2010-03-27 17:24:50,464 INFO Reading configurations from: /usr/share/checkbox/configs/checkbox-gtk.ini 2010-03-27 17:24:50,465 INFO Parsing config filename: /usr/share/checkbox/configs/checkbox.ini 2010-03-27 17:24:50,466 INFO Loading component section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,469 INFO Loading module local_suite from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,472 INFO Loading module delay_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,474 INFO Loading module system_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,479 INFO Loading module message_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,493 INFO Loading module lock_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,498 INFO Loading module launchpad_exchange from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,524 INFO Loading module remote_suite from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,527 INFO Loading module error_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,529 INFO Loading module proxy_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,532 INFO Loading module recover_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,548 INFO Loading module jobs_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,552 INFO Loading module backend_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,556 INFO Loading module attachment_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,558 INFO Loading module client_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,561 INFO Loading module final_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,563 INFO Loading module jobs_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,569 INFO Loading module gather_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,572 INFO Loading module submission_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,576 INFO Loading module resource_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,580 INFO Loading module launchpad_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,583 INFO Loading module scripts_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,586 INFO Loading module launchpad_report from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,603 INFO Loading module manual_test from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,605 INFO Loading module apport_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,653 INFO Loading module shell_test from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,656 INFO Loading module intro_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,659 INFO Loading module user_interface from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,663 INFO Loading module metric_test from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,666 INFO Loading module persist_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,670 INFO Loading module subunit_report from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,674 INFO Loading module tests_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,677 INFO Loading module suites_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,681 INFO Loading module datetime_info from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,684 INFO Loading module report_prompt from section checkbox/plugins 2010-03-27 17:24:50,687 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() on prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,687 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() on report-local. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,687 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.begin_persist() on begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,688 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.report_device() on report-device. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,688 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,688 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,688 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_directory() on message-directory. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,688 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() on message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,689 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() on message-file. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,689 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() on message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,689 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,689 DEBUG Calling None.LockPrompt.prompt_begin() on prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,689 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_client() on report-client. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_datetime() on report-datetime. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_dpkg() on report-dpkg. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_lsb() on report-lsb. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_submission_id() on report-submission_id. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_system_id() on report-system_id. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,690 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_email() on launchpad-email. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,691 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_report() on launchpad-report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,691 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_exchange() on launchpad-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,691 DEBUG Calling None.RemoteSuite.prompt_remote() on prompt-remote. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,691 DEBUG Calling None.RemoteSuite.report_remote() on report-remote. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,691 DEBUG Calling None.ErrorPrompt.prompt_error() on prompt-error. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,692 DEBUG Calling None.ProxyInfo.report_gconf() on report-gconf. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,692 DEBUG Calling None.ProxyInfo.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,692 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.begin_persist() on begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,692 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.prompt_begin() on prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,693 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.prompt_finish() on prompt-finish. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,693 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.begin_persist() on begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,693 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.ignore_jobs() on ignore-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,693 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() on prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,694 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_jobs() on prompt-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,694 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_finish() on prompt-finish. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,695 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,695 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() on report-job. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,695 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() on message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,695 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.stop() on stop. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,695 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,696 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() on prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,696 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() on report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,696 DEBUG Calling None.ClientInfo.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,696 DEBUG Calling None.FinalPrompt.prompt_finish() on prompt-finish. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,698 DEBUG Calling None.JobsInfo.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,698 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() on report-job. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,698 DEBUG Calling checkbox.lib.cache.Cache on prompt-gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,698 DEBUG Calling None.SubmissionInfo.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,699 DEBUG Calling None.SubmissionInfo.report_system_id() on report-system_id. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,699 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() on report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,699 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() on prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,699 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.begin_persist() on begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,699 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.launchpad_report() on launchpad-report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,700 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.prompt_exchange() on prompt-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,700 DEBUG Calling None.ScriptsInfo.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,700 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_attachments() on report-attachments. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,700 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_client() on report-client. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,700 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_cpuinfo() on report-cpuinfo. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_datetime() on report-datetime. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_dpkg() on report-dpkg. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_lsb() on report-lsb. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_package() on report-package. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_uname() on report-uname. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,701 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_system_id() on report-system_id. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,702 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_tests() on report-tests. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,702 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,702 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() on prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,702 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() on report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,702 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,703 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() on prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,703 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() on prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,703 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.report_shell() on report-shell. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,704 DEBUG Calling None.IntroPrompt.begin_recover() on begin-recover. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,704 DEBUG Calling None.IntroPrompt.prompt_begin() on prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,704 DEBUG Calling None.UserInterface.run() on run. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,704 DEBUG Calling None.MetricTest.prompt_metric() on prompt-metric. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,705 DEBUG Calling None.MetricTest.report_metric() on report-metric. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,705 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.prompt_begin() on prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,705 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() on prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,705 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() on stop. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,705 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.gather() on gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,706 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() on prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,706 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() on report-test. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,706 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.begin_persist() on begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.begin_recover() on begin-recover. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() on report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.prompt_gather() on prompt-gather. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() on report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() on report-test. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,707 DEBUG Calling None.DatetimeInfo.report() on report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,708 DEBUG Calling None.ReportPrompt.prompt_report() on prompt-report. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,708 DEBUG Started firing run. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,708 DEBUG Calling None.UserInterface.run() for run with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,961 DEBUG Started firing prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,961 DEBUG Calling None.LockPrompt.prompt_begin() for prompt-begin with priority -1000. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,964 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.prompt_begin() for prompt-begin with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,966 DEBUG Started firing begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,967 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.begin_persist() for begin-persist with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,967 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.begin_persist() for begin-persist with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,967 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.begin_persist() for begin-persist with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,968 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.begin_persist() for begin-persist with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,968 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.begin_persist() for begin-persist with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,969 DEBUG Finished firing begin-persist. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,969 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.prompt_begin() for prompt-begin with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:24:50,969 DEBUG Calling None.IntroPrompt.prompt_begin() for prompt-begin with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,395 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-begin. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,395 DEBUG Started firing prompt-gather. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,396 DEBUG Calling checkbox.lib.cache.Cache for prompt-gather with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,400 DEBUG Started firing gather. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,426 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.gather() for gather with priority -1000. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,668 DEBUG Calling None.ScriptsInfo.gather() for gather with priority -1000. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,668 DEBUG Calling None.JobsInfo.gather() for gather with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,669 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,669 DEBUG Started firing message-directory. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,669 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_directory() for message-directory with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,671 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,671 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,672 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,672 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,699 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,700 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,700 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,700 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,700 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,700 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,701 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,702 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,702 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,702 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,702 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,702 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,703 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,703 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,704 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,704 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,704 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,704 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,704 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,705 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,706 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,706 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,706 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,706 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,707 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,707 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,707 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,707 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,710 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,710 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,710 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,711 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,711 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,711 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,712 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,712 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,712 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,712 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,713 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,713 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,713 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,713 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,716 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,716 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,716 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,716 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,716 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,717 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,717 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,718 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,718 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,718 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,718 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,718 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,719 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,719 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,722 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,723 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,723 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,723 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,723 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,724 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,724 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,725 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,725 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,725 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,725 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,725 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,726 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,726 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,731 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,731 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,731 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,732 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,732 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,733 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,733 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,733 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,733 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,739 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,739 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,740 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,740 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,740 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,741 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,742 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,742 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,743 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,743 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,743 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,743 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,743 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,744 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,744 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,753 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,754 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,754 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,754 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,754 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,755 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,755 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,755 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,756 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,758 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,759 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,759 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,759 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,759 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,759 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,760 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,760 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,761 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,761 