This bug was fixed in the package cairo-dock-plug-ins - --------------- cairo-dock-plug-ins ( precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. (LP: #983289) * Upstream ChangeLog: - Updated translations - Moved 'battery' theme from cairo-dock-core to cairo-dock-plug-ins - Included here a sound gauge theme for alsaMixer applet from our server in order to use the Default-Panel theme without an Internet connexion. - Shortcuts: properly initialize the disk structure, to avoid polling non writable disks - Clipper: fixed a warning when stopping the applet - Clock: fixed a small regression: text should be vertically centered - dnd2share: Fixed videobin backend and forced curl to follow redirection - Clock: numeric: Fixed a typo about the maximum ratio in vertical mode - Panel view: fixed the frame drawing (no bottom rounded corners) - Messaging-Menu: + Some items was not displayed with the latest version of indicator-messages + Fixed a few details about the lozenge and the drawing + Fixed a tiny memory leak - MusicPlayer: Fixed a typo about the detection of the MPRIS2 services for handlers with a valid mpris2 string - Shortcuts: used a default icon if vfs_backend_get_file_info returns none icon name (g_file_info_get_icon seems not able to find an icon for folders or drives on KDE) - GMenu: checked if alacarte or kmenuedit is available before adding the menu entry to launch it (alacarte seems no longer installed by default on new distributions with Gnome) - PowerManager: if we want to hide the icon, hide it even on desktop when we have no information) - ShowDesktop: if we can't show the widget layer or present the desktops (expo), we now display a warning and use the default action instead of doing nothing - Switcher: menu: limit windows' title to 50 chars to avoid too larger menus - Clipper: Menu entries are now translated - Mail: disable the RSS feed for Gmail, as it is not working any more with the current GMail authentification system; use IMAP instead - Status-Notifier: Removed an unused function - stdout: removed a lot of g_print functions (or replaced by cd_debug) - Clock: fixed the text drawing: avoid any stretching of the text * This 3.0 series (and previous series) also fixes these bugs: - "Cairo-dock plugin musicPlayer loads ridiculous covers" (LP: #538569) - "Songbird support outdated in musicPlayer" (LP: #538361) - "Trash applet detects drag-and-dropped items twice" (LP: #530975) - "Lock screen does not work in GNOME 3" (LP: #943533) - "Sound volume don't work on the cairo-dock of my computer after a killall pulseaudio" (LP: #913101) - "Logout Applet needs guest session menu" (LP: #757193) - "Trash not emptied with folders from other partitions" (LP: #686564) - "Incorrect down/up speeds in Netspeed" (LP: #672452) - "the desklet 'meteo' gone freeze, and if i try to change localization crashes all cairo, that became black" (LP: #671261) - "Clipper action failed on other WM than kde gnome xfce" (LP: #664089) - "Crashed when trying to remove Doncky deskapplet" (LP: #656611) - "Issues with the rendering of the Switcher applet" (LP: #606304) - "Shortcuts plugin brings dock to the front if new usb drive is pluged in and dock stays infront of all windows after that" (LP: #569598) - "Dustbin applet does not display trash on all volumes" (LP: #483963) * debian/control: - Bump Standards-Version - Updated the version of libgldi-dev (build-dep) and cairo-dock-core. * debian/rules: - Removed -Denable-global-menu=yes (Global Menu applet is not considered as a stable and usable applet) * debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins.install - Removed 'appmenu-registrar' (Global Menu applet is no longer compiled) -- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe)