1.5.5 = v1.5.5.4 :\n - Huge enhancements in the TaskBar :\n launchers and applets can now behave as applications.\n windows can show up during drag and drop if mouse stay on them\n - hiqh quality launchers' icons can be used instead of X ones\n - Quickly manage Compiz with the 'Compiz-Icon' applet\n - Control Cairo-Dock from an external program thanks to the Dbus plug-in.\n - Added a 'ShowDesktop' applet for convenience.\n - Some fix in PowerManager (now ok !)\n - The ability to have many docks for a single instance of Cairo-Dock.\n - Cairo-Dock is not yet well integrated into Gnome 2.22, but it will come soon ;-) 1.5.6 = v1.5.6 :\n - Integration into the last Gnome 2.22 (Ubuntu8.04, Fedora9, ...) - still experimental\n - You can now have many docks in 1 instance of Cairo-Dock.\n Just place a launcher or an applet in a dock, giving this dock a name that doesn't exist yet\n a new one will be created.\n - SHIFT+mouse wheel on AlsaMixer, Xmms, Rhythmbox, etc.\n - Launchers can now launch keyboard shortcuts.\n - The dock can now auto-hide itself when a window is maximized.\n - Improvment in drag and drop with animated indicator.\n - Physical separator in 3D-plane view.\n - Bug fixes in XGamma/Weather.\n - Any help would be welcome to integrate the dock into KDE ! 1.6.0 = v1.6.0 :\n - A new view has appeared : Diapositive !\n - A huge stock of new applets :\n cpusage\n ram-meter\n netspeed\n tomboy\n nVidia\n - 2 new themes : Neon & Clear\n - A new cute character for Cairo-Penguin : Wanda the Cairo-Fish ^_^\n - Cairo-Dock can now run without composite manager, with fake transparency.\n - The dock can now stay below windows and be popped up on demand.\n - Auto-reload on crash.\n - Real window thumbnail when minimized. 1.6.1 = v1.6.1 :\nCairo-Dock has one year ! To celebrate this event, we are happy to offer you :\n - Once again a new view : Curve !\n - A long time waited applet : the desktop Switcher.\n - A very complete theme : Brit\n - Translation in italian and chinese.\n - And we are still hoping someone would help us writing a kde-integration plug-in ^_^ 1.6.2 = v1.6.2 : the first version integrated in the Ubuntu repositories !\n - 2 new applets have been released :\n Slider and Stack. Enjoy !\n - Applets can now be launched many times\n (Clock, Cairo-Penguin, Slider, Stack), each with a different config.\n - Cairo-Dock is now able to load themes on its own server,\n so feel free to send us all your themes, we can distribute them ! :-)\n - And we are still searching someone motivated to write a kde-integration plug-in ^_^