tykus@tykus-R780-R778:~$ banshee --debug ** Running Mono with --debug ** [1 Info 22:37:55.966] Running Banshee 2.0.0: [Ubuntu Natty (development branch) (linux-gnu, x86_64) @ 2011-04-09 07:44:31 UTC] [1 Debug 22:37:55.980] Initializing GTK [1 Debug 22:37:57.662] Post-Initializing GTK [1 Debug 22:37:57.671] Configuration client extension loaded (Banshee.GnomeBackend.GConfConfigurationClient) [1 Debug 22:37:57.680] Using default gconf-base-key [1 Debug 22:37:57.715] Bus.Session.RequestName ('org.bansheeproject.Banshee') replied with PrimaryOwner [1 Debug 22:37:57.776] Core service started (DBusServiceManager, 0,001089) [1 Debug 22:37:57.778] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/DBusCommandService (Banshee.ServiceStack.DBusCommandService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:57.786] Core service started (DBusCommandService, 0,009516) [1 Debug 22:37:57.819] Opened SQLite (version 3.7.4) connection to /home/tykus/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db [1 Debug 22:37:57.820] Core service started (DbConnection, 0,033958) [1 Debug 22:37:57.833] Database version 43 is up to date [1 Debug 22:37:57.879] Core service started (PreferenceService, 0,017321) [1 Debug 22:37:57.886] Core service started (Network, 0,007834) [1 Debug 22:37:57.887] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/SourceManager (Banshee.Sources.SourceManager) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:57.887] Core service started (SourceManager, 0,000529) [1 Debug 22:37:57.895] Core service started (MediaProfileManager, 0,000273) [1 Debug 22:37:57.898] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/PlayerEngine (Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:57.900] Core service started (PlayerEngine, 0,004717) [1 Debug 22:37:57.916] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/PlaybackController (Banshee.PlaybackController.PlaybackControllerService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:57.917] Core service started (PlaybackController, 0,002604) [1 Debug 22:37:57.925] Starting - Startup Job [1 Debug 22:37:57.926] Core service started (JobScheduler, 0,008666) [1 Debug 22:37:57.937] IO provider extension loaded (Banshee.IO.Gio.Provider) [1 Debug 22:37:57.976] Loaded HardwareManager backend: Banshee.Hardware.Gio [1 Debug 22:37:57.977] Core service started (HardwareManager, 0,051239) [1 Debug 22:37:57.979] Bus.Session.RequestName ('org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer') replied with PrimaryOwner [1 Debug 22:37:57.980] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/CollectionIndexerService (Banshee.Collection.Indexer.CollectionIndexerService) on org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer [1 Debug 22:37:57.982] Core service started (CollectionIndexerService, 0,004186) [1 Debug 22:37:57.983] Core service started (SaveTrackMetadataService, 0,0013) [1 Debug 22:37:57.989] Adding icon theme search path: /usr/share/banshee/icons [1 Debug 22:37:57.990] Core service started (GtkElementsService, 0,007174) [1 Debug 22:37:57.991] Core service started (InterfaceActionService, 0,00122) [1 Debug 22:37:58.079] Extension actions loaded: MetadataFixActions [1 Debug 22:37:58.080] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/GlobalUIActions (Banshee.Gui.GlobalActions) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:58.081] Album artwork path set to /home/tykus/.cache/media-art [1 Debug 22:37:58.103] Core service started (ArtworkManager, 0,022635) [1 Debug 22:37:58.103] Core service started (BookmarksService, 0,000122) [1 Debug 22:37:58.262] Adding context page lastfm-recommendations [1 Debug 22:37:58.279] Adding context page wikipedia [1 Debug 22:37:58.681] Constructed Nereid interface: 0,549631 [1 Debug 22:37:58.751] Creating new surface cache for 90px images, capped at 0,74 MiB (24 items) [1 Debug 22:37:58.791] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/ClientWindow (Nereid.PlayerInterface) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:58.791] Core service started (NereidPlayerInterface, 0,677058) [1 Debug 22:37:58.810] Extension service started (GStreamerCoreService, 0,017641) [1 Debug 22:37:58.815] Extension service started (BpmService, 0,005626) [1 Debug 22:37:58.818] Using GNOME 2.22 API for Multimedia Keys [1 Debug 22:37:58.818] Extension service started (MultimediaKeysService, 0,002913) [1 Debug 22:37:58.899] Audioscrobbler state: connected [1 Debug 22:37:58.901] Extension service started (AudioscrobblerService, 0,082946) [1 Debug 22:37:58.907] Extension service started (LastfmStreamingService, 0,005376) [1 Debug 22:37:58.909] Extension service started (LibraryWatcherService, 0,001966) [1 Debug 22:37:58.914] Extension service started (DapService, 0,004895) [1 Debug 22:37:58.916] Extension service started (PodcastService, 0,002092) [1 Debug 22:37:58.923] Extension service started (MprisService, 0,006641) [1 Debug 22:37:58.939] Extension service started (SoundMenuService, 0,015923) [1 Info 22:37:58.942] Updating web proxy from GConf [1 Debug 22:37:58.947] Direct connection, no proxy in use [1 Debug 22:37:58.960] Extension service started (GnomeService, 0,021176) [1 Debug 22:37:58.961] Extension service started (DaapService, 0,001081) [1 Debug 22:37:58.963] Extension service started (AmazonMp3DownloaderService, 0,001618) [1 Debug 22:37:58.965] Extension service started (CoverArtService, 0,001989) [1 Debug 22:37:58.997] Extension service started (AudioCdService, 0,032332) [1 Info 22:37:58.998] All services are started 1,281923 [1 Debug 22:37:59.357] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:37:59.711] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/SourceManager/PlayQueue (Banshee.PlayQueue.PlayQueueSource) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 22:37:59.712] Extension source loaded: Play Queue [1 Debug 22:37:59.750] Extension source loaded: Last.fm [1 Debug 