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,761 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,762 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,762 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,763 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,766 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,766 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,766 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,766 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,766 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,767 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,767 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,767 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,767 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,774 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,774 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,774 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,775 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,775 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,775 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,775 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,776 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,777 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,779 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,779 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,779 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,780 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,780 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,780 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,780 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,780 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,781 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,781 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,781 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,781 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,781 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,782 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,785 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,785 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,785 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,785 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,786 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,786 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,786 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,786 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,786 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,790 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,790 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,790 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,790 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,790 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,791 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,791 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,791 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,791 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,792 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,792 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,792 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,792 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,792 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,798 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,799 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,799 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,799 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,799 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,799 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,800 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,800 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,800 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,805 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,805 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,806 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,806 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,806 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,806 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,807 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,807 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,807 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,807 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,808 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,808 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,809 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,809 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,812 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,812 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,812 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,812 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,812 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,813 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,813 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,813 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,813 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,861 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,861 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,861 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,861 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,862 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,862 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,862 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,863 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,863 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,863 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,863 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,863 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,864 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,864 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,864 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,864 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,864 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/audio.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:26,891 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,891 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,892 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,892 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,914 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,915 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,915 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,915 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,915 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,916 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,916 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,917 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,917 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,917 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,917 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,917 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,918 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,918 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,918 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,923 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,923 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,924 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,924 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,925 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,925 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,925 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,926 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,926 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,926 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,926 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,927 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,927 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,927 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,927 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,935 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,936 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,936 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,937 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,937 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,937 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,938 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,939 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,940 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,940 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,940 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,940 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,940 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,941 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,943 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,953 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,953 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,954 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,954 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,954 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,954 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,954 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,956 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,956 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,956 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,956 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,957 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,957 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,957 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,957 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,966 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,966 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,966 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,967 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,967 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,967 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,967 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,968 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,968 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,968 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,969 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,969 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,969 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,969 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,969 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,980 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,981 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,981 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,981 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,981 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,982 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,982 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,982 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,985 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,985 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,986 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,986 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,986 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,986 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,986 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,987 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,987 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,987 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,987 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,987 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,988 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,988 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,988 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,988 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:26,988 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/disk.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,016 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,017 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,017 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,017 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,026 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,027 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,027 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,027 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,028 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,028 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,028 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,029 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,029 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,029 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,030 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,030 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,030 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,030 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,030 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,036 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,037 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,037 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,037 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,037 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,037 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,038 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,038 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,038 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,039 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,039 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,039 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,040 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,040 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,040 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,053 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,053 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,054 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,054 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,054 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,054 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,054 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,055 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,058 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,058 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,058 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,058 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,059 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,059 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,059 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,059 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,060 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,060 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,060 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,060 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,061 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,061 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,061 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,062 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,062 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/fingerprint.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,088 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,089 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,089 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,089 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,095 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,096 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,096 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,096 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,096 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,096 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,097 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,097 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,097 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,097 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,098 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,098 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,098 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,099 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,099 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,105 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,105 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,106 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,106 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,106 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,106 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,106 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,107 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,107 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,107 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,108 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,108 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,108 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,108 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,109 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,116 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,117 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,117 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,118 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,118 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,118 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,118 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,118 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,122 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,122 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,122 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,122 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,123 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,123 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,123 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,123 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,124 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,125 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,125 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,125 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/firewire.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,155 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,156 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,156 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,156 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,159 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,159 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,160 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,160 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,160 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,160 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,160 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,161 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,161 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,161 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,161 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,162 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,162 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,162 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,162 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,170 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,170 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,170 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,170 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,171 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,171 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,171 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,171 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,175 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,175 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,175 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,175 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,176 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,176 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,176 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,176 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,176 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,177 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,177 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,177 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,177 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,177 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,178 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,178 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,178 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/kms.