10:12:56,901 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-disable--4tpiz7ian to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites/console.log 2020-01-27 10:12:56,944 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_primary 2020-01-27 10:12:58,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:13:13,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:13:16,042 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:13:42,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:13:42,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:13:42,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:13:42,194 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:13:42,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:13:42,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,474 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:13:42,475 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:13:42,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,681 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:13:42,682 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:13:42,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:13:42,960 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:13:42,960 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:13:43,202 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28375 to end 2020-01-27 10:13:45,057 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-primary-5si2rb2t4q to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_primary/console.log 2020-01-27 10:13:45,103 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy 2020-01-27 10:13:46,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:14:01,791 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:14:25,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:14:25,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:14:25,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:14:25,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:14:25,632 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:14:25,633 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:14:25,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:14:25,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:14:25,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:14:25,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:14:25,908 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:14:25,908 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:14:26,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:14:26,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:14:26,109 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:14:26,109 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:14:26,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:14:26,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:14:26,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-aptproxy 2020-01-27 10:14:26,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-aptproxy" 2020-01-27 10:14:26,527 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4415 to end 2020-01-27 10:14:27,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-proxy-crzgpdb82yyp to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_proxy/console.log 2020-01-27 10:14:27,794 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_security 2020-01-27 10:14:29,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:14:44,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:15:04,320 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:15:04,321 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:15:04,377 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:15:04,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,565 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:15:04,565 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:15:04,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:15:04,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:15:04,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:15:04,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:15:04,946 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:15:05,041 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:15:05,041 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:15:05,230 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:15:05,230 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:15:05,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 12250 to end 2020-01-27 10:15:06,877 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-security-rwytybjga to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_security/console.log 2020-01-27 10:15:06,920 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key 2020-01-27 10:15:07,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:15:22,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:15:56,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:15:56,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:15:56,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:15:56,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:15:57,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:15:57,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:15:57,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:15:57,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:15:57,376 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:15:57,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:15:57,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,758 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:15:57,758 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:15:57,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-27 10:15:57,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-27 10:15:58,154 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:15:58,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 19629 to end 2020-01-27 10:16:00,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-sources--l9kg7c6k1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_sources_key/console.log 2020-01-27 10:16:00,537 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver 2020-01-27 10:16:01,965 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:16:16,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:16:19,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:16:22,999 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:16:26,003 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-27 10:16:29,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:16:51,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:16:51,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:16:51,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,708 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:16:51,708 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:16:51,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:16:51,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:16:51,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:16:51,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:16:52,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:16:52,097 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:16:52,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:16:52,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:16:52,389 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:16:52,389 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:16:52,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2020-01-27 10:16:52,446 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2020-01-27 10:16:52,685 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:16:52,985 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29176 to end 2020-01-27 10:16:54,269 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-sources--w36ge70r9 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver/console.log 2020-01-27 10:16:54,305 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list 2020-01-27 10:16:55,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:17:10,474 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:17:13,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:17:16,482 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:17:19,485 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-27 10:17:22,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:17:41,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:17:41,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:17:41,823 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:17:41,823 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:17:41,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:17:41,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:17:42,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:17:42,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:17:42,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:17:42,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:17:42,396 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,487 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:17:42,487 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:17:42,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:17:42,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 6232 to end 2020-01-27 10:17:44,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-sources--1mpzqi4xk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_sources_list/console.log 2020-01-27 10:17:44,211 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa 2020-01-27 10:17:45,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:18:00,392 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:18:03,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:18:39,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:18:39,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,082 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:18:39,082 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:18:39,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:18:39,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,360 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:18:39,360 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:18:39,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:18:39,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,650 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:18:39,650 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:18:39,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2020-01-27 10:18:39,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2020-01-27 10:18:39,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt-key 2020-01-27 10:18:39,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt-key" 2020-01-27 10:18:40,195 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt-key exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:18:40,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources_full 2020-01-27 10:18:40,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources_full" 2020-01-27 10:18:40,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 13751 to end 2020-01-27 10:18:41,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-configure-sources--06pn2ddll to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa/console.log 2020-01-27 10:18:41,901 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_disable 2020-01-27 10:18:43,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:18:58,202 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:19:01,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:19:24,683 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:19:24,683 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:19:24,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:19:24,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:19:24,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:19:24,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:19:24,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:19:24,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:19:25,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,135 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:19:25,136 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:19:25,237 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,358 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:19:25,358 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,454 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:19:25,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining 2020-01-27 10:19:25,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining" 2020-01-27 10:19:25,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23490 to end 2020-01-27 10:19:27,349 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-pipelining-disable-qcao351ux to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_pipelining_disable/console.log 2020-01-27 10:19:27,392 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_os 2020-01-27 10:19:28,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:19:43,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:19:52,938 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:20:15,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:20:15,121 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:20:15,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,271 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:20:15,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,363 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:20:15,363 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:20:15,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:20:15,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:20:15,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:20:15,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:20:15,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:20:15,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:20:16,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written 2020-01-27 10:20:16,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written" 2020-01-27 10:20:16,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:20:16,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30831 to end 2020-01-27 10:20:17,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-apt-pipelining-os-muen3sbj91bbcz to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/apt_pipelining_os/console.log 2020-01-27 10:20:17,684 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/bootcmd 2020-01-27 10:20:18,861 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:20:33,885 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:20:36,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:21:04,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:21:04,706 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:21:04,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:21:04,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:21:04,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:21:04,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:21:04,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:21:04,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,078 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:21:05,078 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,175 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:21:05,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:21:05,274 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:21:05,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:21:05,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:21:05,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-27 10:21:05,674 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-27 10:21:06,119 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 7385 to end 2020-01-27 10:21:07,977 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-bootcmd-4guq8q7qvg3oi0vcao8wa3j0 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/bootcmd/console.log 2020-01-27 10:21:08,026 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/byobu 2020-01-27 10:21:09,444 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:21:24,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:21:27,473 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:21:51,599 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:21:51,600 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:21:51,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:21:51,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:21:51,756 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:21:51,757 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:21:51,849 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:21:51,849 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:51,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:21:51,941 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:21:52,037 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:21:52,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:21:52,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:21:52,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_profile_enabled 2020-01-27 10:21:52,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_profile_enabled" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_launch_exists 2020-01-27 10:21:52,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_launch_exists" 2020-01-27 10:21:52,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 14212 to end 2020-01-27 10:21:55,313 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-byobu-quwlannlrv2nfle91fofwgos9x to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/byobu/console.log 2020-01-27 10:21:55,382 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ca_certs 2020-01-27 10:21:56,415 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:22:11,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:22:14,450 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:22:17,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:22:20,458 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-27 10:22:23,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:22:37,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:22:37,598 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:22:37,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:22:37,661 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:22:37,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:22:37,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:22:37,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:22:37,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:22:37,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:22:37,944 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:22:38,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:22:38,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,230 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:22:38,230 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:22:38,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,506 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert_links 2020-01-27 10:22:38,506 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert_links" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert 2020-01-27 10:22:38,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert" 2020-01-27 10:22:38,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21981 to end 2020-01-27 10:22:40,221 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ca-certs-e1anik4pexu1ng7pw261rw1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ca_certs/console.log 2020-01-27 10:22:40,269 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_disable 2020-01-27 10:22:41,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:22:56,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:22:59,393 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:23:18,302 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:23:18,303 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,379 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:23:18,380 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:23:18,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:23:18,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:23:18,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:23:18,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,839 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:23:18,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:23:18,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:23:18,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:23:19,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:23:19,036 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:23:19,269 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29245 to end 2020-01-27 10:23:20,578 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-debug-disable-3c02q76nqxcz6lnuvk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/debug_disable/console.log 2020-01-27 10:23:20,647 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_enable 2020-01-27 10:23:21,794 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:23:36,818 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:23:56,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:23:56,994 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:23:57,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:23:57,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,243 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:23:57,244 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:23:57,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:23:57,429 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:23:57,521 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:23:57,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,716 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:23:57,716 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:23:57,977 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4843 to end 2020-01-27 10:23:59,385 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-debug-enable-d1wwfmg2w1olypjbd9y to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/debug_enable/console.log 2020-01-27 10:23:59,456 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/final_message 2020-01-27 10:24:00,611 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:24:15,635 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:24:45,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:24:45,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:24:45,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:24:45,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:24:45,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,511 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:24:45,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,603 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:24:45,603 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:24:45,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:24:45,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:24:45,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:24:45,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:24:46,166 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 11520 to end 2020-01-27 10:24:47,873 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-final-message-2g89mgd871vlx4vzm4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/final_message/console.log 2020-01-27 10:24:47,927 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/keys_to_console 2020-01-27 10:24:49,228 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:25:04,258 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:25:29,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:25:29,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:25:29,718 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:25:29,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:25:29,817 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:25:29,817 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:25:29,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:25:29,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:25:30,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,091 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:25:30,091 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,183 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:25:30,183 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:25:30,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,383 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:25:30,383 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-27 10:25:30,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-27 10:25:30,776 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 20752 to end 2020-01-27 10:25:31,881 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-keys-to-console-pim5fkj820iz489y to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/keys_to_console/console.log 2020-01-27 10:25:31,887 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/landscape is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:25:31,925 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/locale 2020-01-27 10:25:32,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:25:47,977 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:25:50,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:26:20,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:26:20,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,162 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:26:20,162 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:26:20,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,350 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:26:20,350 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:26:20,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:26:20,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,642 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:26:20,642 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:26:20,749 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:26:20,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:26:20,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:26:21,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_default 