I've managed to connect the Asus Transformer T300Chi; this may work for other tablets/hybrids/modern Bluetooth devices. I am working from the 16.04 GUI installer in 'Try' mode. Touch-screen and stylus input was working so I first went to System Settings > Universal Access and enabled the on-screen keyboard. Then I was able to join to the WiFi network by entering its details. With that I opened a Terminal and installed the SSH server with: $ sudo apt install openssh-server I then set a default password for the 'ubuntu' user: $ passwd And then from another PC was able to ssh to the T300Chi: $ ssh ubuntu@ With shell access I then put the docking keyboard into pairing mode and did: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ bluetoothctl [NEW] Controller 34:02:86:FC:AD:59 ubuntu [default] [NEW] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE ASUS T300CHI DOCKING [bluetooth]# agent on Agent registered [bluetooth]# default-agent Default agent request successful [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller 34:02:86:FC:AD:59 Discovering: yes [NEW] Device 00:1F:3A:E0:0A:AF hephaestion.lan.iam.tj [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE RSSI: -36 [bluetooth]# pair 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Attempting to pair with 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [agent] PIN code: 117372 At this point I typed the PIN code on the docking keyboard followed by Enter. [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Modalias: usb:v0B05p8502d0001 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE UUIDs: 00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Paired: yes Pairing successful I then started pressing keys on the keyboard which caused lots of messages [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Class: 0x0005c0 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Icon is nil Authorize service [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Class: 0x0025c0 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Icon is nil [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Class: 0x0005c0 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Icon is nil [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: no [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Class: 0x0025c0 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Icon is nil Request canceled [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Class: 0x0005c0 [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Connected: yes [CHG] Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE Icon is nil Until I noticed the following message and prompt Authorize service [agent] Authorize service 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (yes/no): yes At which point the docking keyboard and trackpad began working: [ASUS T300CHI DOCKING]# paired-devices Device 1C:B7:2C:04:C7:FE ASUS T300CHI DOCKING