browser/check_default_browser = **unset** (no such key yet) extensions/theme/use_system = True extensions/settings = - 'ndhkiimgbjnendpcfbiadlifmangejoa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nlgapikcofpablcmfgaoodlhiejiehhh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aknpkdffaafgjchaibgeefbgmgeghloj' manifest/name = 'Angry Birds' manifest/description = 'Vogels! Katapulten! Vernieling! Veren! Fun!' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ndiogongcmocdgjciemhagfhpjamehpe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mlmmbepkgelpbenpobinockmiehdahai' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'edmnikahahfkfilbbjbdoiabnghbkmjc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hgjgaeknhmidehalnmokomhpfhbfmpcm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iobnpmeeecphddicmhhmdjbnlbdhjlne' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pkbbbncikcipejaiiiioboongndhmjgl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cfbdodejdeejbkffcmiaknpmojjeibpn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nnioepmjbjjlflmdgjanlcmbjahljeeo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ifbkndkaolfbjjhnnhfmkbkoclpdkpli' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lceaiepehinnomgijphkmjccbigkljkj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mjgobkikdipfikmaoakdcdbicpioljgg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'janhdpmhnighonkkbkdpnljcoenpfkbh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'efhjelcghjkfigiagdfbfilndaffpmdj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mfhfkclojmdocagbmecgcnlofppebebd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhlgbfcfbkhlmajakkcjippgpcmejkko' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fbhiehmngojjcmljddjmgpmcockbccmo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dbiblcmlcgdjjbdpbmbcpineegngkiip' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pkoaaaiiaalegemhdeadohejihbdfbho' manifest/name = 'Facebook AdBlock' manifest/description = 'A simple extension that quickly disables facebook 'Sponsored Ads' and 'Sponsored Stories'' manifest/version = '1.5' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'dmkdhgkknhnfpdjeicefnpmhcpbimden' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pnpgiaejfbdapllkchhgchjpdbcpiooa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gngmkbiihflpghldjnbpemaicedhdddk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ebdcdchjcndpjhehacedepnggfdbfkpn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'plfijddblbcdcnammpdmfccchkbdekmm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ijecjbcgpblkacpijljpaienknanaloa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'bjihddggcgnblgojnmhpnngonofbnkaj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hpakbhbnhkbghdcejiiangcefallmaln' manifest/name = 'Bubble Shooter' manifest/description = 'Je doel is om alle bubbels van het bord, scoren zo veel mogelijk punten.' manifest/version = '2.0' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'pbglijbamgmlcpnnpbfjkbdeheejjloj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lncjcfkpannmofmpgdfoonkniofdnaba' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhfiljkpjapjjphcocclhhaldpfkkjbi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fhkblechghlfhpniljnjlmojhjjdjpep' manifest/name = 'Bubble Shooter' manifest/description = 'Schiet bubbels naar bubbels van dezelfde kleur of in die richting. Groepjes van drie of meer verdwijnen. Wees snel, want er komt' manifest/version = '13.2334.9140' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ehgoiaffgjoinpkllmmnikghgpghnabc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pnnbdjcjeiobikdfikegpclkcimgafpp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kkhomejdleoonmbdhcigkhkjcghngncf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hkbgccpdcpbdckohbknjlamamelcnlki' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lljnngafekbnkpdfophmcdlbfebcbcld' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb' manifest/* = *undef* - 'coajchbkdbfhmhbgcjepiofllfjjcpfp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gbenikfjhilhpgagllmfgggdjaflbmbi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhnjdplhmcnkiecampfdgfjilccfpfoe' manifest/name = 'Keep My Opt-Outs' manifest/description = 'Hiermee wordt uw browser permanent afgemeld voor online advertentiepersonalisatie via cookies.' manifest/version = '1.0.14' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'hbaajkahagmlkdekmbdabikbopdgpaac' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gkjeccpmibljcfpfapfljciimedljpnm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'imfbomjbodpfgfhfahlgkkcllmhbelhk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lnahlgmhpghkhmafjppdidhcoaomipfg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kinhljbhjmcmoddhdoodekeklmjapjff' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hcapokajkngndbglnfglpfdpoeidmpha' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fpbippbofbmgmbojjmgfcifpmdaelcmd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fpmajanjndhgpifbcbnklbiehgnpkgmf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ocnlnkjmfnolmbclblfhfhcakldceiec' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kcanfkmhccbaheheaackijegkclkaeic' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ehomcoocpagnlcakcbecdaknmacmedld' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ijenlpgidnapbndonoinbkhekgjonojg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'likifpgnijjfbdegfepoalpamlgnfofi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aemcjbfajnnmhblifaejadoecfoaebld' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fmonlemffgbabjifjfaoamdflijecdbk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'danapgfidmepmcfbjjacceiaiiioieio' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gjkbghdignnlcknknflbigpammebiolo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hnipgljcblpgnnojcfldehpeknhakbgj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hefmoncdemhjembgbnkgglhlookbipdc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kgbkdabomfdpfoibliicpmibceaoohgh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb' manifest/name = 'Adblock Plus (Beta)' manifest/description = 'Ads were yesterday! The successful extension Adblock Plus is now available for Google Chrome™.' manifest/version = '1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'afenhmponmfmdmbmccbmglppcmjhmhmh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'onpnpccdagncipgnoofbhchlbajcjnkd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'egljdhfnbjahogjahnigfnbpidlmdagi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jpkdlckejfjidmplieobnhijmoiecbhl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pkbkkendemaimikinaefldfljliecapm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pfonklmafadkmcedjlodommcoipgbcde' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mlnoedbhndgbjcbeadjfnmjloejlgojk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lnbeebaenahmkbffnimghceldeeihfak' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fafoohpbicgbcejffcplajonhhooddle' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nidodbfomffkfabciljelkbdiabkeehe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dbmdicehacbaohlockjgdglcobimmjkh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'flmmgcfcpbfddenepkfmgfpbaceolcoe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ljcicfibknpmlcmcecddjlbgkejehhpa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kleaapgdkahaekcocmkbgfainbhihccj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nibohffepnilngkecenfdgnokfhmnkod' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dgcfmgdfbfbgcpbendbhbkfjppboebed' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iomejadoamfilglofmeaffghddcgapmf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mlmegahemifabfmdnndafagnncfbnahn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mfffdpnblflpobcnekhekiahepofaane' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ookcgejbfhcmcanfkfmmmpahflnlajbl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jmifipgdcllamghkhdplfjffkciekbgo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'imkpamgpfalmdaikobnkefcmmkpgljjd' manifest/name = 'Adblock for Pirate Bay' manifest/description = 'Remove ads on The Pirate Bay.' manifest/version = '1.25' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'gnapdhmknipknfmhhnhdmhakdfhgeing' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'oakhllhnbcpgagdafgbninlpjdemdmjk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mbmdaiddhfoljplpdhohimgieioblfif' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fibgploapkhokkbncddlkcmbmiengcfp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'apdmgffkfhjfeejmbjidennfjdkmmmbl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ppmfajacidhcjbddpgmcmigffpppcadd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mmjodihhmnpkldljaifiajmlnpflfhpm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hcpndbchnlgojmnijaldkicigmihmdca' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kbibnpngalhkciomakdamhofmglhainj' manifest/name = 'Air Hockey Pro' manifest/description = 'de beste gratis Air Hockey Games, Probeer meer doel dan je tegenstander Score!' manifest/version = '1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'jjegmigigagnpcimcbimpefifgplgmge' manifest/name = 'AdBlock Chromium' manifest/description = 'Get rid of all annoying ads on the webpages you browse. Includes the latest filter list of Firefox extension Adblock Plus.' manifest/version = '1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'gmpnnplimbnbmdaigmnajmbdcinhpddj' manifest/name = 'Ubuntu 10.10 (unified font style) v1.0' manifest/description = 'use Ubuntu 10.10 font to render all pages' manifest/version = '1.0' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'dpgenihgggagjjggfocjceeobjkadcbc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'agmhonoepgcnakccfpidhjehlocaeaaj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cbbjhegipokkofhhicbckicchjpcpeni' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cihlkpohodpdkdnfalhdkhhlhmhffmbe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'chmimgmjdabgiilljdjfbonifbhiglao' manifest/name = 'AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper' manifest/description = 'AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper port for Chrome.' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'mnichagcickblneeijmfnmoiakigmmhf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jjnkfllhcgkgnfbekpnmoikpfihpjfli' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'boclfockfmgcppbajihcgajhpggaakgl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mkobblpffgbncfhijabakfafmkjdmmnm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pfcelnbmkeoaeicedjomcjkcammlkdbk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mikdfeaeaecoffpjoodiihgejnbfigln' manifest/name = 'Ubuntu light-themes scrollbars' manifest/description = 'Modded scrollbars that match the scrollbars used for the light-themes Radiance and Ambiance in Ubuntu 10.10' manifest/version = '0.9.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'clkfdgnfefjmciocbhnffnbpkjpdleca' manifest/name = 'FARMERAMA' manifest/description = 'Zo wordt het boerenleven pas echt leuk! Farmerama: planten, snoeien, mesten, oogsten, dieren fokken, handel drijven. Word een echte topboer op de online boerderij' manifest/version = '1.0.1' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'lbficnmfealeidppcbgdcbemgfjodbkg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hpibmhghjndideebpackbdlpncgkcppp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pnaiiipilbpcceggeanphcpkkihnojan' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhjmkijkgojfifipdgmiemghfikbohcm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jpgidahfcgiajlcbleeiaibpmmblcmnb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'bkkchglolnigbfncnbnnbhhempjkdpkf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'alcbnnpmipohgdllkkglhkbncijplago' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nihhbeikpchdddoillfdcdinnnnllmna' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pbekednmpdekknlffkiopooofokfmkla' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'efnaljpgehfilpmkhobibbjceeeondmn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom' manifest/name = 'AdBlock' manifest/description = 'De meest populaire Chrome extensie, met meer dan 2 miljoen gebruikers! Blokkeert advertenties op het internet.' manifest/version = '2.5.20' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'pjdhkkcnlbfebiokpeghfffajaabahfo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'doneghboglgnflpdicnkaojmmljgejkj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mogepbcllienegdibkfpmombhefhcoic' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nmphbnbmgfccfhcmibikmhcgajjpelpf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ghgphbmpcfgkfneodjpbdanmdoemklio' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ahjfgnikolodijnpakeknpilnemojlhc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mdiehnlecbjlppbpaaipmlnhhjgepfcg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kbipembkfhbdmkkkfbigmohilmknjnof' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True