2020-01-27 10:26:21,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_default" 2020-01-27 10:26:21,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_a 2020-01-27 10:26:21,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_a" 2020-01-27 10:26:21,179 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_gen 2020-01-27 10:26:21,179 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_gen" 2020-01-27 10:26:21,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 27665 to end 2020-01-27 10:26:23,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-locale-l07s1ut3lq66xeg2z9d3i922g to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/locale/console.log 2020-01-27 10:26:23,740 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_bridge 2020-01-27 10:26:24,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:26:40,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:26:43,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:27:14,836 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:27:14,837 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:27:14,898 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:27:14,898 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:27:14,995 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:27:14,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,092 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:27:15,093 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:27:15,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,276 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:27:15,276 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:27:15,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,473 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:27:15,473 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:27:15,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,743 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-27 10:27:15,743 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-27 10:27:15,802 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-27 10:27:15,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc-bridge 2020-01-27 10:27:15,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc-bridge" 2020-01-27 10:27:16,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 4329 to end 2020-01-27 10:27:19,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-lxd-bridge-5w20qqbliqm734k96frgo to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/lxd_bridge/console.log 2020-01-27 10:27:19,509 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_dir 2020-01-27 10:27:20,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:27:35,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:28:02,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:28:02,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:28:02,173 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:28:02,265 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:28:02,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,447 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:28:02,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,539 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:28:02,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:28:02,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:28:02,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:28:02,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:28:02,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:28:03,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2020-01-27 10:28:03,005 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2020-01-27 10:28:03,062 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2020-01-27 10:28:03,062 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2020-01-27 10:28:03,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 15840 to end 2020-01-27 10:28:06,425 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-lxd-dir-o2fm5mdf8y2szsf325mzq311 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/lxd_dir/console.log 2020-01-27 10:28:06,467 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp 2020-01-27 10:28:08,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:28:23,522 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:28:26,526 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:29:00,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:29:00,764 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:29:00,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:29:00,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:29:00,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:29:00,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,007 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:29:01,007 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:29:01,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,191 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:29:01,191 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,283 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:29:01,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:29:01,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,480 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:29:01,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,658 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed 2020-01-27 10:29:01,658 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,714 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_empty 2020-01-27 10:29:01,715 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_empty" 2020-01-27 10:29:01,809 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_empty exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:29:01,810 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pool_list 2020-01-27 10:29:01,810 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pool_list" 2020-01-27 10:29:02,132 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 18756 to end 2020-01-27 10:29:03,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ntp-yuohnae0zhggfhsfa6700gwumsvf to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ntp/console.log 2020-01-27 10:29:03,411 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_chrony 2020-01-27 10:29:04,638 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:29:19,662 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:29:22,666 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:29:52,181 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:29:52,182 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,241 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:29:52,241 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,332 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:29:52,332 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:29:52,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:29:52,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:29:52,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:29:52,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,813 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:29:52,814 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:29:52,910 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:29:52,910 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:29:53,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: chrony_conf 2020-01-27 10:29:53,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: chrony_conf" 2020-01-27 10:29:53,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 19880 to end 2020-01-27 10:29:54,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ntp-chrony-jtkjt80ehxdx5x3rbwhjp to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ntp_chrony/console.log 2020-01-27 10:29:54,686 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_pools 2020-01-27 10:29:55,717 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:30:10,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:30:41,462 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:30:41,462 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:30:41,547 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:30:41,547 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:30:41,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:30:41,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:30:41,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:30:41,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:30:41,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:30:41,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:30:41,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:30:41,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:30:42,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,109 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:30:42,110 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:30:42,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,385 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_pools 2020-01-27 10:30:42,385 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_pools" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,442 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_pools 2020-01-27 10:30:42,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_pools" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_pools exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:30:42,546 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pools 2020-01-27 10:30:42,547 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pools" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,642 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-27 10:30:42,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-27 10:30:42,899 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 20033 to end 2020-01-27 10:30:44,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ntp-pools-1hle1k0cirlewmttxa74cb to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ntp_pools/console.log 2020-01-27 10:30:44,302 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_servers 2020-01-27 10:30:45,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:31:00,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:31:30,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:31:30,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:31:30,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:31:30,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:31:30,922 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:31:30,923 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,014 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:31:31,014 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:31:31,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:31:31,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,290 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:31:31,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,391 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:31:31,391 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:31:31,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_servers 2020-01-27 10:31:31,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_servers" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_servers 2020-01-27 10:31:31,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_servers" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_servers exited 'b'cat: /etc/ntp.conf.dist: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 0 2020-01-27 10:31:31,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_servers 2020-01-27 10:31:31,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_servers" 2020-01-27 10:31:31,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2020-01-27 10:31:31,895 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2020-01-27 10:31:32,352 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21488 to end 2020-01-27 10:31:33,725 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ntp-servers-3kbf42660yv1dy1eri0i to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ntp_servers/console.log 2020-01-27 10:31:33,765 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_timesyncd 2020-01-27 10:31:34,960 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:31:49,985 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:32:13,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:32:13,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:32:13,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:32:13,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:32:13,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:32:13,355 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:32:13,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:32:13,540 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:32:13,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:32:13,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:32:13,908 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timesyncd_conf 2020-01-27 10:32:13,908 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timesyncd_conf" 2020-01-27 10:32:14,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21743 to end 2020-01-27 10:32:15,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ntp-timesyncd-21ofr0zjov99qrfvtb to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ntp_timesyncd/console.log 2020-01-27 10:32:15,782 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/package_update_upgrade_install 2020-01-27 10:32:17,044 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:32:32,069 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:33:01,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:33:01,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,338 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:33:01,339 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:33:01,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:33:01,523 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,614 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:33:01,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:33:01,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:33:01,799 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:33:01,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:33:01,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:33:01,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:33:02,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_history_cmdline 2020-01-27 10:33:02,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_history_cmdline" 2020-01-27 10:33:02,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dpkg_show 2020-01-27 10:33:02,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dpkg_show" 2020-01-27 10:33:02,414 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23194 to end 2020-01-27 10:33:03,689 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-package-update-upgrade-302fzk5af to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/package_update_upgrade_install/console.log 2020-01-27 10:33:03,725 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/runcmd 2020-01-27 10:33:04,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:33:19,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:33:39,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:33:39,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,225 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:33:39,225 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,315 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:33:39,315 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,406 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:33:39,407 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:33:39,499 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,590 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:33:39,591 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,684 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:33:39,684 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:33:39,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:33:39,879 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:33:39,879 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:33:40,053 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: run_cmd 2020-01-27 10:33:40,053 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: run_cmd" 2020-01-27 10:33:40,218 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23346 to end 2020-01-27 10:33:41,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-runcmd-pglg1fktq2n0pf7ect8w3gtlw to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/runcmd/console.log 2020-01-27 10:33:41,475 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/seed_random_command is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:33:41,514 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/seed_random_data 2020-01-27 10:33:43,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:33:58,725 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:34:18,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:34:18,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:34:18,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:34:18,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:34:18,723 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:34:18,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:34:18,819 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:34:18,820 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:18,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:34:18,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:34:19,004 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:34:19,096 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:34:19,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:34:19,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: seed_data 2020-01-27 10:34:19,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: seed_data" 2020-01-27 10:34:19,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23502 to end 2020-01-27 10:34:20,837 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-seed-random-data-7quy4qrdd98ee66 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/seed_random_data/console.log 2020-01-27 10:34:20,877 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname 2020-01-27 10:34:21,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:34:36,945 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:34:56,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:34:56,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:34:56,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:34:56,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:34:56,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:34:56,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:34:56,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:34:56,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:56,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:34:56,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:56,951 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:34:56,951 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:34:57,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:34:57,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:34:57,239 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,419 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-27 10:34:57,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,478 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-27 10:34:57,478 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-27 10:34:57,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-27 10:34:57,835 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 24774 to end 2020-01-27 10:34:59,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-hostname-7sj5e41hz6usllatg1x to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_hostname/console.log 2020-01-27 10:34:59,257 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname_fqdn 2020-01-27 10:35:00,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:35:15,453 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:35:35,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:35:35,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,489 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:35:35,490 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,580 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:35:35,580 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,671 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:35:35,672 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:35:35,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,855 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:35:35,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:35:35,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:35:35,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,050 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:35:36,050 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:35:36,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2020-01-27 10:35:36,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2020-01-27 10:35:36,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2020-01-27 10:35:36,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2020-01-27 10:35:36,677 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 24976 to end 2020-01-27 10:35:37,973 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-hostname-fqdn-xr7jyqwq7lsd4u to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_hostname_fqdn/console.log 2020-01-27 10:35:38,015 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password 2020-01-27 10:35:40,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:35:55,256 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:35:58,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:36:17,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:36:17,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,019 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:36:18,019 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:36:18,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:36:18,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:36:18,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:36:18,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:36:18,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:36:18,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:36:18,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,853 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-27 10:36:18,854 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-27 10:36:18,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-27 10:36:18,912 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-27 10:36:19,240 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26356 to end 2020-01-27 10:36:20,617 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-password-1jl0f06yh11ds5u3wlo to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_password/console.log 2020-01-27 10:36:20,657 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_expire 2020-01-27 10:36:21,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:36:36,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:36:39,929 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:36:42,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:36:45,981 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2020-01-27 10:36:48,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:37:04,543 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:37:04,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:37:04,702 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:37:04,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:37:04,892 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:04,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:37:04,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,082 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:37:05,082 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:37:05,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:37:05,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,466 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-27 10:37:05,466 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-27 10:37:05,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-27 10:37:05,770 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26565 to end 2020-01-27 10:37:07,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-password-expire-d2n6zi3dnbgs to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_password_expire/console.log 2020-01-27 10:37:07,222 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list 2020-01-27 10:37:08,477 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:37:23,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:37:26,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:37:44,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:37:44,887 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:37:44,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:37:44,943 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:37:45,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:37:45,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,242 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:37:45,242 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,340 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:37:45,340 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:37:45,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:37:45,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:37:45,629 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-27 10:37:45,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-27 10:37:45,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-27 10:37:45,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-27 10:37:46,066 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26717 to end 2020-01-27 10:37:47,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-password-list-z234tzj8zb7o20 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_password_list/console.log 2020-01-27 10:37:47,473 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list_string 2020-01-27 10:37:48,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:38:03,527 