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Clean History, Cookies & more' manifest/description = 'Delete everything about a website. Cookies, History, localStorage, sessionStorage...everything!' manifest/version = '0.0.9' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'dmabikjmolgegjajdhmgpmgffajlmmkb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'flmmgcfcpbfddenepkfmgfpbaceolcoe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhjmkijkgojfifipdgmiemghfikbohcm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mgdgiplcofghdmpekdeeceolepakodcb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gngmkbiihflpghldjnbpemaicedhdddk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'amfgdngndpfldigimkcindjalokfnmem' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kelljdoinjlkmkncffgadbebgpmlcang' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ochmdkhojipfibbplgpeeggeimnagcfd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pkdlpbfmpolnhligegklimbccminkioc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'abfclfmhaemoockhhinpplncjehfpdbd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fopgndklnkecillfbdmfknhmadmenikm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhfiljkpjapjjphcocclhhaldpfkkjbi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'oelhhkgiajkjfbccafjgggcpkbkjgpij' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ijenlpgidnapbndonoinbkhekgjonojg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'phkpgooenaonkpnabopdbjjfmphclela' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ndhkiimgbjnendpcfbiadlifmangejoa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dbiblcmlcgdjjbdpbmbcpineegngkiip' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cmjphjljejnfgdbkdgdlclaabimpknna' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'imkffpjpdngdkpgadcmnlkhhmhdocijn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'plfijddblbcdcnammpdmfccchkbdekmm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jafnimahlamccccjbkhjjpeiipiedpik' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fcfepemfihgibdacjlnlecebknaaepmj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'himgjpdejpikenoibmolgmfblolpahno' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hecijapnccjhonbmacmkmffooodfokoo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pdhjoamffhjhlkiiminjhmihalkfjaee' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mdngbiejioalifclonjepjjfppmbgned' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hgbaomphocgmdpmiohjclchaaljpaelp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lnbeebaenahmkbffnimghceldeeihfak' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ehgoiaffgjoinpkllmmnikghgpghnabc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mfncimdpmknolnnnccdmkpnpkaofonkc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'copjbedljgpkaakkmbhgkpoaadeahido' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kpbfifeiomkhocgkkffocfinoedcjebg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pmbjemmaclljifpmnlagkcgpbcipdldb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hgjgaeknhmidehalnmokomhpfhbfmpcm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gifglngcdbggmlgkcombebegdaoknkho' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iiiinekimabooeihccihfopoadcaaphn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hbaajkahagmlkdekmbdabikbopdgpaac' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ghgphbmpcfgkfneodjpbdanmdoemklio' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jfalnphfjdoalcdhlnhdpekbmmopkgkj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aokenbhllkgpooaacldiamnpmmgkjblo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cekdjgnecpoooikhmceokdhojckkkhmh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cnimdnlablahacgompaahbgohcokcclp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gjkbghdignnlcknknflbigpammebiolo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fepeagfcjjbnchdgkglpinpiocbjbbhn' manifest/name = 'Proxy-on' manifest/description = 'Bypass IP blockers quick and easily. Anonymous browsing. Rotate free or premium proxies from all over the world!' manifest/version = '1.1.6' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'mhldlgmggplfkkjgpgjjpebflplpgekg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fiiblakkkkgeljngobmpeljjapemenhi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'bcddmcejgphfgofbpoocakaeapfomlek' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'oghphhcagopecifjblgdcfihjnlcbcfc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mnichagcickblneeijmfnmoiakigmmhf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mkobblpffgbncfhijabakfafmkjdmmnm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'diinokaoicgobepmadnmedlhdfnpehcj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pbipaboekjdfhkfifpkofbfnpbnlolji' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ecinfbhalenfhdhnljmkglajfjjfehoj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'chlplighidmhpgmidehfmjfdlahakjog' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gchbiabnbdikkgfhnkclecjncojnkmhb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dfoegfajplmijblljfancdapbdaopebb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 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