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This is good chance that for understand how is air traffic controllers working' manifest/version = '1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'lplmcpcnhpbffpcfiaddbeaplhhbengd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ckphhghhpjbfddcgkpfbelfeojcciglo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mamfageekafifnickhgkibkofcclfefe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pcaedgdgamlfffkfblocmakhgieggoak' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dbanhghadfmjndnjmmejdgfdmgidlbpm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dibljdngacjhpccjckmlmeklpgjeinjd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gomkbnfeifchddfokcicibjnlgbolhol' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'akadaakimgegecohlifeejdnnjbnobop' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iobnpmeeecphddicmhhmdjbnlbdhjlne' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'omnicnmbagoinlpamknknbcgopadcoci' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cfbdodejdeejbkffcmiaknpmojjeibpn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'apdebchnkegjokdjplmfmepcdgneemhe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ljmjoloiepllcndinchenhomcdcgbgef' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aglmapjbjphdidmnileogpjkgpdoliep' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ifbkndkaolfbjjhnnhfmkbkoclpdkpli' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dfoegfajplmijblljfancdapbdaopebb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hhbihfbjoifhhebcnchglobmkmapgjkm' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'eiflkkehgogioennialfbilppmegcpoa' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fiiblakkkkgeljngobmpeljjapemenhi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gkhbgnodbilglgholifcjdblbgdaieah' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'janhdpmhnighonkkbkdpnljcoenpfkbh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jekhpicinnaamcmadbipjejafgkjdokh' manifest/name = 'Google Tasks Offline (Unofficial)' manifest/description = 'A offline and beautiful task manager syncing with google tasks. Think Gmail offline but for Google Tasks.' manifest/version = '2.1' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'efhjelcghjkfigiagdfbfilndaffpmdj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mfhfkclojmdocagbmecgcnlofppebebd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dadcalgappognjbjpalfophhcfakoeac' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jindbcpkhnnnjgcjgmkjedbibibiojjf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lodollblmkailkkdiijmoccefdfjohgk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lookpbabilcplifjdeifacodednpacmk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dmkdhgkknhnfpdjeicefnpmhcpbimden' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dmhgenmamfphbclmhdgmffajkfommkom' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kibgmcdcfmcglajcfbecilngejnfppjp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fmcccidacjgnfiafddkngmeolkoiihil' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'imfbomjbodpfgfhfahlgkkcllmhbelhk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mcknnlhkkdbcppajgefagceglahcafjd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 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Autodesk® Homestyler® is free and it’s easy to get started.' manifest/version = '2.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'gmghjgfdialcnhadahmjefeflgnhcjeb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mndoohjdoechinpkfbkolflbonciahfo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aknpkdffaafgjchaibgeefbgmgeghloj' manifest/name = 'Angry Birds' manifest/description = 'Birds! Slingshots! Destruction! Feathers! 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'hnkcpoijaeegompjgbjjhkdmljldaccg' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nnioepmjbjjlflmdgjanlcmbjahljeeo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ocmhjnhildbnglmlfimkjnnfgddelacb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'epbmnbdplhcomkedpjfceakddnbgfjmf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'odeckaficnaplobiiaomegfbokokehhb' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'emcdpbapjmnjgoannclkongdfboaabho' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'lnbeebaenahmkbffnimghceldeeihfak' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'onfbaaifbbahonepmednhkjbhdgogkbl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nidodbfomffkfabciljelkbdiabkeehe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iemfpgbdjfoihicbocpbjppipdbfimeh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'kdcnnmifdmlmjffdgeieikcokcogpbej' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mpgehpkneknbopplhmmkfijfiniddipf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pkbkgagehkkoajkpgnmjegibihpalfdk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fpjdackpllilinpkgmhkpidkanmccblc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jddbdddmbfencninofcgnodekclofpaj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'iomejadoamfilglofmeaffghddcgapmf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mknjbohhleiicbpagpgmhoaigbblmnic' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'bandboadndbkchlpicmfkpoedgnocblf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'fnkaadkanmfgpfbmdcllhjdgmdbgljpi' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pfhlnanelpgjbhndafjamnpfhkjadoip' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb' manifest/name = 'Google Translate' manifest/description = 'This extension translates entire webpages into a language of your choice with one click. By the Google Translate team.' manifest/version = '1.2.4' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'fommcgokigkhmnhlhlkckfjhefnmfohd' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno' manifest/name = 'Bookmark Manager' manifest/description = 'Bookmark Manager' manifest/version = '0.1' manifest/update_url = *undef* - 'cniodhfhdiidogekcjkplecimemfocpn' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mmffncokckfccddfenhkhnllmlobdahm' manifest/name = 'FastestChrome - Browse Faster' manifest/description = 'Save time and enhance your productivity! Get quick definitions, auto-load next pages, search faster, and more.' manifest/version = '7.0.3' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'kojkdbedffnppdoalcfkkeelbhbklhgp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'magllcifjcllaafcdplnajmobccbcdlo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'doneghboglgnflpdicnkaojmmljgejkj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'agmhonoepgcnakccfpidhjehlocaeaaj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pfgmgcnbngcnhjddppmnloflcidemopc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ilhjicgcglhjigdehkcehjdokmkahbjl' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'oakhllhnbcpgagdafgbninlpjdemdmjk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'cihlkpohodpdkdnfalhdkhhlhmhffmbe' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jcmipejepoimfflnoapdmkdephgjinck' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ejijgghlncnaphklndknkbkclebfboca' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pfcelnbmkeoaeicedjomcjkcammlkdbk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'dkhkecikbdfpoiopnnpoeglbdphgflmf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'eijbdinddjecmebnlienfoijpjjobkjh' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'hpibmhghjndideebpackbdlpncgkcppp' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'pengoopmcjnbflcjbmoeodbmoflcgjlk' manifest/name = 'Blog This!' manifest/description = 'Adds a BlogThis! button to the browser toolbar, which lets you post to your Blogger blog from any webpage with just one click.' manifest/version = '0.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'copjbedljgpkaakkmbhgkpoaadeahido' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'ckckpgefkpjfopjppjfcikppehdhceah' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jfalnphfjdoalcdhlnhdpekbmmopkgkj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'gbbimmnlnnanjkmjbopohmghngacfbem' manifest/name = 'Fiddle Salad Live Web Development' manifest/description = 'Mix CSS, SASS with Compass, LESS, Stylus, HTML, HAML, Jade, JavaScript, and Python to create web apps' manifest/version = '' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'nhboiakpmibkbkbeehchlfkggmhphpnk' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'mplhbhmkccidaokcelbcbcmhhedebcng' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'nnbmlagghjjcbdhgmkedmbmedengocbn' manifest/name = 'Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google)' manifest/description = 'Automatically previews pdfs, powerpoint presentations, and other documents in Google Docs Viewer.' manifest/version = '3.10' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'gbccimjalgpeedanldbngnbpgmmejlmd' manifest/* = *undef* - 'pjdhkkcnlbfebiokpeghfffajaabahfo' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jbmbiepnidbnhbbfdbgioomdkgnbcacj' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'jkhkkpgamolkplndclhlalpcaooibkme' manifest/name = 'Ubuntu One' manifest/description = 'The personal cloud that brings your digital life together.' manifest/version = '1.1.2' manifest/update_url = '' state = 1 - 'ojmdhklabgbnnkkilmkcfcemdhognifc' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'bkkchglolnigbfncnbnnbhhempjkdpkf' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True - 'aieihijcjcccdiepockaiekhpflicdii' manifest/* = *undef* blacklist = True