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:38:23,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:38:23,481 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:38:23,538 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:38:23,538 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:38:23,632 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:38:23,633 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:38:23,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:38:23,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:38:23,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:38:23,817 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:38:23,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:38:23,907 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:38:24,000 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:38:24,106 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:38:24,200 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,373 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2020-01-27 10:38:24,373 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2020-01-27 10:38:24,430 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2020-01-27 10:38:24,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26836 to end 2020-01-27 10:38:25,973 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-set-password-list-stri-vlb48mkxj to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/set_password_list_string/console.log 2020-01-27 10:38:25,980 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/snap is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:38:26,020 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable 2020-01-27 10:38:27,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:38:42,242 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:38:45,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:39:01,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:39:01,249 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:39:01,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:39:01,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:39:01,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,584 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:39:01,584 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:39:01,676 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:39:01,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,869 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:39:01,869 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:39:01,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:39:01,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:39:02,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-27 10:39:02,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-27 10:39:02,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28287 to end 2020-01-27 10:39:03,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-iw7m0cf50 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable/console.log 2020-01-27 10:39:03,665 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable 2020-01-27 10:39:04,692 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:39:19,718 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:39:36,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:39:36,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:39:37,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:39:37,112 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,203 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:39:37,203 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,295 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:39:37,295 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,387 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:39:37,387 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:39:37,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:39:37,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:39:37,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:39:37,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2020-01-27 10:39:37,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2020-01-27 10:39:38,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28488 to end 2020-01-27 10:39:39,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-6u63biyez to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable/console.log 2020-01-27 10:39:39,269 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_import_id 2020-01-27 10:39:40,401 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:39:55,426 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:39:58,431 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:40:20,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:40:20,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:40:20,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:40:20,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:40:20,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:40:20,707 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:40:20,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:40:20,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:40:20,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:40:20,893 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:40:20,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:40:20,984 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:40:21,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:40:21,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:40:21,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:40:21,178 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:40:21,271 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:40:21,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:40:21,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: auth_keys_ubuntu 2020-01-27 10:40:21,449 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: auth_keys_ubuntu" 2020-01-27 10:40:21,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28676 to end 2020-01-27 10:40:22,989 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ssh-import-id-l59oljawcldzp6p1da to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ssh_import_id/console.log 2020-01-27 10:40:23,031 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate 2020-01-27 10:40:24,227 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:40:39,251 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:41:00,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:41:00,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:41:00,638 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:41:00,638 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:41:00,733 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:41:00,734 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:41:00,823 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:41:00,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:00,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:41:00,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:41:01,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:41:01,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:41:01,206 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:41:01,299 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_public 2020-01-27 10:41:01,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_public" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,550 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-27 10:41:01,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_private 2020-01-27 10:41:01,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_private" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,644 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-27 10:41:01,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_public 2020-01-27 10:41:01,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_public" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,736 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-27 10:41:01,737 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_private 2020-01-27 10:41:01,737 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_private" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2020-01-27 10:41:01,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_public 2020-01-27 10:41:01,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_public" 2020-01-27 10:41:01,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_private 2020-01-27 10:41:01,926 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_private" 2020-01-27 10:41:02,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_public 2020-01-27 10:41:02,021 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_public" 2020-01-27 10:41:02,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_private 2020-01-27 10:41:02,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_private" 2020-01-27 10:41:02,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30052 to end 2020-01-27 10:41:03,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-ssh-keys-generate-8tsludf7qfttpk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/ssh_keys_generate/console.log 2020-01-27 10:41:03,868 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/ssh_keys_provided is not enabled, skipping 2020-01-27 10:41:03,909 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/timezone 2020-01-27 10:41:04,939 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:41:19,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:41:42,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:41:42,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:41:42,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,569 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:41:42,569 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:41:42,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,760 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:41:42,760 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,855 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:41:42,855 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:41:42,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:41:42,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:41:43,049 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:41:43,049 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:41:43,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:41:43,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:41:43,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timezone 2020-01-27 10:41:43,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timezone" 2020-01-27 10:41:43,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31151 to end 2020-01-27 10:41:44,997 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-timezone-rdueduqglnvck4cn0ri46o1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/timezone/console.log 2020-01-27 10:41:45,042 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/user_groups 2020-01-27 10:41:46,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:42:01,141 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:42:20,908 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:42:20,909 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:42:20,966 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:42:20,966 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:42:21,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,147 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:42:21,148 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,240 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:42:21,240 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:42:21,337 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:42:21,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:42:21,534 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:42:21,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_ubuntu 2020-01-27 10:42:21,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_ubuntu" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_cloud_users 2020-01-27 10:42:21,865 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_cloud_users" 2020-01-27 10:42:21,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_ubuntu 2020-01-27 10:42:21,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_ubuntu" 2020-01-27 10:42:22,049 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_foobar 2020-01-27 10:42:22,049 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_foobar" 2020-01-27 10:42:22,141 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_barfoo 2020-01-27 10:42:22,141 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_barfoo" 2020-01-27 10:42:22,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_cloudy 2020-01-27 10:42:22,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_cloudy" 2020-01-27 10:42:22,325 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: root_groups 2020-01-27 10:42:22,325 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: root_groups" 2020-01-27 10:42:22,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31500 to end 2020-01-27 10:42:23,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-user-groups-klcr7bmcm1vh3n57cfo4 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/user_groups/console.log 2020-01-27 10:42:23,963 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/write_files 2020-01-27 10:42:24,990 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2020-01-27 10:42:40,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2020-01-27 10:43:00,360 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2020-01-27 10:43:00,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2020-01-27 10:43:00,418 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2020-01-27 10:43:00,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,603 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2020-01-27 10:43:00,603 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2020-01-27 10:43:00,696 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,788 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2020-01-27 10:43:00,788 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2020-01-27 10:43:00,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2020-01-27 10:43:00,982 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2020-01-27 10:43:00,983 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2020-01-27 10:43:01,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,251 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_b64 2020-01-27 10:43:01,251 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_b64" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_text 2020-01-27 10:43:01,329 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_text" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_binary 2020-01-27 10:43:01,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_binary" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_gzip 2020-01-27 10:43:01,517 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_gzip" 2020-01-27 10:43:01,790 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 31716 to end 2020-01-27 10:43:03,065 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-eoan-modules-write-files-fjqave39vl4xelc9n35w to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/eoan/modules/write_files/console.log 2020-01-27 10:43:03,071 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect stages: {'name': 'collect data', 'time': 2082.6492459774017, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'collect for platform: nocloud-kvm', 'time': 2081.179393529892, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up and collect data for os: eoan', 'time': 2014.3191921710968, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up for ubuntu-eoan', 'time': 23.843721389770508, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'setup func for --repo, enable repo', 'time': 11.922375202178955, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade cloud-init', 'time': 11.921306610107422, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect test data for eoan', 'time': 1987.3458564281464, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: bugs/lp1628337', 'time': 44.800575494766235, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 43.88811254501343, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05865979194641113, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0927896499633789, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09177422523498535, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09352970123291016, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09103941917419434, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09290432929992676, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.11018514633178711, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09348917007446289, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18793416023254395, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: main/command_output_simple', 'time': 40.18649244308472, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 39.203837156295776, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.058396339416503906, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09439396858215332, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.0914914608001709, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09592103958129883, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09120655059814453, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09211087226867676, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10723042488098145, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09309697151184082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.1983356475830078, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-test-output', 'time': 0.06026959419250488, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_conf', 'time': 42.189433097839355, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 41.24402117729187, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.057979583740234375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09249019622802734, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09209322929382324, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09180140495300293, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09219861030578613, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09131312370300293, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10124397277832031, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09088897705078125, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17576909065246582, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 94cloud-init-config', 'time': 0.059458017349243164, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'time': 46.75513434410095, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 45.790194034576416, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05822110176086426, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0953524112701416, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09328460693359375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09181380271911621, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09034276008605957, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09225201606750488, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10900020599365234, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09166622161865234, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.1839449405670166, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.05889534950256348, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_primary', 'time': 46.07996654510498, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 45.06001019477844, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.08544301986694336, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09538435935974121, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09025955200195312, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.0923912525177002, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09843611717224121, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09824872016906738, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10867738723754883, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09134650230407715, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18712997436523438, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.07243609428405762, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'time': 41.01029324531555, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 40.046263456344604, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07029151916503906, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09353065490722656, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09185910224914551, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09137392044067383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09233665466308594, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.0916910171508789, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10900282859802246, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09147191047668457, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17679476737976074, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 90cloud-init-aptproxy', 'time': 0.05550527572631836, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_security', 'time': 37.406476974487305, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 36.42993950843811, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05695462226867676, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09186482429504395, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09588885307312012, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09055900573730469, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09299778938293457, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09109115600585938, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10600113868713379, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09499859809875488, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18880367279052734, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.06717729568481445, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'time': 51.2253532409668, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 49.91336798667908, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06907415390014648, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09218144416809082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09617328643798828, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09240961074829102, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09078478813171387, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09247756004333496, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10303306579589844, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09331035614013672, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18509316444396973, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.05846381187438965, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script apt_key_list', 'time': 0.3387773036956787, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'time': 51.81465673446655, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 50.59344553947449, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.059361934661865234, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09272980690002441, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09131264686584473, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09259462356567383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09124350547790527, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.0963904857635498, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10812592506408691, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.1044914722442627, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18789434432983398, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script sources.list', 'time': 0.05667448043823242, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script apt_key_list', 'time': 0.24016690254211426, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'time': 48.37149977684021, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 47.4116313457489, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.057220458984375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09618067741394043, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09261202812194824, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09243035316467285, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09140515327453613, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09611153602600098, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10397553443908691, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09134554862976074, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18056273460388184, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 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True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_import_id', 'time': 42.188464403152466, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 41.23938989639282, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0556330680847168, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09259462356567383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09246230125427246, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09293317794799805, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09124326705932617, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09182953834533691, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10225439071655273, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09349417686462402, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script 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[], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 36.38891315460205, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05785083770751953, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09340405464172363, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.0914909839630127, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.0924687385559082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.0919034481048584, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09205126762390137, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10271859169006348, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09679484367370605, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17197108268737793, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_b64', 'time': 0.07779693603515625, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_text', 'time': 0.09513711929321289, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_binary', 'time': 0.0924072265625, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_gzip', 'time': 0.0931093692779541, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True} 2020-01-27 10:43:03,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - found test data: {'nocloud-kvm': {'eoan': ['bugs/lp1628337', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'modules/locale', 'modules/apt_configure_primary', 'modules/lxd_bridge', 'modules/apt_configure_security', 'modules/apt_pipelining_os', 'modules/ssh_import_id', 'modules/ntp_pools', 'modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'modules/bootcmd', 'modules/set_hostname_fqdn', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable', 'modules/final_message', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'modules/ntp_servers', 'modules/ntp_chrony', 'modules/write_files', 'modules/set_password', 'modules/ntp', 'modules/timezone', 'modules/keys_to_console', 'modules/debug_enable', 'modules/seed_random_data', 'modules/set_password_list', 'modules/user_groups', 'modules/debug_disable', 'modules/byobu', 'modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa', 'modules/package_update_upgrade_install', 'modules/ntp_timesyncd', 'modules/lxd_dir', 'modules/apt_pipelining_disable', 'modules/runcmd', 'modules/set_hostname', 'modules/apt_configure_conf', 'modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'modules/set_password_list_string', 'modules/set_password_expire', 'modules/ca_certs', 'main/command_output_simple']}} 2020-01-27 10:43:03,077 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='eoan' verifying test data 2020-01-27 10:43:03,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for bugs/lp1628337 test_fetch_indices (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify no apt errors. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify can find ntp and install it. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,126 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_sources_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Test sources.list includes sources. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/locale test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_locale (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale is set properly. ... ok test_locale_a (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale -a has both options. ... ok test_locale_gen (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test local.gen file has all entries. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,212 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_primary test_gatech_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test GaTech entries exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ubuntu_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test no default Ubuntu entries exist. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_bridge test_bridge (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test bridge config. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,295 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_security test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_security_mirror (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_os test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_os_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) test 'os' settings does not write apt config file. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,379 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_import_id test_authorized_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Test that ssh keys were imported. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_pools test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entires (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_keys_generate test_dsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa private key not generated. ... ok test_dsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa public key not generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_rsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok test_rsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,508 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_syslog (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Verify output of syslog. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,551 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test specific key added. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/bootcmd test_bootcmd_host (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Test boot cmd worked. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,698 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname_fqdn test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname output. ... ok test_hostname_fqdn (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname fqdn output. ... ok test_hosts (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test /etc/hosts file. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable test_cloud_init_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Verify disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,790 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/final_message test_final_message_string (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure final handles regular strings. ... ok test_final_message_subs (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Test variable substitution in final message. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,832 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_key test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test key list updated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,875 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_servers test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test config server entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_chrony test_chrony_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Test chrony config entries ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:03,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/write_files test_b64 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii. ... ok test_binary (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test binary file reads as executable. ... ok test_gzip (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test gzip file shows up as a shell script. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_text (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test text shows up as ASCII text. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,001 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test ubuntu user in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test ntp installed ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,085 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/timezone test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timezone (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Test date prints correct timezone. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/keys_to_console test_excluded_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test excluded keys missing. ... ok test_expected_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test expected keys exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_enable test_debug_enable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Test debug messages in cloud-init log. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,210 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/seed_random_data test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_random_seed_data (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Test random data passed in exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,250 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.015s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,307 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/user_groups test_group_cloud_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloud users group exists. ... ok test_group_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu group exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_user_barfoo (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test barfoo user exists. ... ok test_user_cloudy (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloudy user exists. ... ok test_user_foobar (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test foobar user exists. ... ok test_user_root_in_secret (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test root user is in 'secret' group. ... ok test_user_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu user exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_disable test_debug_disable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Test verbose output missing from logs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,406 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/byobu test_byobu_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu installed. ... ok test_byobu_launch_exists (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu-launch exists. ... ok test_byobu_profile_enabled (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu profile.d file exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_proxy test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_proxy_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Test proxy options added to apt config. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,496 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ppa (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test specific ppa added. ... ok test_ppa_key (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test ppa key added. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,538 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/package_update_upgrade_install test_apt_history (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test apt history for update command. ... ok test_cloud_init_output (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff. ... ok test_installed_sl (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test sl got installed. ... ok test_installed_tree (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test tree got installed. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,582 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_timesyncd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timesyncd_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Test timesyncd config entries ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_dir test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_disable test_disable_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Test pipelining disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/runcmd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_run_cmd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Test run command worked. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,754 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Test hostname command shows correct output. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,798 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_conf test_apt_conf_assumeyes (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config assumes true. ... ok test_apt_conf_fixbroken (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config fixes broken. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_disable_suites test_empty_sourcelist (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Test source list is empty. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list_string test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:04,987 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_expire test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test user frozen in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:05,031 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ca_certs test_cert_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test line from our cert exists. ... ok test_certs_updated (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test certs have been updated in /etc/ssl/certs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:05,079 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for main/command_output_simple test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_output_file (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2020-01-27 10:43:05,126 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='eoan' passed all tests 2020-01-27 10:43:05,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - ---- Verify summarized results: Platform: nocloud-kvm Distro: eoan test modules passed:44 tests failed:0 2020-01-27 10:43:05,127 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - leaving data in /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-e-kvm/cloud-init/results ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ citest: commands succeeded congratulations :) + rc=0 + [ 0 = 0 ] + find ./results -type f ( -name *.qcow2 -o -name *.img -o -name *.log ) -delete + find . -name id_rsa* -delete + exit 0 Archiving artifacts Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: SUCCESS === End series e === === Begin series d === Started by remote host Running as SYSTEM Building remotely on torkoal in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm [cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins5234308338646636053.sh + release=disco + release_ver=19.04 + platform=nocloud-kvm + set -e + sudo rm -Rf cloud-init + git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init Cloning into 'cloud-init'... + cd cloud-init + git tag --list + grep 19.04 + tail -1 + tag=ubuntu/19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1_19.04.1 + echo Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1_19.04.1 Running with source from tag ubuntu/19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1_19.04.1 + git checkout ubuntu/19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1_19.04.1 Note: checking out 'ubuntu/19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1_19.04.1'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at ca123134 releasing cloud-init version 19.3-41-gc4735dd3-0ubuntu1~19.04.1 + mirror=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ + hostname + [ -z -a torkoal = torkoal ] + export TMPDIR=/var/lib/jenkins/tmp/ + set +e + no_proxy=launchpad.net https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 tox -e citest -- run --os-name=disco --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ disco-proposed main' --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose GLOB sdist-make: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/setup.py citest create: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest citest installdeps: -r/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/integration-requirements.txt citest inst: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/dist/cloud-init-19.3.zip citest installed: adal==1.2.2,asn1crypto==1.2.0,attrs==19.3.0,azure-common==1.1.23,azure-mgmt-compute==7.0.0,azure-mgmt-network==5.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==4.0.0,azure-mgmt-storage==6.0.0,azure-nspkg==3.0.2,azure-storage==0.36.0,bcrypt==3.1.7,boto3==1.5.9,botocore==1.8.50,certifi==2019.11.28,cffi==1.13.2,chardet==3.0.4,cloud-init==19.3,configobj==5.0.6,cryptography==2.4.2,docutils==0.15.2,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==1.3.0,isodate==0.6.0,Jinja2==2.10.3,jmespath==0.9.4,jsonpatch==1.24,jsonpointer==2.0,jsonschema==3.2.0,linecache2==1.0.0,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,more-itertools==8.0.2,msrest==0.6.10,msrestazure==0.6.1,oauthlib==3.1.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pbr==5.4.4,pkg-resources==0.0.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pycparser==2.19,PyJWT==1.7.1,pylxd==2.2.7,PyNaCl==1.3.0,pyrsistent==0.15.6,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-simplestreams==0.1.0,PyYAML==5.2,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requests-toolbelt==0.9.1,requests-unixsocket==0.2.0,s3transfer==0.1.13,six==1.13.0,traceback2==1.4.0,unittest2==1.1.0,urllib3==1.25.7,ws4py==0.5.1,zipp==0.6.0 citest runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='1756601729' citest runtests: commands[0] | /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/.tox/citest/bin/python -m tests.cloud_tests run --os-name=disco --platform=nocloud-kvm --repo=deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ disco-proposed main --preserve-data --data-dir=./results --verbose 2019-12-16 10:27:36,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running with args: Namespace(data_dir='/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results', deb=None, feature_override={}, os_name=['disco'], platform=['nocloud-kvm'], ppa=None, preserve_data=True, preserve_instance=False, quiet=False, repo='deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ disco-proposed main', result=None, rpm=None, script=None, subcmd='run', test_config=['/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_chrony.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_timesyncd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snap.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml', '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml'], upgrade=True, upgrade_full=False, verbose=True) 2019-12-16 10:27:36,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - using tmpdir: /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results 2019-12-16 10:27:36,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - platform config: {'enabled': True, 'get_image_timeout': 300, 'create_instance_timeout': 60, 'private_key': 'cloud_init_rsa', 'public_key': 'cloud_init_rsa.pub', 'cache_mode': 'cache=none,aio=native', 'data_dir': '/var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results'} 2019-12-16 10:27:36,361 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up platform: nocloud-kvm 2019-12-16 10:27:37,331 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - os config: {'enabled': True, 'boot_timeout': 120, 'boot_clean_script': '#!/bin/bash\nrm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \\\n /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog\n', 'system_ready_script': "# permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot\n[ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o\n $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]\n", 'cloud_init_ready_script': "[ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]\n", 'feature_groups': ['base', 'debian_base', 'ubuntu_specific'], 'features': {'apt': True, 'byobu': True, 'landscape': True, 'lxd': True, 'ppa': True, 'rpm': None, 'snap': True, 'hostname': True, 'apt_src_cont': True, 'apt_hist_fmt': True, 'daylight_time': True, 'apt_up_out': True, 'engb_locale': True, 'locale_gen': True, 'no_ntpdate': True, 'no_file_fmt_e': True, 'ppa_file_name': True, 'sshd': True, 'ssh_key_fmt': True, 'syslog': True, 'ubuntu_ntp': True, 'ubuntu_repos': True, 'ubuntu_user': True, 'lsb_release': True, 'sudo': True}, 'mirror_url': 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily', 'mirror_dir': '/srv/citest/images', 'keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg', 'version': 19.04, 'setup_overrides': None, 'override_templates': False, 'release': 'disco', 'os': 'ubuntu', 'arch': 'amd64'} 2019-12-16 10:27:37,332 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - acquiring image for os: disco 2019-12-16 10:27:46,471 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - updating args for setup with: None 2019-12-16 10:27:47,656 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - setting up ubuntu-disco (build_name=server serial=20191213) 2019-12-16 10:27:47,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ disco-proposed main" in target 2019-12-16 10:27:47,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "enable repo: "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ disco-proposed main" in target" 2019-12-16 10:28:00,879 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - upgrading cloud-init 2019-12-16 10:28:00,879 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "upgrading cloud-init" 2019-12-16 10:28:09,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - creating snapshot for disco 2019-12-16 10:28:09,482 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for os: disco 2019-12-16 10:28:09,487 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1511485 is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:28:09,491 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config bugs/lp1611074 is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:28:09,545 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: bugs/lp1628337 2019-12-16 10:28:10,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:28:25,703 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:28:35,247 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:28:59,913 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:28:59,914 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:28:59,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:28:59,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:29:00,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:29:00,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:29:00,261 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:29:00,354 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:29:00,445 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,547 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:29:00,548 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:29:00,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:29:00,646 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:29:01,023 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1961 to end 2019-12-16 10:29:06,434 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-bugs-lp1628337-t0dzh7q67aim7ty9zu3kk9sa to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/bugs/lp1628337/console.log 2019-12-16 10:29:06,440 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/add_apt_repositories is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,444 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/alter_completion_message is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,450 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,458 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,464 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/including_user_groups is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,468 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_arbitrary_packages is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,478 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/install_run_chef_recipes is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,482 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_apt_upgrade is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,487 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,491 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/run_commands_first_boot is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,497 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/setup_run_puppet is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,503 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:29:06,544 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: main/command_output_simple 2019-12-16 10:29:07,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:29:22,614 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:29:25,623 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:29:44,924 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:29:44,925 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:29:44,983 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:29:44,983 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:29:45,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:29:45,169 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,263 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:29:45,263 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,359 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:29:45,359 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:29:45,456 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:29:45,558 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:29:45,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:29:45,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-test-output 2019-12-16 10:29:45,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-test-output" 2019-12-16 10:29:46,031 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 10315 to end 2019-12-16 10:29:51,442 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-main-command-output-simple-mq44mjzvbw0h to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/main/command_output_simple/console.log 2019-12-16 10:29:51,515 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_conf 2019-12-16 10:29:52,544 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:30:07,569 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:30:33,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:30:33,957 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:30:34,015 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,108 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:30:34,108 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:30:34,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,291 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:30:34,292 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,384 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:30:34,384 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:30:34,476 