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,204 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,205 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,205 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,205 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,211 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,211 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,211 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,211 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,212 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,212 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,212 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,213 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,213 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,213 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,213 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,213 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,214 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,214 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,214 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,223 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,224 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,224 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,224 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,225 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,225 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,225 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,225 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,229 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,229 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,229 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,230 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,230 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,230 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,230 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,231 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,231 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,231 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,231 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,231 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,232 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,232 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,232 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,232 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,232 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/media.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,264 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,264 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,265 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,265 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,269 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,269 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,269 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,270 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,270 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,270 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,270 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,271 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,271 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,271 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,272 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,272 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,272 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,272 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,272 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,286 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,286 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,287 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,287 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,288 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,288 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,288 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,289 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,298 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,298 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,299 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,299 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,300 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,300 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,301 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,301 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,301 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,302 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,302 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,302 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,303 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,303 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,303 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,304 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,304 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/monitor.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,342 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,343 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,343 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,344 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,355 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,355 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,356 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,356 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,357 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,363 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,363 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,364 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,364 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,365 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,365 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,366 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,366 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,367 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,368 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,383 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,383 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,384 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,384 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,384 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,385 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,385 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,386 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,386 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,386 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,386 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,387 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,387 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,387 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,388 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,403 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,404 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,404 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,405 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,407 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,407 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,408 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,408 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,416 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,417 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,417 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,418 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,418 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,418 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,419 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,419 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,420 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,420 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,420 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,422 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,422 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,423 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,423 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,423 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,424 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/network.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,458 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,459 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,459 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,460 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,486 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,487 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,487 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,487 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,488 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,488 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,488 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,489 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,490 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,490 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,491 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,491 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,491 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,492 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,492 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,510 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,511 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,511 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,511 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,512 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,512 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,512 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,513 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,513 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,514 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,514 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,514 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,515 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,515 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,515 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,553 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,553 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,554 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,554 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,554 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,555 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,555 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,556 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,556 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,556 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,557 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,557 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,557 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,557 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,558 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,586 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,587 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,587 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,588 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,588 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,588 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,589 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,589 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,599 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,599 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,600 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,600 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,600 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,601 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,601 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,601 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,602 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,602 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,602 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,603 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,603 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,603 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,604 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,604 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,604 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/peripheral.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,639 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,640 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,640 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,641 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,657 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,658 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,659 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,659 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,659 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,660 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,660 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,661 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,661 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,662 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,662 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,662 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,663 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,663 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,663 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,701 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,701 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,702 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,702 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,702 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,703 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,703 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,704 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,704 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,705 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,705 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,705 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,706 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,706 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,706 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,730 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,731 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,732 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,732 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,732 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,733 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,733 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,734 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,735 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,735 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,735 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,736 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,736 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,736 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,736 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,756 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,757 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,757 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,757 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,758 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,758 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,758 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,758 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,770 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,770 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,771 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,771 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,771 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,772 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,775 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,776 DEBUG Started firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,776 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.report_local() for report-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,776 DEBUG Started firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,777 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_suite() for report-suite with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,777 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-suite with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,777 DEBUG Finished firing report-suite. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,778 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() on report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,778 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,778 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,779 INFO Running command: cat $CHECKBOX_SHARE/jobs/video.txt* 2010-03-27 17:25:27,816 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,816 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,817 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,817 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,871 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,872 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,872 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,873 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,873 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,873 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,873 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,883 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,883 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,884 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,884 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,884 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,885 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,885 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,885 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,908 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,908 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,909 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,909 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,910 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,910 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,910 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,911 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,912 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,912 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,912 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,913 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,913 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,913 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,914 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,938 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,939 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,939 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,940 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,940 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,940 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,941 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,942 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,942 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,942 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,943 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,943 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,943 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,944 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,944 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,967 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,968 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,969 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,969 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,969 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,970 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,970 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,971 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,972 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,972 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,972 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,973 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,973 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,973 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:27,974 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,021 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,022 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,023 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,023 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,023 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,024 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,024 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,025 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,025 DEBUG Started firing report-shell. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,025 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.report_shell() for report-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,025 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,026 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,026 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,026 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,027 DEBUG Finished firing report-shell. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,050 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,050 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,051 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,051 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,051 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,052 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,052 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,053 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,053 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,054 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,054 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,054 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,055 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,055 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,055 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,079 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,079 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,080 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,080 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,080 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,081 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,081 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,082 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,082 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,082 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,083 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,083 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,083 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,083 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,084 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,112 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,113 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,113 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,114 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,114 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,114 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,114 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,115 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,115 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,116 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,116 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,116 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,117 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,117 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,117 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,142 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,143 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,143 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,143 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,144 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,144 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,144 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,145 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,145 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,146 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,146 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,146 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,147 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,147 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,147 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,173 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,173 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,174 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,174 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,174 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,175 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,175 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,176 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,176 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,176 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,176 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,177 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,177 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,177 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,178 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,212 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,213 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,213 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,214 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,214 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,214 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,214 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,215 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,215 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,216 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,216 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,216 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,217 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,217 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,217 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,244 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,245 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,245 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,246 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,246 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,246 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,246 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,247 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,247 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,248 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,248 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,248 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,249 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,249 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,249 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,276 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,277 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,277 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,278 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,278 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,278 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,278 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,279 DEBUG Finished firing report-local. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,301 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,302 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,302 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,303 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,303 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,303 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,304 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,305 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,305 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,305 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,321 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,321 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,322 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,322 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,322 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,323 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,323 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,324 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,324 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,324 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,340 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,341 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,341 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,341 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,341 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,342 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,342 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,343 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,343 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,343 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,359 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,360 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,360 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,361 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,361 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,361 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,362 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,362 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,362 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,363 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,379 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,380 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,380 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,381 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,381 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,381 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,382 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,382 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,383 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,383 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,411 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,412 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,412 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,413 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,413 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,413 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,416 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,416 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,416 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,416 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,433 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,434 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,434 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,435 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,435 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,435 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,436 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,436 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,436 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,437 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,453 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,454 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,455 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,455 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,455 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,455 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,456 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,456 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,457 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,457 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,474 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,475 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,475 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,476 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,476 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,476 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,477 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,477 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,477 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,478 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,495 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,496 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,496 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,496 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,497 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,497 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,498 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,498 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,498 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,499 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,524 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,524 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,525 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,525 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,525 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,526 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,527 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,527 DEBUG Started firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,527 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.report_attachment() for report-attachment with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,528 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,545 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,546 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,546 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,547 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,547 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,547 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,548 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,548 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,548 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,556 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,557 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,557 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,557 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,558 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,558 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,560 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,561 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,561 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,561 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,562 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,562 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,562 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,563 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,563 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,570 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,571 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,571 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,572 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,572 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,572 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,573 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,574 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,574 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,574 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,575 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,575 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,575 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,576 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,592 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,593 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,594 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,594 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,594 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,594 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,595 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,595 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,595 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,606 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,607 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,607 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,607 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,608 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,616 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,617 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,618 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,618 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,618 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,619 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,619 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,619 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,619 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,636 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,637 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,637 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,638 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,638 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,638 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,639 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,639 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,640 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,640 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,640 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,641 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,641 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,641 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,658 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,659 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,659 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,660 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,660 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,660 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,661 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,661 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,661 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,679 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,680 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,680 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,681 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,681 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,681 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,682 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,683 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,683 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,683 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,683 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,684 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,684 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,684 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,701 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,701 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,702 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,702 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,702 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,703 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,704 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,704 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,704 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,704 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,705 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,705 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,705 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,706 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,767 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,768 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,769 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,769 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,769 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,770 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,771 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,772 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,772 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,772 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,773 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,773 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,774 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,774 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,793 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,793 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,794 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,794 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,794 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,795 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,795 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,796 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,796 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,813 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,817 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,817 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,817 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,818 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,818 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,819 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,819 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,820 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,820 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,821 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,822 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,824 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,826 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,859 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,859 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,860 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,860 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,861 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,861 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,862 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,862 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,863 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,863 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,863 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,864 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,864 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,864 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,882 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,883 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,883 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,884 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,884 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,884 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,886 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,886 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,887 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,887 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,887 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,888 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,888 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,888 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,933 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,934 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,934 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,934 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,935 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,935 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,936 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,936 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,937 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,946 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,947 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,947 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,947 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,948 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,948 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,950 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,950 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,951 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,951 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,951 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,952 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,952 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,952 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,953 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,959 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,960 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,961 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,961 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,961 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,962 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,963 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,963 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,963 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,964 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,964 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,964 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,965 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,965 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,965 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,989 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,990 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,990 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,990 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,991 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,991 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,992 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,992 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,992 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,993 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,993 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,993 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:28,994 INFO Running command: cpuinfo_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:29,094 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,095 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,095 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,095 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,104 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,104 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,105 DEBUG Started firing report-cpuinfo. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,105 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_cpuinfo() for report-cpuinfo with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,106 DEBUG Finished firing report-cpuinfo. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,106 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,106 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,107 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,107 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,107 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,108 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,128 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,129 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,129 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,130 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,130 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,131 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,131 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,132 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,132 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,133 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,133 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,133 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,134 INFO Running command: cdimage_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:29,211 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,211 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,212 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,212 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,213 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,213 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,214 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,214 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,214 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,238 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,239 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,239 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,239 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,240 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,240 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,241 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,241 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,242 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,242 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,242 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,243 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,243 INFO Running command: dpkg_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:29,342 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,343 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,343 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,343 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,346 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,347 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,347 DEBUG Started firing report-dpkg. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,348 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_dpkg() for report-dpkg with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,348 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_dpkg() for report-dpkg with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,348 DEBUG Finished firing report-dpkg. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,349 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,349 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,349 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,349 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,350 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,350 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,369 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,370 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,371 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,371 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,372 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,372 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,373 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,373 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,373 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,374 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,374 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,374 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,375 INFO Running command: gconf_resource | filter_templates -w 'name=.*proxy.*' 2010-03-27 17:25:29,664 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,664 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,665 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,665 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,666 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,667 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,667 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,667 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,668 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,686 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,687 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,688 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,688 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,689 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,689 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,690 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,691 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,691 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,691 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,692 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,692 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:29,693 INFO Running command: lsb_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:30,072 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,073 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,073 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,074 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,078 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,079 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,079 DEBUG Started firing report-lsb. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,080 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_lsb() for report-lsb with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,080 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_lsb() for report-lsb with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,080 DEBUG Finished firing report-lsb. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,081 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,081 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,081 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,082 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,082 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,083 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,103 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,104 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,104 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,105 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,105 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,105 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,106 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,106 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,107 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,107 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,107 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,108 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,108 INFO Running command: meminfo_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:30,189 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,190 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,190 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,190 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,193 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,193 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,194 DEBUG Started firing report-meminfo. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,195 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: report-meminfo 2010-03-27 17:25:30,195 DEBUG Finished firing report-meminfo. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,195 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,195 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,196 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,196 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,196 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,197 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,217 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,218 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,218 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,219 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,219 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,219 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,220 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,221 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,221 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,221 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,222 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,222 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,223 INFO Running command: module_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:30,300 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,301 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,301 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,302 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,550 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,551 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,552 DEBUG Started firing report-module. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,552 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: report-module 2010-03-27 17:25:30,552 DEBUG Finished firing report-module. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,552 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,553 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,553 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,553 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,554 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,554 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,576 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,577 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,577 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,577 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,578 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,578 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,579 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,579 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,580 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,580 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,580 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,581 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:30,581 INFO Running command: package_resource | filter_templates -w 'desired=Install' -w 'status=Installed' 2010-03-27 17:25:31,199 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:31,199 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:31,200 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:31,200 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,399 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,400 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,400 DEBUG Started firing report-package. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,400 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_package() for report-package with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,400 DEBUG Finished firing report-package. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,401 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,401 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,401 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,401 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,401 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,402 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,413 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,414 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,414 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,414 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,414 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,415 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,415 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,415 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,416 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,416 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,416 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,416 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,416 INFO Running command: udev_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:34,833 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,833 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,833 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,834 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,989 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,990 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,990 DEBUG Started firing report-device. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,990 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.report_device() for report-device with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,991 DEBUG Finished firing report-device. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,991 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,991 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,991 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,991 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,992 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:34,992 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,006 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,006 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,006 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,006 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,007 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,007 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,007 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,008 DEBUG Started firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,008 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.report_resource() for report-resource with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,008 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() on report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,008 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,008 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,009 INFO Running command: uname_resource 2010-03-27 17:25:35,056 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,056 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_result() for message-result with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,057 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,057 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,060 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,060 DEBUG Calling None.report_messages() for report-messages with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,060 DEBUG Started firing report-uname. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_uname() for report-uname with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Finished firing report-uname. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,061 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,062 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,062 DEBUG Finished firing report-resource. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,074 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,074 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,074 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,074 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,075 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,075 DEBUG Started firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,075 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_filename() for message-filename with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,075 DEBUG Started firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,075 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_file() for message-file with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,114 DEBUG Started firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,115 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.report_messages() for report-messages with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,115 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,115 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,115 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,116 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,116 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,116 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,117 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,117 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,117 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,117 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,117 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,118 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,129 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,129 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,130 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,130 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,130 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,130 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,131 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,131 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,131 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,131 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,132 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,132 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,132 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,132 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,143 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,144 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,144 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,144 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,144 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,145 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,146 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,146 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,146 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,146 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,146 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,147 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,147 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,147 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,158 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,159 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,159 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,159 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,159 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,159 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,160 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,160 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,160 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,161 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,161 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,161 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,161 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,161 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,172 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,173 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,173 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,173 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,173 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,174 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,174 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,174 DEBUG Started firing report-shell. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,174 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.report_shell() for report-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,175 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,175 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,175 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,175 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,175 DEBUG Finished firing report-shell. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,186 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,187 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,187 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,187 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,188 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,188 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,188 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,189 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,190 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,206 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,206 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,206 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,207 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,207 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,207 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,207 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,208 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,208 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,208 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,208 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,208 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,209 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,209 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,220 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,220 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,220 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,221 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,221 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,221 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,221 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,222 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,222 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,222 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,222 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,222 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,223 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,223 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,234 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,234 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,234 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,235 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,235 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,235 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,235 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,236 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,236 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,236 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,236 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,236 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,237 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,237 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,248 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,248 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,249 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,249 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,249 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,249 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,250 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,250 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,250 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,250 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,250 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,251 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,251 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,251 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,262 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,263 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,263 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,263 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,263 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,263 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,264 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,264 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,264 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,264 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,265 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,265 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,265 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,265 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,276 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,277 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,277 DEBUG Started firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,277 DEBUG Calling None.report_message() for report-message with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,277 DEBUG Started firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,277 DEBUG Calling checkbox.arguments.JobsInfo.replacement() for report-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,278 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report_job() for report-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,278 DEBUG Started firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,278 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.report_manual() for report-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,278 DEBUG Started firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,279 DEBUG Calling None.TestsPrompt.report_test() for report-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,279 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.report_job() for report-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,279 DEBUG Finished firing report-test. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,279 DEBUG Finished firing report-manual. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,290 DEBUG Finished firing report-job. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,291 DEBUG Finished firing report-message. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,291 DEBUG Finished firing report-messages. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,291 DEBUG Finished firing message-file. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,291 DEBUG Finished firing message-filename. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,291 DEBUG Finished firing message-directory. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,292 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.gather() for gather with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,302 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.gather() for gather with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,303 DEBUG Opening filename: /home/ubuntu/.cache/checkbox/subunit.log 2010-03-27 17:25:35,303 DEBUG Calling None.ProxyInfo.gather() for gather with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,303 DEBUG Finished firing gather. 2010-03-27 17:25:35,305 DEBUG Calling None.SuitesPrompt.prompt_gather() for prompt-gather with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,494 DEBUG Started firing ignore-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,495 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.ignore_jobs() for ignore-jobs with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,495 DEBUG Finished firing ignore-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,495 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-gather. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,496 DEBUG Started firing prompt-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,496 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_jobs() for prompt-jobs with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,497 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,497 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,498 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,499 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,500 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,500 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:03,511 INFO Running command: cat /proc/asound/cards 2010-03-27 17:26:06,699 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,700 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,700 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,701 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,701 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,701 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,703 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,703 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,704 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,707 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,707 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:06,707 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:11,863 INFO Running command: gst_pipeline_test -t 2 'audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink' 2010-03-27 17:26:16,434 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,434 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,435 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,435 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'Click the Test button to play a sound on the automatically detected playback device.\n\nDo you hear a sound?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'requires': ["device.category == 'AUDIO'", "package.name == 'python-gst0.10'"], 'data': '', 'depends': ['list_audio_devices'], 'command': "gst_pipeline_test -t 2 'audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink'", 'suite': 'audio', 'type': 'test', 'resources': [{'category': 'AUDIO', 'subproduct_id': '8577', 'product_id': '9429', 'bus': 'pci', 'vendor_id': '32902', 'driver': 'Intel ICH', 'path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.5', 'subvendor_id': '5284'}, {'status': 'Installed', 'desired': 'Install', 'version': '0.10.18-1', 'name': 'python-gst0.10', 'description': 'generic media-playing framework (Python bindings)'}], 'name': 'playback_auto'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:26:16,436 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,436 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,436 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,438 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,438 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,440 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,442 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,442 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:16,443 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:22,648 INFO Running command: gst_pipeline_test -t 2 'audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink' 2010-03-27 17:26:29,295 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,295 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,296 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,296 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'Please connect a pair of headphones to your audio device.\n\nClick the Test button to play a sound on the automatically detected playback device.\n\nDo you hear a sound through the headphones?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'requires': ["device.category == 'AUDIO'", "package.name == 'python-gst0.10'"], 'data': '', 'depends': ['list_audio_devices'], 'command': "gst_pipeline_test -t 2 'audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink'", 'suite': 'audio', 'type': 'test', 'resources': [{'category': 'AUDIO', 'subproduct_id': '8577', 'product_id': '9429', 'bus': 'pci', 'vendor_id': '32902', 'driver': 'Intel ICH', 'path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.5', 'subvendor_id': '5284'}, {'status': 'Installed', 'desired': 'Install', 'version': '0.10.18-1', 'name': 'python-gst0.10', 'description': 'generic media-playing framework (Python bindings)'}], 'name': 'playback_headphones'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:26:29,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,299 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,299 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,300 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,301 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,301 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:29,302 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,676 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,677 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,677 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,677 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,677 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,678 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,679 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,680 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,681 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,682 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,682 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:31,682 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,433 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,434 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,434 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,434 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,435 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,435 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,436 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,437 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,438 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,438 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,438 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,439 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,439 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,439 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:33,439 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,439 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,440 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,441 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,441 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,443 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,446 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,446 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,446 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:33,457 INFO Running command: $CHECKBOX_SHARE/scripts/disk_test 2010-03-27 17:26:43,144 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,145 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,145 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,146 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'The following hard drives were detected:\n\n$output\n\nIs this correct?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'requires': ["package.name == 'lshw'"], 'data': '', 'command': '$CHECKBOX_SHARE/scripts/disk_test', 'user': 'root', 'timeout': 10, 'suite': 'disk', 'type': 'test', 'resources': [{'status': 'Installed', 'desired': 'Install', 'version': '02.14-1build1', 'name': 'lshw', 'description': 'information about hardware configuration'}], 'name': 'disk_test'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:26:43,146 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,146 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,147 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,148 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,149 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,150 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,151 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,151 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,151 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:43,160 INFO Running command: $CHECKBOX_SHARE/scripts/disk_bench_test 2010-03-27 17:26:46,007 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,007 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,008 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,008 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'Disk benchmark:\n\n$output\n\nIs this ok?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'requires': ["device.category == 'DISK'"], 'data': '', 'command': '$CHECKBOX_SHARE/scripts/disk_bench_test', 'user': 'root', 'suite': 'disk', 'type': 'test', 'resources': [{'category': 'DISK', 'product': 'Flash Disk', 'vendor': '', 'bus': 'scsi', 'driver': 'sd', 'path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-7/1-7:1.0/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0'}], 'name': 'disk_bench'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:26:46,009 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,009 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,009 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,011 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,011 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,012 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,013 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,013 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,013 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,013 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,013 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:46,014 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,014 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,014 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,015 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,016 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,018 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,018 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,018 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,020 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,020 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,021 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,022 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,022 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,023 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,024 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,025 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:46,026 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,027 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,027 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,029 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,029 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,031 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,031 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,031 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,033 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,033 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,034 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:46,035 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,036 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,036 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,038 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,038 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,040 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,041 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,043 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,043 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,045 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,045 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,045 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,045 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,045 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,046 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:46,046 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,046 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,046 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,048 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,049 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,050 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,053 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,053 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:46,053 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,969 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,969 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,970 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,970 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'Insert a DVD. Then click Test to play the DVD in Totem.\n\nDid the file play?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'requires': ["device.category == 'CDROM'", "package.name == 'totem'"], 'data': '', 'command': 'totem /media/cdrom', 'suite': 'media', 'type': 'test', 'resources': [{'category': 'CDROM', 'product': 'CD/DVDW SH-S182M', 'vendor': 'TSSTcorp', 'bus': 'scsi', 'driver': 'sr', 'path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0'}, {'status': 'Installed', 'desired': 'Install', 'version': '2.29.92-0ubuntu3', 'name': 'totem', 'description': 'A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer'}], 'name': 'dvd_playback'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:26:50,970 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,971 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,971 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,973 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,973 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,975 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,975 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,975 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,975 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,976 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,976 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:50,976 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,976 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,976 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,978 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,979 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,980 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,981 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,981 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:50,981 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,349 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,349 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,350 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,350 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,350 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,350 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,352 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,352 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,354 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,354 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,354 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,354 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,355 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,355 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:26:54,355 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,355 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,355 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,357 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,357 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,359 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,362 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,362 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:26:54,363 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:27:37,064 INFO Running command: totem /media/cdrom 2010-03-27 17:28:09,119 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,119 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,120 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,120 ERROR Error running event handler None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for event type 'prompt-test' with args (, {'status': 'fail', 'description': u'Insert a DVD. Then click Test to play the DVD in Totem.