This bug was fixed in the package checkbox - 0.13.1 --------------- checkbox (0.13.1) precise; urgency=low New upstream release (LP: #925090): [Brendan Donegan] * Fixed the cpu_topology script so that it doesn't mistake the word 'processor' in the value of another field for the field 'processor' (LP: #882161) * Added create_connection script and jobs to automatically create/test a wireless network connection. * Updated wireless job dependencies. * Add wireless performance data collecting tests. * Changed is_laptop test to a shell test and implemented a check_is_laptop script to check automatically for a systems 'laptopness' (LP: #886668) * Fixed connect_wireless script which continued failing to correctly identify wireless connections. * Don't fail the sleep_test if the wake alarm is still set (LP: #911161) * Add requirement for mem sleep state to be supported to the suspend_advanced_auto job (LP: #804190) * Fixed the camera/display test and removed the camera/video one. * Added display resource and matching requirements to external video output tests. * Added removable_storage_watcher script to replace watch_command to make testing USB, FireWire and MMC devices easier and more cohesive. * Added memory_compare script to automate the memory/info job * Switch audio settings to correct device before running audio tests (LP: #916859) * Nixed graphics/xorg-version-output job and updated other job dependencies, since it is redundant with graphics/xorg-version. (LP: #671144) [Gabor Kelemen] * Fixed last two remaining strings with backslashes (LP: #868571) * Fix misplaced parentheses, so translation can work (LP: #904876) [Marc Tardif] * Refactored install scripts to be agnostic of variant name: install/postinst, install/config and debian/*.postinst. * Using title defined in user_interface plugin in GTK interface. * Updated default.whitelist to reflect renamed jobs. * Removed files with non-printable characters from submission.xml. * Fixed parser for submission files with empty question comments and context info (LP: #912546) * Added support for skipping tests when the depends don't pass (LP: #509598) * Removed extraneous code from the sleep_test. * Refactored logic to check for network after suspend. * Removed deprecated hwtest package. * cpu_offlining was incorrectly using return instead of exit. [Daniel Manrique] * Update control files under debian/ to eliminate (most) lintian warnings (LP: #352986) * Environment variables specified with environ: in a job description will be passed to the backend for it to add to its environment. (LP: #897889) * Handle malformed LANGUAGE environment variable values (LP: #912946) * Added interactive media_keys_test script. * Make creation of wireless connection files more robust (LP: #923836) * Recommend gstreamer-gconf to enable media tests on kubuntu (LP: #898641) * Add bluetooth device requirement to obex jobs (LP: #921128) * Add a plugin conf variable for the welcome string (shown on the first screen when checkbox runs), so it can be changed without much effort. * Remove superflous bluetooth/detect job * Fixed typo in jobs/ (phoronix misspelled as peripherals). * Rearranged a misplaced changelog entry. * Updated debian/control to remove unneeded Uploader: field. [Robert Roth] * Fixed spelling mistakes in user_apps job file. (LP: #904209) [Jeff Lane] * Created automated network info test to get some config info during automated runs. (LP: #912038) * Added requires to suspend wireless jobs so they won't run if wireless isn't present (LP: #907150) * Fixed issue in usb_test with unwritable filesystems (LP: #912522) * Fixed USB tests so that insert, storage, remove run in proper order * Removed usb_storage_after_suspend since it's superfluous, all other USB tests already run after suspend. * Modifed usb_test to handle firewire drives as well, renamed script to removable_storage_test [Aurélien Gâteau] * Improvements to Recover dialog and show_info method. [ Javier Collado ] * Error while creating binary package fixed (LP: #921576) [ Sylvain Pineau ] * Replaced xrandr_display_modes with automated check for VESA driver * Refactored Unity compatibility tests -- Daniel Manrique