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,579 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:30:34,580 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:30:34,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:30:34,849 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 94cloud-init-config 2019-12-16 10:30:34,849 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 94cloud-init-config" 2019-12-16 10:30:35,107 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 18525 to end 2019-12-16 10:30:40,470 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-conf-gw69ltwudz65 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_conf/console.log 2019-12-16 10:30:40,523 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_disable_suites 2019-12-16 10:30:41,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:30:56,765 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:30:59,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:31:25,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:31:25,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:31:25,570 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:31:25,570 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:31:25,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:31:25,660 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:31:25,752 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:31:25,752 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:31:25,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:31:25,844 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:31:25,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:31:25,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:31:26,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:31:26,028 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:31:26,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:31:26,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:31:26,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:31:26,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:31:26,406 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:31:26,406 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:31:26,631 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 28927 to end 2019-12-16 10:31:32,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-disable--dktvsv9c to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites/console.log 2019-12-16 10:31:32,247 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_primary 2019-12-16 10:31:33,655 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:31:48,685 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:31:51,690 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:31:54,695 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:31:57,697 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:32:00,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:32:20,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:32:20,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,459 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:32:20,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:32:20,553 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:32:20,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,735 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:32:20,736 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:32:20,830 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:32:20,931 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:32:20,931 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:32:21,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:32:21,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:32:21,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:32:21,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:32:21,436 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 5312 to end 2019-12-16 10:32:26,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-primary-riuq38lho to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_primary/console.log 2019-12-16 10:32:26,820 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_proxy 2019-12-16 10:32:28,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:32:43,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:32:46,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:32:49,174 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:32:52,177 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:32:55,180 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:33:10,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:33:10,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:33:10,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:33:10,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:33:10,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:33:10,921 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:33:11,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:33:11,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:33:11,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,289 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:33:11,289 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:33:11,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:33:11,492 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-aptproxy 2019-12-16 10:33:11,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-aptproxy" 2019-12-16 10:33:11,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 14723 to end 2019-12-16 10:33:17,209 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-proxy-lwckurdmm42 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_proxy/console.log 2019-12-16 10:33:17,251 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_security 2019-12-16 10:33:18,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:33:33,526 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:33:36,531 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:33:54,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:33:54,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:33:54,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:33:54,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:33:55,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:33:55,160 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:33:55,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:33:55,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,435 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:33:55,435 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,535 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:33:55,535 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:33:55,627 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:33:55,807 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:33:55,807 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:33:56,001 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 22795 to end 2019-12-16 10:34:01,437 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-security-j7igbc7m to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_security/console.log 2019-12-16 10:34:01,481 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_key 2019-12-16 10:34:02,512 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:34:17,542 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:34:56,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:34:56,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,026 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:34:57,026 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:34:57,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,208 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:34:57,208 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,301 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:34:57,301 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,393 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:34:57,393 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:34:57,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,592 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:34:57,592 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,686 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:34:57,686 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,877 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:34:57,877 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:34:57,972 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2019-12-16 10:34:57,973 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2019-12-16 10:34:58,199 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:34:58,302 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 25968 to end 2019-12-16 10:35:04,117 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-sources--2mezcg14 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_sources_key/console.log 2019-12-16 10:35:04,192 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver 2019-12-16 10:35:05,711 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:35:20,735 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:35:23,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:35:55,972 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:35:55,972 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,032 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:35:56,032 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:35:56,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:35:56,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,316 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:35:56,316 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:35:56,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:35:56,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:35:56,606 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,697 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:35:56,697 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:35:56,880 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:35:56,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_key_list 2019-12-16 10:35:56,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_key_list" 2019-12-16 10:35:57,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt_key_list exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:35:57,256 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26320 to end 2019-12-16 10:36:03,070 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-sources--5q831g89 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver/console.log 2019-12-16 10:36:03,123 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_list 2019-12-16 10:36:04,754 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:36:19,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:36:22,782 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:36:45,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:36:45,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,277 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:36:45,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:36:45,370 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:36:45,468 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,560 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:36:45,561 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,657 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:36:45,657 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:36:45,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,860 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:36:45,861 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:36:45,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:36:45,953 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:36:46,148 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:36:46,148 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:36:46,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 26614 to end 2019-12-16 10:36:51,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-sources--2zk5ucr1 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_sources_list/console.log 2019-12-16 10:36:51,872 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa 2019-12-16 10:36:52,961 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:37:07,986 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:37:10,991 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:37:48,313 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:37:48,313 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:37:48,389 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,480 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:37:48,480 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:37:48,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,671 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:37:48,671 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:37:48,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,868 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:37:48,868 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:37:48,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:37:48,975 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:37:49,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:37:49,072 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:37:49,253 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources.list 2019-12-16 10:37:49,253 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources.list" 2019-12-16 10:37:49,347 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt-key 2019-12-16 10:37:49,347 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt-key" 2019-12-16 10:37:49,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script apt-key exited 'b'Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)\n'' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:37:49,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sources_full 2019-12-16 10:37:49,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sources_full" 2019-12-16 10:37:49,784 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29189 to end 2019-12-16 10:37:55,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-configure-sources--itdeitkn to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa/console.log 2019-12-16 10:37:55,180 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_disable 2019-12-16 10:37:56,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:38:11,455 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:38:14,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:38:17,466 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:38:20,469 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:38:23,473 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,343 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:38:36,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,402 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:38:36,402 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:38:36,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,585 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:38:36,586 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:38:36,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,772 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:38:36,772 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,867 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:38:36,867 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:38:36,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:38:36,968 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:38:37,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:38:37,059 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:38:37,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining 2019-12-16 10:38:37,233 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining" 2019-12-16 10:38:37,443 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 10428 to end 2019-12-16 10:38:42,777 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-pipelining-disable-pajndb38 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_pipelining_disable/console.log 2019-12-16 10:38:42,815 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/apt_pipelining_os 2019-12-16 10:38:43,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:38:58,869 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:39:01,874 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:39:04,878 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:39:07,882 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:39:10,885 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:39:32,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:39:32,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,260 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:39:32,260 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:39:32,361 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:39:32,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:39:32,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:39:32,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:39:32,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:39:32,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:39:32,872 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:39:33,075 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written 2019-12-16 10:39:33,075 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written" 2019-12-16 10:39:33,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script 90cloud-init-pipelining_not_written exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:39:33,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 23559 to end 2019-12-16 10:39:38,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-apt-pipelining-os-iepjc1k6kh2j8 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/apt_pipelining_os/console.log 2019-12-16 10:39:38,695 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/bootcmd 2019-12-16 10:39:39,747 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:39:54,775 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:39:57,778 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:40:00,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:40:03,785 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:40:06,786 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:40:29,581 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:40:29,581 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:40:29,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:40:29,640 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:40:29,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:40:29,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:40:29,823 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:40:29,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:40:29,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:40:29,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:40:30,013 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:40:30,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,213 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:40:30,213 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:40:30,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2019-12-16 10:40:30,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2019-12-16 10:40:30,781 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 3856 to end 2019-12-16 10:40:36,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-bootcmd-hbdsx81k3oko5pudm42dj44 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/bootcmd/console.log 2019-12-16 10:40:36,217 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/byobu 2019-12-16 10:40:37,300 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:40:52,332 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:40:55,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:41:18,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:41:18,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,020 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:41:19,020 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:41:19,111 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:41:19,204 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,295 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:41:19,295 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,393 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:41:19,393 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:41:19,483 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:41:19,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,685 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:41:19,685 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,858 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_profile_enabled 2019-12-16 10:41:19,859 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_profile_enabled" 2019-12-16 10:41:19,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: byobu_launch_exists 2019-12-16 10:41:19,963 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: byobu_launch_exists" 2019-12-16 10:41:20,205 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 17112 to end 2019-12-16 10:41:25,645 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-byobu-akntjz5ol9uj6n193rgftnl2r to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/byobu/console.log 2019-12-16 10:41:25,691 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ca_certs 2019-12-16 10:41:26,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:41:41,823 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:41:44,898 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:42:03,587 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:42:03,587 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:42:03,650 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:42:03,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:42:03,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:42:03,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:42:03,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:42:03,838 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:03,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:42:03,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,029 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:42:04,029 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,124 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:42:04,124 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:42:04,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,319 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:42:04,319 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,536 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert_links 2019-12-16 10:42:04,536 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert_links" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,633 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cert 2019-12-16 10:42:04,633 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cert" 2019-12-16 10:42:04,835 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29136 to end 2019-12-16 10:42:10,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ca-certs-suwf0s1ynrq7qhbjgc58ho to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ca_certs/console.log 2019-12-16 10:42:10,193 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_disable 2019-12-16 10:42:11,365 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:42:26,390 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:42:29,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:42:52,083 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:42:52,083 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:42:52,143 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:42:52,236 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:42:52,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,420 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:42:52,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:42:52,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:42:52,613 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:42:52,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:42:52,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:42:52,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:42:53,272 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 8970 to end 2019-12-16 10:42:58,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-debug-disable-juwk2wcxsq16oknp2 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/debug_disable/console.log 2019-12-16 10:42:58,627 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/debug_enable 2019-12-16 10:43:00,009 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:43:15,035 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:43:18,038 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:43:21,043 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:43:24,045 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - failed to connect via SSH 2019-12-16 10:43:27,048 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:43:43,894 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:43:43,894 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:43:43,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:43:43,954 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,045 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:43:44,045 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:43:44,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:43:44,229 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,321 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:43:44,321 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:43:44,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:43:44,520 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:43:44,614 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:43:44,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:43:45,039 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 17899 to end 2019-12-16 10:43:50,398 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-debug-enable-xdgj91citfd2hui1g5 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/debug_enable/console.log 2019-12-16 10:43:50,446 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/final_message 2019-12-16 10:43:51,537 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:44:06,565 