On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 05:50:49PM -0000, Philippe Moreau wrote: > Public bug reported: > > With Upnp enabled, Banshee constantly crashes somewhere between 20-45 > minutes of activity. The log tells me it is always the same exception: > > [16 Debug 13:09:04.704] Found all items on the service, took 00:08:51.6255600 > [12 Debug 13:10:12.987] UPnPService.DeviceRemoved (urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1) uuid:42587efc-c9aa-5111-590f-e0bfefa8b34e > [33 Debug 13:19:37.107] UPnPService.DeviceAdded (urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1) uuid:42587efc-c9aa-5111-590f-e0bfefa8b34e > [1 Debug 13:28:02.212] Player state change: Paused -> Playing > [12 Debug 13:30:12.394] UPnPService.DeviceRemoved (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1) uuid:a83944f0-8930-3089-f044-39a839f0300000 > [12 Debug 13:30:12.983] UPnPService.DeviceRemoved (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1) uuid:a83944f0-8930-3089-f044-39a839f0300001 > > Unhandled Exception: Mono.Upnp.UpnpDeserializationException: The type description version number could not be parsed: . > at Mono.Upnp.TypeInfo.Parse (System.String typeDescription, System.String& domainName, System.String& type, System.Version& version) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Upnp.ServiceType.Parse (System.String serviceType) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Upnp.Client.ClientServiceEvent (Mono.Ssdp.ServiceArgs args, System.Action`1 deviceHandler, System.Action`1 serviceHandler) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Upnp.Client.ClientServiceRemoved (System.Object sender, Mono.Ssdp.ServiceArgs args) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Ssdp.Client.OnServiceRemoved (System.String usn) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Ssdp.Client.CacheServiceRemoved (System.String usn) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Ssdp.Internal.ServiceCache.Remove (System.String usn, Boolean fromTimeout) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Ssdp.Internal.ServiceCache.TimeoutHandler (System.Object state, System.TimeSpan& interval) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Ssdp.Internal.TimeoutDispatcher.TimerThread (System.Object state) > [0x00000] in :0 Sounds like you have a broken UPnP device (a router?) on your network, and this is causing Banshee to crash here. > Additionally, this exception is also thrown at intervals but does not > cause Banshee to crash: > > [16 Warn 13:09:04.703] Caught an exception - Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.DeserializationException: The DIDL-Lite element has no proper children. (in `Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1') > at Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.RemoteContentDirectory+c__Iterator6`1[Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.Object].MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.RemoteContentDirectory.Deserialize[VideoItem] (System.String xml) [0x00000] in :0 > at Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.RemoteContentDirectory.Search[VideoItem] (Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.Container container, System.Action`1 query, ResultsSettings settings) [0x00000] in :0 > at Banshee.UPnPClient.UPnPServerSource.Parse (Mono.Upnp.Device device, > Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.ContentDirectory1.ContentDirectoryController > content_directory) [0x00000] in :0 This looks like it might be caused by the same problematic UPnP device, but Banshee is handling it properly by catching the exception and just skipping over it instead of crashing. -- Kind regards, Loong Jin