\n\nDid the file play?', 'plugin': 'manual', 'type': 'test', 'data': 'totem error: location not found', 'command': 'totem /media/cdrom', 'suite': 'media', 'requires': ["device.category == 'CDROM'", "package.name == 'totem'"], 'resources': [{'category': 'CDROM', 'product': 'CD/DVDW SH-S182M', 'vendor': 'TSSTcorp', 'bus': 'scsi', 'driver': 'sr', 'path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0'}, {'status': 'Installed', 'desired': 'Install', 'version': '2.29.92-0ubuntu3', 'name': 'totem', 'description': 'A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer'}], 'name': 'dvd_playback'}) {}. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/checkbox/reactor.py", line 70, in fire results.append(handler(*args, **kwargs)) File "/usr/share/checkbox/plugins/apport_prompt.py", line 178, in prompt_test if resource["suite"] == "package": KeyError: 'suite' 2010-03-27 17:28:09,121 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,121 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,121 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,123 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,123 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,125 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,125 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,125 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,126 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,126 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,126 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:28:09,126 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,126 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,127 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,129 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,129 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,131 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,131 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,131 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:09,131 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,370 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,371 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,371 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,371 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,371 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,372 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,373 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,374 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,375 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,376 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,376 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:15,376 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,817 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,818 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,818 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,818 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,819 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,819 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,820 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,821 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,822 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,822 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,823 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,824 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,826 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,826 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,828 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,829 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,829 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,829 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:18,838 INFO Running command: network_test 2010-03-27 17:28:25,485 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,486 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,486 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,486 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,489 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,489 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,491 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,491 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,491 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,491 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:25,501 INFO Running command: internet_test 2010-03-27 17:28:29,752 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,753 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,753 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,753 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,753 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,753 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,755 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,756 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,757 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,757 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,758 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:29,758 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,291 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,292 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,292 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,292 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,292 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,292 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,294 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,294 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,296 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,296 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,296 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,296 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,297 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,297 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:28:32,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,297 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,299 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,300 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,301 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,302 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,304 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,304 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,306 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,306 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,306 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:32,307 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,504 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,505 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,505 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,505 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,505 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,506 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,508 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,508 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,509 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,510 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,510 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:37,510 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,321 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,321 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,322 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,322 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,323 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,323 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,325 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,326 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,327 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,327 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,328 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,328 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,328 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,328 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:28:40,328 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,329 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,329 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,331 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,332 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,333 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,333 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,334 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,334 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:40,343 INFO Running command: resolution_test 2010-03-27 17:28:43,889 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,890 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,890 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,890 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,890 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,891 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,893 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,893 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,894 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,897 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,897 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:43,897 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:46,633 INFO Running command: gst_pipeline_test -t 2 'videotestsrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! gconfvideosink' 2010-03-27 17:28:50,465 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,466 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,466 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,466 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,467 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,467 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,469 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,469 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,471 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,473 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,474 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,474 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:50,484 INFO Running command: xrandr 2010-03-27 17:28:56,016 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,017 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,017 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,017 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,017 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,017 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,020 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,020 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,021 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,024 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,024 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:56,025 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,751 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,752 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,752 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,752 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,752 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,753 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,755 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,755 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,756 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,757 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,757 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,757 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,757 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,784 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,785 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:28:59,785 INFO Running command: run_compiz_check 2010-03-27 17:29:00,463 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,463 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,464 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,464 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,464 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,470 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,470 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,471 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,471 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,471 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,471 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,474 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,475 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,476 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,479 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,481 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,481 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,483 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,483 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,483 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:00,483 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,232 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,233 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,233 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,233 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,233 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,234 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,236 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,236 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,237 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,237 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,238 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:03,238 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,165 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,165 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,166 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,166 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,166 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,166 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,168 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,168 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,170 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,170 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,170 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,170 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,697 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,698 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,698 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,698 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,698 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,698 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,700 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,701 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,702 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,702 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,703 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:04,703 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,269 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,269 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,269 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,270 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,270 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,270 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,272 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,272 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,274 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,274 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,274 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,274 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,860 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,860 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,861 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,861 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,861 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,861 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,863 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,864 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,865 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,865 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,865 DEBUG Started firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:05,866 DEBUG Calling None.ManualTest.prompt_manual() for prompt-manual with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,577 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,577 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,577 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,578 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,578 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-manual. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,578 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,580 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,580 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,582 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,582 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,582 DEBUG Started firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,582 DEBUG Calling None.LocalSuite.prompt_local() for prompt-local with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,582 DEBUG Started firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,583 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-suite 2010-03-27 17:29:06,583 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-suite. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,583 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-local. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,583 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,585 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,585 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,587 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,588 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,590 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,590 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,592 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,592 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,592 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,592 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,592 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,593 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,593 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,601 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,617 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,618 INFO Running command: cat /proc/cpuinfo 2010-03-27 17:29:06,671 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,671 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,672 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,672 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,673 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,697 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,697 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,698 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,698 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,698 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,699 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,699 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,703 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,703 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,705 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,705 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,706 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,706 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,706 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,706 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,707 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,722 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,723 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,723 INFO Running command: cat /var/log/dmesg 2010-03-27 17:29:06,763 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,763 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,764 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,764 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,765 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,790 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,791 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,792 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,792 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,792 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,792 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,792 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,795 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,795 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,796 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,797 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,797 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,797 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,797 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,797 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,798 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,838 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,838 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,839 INFO Running command: grep -r . /sys/class/dmi/id/ 2>/dev/null 2010-03-27 17:29:06,883 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,884 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,885 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,885 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,885 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,903 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,904 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,904 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,904 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,905 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,905 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,905 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,908 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,909 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,911 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,911 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,912 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,912 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,912 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,913 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,913 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,941 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,942 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,942 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,975 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,975 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,975 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,976 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,978 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,978 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,979 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,980 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,980 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,980 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,980 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,984 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,984 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,987 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,987 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,988 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,988 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,988 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,989 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:06,989 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,024 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,024 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,025 INFO Running command: lspci -vvnn 2010-03-27 17:29:07,168 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,168 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,168 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,169 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,169 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,194 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,194 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,194 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,194 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,195 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,195 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,195 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,197 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,198 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,199 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,199 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,200 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,200 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,200 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,200 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,200 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,227 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,228 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,228 INFO Running command: find /etc/modprobe.* -name \*.conf | xargs cat 2010-03-27 17:29:07,274 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,274 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,275 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,275 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,276 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,297 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,297 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,298 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,298 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,298 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,298 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,299 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,301 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,301 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,303 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,303 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,303 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,303 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,303 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,304 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,304 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,311 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,313 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,313 INFO Running command: cat /etc/modules 2010-03-27 17:29:07,366 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,367 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,367 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,368 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,368 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,385 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,386 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,386 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,387 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,387 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,387 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,387 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,391 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,391 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,394 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,394 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,395 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,395 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,395 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,396 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,396 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,403 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,404 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,405 INFO Running command: find /etc/sysctl.* -name \*.conf | xargs cat 2010-03-27 17:29:07,462 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,463 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,463 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,464 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,464 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,485 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,486 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,486 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,487 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,491 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,492 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,494 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,494 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,494 DEBUG Started firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,495 DEBUG Calling None.AttachmentInfo.prompt_attachment() for prompt-attachment with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,495 DEBUG Started firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,496 DEBUG Calling None.ShellTest.prompt_shell() for prompt-shell with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,496 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() on message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,524 DEBUG Started firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,525 DEBUG Calling None.MessageInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,525 INFO Running command: udevadm info --export-db 2010-03-27 17:29:07,627 DEBUG Started firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,628 DEBUG Calling None.message_result() for message-result with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,628 DEBUG Finished firing message-result. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,629 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.message_exec() for message-exec with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,629 DEBUG Finished firing message-exec. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,641 DEBUG Started firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,642 DEBUG Calling None.SubunitReport.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,644 DEBUG Calling None.ApportPrompt.prompt_test() for prompt-test with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,645 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-test. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,645 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-shell. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,646 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-attachment. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,646 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,650 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,651 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,654 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,658 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,663 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,663 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,665 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,666 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,666 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,666 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,667 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,667 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,671 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,671 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,674 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,675 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,675 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,676 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,676 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,676 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,680 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,680 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,682 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,682 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,683 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,683 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,683 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,684 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,689 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,690 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,692 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,692 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,693 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,693 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,693 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,694 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,702 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,703 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,705 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,706 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,706 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,707 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,707 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,707 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,710 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,711 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,713 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,714 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,714 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,715 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,715 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,716 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,718 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,718 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,719 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,720 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,720 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,720 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,720 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,720 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,722 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,723 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,724 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,725 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,726 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,726 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,726 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,726 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,728 DEBUG Started firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,729 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for prompt-job with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,730 DEBUG Calling None.ResourceInfo.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,730 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_job() for prompt-job with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,731 DEBUG Started firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,731 DEBUG No handlers found for event type: prompt-resource 2010-03-27 17:29:07,731 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-resource. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,731 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-job. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,733 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-jobs. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,734 DEBUG Started firing prompt-report. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,734 DEBUG Calling None.ReportPrompt.prompt_report() for prompt-report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,740 DEBUG Started firing report. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,749 DEBUG Calling None.SystemInfo.report() for report with priority -10. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,749 INFO System ID: 6ce041aeed0a2c17b3343b66d157175d 2010-03-27 17:29:07,750 DEBUG Started firing report-system_id. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,750 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_system_id() for report-system_id with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,752 DEBUG Calling None.SubmissionInfo.report_system_id() for report-system_id with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,752 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_system_id() for report-system_id with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,752 DEBUG Finished firing report-system_id. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,753 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.report() for report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,782 DEBUG Started firing report-tests. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,782 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_tests() for report-tests with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,783 DEBUG Finished firing report-tests. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,784 DEBUG Started firing report-attachments. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,784 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_attachments() for report-attachments with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,784 DEBUG Finished firing report-attachments. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,785 DEBUG Calling None.ClientInfo.report() for report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,785 DEBUG Started firing report-client. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,786 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_client() for report-client with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,786 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_client() for report-client with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,787 DEBUG Finished firing report-client. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,788 DEBUG Calling None.SubmissionInfo.report() for report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,788 INFO Submission ID: 963c514a59f61cc33fa5855c009cf704 2010-03-27 17:29:07,789 DEBUG Started firing report-submission_id. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,789 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_submission_id() for report-submission_id with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,790 DEBUG Finished firing report-submission_id. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,790 DEBUG Calling None.DatetimeInfo.report() for report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,790 DEBUG Started firing report-datetime. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,791 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.report_datetime() for report-datetime with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,791 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report_datetime() for report-datetime with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,792 DEBUG Finished firing report-datetime. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,792 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadReport.report() for report with priority 100. 2010-03-27 17:29:07,794 DEBUG Dumping context 2010-03-27 17:29:07,796 DEBUG Dumping hardware 2010-03-27 17:29:07,797 DEBUG Dumping processors 2010-03-27 17:29:07,801 DEBUG Dumping hardware 2010-03-27 17:29:07,802 DEBUG Dumping questions 2010-03-27 17:29:07,832 DEBUG Dumping lsbrelease 2010-03-27 17:29:07,833 DEBUG Dumping packages 2010-03-27 17:29:09,303 DEBUG Started firing launchpad-report. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,303 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_report() for launchpad-report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,304 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.launchpad_report() for launchpad-report with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,304 DEBUG Finished firing launchpad-report. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,304 DEBUG Finished firing report. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,308 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-report. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,308 DEBUG Started firing prompt-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,308 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadPrompt.prompt_exchange() for prompt-exchange with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:09,308 DEBUG Calling None.exchange_error() on exchange-error. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,460 DEBUG Started firing launchpad-email. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,461 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_email() for launchpad-email with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,461 DEBUG Finished firing launchpad-email. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,469 DEBUG Started firing launchpad-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,484 DEBUG Calling None.LaunchpadExchange.launchpad_exchange() for launchpad-exchange with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:23,873 DEBUG Uncompressed payload length: 620660 2010-03-27 17:29:25,750 DEBUG Started firing exchange-error. 2010-03-27 17:29:25,751 DEBUG Calling None.exchange_error() for exchange-error with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:25,751 DEBUG Finished firing exchange-error. 2010-03-27 17:29:25,751 DEBUG Finished firing launchpad-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:29:25,752 DEBUG Started firing prompt-error. 2010-03-27 17:29:25,753 DEBUG Calling None.ErrorPrompt.prompt_error() for prompt-error with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:29:34,239 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-error. 2010-03-27 17:31:01,748 DEBUG Started firing prompt-error. 2010-03-27 17:31:01,748 DEBUG Calling None.ErrorPrompt.prompt_error() for prompt-error with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:31:03,362 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-error. 2010-03-27 17:31:03,362 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-exchange. 2010-03-27 17:31:03,363 DEBUG Started firing prompt-finish. 2010-03-27 17:31:03,363 DEBUG Calling None.FinalPrompt.prompt_finish() for prompt-finish with priority -100. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,112 DEBUG Calling None.RecoverPrompt.prompt_finish() for prompt-finish with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,112 DEBUG Calling None.JobsPrompt.prompt_finish() for prompt-finish with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,117 DEBUG Finished firing prompt-finish. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,118 DEBUG Finished firing run. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,118 DEBUG Started firing stop. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,118 DEBUG Calling None.BackendInfo.stop() for stop with priority 0. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,123 DEBUG Calling None.PersistInfo.save() for stop with priority 1000. 2010-03-27 17:31:06,125 DEBUG Finished firing stop.