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:44:36,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:44:36,769 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:44:36,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:44:36,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:44:36,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:44:36,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:44:37,012 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:44:37,105 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,201 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:44:37,202 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,298 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:44:37,298 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,403 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:44:37,404 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,500 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:44:37,501 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:44:37,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29400 to end 2019-12-16 10:44:43,217 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-final-message-nvjwaqlnoq99pms6j to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/final_message/console.log 2019-12-16 10:44:43,258 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/keys_to_console 2019-12-16 10:44:44,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:44:59,366 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:45:20,308 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:45:20,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:45:20,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:45:20,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:45:20,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:45:20,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:45:20,740 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,832 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:45:20,832 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:45:20,937 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:45:20,937 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:45:21,032 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:45:21,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:45:21,243 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2019-12-16 10:45:21,243 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2019-12-16 10:45:21,484 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 9462 to end 2019-12-16 10:45:26,877 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-keys-to-console-1lou7btupgnsaqw to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/keys_to_console/console.log 2019-12-16 10:45:26,884 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/landscape is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:45:26,926 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/locale 2019-12-16 10:45:28,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:45:43,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:46:09,214 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:46:09,215 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,271 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:46:09,271 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:46:09,368 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:46:09,464 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:46:09,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:46:09,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:46:09,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:46:09,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:46:09,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:46:09,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:46:10,156 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_default 2019-12-16 10:46:10,156 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_default" 2019-12-16 10:46:10,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_a 2019-12-16 10:46:10,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_a" 2019-12-16 10:46:10,357 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: locale_gen 2019-12-16 10:46:10,357 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: locale_gen" 2019-12-16 10:46:10,602 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 21591 to end 2019-12-16 10:46:16,025 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-locale-jknfxtwaettexpvq1espkzaf to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/locale/console.log 2019-12-16 10:46:16,067 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_bridge 2019-12-16 10:46:17,383 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:46:32,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:47:04,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:47:04,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:47:04,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:47:04,768 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:47:04,860 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:47:04,860 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:47:04,955 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:47:04,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,048 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:47:05,048 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,139 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:47:05,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:47:05,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:47:05,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,427 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:47:05,428 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,610 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2019-12-16 10:47:05,610 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2019-12-16 10:47:05,710 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2019-12-16 10:47:05,807 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc-bridge 2019-12-16 10:47:05,808 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc-bridge" 2019-12-16 10:47:06,062 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 2714 to end 2019-12-16 10:47:11,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-lxd-bridge-xb7w7asdlqgnk8zkt5jx to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/lxd_bridge/console.log 2019-12-16 10:47:11,453 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/lxd_dir 2019-12-16 10:47:12,695 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:47:27,721 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:47:51,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:47:51,678 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:47:51,734 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:47:51,734 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:47:51,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:47:51,828 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:47:51,919 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:47:51,920 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:47:52,011 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,103 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:47:52,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:47:52,196 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:47:52,297 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,387 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:47:52,387 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxc 2019-12-16 10:47:52,559 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxc" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: lxd 2019-12-16 10:47:52,653 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: lxd" 2019-12-16 10:47:52,845 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 16382 to end 2019-12-16 10:47:58,133 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-lxd-dir-wa00og0n1qwasn6dqg3i9rv to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/lxd_dir/console.log 2019-12-16 10:47:58,170 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp 2019-12-16 10:47:59,388 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:48:14,413 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:48:48,574 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:48:48,575 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:48:48,734 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:48:48,735 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:48:48,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:48:48,825 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:48:48,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:48:48,916 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:48:49,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,099 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:48:49,100 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,192 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:48:49,192 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:48:49,293 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,383 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:48:49,383 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed 2019-12-16 10:48:49,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_empty 2019-12-16 10:48:49,652 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_empty" 2019-12-16 10:48:49,746 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_empty exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:48:49,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pool_list 2019-12-16 10:48:49,748 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pool_list" 2019-12-16 10:48:50,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 19544 to end 2019-12-16 10:48:55,717 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ntp-s2xcxd2i6tvyf23hlq3va7nv2zl to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ntp/console.log 2019-12-16 10:48:55,758 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_chrony 2019-12-16 10:48:57,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:49:12,123 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:49:15,128 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:49:54,067 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:49:54,068 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,158 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:49:54,159 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:49:54,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:49:54,341 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,432 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:49:54,433 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:49:54,524 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,615 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:49:54,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,722 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:49:54,723 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:49:54,815 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:49:54,816 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:49:55,002 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: chrony_conf 2019-12-16 10:49:55,002 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: chrony_conf" 2019-12-16 10:49:55,258 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 20934 to end 2019-12-16 10:50:00,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ntp-chrony-gwwem0x2a765j97tqepb to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ntp_chrony/console.log 2019-12-16 10:50:00,693 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_pools 2019-12-16 10:50:01,890 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:50:16,915 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:50:59,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:50:59,220 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:50:59,278 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:50:59,367 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:50:59,460 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:50:59,552 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,643 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:50:59,644 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,741 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:50:59,742 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,842 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:50:59,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:50:59,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:50:59,936 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:51:00,118 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_pools 2019-12-16 10:51:00,119 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_pools" 2019-12-16 10:51:00,216 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_pools 2019-12-16 10:51:00,216 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_pools" 2019-12-16 10:51:00,308 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_pools exited 'b"ls: cannot access '/etc/ntp.conf.dist': No such file or directory\n"' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:51:00,309 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_pools 2019-12-16 10:51:00,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_pools" 2019-12-16 10:51:00,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:00,405 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2019-12-16 10:51:00,734 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 22303 to end 2019-12-16 10:51:06,018 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ntp-pools-g1itgj124ozs2av3fpcet to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ntp_pools/console.log 2019-12-16 10:51:06,062 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:07,141 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:51:22,165 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:51:56,288 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:51:56,288 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,462 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:51:56,462 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:51:56,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,647 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:51:56,648 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:51:56,740 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,831 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:51:56,831 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:51:56,923 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:51:56,923 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:51:57,024 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:51:57,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_installed_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:57,286 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_installed_servers" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,380 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_dist_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:57,381 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_dist_servers" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,471 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script ntp_conf_dist_servers exited 'b'cat: /etc/ntp.conf.dist: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 0 2019-12-16 10:51:57,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntp_conf_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:57,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntp_conf_servers" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ntpq_servers 2019-12-16 10:51:57,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ntpq_servers" 2019-12-16 10:51:57,801 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 22690 to end 2019-12-16 10:52:03,177 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ntp-servers-k9ql903de22xb5ltiky to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ntp_servers/console.log 2019-12-16 10:52:03,217 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ntp_timesyncd 2019-12-16 10:52:04,246 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:52:19,271 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:52:41,990 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:52:41,990 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,046 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:52:42,046 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,137 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:52:42,138 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:52:42,231 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:52:42,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,415 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:52:42,415 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:52:42,507 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,608 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:52:42,609 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:52:42,699 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:52:42,881 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timesyncd_conf 2019-12-16 10:52:42,881 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timesyncd_conf" 2019-12-16 10:52:43,087 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 24152 to end 2019-12-16 10:52:48,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ntp-timesyncd-elrf2ye6yrm1lcptp to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ntp_timesyncd/console.log 2019-12-16 10:52:48,539 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/package_update_upgrade_install 2019-12-16 10:52:49,569 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:53:04,593 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:53:38,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:53:38,094 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:53:38,152 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,244 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:53:38,245 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:53:38,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:53:38,441 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:53:38,533 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:53:38,624 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,730 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:53:38,730 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,820 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:53:38,820 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:53:38,993 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: apt_history_cmdline 2019-12-16 10:53:38,993 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: apt_history_cmdline" 2019-12-16 10:53:39,086 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dpkg_show 2019-12-16 10:53:39,087 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dpkg_show" 2019-12-16 10:53:39,395 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 25276 to end 2019-12-16 10:53:44,673 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-package-update-upgrade-2ng6bni9 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/package_update_upgrade_install/console.log 2019-12-16 10:53:44,714 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/runcmd 2019-12-16 10:53:45,745 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:54:00,770 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:54:03,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:54:21,829 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:54:21,830 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:54:21,887 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:54:21,887 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:54:21,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:54:21,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,073 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:54:22,073 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:54:22,163 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:54:22,257 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:54:22,348 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:54:22,451 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:54:22,545 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: run_cmd 2019-12-16 10:54:22,724 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: run_cmd" 2019-12-16 10:54:22,979 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 25651 to end 2019-12-16 10:54:28,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-runcmd-irqh15z7wu241r0bsy7ylwj6 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/runcmd/console.log 2019-12-16 10:54:28,360 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/seed_random_command is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:54:28,402 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/seed_random_data 2019-12-16 10:54:29,795 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:54:44,821 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:55:03,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:55:03,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:55:03,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:55:03,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,667 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:55:03,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,761 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:55:03,761 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:55:03,857 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:03,947 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:55:03,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:55:04,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:55:04,054 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:55:04,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:55:04,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:55:04,327 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: seed_data 2019-12-16 10:55:04,327 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: seed_data" 2019-12-16 10:55:04,616 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 25896 to end 2019-12-16 10:55:09,889 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-seed-random-data-ux94bb8o4u6tzx to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/seed_random_data/console.log 2019-12-16 10:55:09,928 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname 2019-12-16 10:55:11,056 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:55:26,083 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:55:46,502 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:55:46,503 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:55:46,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:55:46,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:55:46,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:55:46,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:55:46,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:55:46,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:46,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:55:46,843 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:46,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:55:46,935 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,029 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:55:47,029 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:55:47,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:55:47,224 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,409 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2019-12-16 10:55:47,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2019-12-16 10:55:47,504 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,596 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2019-12-16 10:55:47,596 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2019-12-16 10:55:47,773 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 27281 to end 2019-12-16 10:55:53,153 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-hostname-fpsxmb21b0kpox6o5o to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_hostname/console.log 2019-12-16 10:55:53,193 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_hostname_fqdn 2019-12-16 10:55:54,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:56:09,310 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:56:26,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:56:26,422 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:56:26,480 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,571 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:56:26,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:56:26,664 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:56:26,756 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:56:26,852 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:56:26,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:56:26,948 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:56:27,055 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:56:27,149 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hosts 2019-12-16 10:56:27,328 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hosts" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: hostname 2019-12-16 10:56:27,465 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: hostname" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: fqdn 2019-12-16 10:56:27,557 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: fqdn" 2019-12-16 10:56:27,761 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 27565 to end 2019-12-16 10:56:33,089 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-hostname-fqdn-5ip3q3dzldsll to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_hostname_fqdn/console.log 2019-12-16 10:56:33,127 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password 2019-12-16 10:56:34,162 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:56:49,185 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:57:11,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:57:11,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,003 