Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #1894352: bash-completion not working properly with directories with spaces in them when using some commands Undecided New 232 weeks
Bug #1813090: bash completions in /usr/share/bash-completion generate unbound variable errors Undecided New 277 weeks
Bug #1702767: pname (Process name) completion script fails to handle wine generated path names Undecided New 397 weeks
Bug #1426107: Shell lockup with on tab completion of tar with --acls option Undecided New 520 weeks
Bug #1388423: Please package completions for apt-mark into bash-completion Low Triaged 537 weeks
Bug #1381049: scp bash completion fails when remote computer uses busybox Undecided New 540 weeks

From: JonHurst
Link: ssh.patch

Bug #1008380: mutt -f =FOO<tab> and mutt -f +FOO<tab> are broken Low New 561 weeks
Bug #1083121: Incomplete support for ssh-add and pkcs#11 Low New 638 weeks
Bug #1061114: Completion suggests rsync --copy-devices is available Undecided Confirmed 646 weeks
Bug #139674: bash completion doesn't perform filename processing for ssh -i Low Triaged 689 weeks
Bug #376546: Identity filename completion for ssh-add would be nice Wishlist Confirmed 689 weeks

From: Daniel Black
Link: ssh-add

Bug #663111: errors with set -o nounset Undecided Confirmed 746 weeks
112 of 12 results