22:37:59.756] Extension source loaded: Now Playing ** (Banshee:6544): DEBUG: SyncDaemon already running, initializing SyncdaemonDaemon object (Banshee:6544): libsoup-WARNING **: No feature manager for feature of type 'U1RequestChrome' ** (Banshee:6544): WARNING **: Error calling get_info: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/dbus/service.py", line 702, in _message_cb retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone/platform/linux/dbus_interface.py", line 992, in get_info return self.syncdaemon_folders.get_info(path) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/interaction_interfaces.py", line 634, in get_info mdobj = self.fs.get_by_path(path.encode('utf-8')) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/filesystem_manager.py", line 773, in get_by_path mdid = self._idx_path[path] KeyError: '/home/tykus/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One' ** (Banshee:6544): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_folder_info_get_subscribed: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_FOLDER_INFO (finfo)' failed [1 Debug 22:37:59.785] Extension source loaded: Ubuntu One Music Store [1 Debug 22:37:59.798] Extension source loaded: Radio [1 Debug 22:37:59.835] Extension source loaded: File System Queue [1 Debug 22:37:59.844] Extension source loaded: Amazon MP3 Store [1 Debug 22:37:59.850] Extension source loaded: Miro Guide [1 Debug 22:37:59.861] Extension source loaded: Internet Archive [1 Debug 22:37:59.887] Extension source loaded: Audiobooks [1 Debug 22:37:59.891] Starting GTK main loop ** (Banshee:6544): WARNING **: Error rescanning Purchased Music: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu [1 Debug 22:38:00.106] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:38:00.149] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context ** (Banshee:6544): DEBUG: Loading the real store page ** (Banshee:6544): WARNING **: Got less number of items in credentials hash table than expected! [1 Info 22:38:00.254] nereid Client Started [1 Debug 22:38:00.259] Delayed Initializating Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService [1 Debug 22:38:00.266] (libbanshee:player) Stream volume supported: YES [1 Debug 22:38:00.269] (libbanshee:player) Audiosink has volume: NO [1 Debug 22:38:00.277] (libbanshee:player) Using system (gst-plugins-good) equalizer element [1 Debug 22:38:00.320] Player state change: NotReady -> Ready [1 Debug 22:38:00.325] Loaded equalizer presets: 0,000185 [1 Debug 22:38:00.329] Selected equalizer: Rock [1 Debug 22:38:00.335] Player state change: Ready -> Idle [1 Debug 22:38:00.338] (libbanshee:player) Disabled ReplayGain [1 Info 22:38:00.339] GStreamer version, gapless: True, replaygain: False [1 Debug 22:38:00.343] Delayed Initializating Banshee.LibraryWatcher.LibraryWatcherService [1 Debug 22:38:00.352] Core service started (LibraryImportManager, 0,005322) [1 Debug 22:38:00.460] Started LibraryWatcher for Music (/home/tykus/Muzyka/) [1 Debug 22:38:00.461] Started LibraryWatcher for Videos (/home/tykus/Wideo/) [1 Debug 22:38:00.462] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Dap.DapService [1 Debug 22:38:00.472] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.MassStorage [1 Debug 22:38:00.473] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.AppleDevice [1 Debug 22:38:00.475] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.Mtp [1 Debug 22:38:00.490] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Podcasting.PodcastService [2 Info 22:38:00.508] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume SYSTEM [1 Debug 22:38:00.575] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Daap.DaapService [2 Info 22:38:00.578] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume System plików o rozmiarze 211 GB [3 Debug 22:38:00.580] Refreshing any podcasts that haven't been updated in over an hour [4 Debug 22:38:00.706] DAAP Proxy listening for connections on port 8089 [1 Debug 22:38:01.580] Finished - Startup Job [1 Debug 22:38:01.587] Starting - Downloading Cover Art [5 Debug 22:38:01.592] Finished - Downloading Cover Art [1 Debug 22:38:05.281] U1MS: Url Loaded: - http://stores.7digital.com/default.aspx?shop=436&partner=983 [1 Debug 22:38:07.995] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [6 Debug 22:38:08.003] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:38:12.770] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:38:12.821] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:38:12.880] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:38:12.889] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:38:12.907] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [1 Debug 22:38:12.922] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:38:12.922] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:38:13.915] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:16.820] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:38:16.857] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:38:16.862] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:38:16.865] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:38:16.941] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:38:16.944] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:38:16.946] Track Otep - [Untitled Hidden Track] (on Sevas Tra) <00:07:03.8300000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Otep/Sevas%20Tra/Otep%20-%2013%20-%20%5BUntitled%20Hidden%20Track%5D.mp3] had playtime of 3846 msec (3sec), duration 423830 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:38:16.975] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [7 Debug 22:38:17.249] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [8 Debug 22:38:17.254] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:38:17.979] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 29,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:24.644] Loaded