browser/check_default_browser = True extensions/theme/use_system = True extensions/settings = - 'nckgahadagoaajjgafhacjanaoiihapd' manifest/name = 'Hangouts' manifest/description = 'Hangouts brings conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free.' manifest/version = '2014.326.1305.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'caehdcpeofiiigpdhbabniblemipncjj' manifest/name = 'Proxy Switchy!' manifest/description = 'Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly and easily.' manifest/version = '1.6.3' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'kbkgnojednemejclpggpnhlhlhkmfidi' manifest/name = 'Use HTTPS' manifest/description = 'Forces defined sites to use https instead of http' manifest/version = '1.4.0' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'kanbnempkjnhadplbfgdaagijdbdbjeb' manifest/name = 'Auto Replay for YouTube™' manifest/description = 'Adds an Auto Replay button in YouTube™ Page. For Issues or Feature requests, mail to:' manifest/version = '1.9.34' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ckegihlfolljbjmbaidfnnjjhondlpho' manifest/name = '"This Frame" Context Menu' manifest/description = 'Adds a context menu to frames that allows opening them in a new tab, a new window, etc.' manifest/version = '0.3' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ocpihcnkaimkkpjjbhalldknjcgkahjh' manifest/name = 'Reload Image' manifest/description = 'Reload image that didnt finish downloading.' manifest/version = '1.1' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'mafdnelgphhkeoecmhmkodmnhkmifeeg' manifest/name = 'elementary scrollbars by conorsulli' manifest/description = 'Make Chrome/ium scrollbars match Dan Rabbits beautiful elementary theme!' manifest/version = '0.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* state = 1 - 'mgndgikekgjfcpckkfioiadnlibdjbkf' manifest/name = 'Chromium' manifest/description = 'Chrome as an app' manifest/version = '0.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'aciahcmjmecflokailenpkdchphgkefd' manifest/name = 'Entanglement Web App' manifest/description = 'Create the longest path possible and challenge your friends in the game of Entanglement.' manifest/version = '3.4.9' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'gmbgaklkmjakoegficnlkhebmhkjfich' manifest/name = 'Google Calendar (by Google)' manifest/description = 'Easily check Google Calendar and add new events from websites you visit.' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'pmoflmbbcfgacopiikdcpmbiellfihdg' manifest/name = 'Unity WebApps Chromium extension' manifest/description = 'Unity Webapps Chromium integration' manifest/version = '3.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* state = 1 - 'gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom' manifest/name = 'AdBlock' manifest/description = 'The most popular Chrome extension, with over 15 million users! Blocks ads all over the web.' manifest/version = '2.6.18' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'mfehgcgbbipciphmccgaenjidiccnmng' manifest/name = 'Cloud Print' manifest/description = 'Cloud Print' manifest/version = '0.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'iagofonnijdddhmholknlmgeaiclpjam' manifest/* = *undef* state = 1 - 'mcbkbpnkkkipelfledbfocopglifcfmi' manifest/name = 'Poppit' manifest/description = 'The prickly puzzle game where popping balloons has never been so much fun! Pop colorful strings of balloons to earn a bonus!' manifest/version = '2.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'jpfpebmajhhopeonhlcgidhclcccjcik' manifest/name = 'Speed Dial 2' manifest/description = 'Speed dial 2 is ultimate replacement of new tab page with fast access to your most visited pages, bookmarks and browsing history.' manifest/version = '1.7.9' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'khpcanbeojalbkpgpmjpdkjnkfcgfkhb' manifest/name = 'Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller' manifest/description = 'Make scroll behavior smooth, ease-in-out manner, customizable with dynamically plotted curve. With edge bounce feature like iOS.' manifest/version = '1.3.6' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'oknpjjbmpnndlpmnhmekjpocelpnlfdi' manifest/name = 'Readability' manifest/description = 'Readability is a web and mobile app that zaps clutter and saves web articles in a comfortable reading view.' manifest/version = '3.0.15' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ennkphjdgehloodpbhlhldgbnhmacadg' manifest/name = 'Settings' manifest/description = 'Settings' manifest/version = '0.2' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'mmffncokckfccddfenhkhnllmlobdahm' manifest/name = 'FastestFox for Chrome' manifest/description = 'Save time and enhance your productivity! Get quick definitions, auto-load next pages, search faster, and more.' manifest/version = '8.0.9' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'okanipcmceoeemlbjnmnbdibhgpbllgc' manifest/name = 'Google Quick Scroll' manifest/description = 'Quick Scroll lets you jump directly to the relevant bits of a Google search result.' manifest/version = '2.2.