exec -a banshee-1 mono /usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.exe --redirect-log --play-enqueued [Info 12:59:46.573] Running Banshee 1.7.5: [Ubuntu maverick (development branch) (linux-gnu, x86_64) @ 2010-09-07 19:18:57 UTC] [Info 12:59:47.590] Updating web proxy from GConf [Info 12:59:47.640] All services are started 0.874582 [Info 12:59:49.306] nereid Client Started [Warn 12:59:52.938] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.429] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.429] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.430] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.663] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.663] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.927] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.927] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.927] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.927] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.928] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.928] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.928] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.928] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.929] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.929] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:53.929] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:56.612] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.085] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.085] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.085] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.289] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.290] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.537] Failed to load media-player-info file for [Warn 12:59:58.559] Caught an exception - GLib.GException: Permission denied (in `gio-sharp') at GLib.FileAdapter.EnumerateChildren (System.String attributes, FileQueryInfoFlags flags, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.IO.Gio.Directory+c__Iterator6.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 at Banshee.IO.DirectoryScannerPipelineElement.ScanForFiles (System.String source, Boolean skip_hidden) [0x00000] in :0 Exception in Gtk# callback delegate Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception. GLib.MissingIntPtrCtorException: GLib.Object subclass Banshee.Collection.Gui.TrackListView must provide a protected or public IntPtr ctor to support wrapping of native object handles. at GLib.ObjectManager.CreateObject (IntPtr raw) [0x00000] in :0 at GLib.Object.GetObject (IntPtr o, Boolean owned_ref) [0x00000] in :0 at Gtk.Widget.motionnotifyevent_cb (IntPtr widget, IntPtr evnt) [0x00000] in :0 at GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(System.Exception e, Boolean is_terminal) at Gtk.Widget.motionnotifyevent_cb(IntPtr widget, IntPtr evnt) at Gtk.Application.gtk_main() at Gtk.Application.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup(Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup) at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup() at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup(System.String[] args) at Nereid.Client.Main(System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly , System.String[] ) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal(System.Reflection.Assembly a, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile, System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, System.String[] args) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(System.String assemblyFile) at Booter.Booter.BootClient(System.String clientName) at Booter.Booter.Main()