I tried booting a Startup Disk Creator 19.10 flashdrive with F6. I typed a space and then "persistent". The drive booted persistent and stayed persistent every time I used this procedure, otherwise it just booted Live. I then tried F6 with the word "toram", it booted to RAM. Then with "nomodeset" and combinations of these and they all worked. Finally I tried F6 and "nopersistent". I was able to unmount the casper-rw partition using Disks. I tried formatting it FAT and NTFS but that did not work. Finally I was able to wipe the partition using Disks and it just went back to ISO9660 space. I lost everything that was in casper-rw, but it was all in the name of research. On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:20 PM sudodus