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:57:12,003 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,095 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:57:12,095 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,187 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:57:12,187 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,283 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:57:12,283 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,375 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:57:12,375 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:57:12,467 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:57:12,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:57:12,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2019-12-16 10:57:12,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2019-12-16 10:57:12,933 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2019-12-16 10:57:12,933 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2019-12-16 10:57:13,127 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 27852 to end 2019-12-16 10:57:18,805 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-password-6kdlknyowndtp0mhx6 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_password/console.log 2019-12-16 10:57:18,848 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_expire 2019-12-16 10:57:21,463 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:57:36,488 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:58:01,133 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:58:01,134 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:58:01,198 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:58:01,287 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,379 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:58:01,379 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:58:01,472 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:58:01,564 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:58:01,656 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:58:01,766 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:58:01,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:58:01,856 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:58:02,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2019-12-16 10:58:02,034 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2019-12-16 10:58:02,130 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2019-12-16 10:58:02,131 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2019-12-16 10:58:02,352 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29165 to end 2019-12-16 10:58:07,649 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-password-expire-sronboglct2 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_password_expire/console.log 2019-12-16 10:58:07,691 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list 2019-12-16 10:58:08,737 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:58:23,763 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:58:41,560 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:58:41,560 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:58:41,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:58:41,621 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:58:41,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:58:41,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:58:41,803 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:58:41,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:41,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:58:41,896 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:41,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:58:41,988 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:58:42,080 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:58:42,184 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:58:42,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2019-12-16 10:58:42,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2019-12-16 10:58:42,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2019-12-16 10:58:42,804 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 29519 to end 2019-12-16 10:58:48,113 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-password-list-juharyutoj75y to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_password_list/console.log 2019-12-16 10:58:48,155 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/set_password_list_string 2019-12-16 10:58:49,219 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:59:04,244 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:59:26,641 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 10:59:26,642 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 10:59:26,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 10:59:26,705 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 10:59:26,796 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 10:59:26,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 10:59:26,888 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 10:59:26,888 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 10:59:26,980 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 10:59:26,981 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 10:59:27,076 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 10:59:27,168 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,270 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 10:59:27,270 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,365 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 10:59:27,365 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: shadow 2019-12-16 10:59:27,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: shadow" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: sshd_config 2019-12-16 10:59:27,651 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: sshd_config" 2019-12-16 10:59:27,884 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30723 to end 2019-12-16 10:59:33,485 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-set-password-list-stri-zhzcemvk to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/set_password_list_string/console.log 2019-12-16 10:59:33,493 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/snap is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:59:33,497 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/snappy is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 10:59:33,538 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable 2019-12-16 10:59:34,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 10:59:49,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 10:59:52,960 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:00:13,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:00:13,101 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:00:13,161 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,253 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:00:13,254 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:00:13,344 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:00:13,440 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,537 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:00:13,537 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,632 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:00:13,632 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:00:13,739 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:00:13,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:00:13,833 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:00:14,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2019-12-16 11:00:14,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2019-12-16 11:00:14,223 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 30978 to end 2019-12-16 11:00:19,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-lxtbkkiw to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable/console.log 2019-12-16 11:00:19,736 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable 2019-12-16 11:00:21,022 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:00:36,047 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:00:39,051 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:00:59,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:00:59,563 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:00:59,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:00:59,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:00:59,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:00:59,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:00:59,812 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:00:59,812 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:00:59,903 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:00:59,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:00:59,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:00:59,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:01:00,097 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:01:00,097 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:01:00,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:01:00,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:01:00,289 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:01:00,289 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:01:00,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: syslog 2019-12-16 11:01:00,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: syslog" 2019-12-16 11:01:00,694 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32139 to end 2019-12-16 11:01:06,109 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ssh-auth-key-fingerpri-brpft4yo to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable/console.log 2019-12-16 11:01:06,165 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_import_id 2019-12-16 11:01:07,372 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:01:22,397 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:01:25,402 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:01:48,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:01:48,248 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:01:48,306 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,399 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:01:48,400 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:01:48,491 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:01:48,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:01:48,675 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:01:48,767 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,869 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:01:48,869 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:01:48,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:01:48,959 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:01:49,180 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: auth_keys_ubuntu 2019-12-16 11:01:49,181 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: auth_keys_ubuntu" 2019-12-16 11:01:49,448 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32352 to end 2019-12-16 11:01:54,813 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ssh-import-id-awt2ta5rwjhhyhme8 to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ssh_import_id/console.log 2019-12-16 11:01:54,858 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate 2019-12-16 11:01:55,932 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:02:10,958 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:02:31,474 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:02:31,474 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,535 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:02:31,535 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:02:31,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,719 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:02:31,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:02:31,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,903 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:02:31,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:02:31,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:02:31,996 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:02:32,104 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:02:32,197 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,385 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_public 2019-12-16 11:02:32,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_public" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,478 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2019-12-16 11:02:32,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: dsa_private 2019-12-16 11:02:32,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: dsa_private" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,571 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script dsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2019-12-16 11:02:32,572 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_public 2019-12-16 11:02:32,573 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_public" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,663 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_public exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2019-12-16 11:02:32,665 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: rsa_private 2019-12-16 11:02:32,665 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: rsa_private" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect script rsa_private exited 'b'cat: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key: No such file or directory\n'' and had stderr: 1 2019-12-16 11:02:32,756 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_public 2019-12-16 11:02:32,756 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_public" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ecdsa_private 2019-12-16 11:02:32,848 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ecdsa_private" 2019-12-16 11:02:32,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_public 2019-12-16 11:02:32,940 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_public" 2019-12-16 11:02:33,032 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: ed25519_private 2019-12-16 11:02:33,033 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: ed25519_private" 2019-12-16 11:02:33,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 32664 to end 2019-12-16 11:02:38,633 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-ssh-keys-generate-sveozi3vnoc3p to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/ssh_keys_generate/console.log 2019-12-16 11:02:38,649 - tests.cloud_tests - WARNING - test config modules/ssh_keys_provided is not enabled, skipping 2019-12-16 11:02:38,696 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/timezone 2019-12-16 11:02:39,728 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:02:54,753 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:03:17,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:03:17,841 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:03:17,899 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:03:17,900 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:03:17,992 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:03:17,992 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:03:18,084 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,175 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:03:18,176 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,267 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:03:18,268 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,359 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:03:18,359 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:03:18,461 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,555 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:03:18,556 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: timezone 2019-12-16 11:03:18,732 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: timezone" 2019-12-16 11:03:18,998 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 422 to end 2019-12-16 11:03:24,281 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-timezone-htzqh7nvum8b0llijvx6vr to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/timezone/console.log 2019-12-16 11:03:24,330 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/user_groups 2019-12-16 11:03:25,362 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:03:40,386 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:03:59,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:03:59,800 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:03:59,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:03:59,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:03:59,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:03:59,956 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,048 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:04:00,048 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:04:00,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:04:00,232 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:04:00,324 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:04:00,424 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:04:00,516 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_ubuntu 2019-12-16 11:04:00,693 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_ubuntu" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,791 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: group_cloud_users 2019-12-16 11:04:00,791 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: group_cloud_users" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,884 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_ubuntu 2019-12-16 11:04:00,884 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_ubuntu" 2019-12-16 11:04:00,980 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_foobar 2019-12-16 11:04:00,980 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_foobar" 2019-12-16 11:04:01,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_barfoo 2019-12-16 11:04:01,077 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_barfoo" 2019-12-16 11:04:01,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: user_cloudy 2019-12-16 11:04:01,172 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: user_cloudy" 2019-12-16 11:04:01,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: root_groups 2019-12-16 11:04:01,264 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: root_groups" 2019-12-16 11:04:01,474 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 805 to end 2019-12-16 11:04:06,965 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-user-groups-iw0rl0dy1horiql8wcx to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/user_groups/console.log 2019-12-16 11:04:07,009 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - collecting test data for test: modules/write_files 2019-12-16 11:04:08,353 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "wait for instance start" 2019-12-16 11:04:23,378 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:04:26,384 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Retrying ssh connection on connect failure 2019-12-16 11:04:47,553 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init.log 2019-12-16 11:04:47,554 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init.log" 2019-12-16 11:04:47,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: cloud-init-output.log 2019-12-16 11:04:47,628 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: cloud-init-output.log" 2019-12-16 11:04:47,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-id 2019-12-16 11:04:47,720 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-id" 2019-12-16 11:04:47,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: instance-data.json 2019-12-16 11:04:47,811 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: instance-data.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:47,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: result.json 2019-12-16 11:04:47,904 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: result.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:47,995 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: status.json 2019-12-16 11:04:47,995 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: status.json" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: package-versions 2019-12-16 11:04:48,088 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: package-versions" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: build.info 2019-12-16 11:04:48,193 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: build.info" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: system.journal.gz 2019-12-16 11:04:48,284 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: system.journal.gz" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,477 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_b64 2019-12-16 11:04:48,477 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_b64" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_text 2019-12-16 11:04:48,731 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_text" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_binary 2019-12-16 11:04:48,792 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_binary" 2019-12-16 11:04:48,890 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - running collect script: file_gzip 2019-12-16 11:04:48,890 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - executing "collect: file_gzip" 2019-12-16 11:04:49,116 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - Executed shutdown. waiting on pid 1954 to end 2019-12-16 11:04:54,469 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - getting console log for cloud-test-ubuntu-disco-modules-write-files-lwa8m3w6zzv192yf40z to /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results/nocloud-kvm/disco/modules/write_files/console.log 2019-12-16 11:04:54,473 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - collect stages: {'name': 'collect data', 'time': 2238.128229379654, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'collect for platform: nocloud-kvm', 'time': 2237.246165037155, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up and collect data for os: disco', 'time': 2228.000331878662, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'set up for ubuntu-disco', 'time': 21.605042219161987, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'setup func for --repo, enable repo', 'time': 13.223227262496948, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade cloud-init', 'time': 8.381774663925171, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect test data for disco', 'time': 2204.987522125244, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: bugs/lp1628337', 'time': 51.30111646652222, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 50.34771800041199, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0681297779083252, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09493279457092285, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09163641929626465, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09323525428771973, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09256911277770996, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09155559539794922, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10249543190002441, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09820795059204102, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.22047948837280273, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: main/command_output_simple', 'time': 39.37421154975891, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 38.37132239341736, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.058556556701660156, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09277844429016113, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09294795989990234, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09450221061706543, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.0958395004272461, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09708404541015625, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10137248039245605, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09809136390686035, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17723965644836426, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-test-output', 'time': 0.09429121017456055, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/apt_configure_conf', 'time': 43.42240643501282, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 42.433226108551025, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05830240249633789, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09308695793151855, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, 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'time': 0.060225725173950195, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09257769584655762, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09093546867370605, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09592223167419434, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09644842147827148, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09488654136657715, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10755467414855957, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09396529197692871, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17504072189331055, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script syslog', 'time': 0.09558844566345215, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'time': 40.687561988830566, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 39.67589831352234, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.0647585391998291, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.0919637680053711, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09209847450256348, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09179282188415527, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09202408790588379, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.10118603706359863, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.1349809169769287, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.05720949172973633, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.19002485275268555, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script