/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins: => flashplugin-alternative.so - symlink to /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin - symlink to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so (size: 18782360 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 18:13:22 2012) => libtotem-gmp-plugin.so (size: 105424 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 12:08:03 2012) => libgnome-shell-browser-plugin.so (size: 14608 bytes, mtime: Mon Jan 23 18:23:05 2012) => librhythmbox-itms-detection-plugin.so (size: 6048 bytes, mtime: Wed Jan 18 09:22:02 2012) => libtotem-cone-plugin.so (size: 100720 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 12:08:03 2012) => libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so (size: 80560 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 12:08:03 2012) => libcinnamon-browser-plugin.so (size: 14488 bytes, mtime: Sat Feb 4 05:32:16 2012) => libtotem-mully-plugin.so (size: 72040 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 12:08:03 2012) /usr/lib/firefox/plugins: => flashplugin-alternative.so - symlink to /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin - symlink to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so (size: 18782360 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 18:13:22 2012) /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins: => flashplugin-alternative.so - symlink to /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin - symlink to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so (size: 18782360 bytes, mtime: Mon Feb 6 18:13:22 2012)