IScreensaverManager: Banshee.GnomeBackend.GnomeScreensaverManager [1 Debug 22:38:24.773] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:38:24.773] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 22:38:24.773] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [9 Debug 22:38:25.750] Audioscrobbler sign-on succeeded - Session ID received [1 Debug 22:38:25.771] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:38:25.802] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:38:25.807] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:38:25.810] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:38:25.843] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:25.881] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:38:25.884] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:38:25.892] Track Lifelover - Nackskott (on Pulver) <00:03:17.3780000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Lifelover/Lifelover%20-%20Pulver%20%5B2006%5D/01%20-%20Nackskott.mp3] had playtime of 8720 msec (8sec), duration 197378 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:38:25.905] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [10 Debug 22:38:26.273] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [11 Debug 22:38:26.279] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:38:26.924] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:26.924] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:31.549] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:38:31.553] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:38:31.556] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:38:31.615] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:38:31.617] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:38:31.641] Track RJD2 - Lazerfaces Warning Rjd2 - Remix-El-P (on Gettin' Jukie Wid It CD2) <00:04:48.4860000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/RJD2/2003%20-%20Gettin'%20Jukie%20Wid%20It/CD2/02.%20Lazerfaces%20Warning%20Rjd2%20-%20Remix-El-P.mp3] had playtime of 5639 msec (5sec), duration 288486 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:38:31.648] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [1 Debug 22:38:32.668] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:38:32.668] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 31,00 FPS [12 Warn 22:38:33.343] Audioscrobbler upload failed - The request timed out and was aborted [12 Warn 22:38:33.354] Failed to get the request stream - System.Net.WebException: Aborted. (in `System') at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00000] in :0 at Lastfm.AudioscrobblerConnection.TransmitGetRequestStream (IAsyncResult ar) [0x00000] in :0 [13 Warn 22:38:35.991] Caught an exception - System.Net.WebException: The request timed out (in `System') at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.Metadata.MetadataServiceJob.GetHttpStream (System.Uri uri, System.String[] ignoreMimeTypes) [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.Metadata.MetadataServiceJob.GetHttpStream (System.Uri uri) [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.Metadata.Rhapsody.RhapsodyQueryJob.Run () [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.Metadata.MetadataServiceJob.Run () [0x00000] in :0 Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical Message: IA__gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args) at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly , System.String[] ) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly a, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile, System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile) at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName) at Booter.Booter.Main() [14 Debug 22:39:36.474] Submitted NowPlaying track to Audioscrobbler Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical Message: IA__gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args) at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly , System.String[] ) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly a, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile, System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile) at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName) at Booter.Booter.Main() [15 Debug 22:42:47.655] (libbanshee:player) [Gapless] Requesting next track [15 Debug 22:42:47.949] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [16 Debug 22:42:47.952] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:42:47.965] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:42:47.975] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [17 Debug 22:42:48.418] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [18 Debug 22:42:48.421] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:42:49.106] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 33,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:42:49.106] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 33,00 FPS Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical Message: IA__gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args) at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly , System.String[] ) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly a, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile, System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile) at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName) at Booter.Booter.Main() [1 Debug 22:43:12.180] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:43:12.212] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:43:12.216] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:43:12.326] Track Lamented Souls - Hybris (on The Origins Of Misery) <00:04:18.2730000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Lamented%20Souls/The%20Origins%20Of%20Misery%20(2004)/02%20-%20Hybris.mp3] had