Hi, actually they are not new features, here is a more detailled description of the quoted ones: - "Enable GVFS if detected" allows to detect and use gvfs under LXDE environment or other compiz-stand-alone-like environments, which was mentionned as a bug long ago (because without gvfs, some applets like Dustbin or Shortcuts just wouldn't work). - "Enabling threads on the Python Interface (this one is borderline) this is to allow Python applets to use threads, in order to avoid blocking the applet, which is obviously a bug when it occurs (Twitter applet currently uses it, others may follow). - "Changed the third-party applets dir on the server for the 3.0" a simple bump version on our third-party applets repository: since we have a new version (3.0), applets will also have a new repository branch on our server, like for previous versions (http://glx-dock.org/mc_applets.php) - "Added the possibility to refresh the images list from the menu" (Slider applet) This fixes the case where the user adds some images in the images folder, and had to restart the dock (or at least the applet) in order to take into account the changes. This was really not a user-friendly behaviour (and therefore might be seen as a bug), so we added a quick way to refresh the list from the menu (we could monitor the folder, but since sub-folders are also displayed by the applet, this might use some unnecessary ressources). - "Backported the latest version of Ubuntu's indicator-sound into the Sound-Control applet" Cairo-Dock can run the Ubuntu's indicators, however it's not possible to use directly the .so (because Cairo-Dock uses mainly OpenGL, not GTK widgets like in the panel). So we copy-paste the indicator's code (only the part that makes the menu on the client side), and integrate it into an applet for the dock. Here, we simply updated the code to the latest available version at the time for the Sound indicator. 2012/3/22 Micah Gersten