syslog', 'time': 0.09541201591491699, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_import_id', 'time': 43.043034076690674, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 42.01314043998718, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05861711502075195, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09329342842102051, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09146904945373535, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.0921487808227539, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09209156036376953, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09169316291809082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10220932960510254, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.08973979949951172, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.22153067588806152, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script auth_keys_ubuntu', 'time': 0.09694385528564453, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'time': 38.2134268283844, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 36.56290030479431, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.061339616775512695, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09273529052734375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09157562255859375, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09183287620544434, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09207630157470703, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09274148941040039, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10798954963684082, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09240055084228516, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.18881750106811523, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script dsa_public', 'time': 0.09332680702209473, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script dsa_private', 'time': 0.09379148483276367, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script rsa_public', 'time': 0.09203529357910156, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script rsa_private', 'time': 0.09131669998168945, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ecdsa_public', 'time': 0.09227442741394043, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ecdsa_private', 'time': 0.09174537658691406, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ed25519_public', 'time': 0.09244823455810547, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script ed25519_private', 'time': 0.09179544448852539, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/timezone', 'time': 40.11968016624451, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 39.13478469848633, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.05875730514526367, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09206295013427734, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09212803840637207, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09170007705688477, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09197521209716797, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.0916292667388916, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10199236869812012, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09434962272644043, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17619633674621582, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script timezone', 'time': 0.09392237663269043, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/user_groups', 'time': 37.02096652984619, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 35.45990538597107, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.06427550315856934, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09237456321716309, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.09174752235412598, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.0920565128326416, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09180927276611328, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09201884269714355, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.09959197044372559, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.0919947624206543, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.17704224586486816, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script group_ubuntu', 'time': 0.09837937355041504, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script group_cloud_users', 'time': 0.09289050102233887, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_ubuntu', 'time': 0.09593963623046875, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_foobar', 'time': 0.09709286689758301, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_barfoo', 'time': 0.09522557258605957, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script user_cloudy', 'time': 0.09171462059020996, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script root_groups', 'time': 0.09665584564208984, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}, {'name': 'collect for test: modules/write_files', 'time': 41.810760498046875, 'errors': [], 'stages': [{'name': 'boot instance', 'time': 40.377833127975464, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init.log', 'time': 0.07451486587524414, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script cloud-init-output.log', 'time': 0.09230709075927734, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-id', 'time': 0.0908203125, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script instance-data.json', 'time': 0.09239983558654785, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script result.json', 'time': 0.09136581420898438, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script status.json', 'time': 0.09287667274475098, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script package-versions', 'time': 0.10480165481567383, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script build.info', 'time': 0.09141087532043457, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script system.journal.gz', 'time': 0.1929171085357666, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_b64', 'time': 0.25400876998901367, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_text', 'time': 0.06058979034423828, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_binary', 'time': 0.09843254089355469, 'errors': [], 'success': True}, {'name': 'script file_gzip', 'time': 0.09626317024230957, 'errors': [], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True}], 'success': True} 2019-12-16 11:04:54,478 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - found test data: {'nocloud-kvm': {'disco': ['bugs/lp1628337', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_list', 'modules/locale', 'modules/apt_configure_primary', 'modules/lxd_bridge', 'modules/apt_configure_security', 'modules/apt_pipelining_os', 'modules/ssh_import_id', 'modules/ntp_pools', 'modules/ssh_keys_generate', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver', 'modules/bootcmd', 'modules/set_hostname_fqdn', 'modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable', 'modules/final_message', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_key', 'modules/ntp_servers', 'modules/ntp_chrony', 'modules/write_files', 'modules/set_password', 'modules/ntp', 'modules/timezone', 'modules/keys_to_console', 'modules/debug_enable', 'modules/seed_random_data', 'modules/set_password_list', 'modules/user_groups', 'modules/debug_disable', 'modules/byobu', 'modules/apt_configure_proxy', 'modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa', 'modules/package_update_upgrade_install', 'modules/ntp_timesyncd', 'modules/lxd_dir', 'modules/apt_pipelining_disable', 'modules/runcmd', 'modules/set_hostname', 'modules/apt_configure_conf', 'modules/apt_configure_disable_suites', 'modules/set_password_list_string', 'modules/set_password_expire', 'modules/ca_certs', 'main/command_output_simple']}} 2019-12-16 11:04:54,478 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='disco' verifying test data 2019-12-16 11:04:54,479 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for bugs/lp1628337 test_fetch_indices (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify no apt errors. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.bugs.lp1628337.TestLP1628337) Verify can find ntp and install it. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,526 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_sources_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_list.TestAptconfigureSourcesList) Test sources.list includes sources. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,583 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/locale test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_locale (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale is set properly. ... ok test_locale_a (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test locale -a has both options. ... ok test_locale_gen (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Test local.gen file has all entries. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.locale.TestLocale) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,625 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_primary test_gatech_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test GaTech entries exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ubuntu_sources (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_primary.TestAptconfigurePrimary) Test no default Ubuntu entries exist. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,668 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_bridge test_bridge (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test bridge config. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_bridge.TestLxdBridge) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,712 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_security test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_security_mirror (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_security.TestAptconfigureSecurity) Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,755 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_os test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_os_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_os.TestAptPipeliningOS) test 'os' settings does not write apt config file. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,797 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_import_id test_authorized_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Test that ssh keys were imported. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_import_id.TestSshImportId) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,840 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_pools test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entires (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_pools.TestNtpPools) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.003s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,886 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_keys_generate test_dsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa private key not generated. ... ok test_dsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test dsa public key not generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ecdsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ecdsa public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_ed25519_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test ed25519 public key generated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_rsa_private (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok test_rsa_public (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_keys_generate.TestSshKeysGenerate) Test rsa public key not generated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,928 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_syslog (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable) Verify output of syslog. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:54,974 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test specific key added. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_keyserver.TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,016 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/bootcmd test_bootcmd_host (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Test boot cmd worked. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.bootcmd.TestBootCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,057 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname_fqdn test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname output. ... ok test_hostname_fqdn (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test hostname fqdn output. ... ok test_hosts (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Test /etc/hosts file. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname_fqdn.TestHostnameFqdn) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,098 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable test_cloud_init_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Verify disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,140 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/final_message test_final_message_string (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure final handles regular strings. ... ok test_final_message_subs (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Test variable substitution in final message. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.final_message.TestFinalMessage) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,205 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_key test_apt_key_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test key list updated. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_source_list (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_key.TestAptconfigureSourcesKey) Test source.list updated. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,247 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_servers test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test config server entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntp installed ... ok test_ntpq_servers (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_servers.TestNtpServers) Test ntpq output has configured servers ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,290 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_chrony test_chrony_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Test chrony config entries ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_chrony.TestNtpChrony) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,330 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/write_files test_b64 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii. ... ok test_binary (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test binary file reads as executable. ... ok test_gzip (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test gzip file shows up as a shell script. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_text (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.write_files.TestWriteFiles) Test text shows up as ASCII text. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,369 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test ubuntu user in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password.TestPassword) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,410 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ntp_dist_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test dist config file is empty ... ok test_ntp_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test config entries ... ok test_ntp_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp.TestNtp) Test ntp installed ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,452 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/timezone test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timezone (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.timezone.TestTimezone) Test date prints correct timezone. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,493 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/keys_to_console test_excluded_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test excluded keys missing. ... ok test_expected_keys (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Test expected keys exist. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.keys_to_console.TestKeysToConsole) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,536 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_enable test_debug_enable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Test debug messages in cloud-init log. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_enable.TestDebugEnable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,576 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/seed_random_data test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_random_seed_data (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.seed_random_data.TestSeedRandom) Test random data passed in exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,618 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list.TestPasswordList) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.042s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,700 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/user_groups test_group_cloud_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloud users group exists. ... ok test_group_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu group exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_user_barfoo (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test barfoo user exists. ... ok test_user_cloudy (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test cloudy user exists. ... ok test_user_foobar (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test foobar user exists. ... ok test_user_root_in_secret (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test root user is in 'secret' group. ... ok test_user_ubuntu (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.user_groups.TestUserGroups) Test ubuntu user exists. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 12 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,744 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/debug_disable test_debug_disable (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Test verbose output missing from logs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.debug_disable.TestDebugDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,783 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/byobu test_byobu_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu installed. ... ok test_byobu_launch_exists (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu-launch exists. ... ok test_byobu_profile_enabled (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Test byobu profile.d file exists. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.byobu.TestByobu) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,824 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_proxy test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_proxy_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_proxy.TestAptconfigureProxy) Test proxy options added to apt config. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,864 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_ppa (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test specific ppa added. ... ok test_ppa_key (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_sources_ppa.TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA) Test ppa key added. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,918 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/package_update_upgrade_install test_apt_history (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test apt history for update command. ... ok test_cloud_init_output (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff. ... ok test_installed_sl (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test sl got installed. ... ok test_installed_tree (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Test tree got installed. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.package_update_upgrade_install.TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:55,967 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ntp_timesyncd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_timesyncd_entries (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ntp_timesyncd.TestNtpTimesyncd) Test timesyncd config entries ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,008 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/lxd_dir test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_lxc (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxc installed. ... ok test_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Test lxd installed. ... ok test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.lxd_dir.TestLxdDir) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,049 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_pipelining_disable test_disable_pipelining (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Test pipelining disabled. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_pipelining_disable.TestAptPipeliningDisable) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,089 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/runcmd test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_run_cmd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.runcmd.TestRunCmd) Test run command worked. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,129 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_hostname test_hostname (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Test hostname command shows correct output. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_hostname.TestHostname) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,170 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_conf test_apt_conf_assumeyes (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config assumes true. ... ok test_apt_conf_fixbroken (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Test config fixes broken. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_conf.TestAptconfigureConf) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,211 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/apt_configure_disable_suites test_empty_sourcelist (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Test source list is empty. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.apt_configure_disable_suites.TestAptconfigureDisableSuites) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,252 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_list_string test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow_expected_users (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow. ... ok test_shadow_passwords (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test shadow passwords. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_list_string.TestPasswordListString) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 8 tests in 0.004s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,296 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/set_password_expire test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_shadow (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test user frozen in shadow. ... ok test_sshd_config (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.set_password_expire.TestPasswordExpire) Test sshd config allows passwords. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,336 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for modules/ca_certs test_cert_installed (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test line from our cert exists. ... ok test_certs_updated (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Test certs have been updated in /etc/ssl/certs. ... ok test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.modules.ca_certs.TestCaCerts) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 7 tests in 0.001s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,379 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - verifying test data for main/command_output_simple test_instance_data_json_ec2 (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by ec2 platform. ... skipped 'Skipping ec2 instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_instance_data_json_kvm (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by nocloud-kvm platform. ... ok test_instance_data_json_lxd (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Validate instance-data.json content by lxd platform. ... skipped 'Skipping lxd instance-data.json on nocloud-kvm' test_no_stages_errors (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that there were no errors in any stage. ... ok test_no_warnings_in_log (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Unexpected warnings should not be found in the log. ... ok test_output_file (tests.cloud_tests.testcases.main.command_output_simple.TestCommandOutputSimple) Ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages. ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.002s OK (skipped=2) 2019-12-16 11:04:56,421 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - test: platform='nocloud-kvm', os='disco' passed all tests 2019-12-16 11:04:56,421 - tests.cloud_tests - DEBUG - ---- Verify summarized results: Platform: nocloud-kvm Distro: disco test modules passed:44 tests failed:0 2019-12-16 11:04:56,421 - tests.cloud_tests - INFO - leaving data in /var/lib/jenkins/servers/server/workspace/cloud-init-integration-proposed-d-kvm/cloud-init/results ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ citest: commands succeeded congratulations :) + rc=0 + [ 0 = 0 ] + find ./results -type f ( -name *.qcow2 -o -name *.img -o -name *.log ) -delete + find . -name id_rsa* -delete + exit 0 Archiving artifacts Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: SUCCESS === End series d ===