playtime of 256139 msec (256sec), duration 258273 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:43:12.328] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing Domain: 'Gtk' Level: Critical Message: IA__gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed Trace follows: at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args) at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly , System.String[] ) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly a, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile, System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile) at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName) at Booter.Booter.Main() [1 Debug 22:43:13.241] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 30,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:13.330] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:14.184] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:43:14.221] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:43:14.225] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:43:14.228] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:43:14.374] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:43:14.377] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:43:14.466] Track Lifelover - Nackskott (on Pulver) <00:03:17.3780000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Lifelover/Lifelover%20-%20Pulver%20%5B2006%5D/01%20-%20Nackskott.mp3] had playtime of 1920 msec (1sec), duration 197378 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:43:14.491] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [19 Debug 22:43:14.627] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [20 Debug 22:43:14.630] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:43:15.469] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:15.492] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:43:15.526] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:43:15.531] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:43:15.542] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:43:15.581] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:15.697] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:43:15.702] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:43:15.781] Track Disturbed - Pain Redefined (on Ten Thousand Fists) <00:04:10.4840000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Disturbed/Ten%20Thousand%20Fists/13%20Pain%20Redefined.mp3] had playtime of 912 msec (0sec), duration 250484 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:43:15.813] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [21 Debug 22:43:15.942] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [22 Debug 22:43:15.945] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:43:16.790] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:16.818] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:17.083] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:43:17.129] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:43:17.133] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:43:17.135] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:43:17.236] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:43:17.241] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:43:17.258] Track Lao Che - Did Lirnik (on Gusła) <00:05:01.8800000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/Lao%20Che/Lao%20Che%20-%20Gusla%20(2002)/09.%20Did%20Lirnik.flac] had playtime of 1311 msec (1sec), duration 301880 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:43:17.264] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [23 Debug 22:43:17.526] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [24 Debug 22:43:17.530] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:43:18.251] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:18.273] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:18.677] Querying model for track to play in song:Next mode [1 Debug 22:43:18.710] (libbanshee:player) bp_stop: setting state to GST_STATE_NULL [1 Debug 22:43:18.715] Player state change: Playing -> Idle [1 Debug 22:43:18.718] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 22:43:18.827] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Debug 22:43:18.830] (libbanshee:player) [gapless] Triggering track-change signal [1 Debug 22:43:18.875] Track RJD2 - Unlimited - Soul Position (on Gettin' Jukie Wid It CD2) <00:03:27.7060000> [file:///home/tykus/Muzyka/RJD2/2003%20-%20Gettin'%20Jukie%20Wid%20It/CD2/03.%20Unlimited%20-%20Soul%20Position.mp3] had playtime of 1422 msec (1sec), duration 207706 msec, queued: False [1 Debug 22:43:18.901] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [25 Debug 22:43:19.131] Starting - Saving Metadata to File [26 Debug 22:43:19.134] Finished - Saving Metadata to File [1 Debug 22:43:19.878] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 22:43:19.905] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [9 Debug 22:43:22.462] Submitted NowPlaying track to Audioscrobbler [1 Debug 22:44:48.960] Player state change: Playing -> Paused [1 Debug 22:44:49.860] Player state change: Paused -> Playing [27 Debug 22:46:24.033] (libbanshee:player) [Gapless] Requesting next track Unhandled Exception: System.ObjectDisposedException: The object was used after being disposed. at System.Threading.WaitHandle.CheckDisposed () [0x00000] in :0 at System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.Reset () [0x00000] in :0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:Reset () at Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteCommand.Execute (Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteConnection hconnection, Hyena.Data.Sqlite.Connection connection) [0x00000] in :0 at Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteConnection.ProcessQueue () [0x00000] in :0 tykus@tykus-R780-R778:~$