------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 284 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Fri 2008-09-19 14:01:05 +0100 message: Update the changelog with all of the fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 283 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Fri 2008-09-19 13:39:18 +0100 message: During merge-upstream correctly check whether the new upstream is already imported. As the new upstream branch is ephemeral and based on the last version from the changelog if the new upstream is imported and the changelog not updated then the test will fail. (#272118) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 282 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-17 13:30:45 +0100 message: Handle invalid version numbers in the changelog by ignoring them. Any errors from parsing version numbers stops the parsing at that point, so older versions are not considered as well. This shouldn't be a problem with new packages, as new versions shouldn't use an invalid version number. It shouldn't be a problem for old revisions, as we probably won't have history from before that point. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 281 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-17 11:46:22 +0100 message: Load the revspec when the plugin loads so that it is available. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 280 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Thu 2008-09-11 17:46:08 +0100 message: Fix locking problems with merge_upstream in shared repository. Using bzrdir.clone_on_transport to create the upstream tree led to locking problems as it re-opened the working tree for reading. Switching to bzrdir.sprout() fixes this, is less code, and I believe more correct. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 279 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Thu 2008-09-11 16:55:37 +0100 message: Check that versions are in the ancestry of the current branch. It is possible to get a branch with a tag that is not in it's ancestry. In those cases it makes things look as though they are present when they should not be considered present. (#264701) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 278 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-10 18:09:10 +0100 message: Switch to --result-dir to match other options and config option. --result is still accepted and will be used if --result-dir isn't passed. A deprecation warning if it is used could be added later. (#263643) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 277 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-10 18:01:02 +0100 message: Depend on at least 0.1.11 of python-debian for strict=False support. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 276 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-10 18:00:20 +0100 message: Fix the README to mention bzrtools is required. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 275 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-10 17:55:06 +0100 message: Handle remote files in repack check that checksums match when target exists. When the target of a repack exists the code checks that the source and target have the same checksum. The code didn't handle the source being remote though, even though it will happily repack from a remote location if the target doesn't exist (#263371) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 274 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-10 17:36:35 +0100 message: "Fix" fetching between two locked branches which share a repository. When two locked branches share a repository revisions added by one won't be seen by the other until it is unlocked and re-locked. Avoid this problem by relocking the branch before fetching, trying to avoid problems if the branch is changed in that timeframe. (#264705) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 273 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Tue 2008-09-09 21:25:50 +0100 message: Strip the changelog message as debcommit does. Thanks Colin. (#265045) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 272 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Tue 2008-09-09 15:08:46 +0100 message: Merge the upstream tags in to the packaging ones after importing a new upstream. We fetch the new revisions in to the packaging branch, and we should merge the tags as well. This should perhaps be done at a higher level. (#263372) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 271 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Tue 2008-09-09 14:40:39 +0100 message: Use the upstream part of the version number when repacking the tarball. If the user passed a full version number to merge-upstream it would repack the tarball to be e.g. foo_0.1-1.orig.tar.gz. It should instead just use the upstream part of this number. (#263373) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 270 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Wed 2008-09-03 13:04:58 +0100 message: Add a revisionspec that allows you to specify revisions by package versions. "package:" allows you to specify a revision by passing a version number, and optionally a distribution. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bzr-builddeb/+spec/package-revisionspec ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 269 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Fri 2008-08-29 14:04:00 +0100 message: Correct --result-dir -> --result in the help for "builddeb". (bug #262619) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 268 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Fri 2008-08-29 14:01:27 +0100 message: Don't move the result if the source and destination are the same location. This is bug #262621. Trying to move a file to itself isn't a good idea. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 267 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Fri 2008-08-29 13:16:50 +0100 message: Add a bug reference for the last change. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 266 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Thu 2008-08-28 11:44:37 +0100 message: * Fix retrieval of the upstream source from a watch file of the archive. - It would download to the specified tarball directory, but then report it as stored in the compatibility directory. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 265 committer: James Westby branch nick: 2.0 timestamp: Thu 2008-08-28 11:42:18 +0100 message: Post-release version bump.