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'dgpdioedihjhncjafcpgbbjdpbbkikmi' manifest/name = 'Speed Dial' manifest/description = 'Speed Dial for Chrome - replace Chrome new tab with your predefined visual bookmarks.' manifest/version = '2.5.6' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'flcpelgcagfhfoegekianiofphddckof' manifest/name = 'KB SSL Enforcer' manifest/description = 'Automatic security, browse encrypted.' manifest/version = '2.0.4' manifest/update_url = '' state = 0 - 'gcbommkclmclpchllfjekcdonpmejbdp' manifest/name = 'HTTPS Everywhere' manifest/description = 'Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.' manifest/version = '2014.4.14.1' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf' manifest/name = 'Google Drive' manifest/description = 'Google Drive: create, share and keep all your stuff in one place.' manifest/version = '6.3' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'amigcgbheognjmfkaieeeadojiibgbdp' manifest/name = 'TooManyTabs for Chrome' manifest/description = 'Manage your tabs, improve your browsing, and maintain your sanity when you have many tabs open.' manifest/version = '2.0.0' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ehojfdcmnajoklleckniaifaijfnkpbi' manifest/name = 'RSS Subscriptions with FEED: Handler Support' manifest/description = 'Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar. Adds support for the registered feed handler, such as Outlook 2007 or 2010.' manifest/version = '1.8.4' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'mcceagdollnkjlogmdckgjakjapmkdjf' manifest/name = 'Download Master' manifest/description = 'Download all files linked on the web page' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome' manifest/name = 'Hangout Services' manifest/description = *undef* manifest/version = '1.0' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd' manifest/name = 'Google Cast' manifest/description = 'Send content to your Chromecast and other devices that support Google Cast.' manifest/version = '14.402.0.5' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'fbgmfenfjogaoibifpgolehkibnfalgn' manifest/name = 'Tab Title Search' manifest/description = 'Without leaving the keyboard, get a list of all tab-titles, search over them using RegEx too.' manifest/version = '0.6' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'nhppnhnadikeniijclnghjfblnojgige' manifest/* = *undef* - 'occjjkgifpmdgodlplnacmkejpdionan' manifest/name = 'AutoScroll' manifest/description = 'This extension adds customizable autoscroll support to Chrome.' manifest/version = '3.8' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'lnfececmldedlanmhbeljgdaofncfeho' manifest/name = 'Remove Element' manifest/description = 'Creates a contextual menu item to remove an element from the DOM' manifest/version = '1.0.1' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno' manifest/name = 'Bookmark Manager' manifest/description = 'Bookmark Manager' manifest/version = '0.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'clhhggbfdinjmjhajaheehoeibfljjno' manifest/name = 'Telegram UNOFFICIAL' manifest/description = *undef* manifest/version = '0.0.21' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'pafkbggdmjlpgkdkcbjmhmfcdpncadgh' manifest/name = 'Google Now' manifest/description = 'Integrates Google Now into Chrome.' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb' manifest/name = 'Store' manifest/description = 'Chrome Web Store' manifest/version = '0.2' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'ikbkhpkapkmhaoiabhlkmicpeakhhpip' manifest/name = 'middle button new tab' manifest/description = 'fix middle click behavior for a lot of pages (also ctrl+left)' manifest/version = '0.9' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'bepbmhgboaologfdajaanbcjmnhjmhfn' manifest/* = *undef* state = 0 - 'nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda' manifest/name = 'Google Wallet' manifest/description = 'Google Wallet for digital goods' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'haebnnbpedcbhciplfhjjkbafijpncjl' manifest/name = 'TinEye Reverse Image Search' manifest/description = 'This is the official TinEye Chrome extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions.' manifest/version = '1.1.4' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ehkepjiconegkhpodgoaeamnpckdbblp' manifest/name = 'APNG' manifest/description = 'Animated PNG support for WebKit/Blink browsers' manifest/version = '2.1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1